Chapter 27: Action Time : Executing The Plan ( Part 1)

A strange secluded place withheld many abandoned homes and one half constructed building. The scenery was frightening itself.

The building was was weather-beaten and queer. It was half constructed, bearing one rusted iron door at second floor and rest of the floors were partially constructed.

Someone's voice was heard from the second floor. Person's mouth was gaged with a dirty cloth and he was trying to speak. He was all tied up by green tapes on a chair. There was old wooden table in front of him, Which was kept for a purpose.

He was already afraid of the place in which he was kept. The lights flickered, Lighting the dark huge floor at every interval.

Mr. William was perplexed to see himself all tied up like this. He had no idea that he was about to have a brutal death.


Few Hours Ago





Danica's Cabin ~

Danica was standing in front of her team members and beside the Alfred.

"Why you called us here?" Nina asked, Her eyes were filled with curiosity.

Danica smiled and said "Paul is about to get his ownership back"

"How ?" Paul asked curiously

"As I said there is only one way" Alfred replies

"We have a plan" Danica and Alfred said in unison. They looked at each other and smiled.

"As you know that Mr. William tried to kill me and --" Danica explains.

As Paul heard that , He winced in agitation.

After seeing and going through such problematic situations that his dad created; He now didn't care about his dad. He knew by now, That his dad can go any extent to get things done. In this battle of bringing down business and power, He won't even hesitate to kill his child, If required.

"He even hired a guard to track me down and report my death" Danica finished her sentence.

As she said that , Everyone looked at her briskly with popping eyes.

"W..What..?" Mr. Lee was shocked.

"I didn't knew all this drama until now" Sean said with a nervous look. He was unaware of all this chaos back then.

"Aish....This guy" Mr. Lee mumbled looking at him

Paul sighed.

"We caught him and told him to report Danica's death to Mr. William --" Paul continued the story.

"W--why?" Mr. Lee and Sean asked in unison.

"A person who is about to die, Should stay happy and cherish his remaining days" Danica replied with smile and crossed her hands.

[ Gulp ] Sean

[ So, We are going to kill a person now. I can't believe this, I am going to witness a murder for the first time in my life. Oh God !! If I had knew ,I was going to get such weird surprises everyday and even a murder , Then I might have never accepted this job ] Sean thought giving a fearful look.

"What's the plan?" Nina asked.

Alfred gave a bemuse smile and said "We told that guard to keep informing us about Mr. William. He told us that , William is going to visit Melbourne for a short trip by next week , And, That is 'Today' "

"And the best thing is , There will be no guards around him" Danica finished his sentence.

"So, What??" Mr. Lee asked.

"First, we will kidnap him and then take him to secluded place. Finally, he will meet his death. Everyone will think that Mr. William is in Melbourne, But that won't be the case. Then we will go to World Daily and tell them to fabricate the incident by making it a suicide story" Danica says In a grave voice.

[ I never thought that a day might arrive where I have to kidnap my own dad. However, He deserves this. ] Paul thinks.

"Perfect" Mr. Lee said and snapped.

Sean was speechless. He wiped his sweating head , Giving a fearful look.

[ All this stuff wasn't mentioned in the document when I signed for this job ] Sean thought.

"How we are going to kidnap him, By the way?" Nina asked.

"Two member among us , Will disguise themselves as cleaners of the airport. The other two members will be waiting at backside of the airport with a van and will take Mr. William at given address" Alfred said

There was silence among them for two minutes.

Sean gulps hard and nods nervously with a fearful look .

"Okay okay" Sean mumbles.

"By the way, Who are that two gems that will kidnap Mr. William ?" Paul asked with nervous smile.

Danica - Alfred looks at Sean and Mr. Lee immediately.

Paul and Nina looks at them briskly as well.

"Hahaha...Oh It's me" Mr. Lee laughed nervously and said.

"No, I can't do that. I never kidnapped anybody" Sean said and wiped his sweating head once again.

Danica and Alfred gave him a serious stare.

Sean winced and said "Okay"

"Who are that two gems that will be waiting at backside of airport with a van?" Mr. Lee asked giving a nervous smile.

Alfred -- Danica looks at Nina and Paul.

Mr. Lee and Sean looks at them briskly as well.

"Oh, I am up for that" Paul said and stood up.

"Okay, I am all ready for this" Nina adds and stands up.

Danica and Alfred smiled.

Danica moves towards her table and writes something on a page.

She approaches Nina and Paul with that paper.

"This is the address" Danica said giving the paper.

Nina takes that paper and looks at it.

Meanwhile Mr. Lee stands up briskly and says "What if someone suspected us? How --"

Before Mr. Lee can finish his sentence, Alfred says "Don't worry about that, One of my friend works in that airport. He has arranged two fake IDs' for both of you."

[ Oh so, Everything has been arranged already. Oh god ! give me strength to kidnap Mr. William. ] Mr. Lee thought

Danica briskly throws keys at Mr. Lee and He catches them immediately.

"Take these keys, You may need them" Danica says.

"Keep them safely please. My friend has arranged all this cautiously. If you both make any mistake, Then you will be in danger and besides that, My friend's job will be in danger as well" Alfred said sternly.

Upon hearing this Sean now shivered with fear.

[ I never took such risks in my life ] Sean thinks.

"Yes, Any mistake and we all are fucking dead." Danica adds and puts her hands at the back.

[ GULP] Mr. Lee

"We can do this !" Paul said and leaned his hand forward

"Yes" Nina adds

She placed her palm on Paul's palm, Followed by Mr. Lee and Sean.

Alfred too keeps his hand on theirs and smiles.

" Tch..This is going to be fun" Danica said and kept her hand on theirs.

"Yaaa...Fighting" They all said in unison and pulled away their hands abruptly.


Mr. William was getting ready and was about to leave.

He steps out of his mansion, His manager was waiting for him and was ready with a car.

One guard steps out of mansion carrying a bag and keeps that bag in deck of the car.

He bowed in front of his boss and Mr. William upheld his hand giving a sign to leave.

Guard leaves.

His manager steps out of the car and opens the door for his boss.

Mr. William sits inside and now they headed towards the airport.




Clock showed ' 1:00 pm '

" Guys, We don't have enough time. We need to get everything ready and you all need to get changed as well" Alfred said.

Everyone nods

"Okay then let's go to my house" Alfred said.

They left the company and headed towards Alfred's home.


Alfred's Home


Three cars arrived briskly one after the other and they stepped out of their respective cars.

They entered the house. Alfred showed them the room and told them to get changed quickly.

After some time, Mr. Lee and Sean descended stairs wearing clothes of cleaners and fake ID. Paul and Nina were dressed up in black and were wearing black mask.

"Man, You are exactly looking like a cleaner. I am sure no one will ever suspect you in such clothes" Mr. Lee said looking at Sean and chuckled

[ Is he complimenting me or criticizing me ? Wait a minute... How can this even be a compliment ! ] Sean thought for a while.

"Oh shut up !! " Sean said with brooding eyes.

Nina and Paul removes their mask and says in unison "How about us ?"

"You two are no less. You both look great" Mr. Lee said and smiled.

"By the way, Where is Danica?" Nina asked.

As she cited her question, Everyone started looking here and there

Alfred looks at his watch and says "Guys, I think you should leave for Airport right away. I and Danica will meet you at the given address"

Everyone nods

Mr. Lee and Sean puts on their mask and left for the Airport

"Paul, A van has been arranged for you. You will find that van in the garage, That is at backside of the mansion" Alfred adds

Paul and Nina puts on their black mask and leaves immediately.

Now, Alfred moves upstairs towards a room.

He knocks on the door of a room that was adjacent to his room.

"Yes" Danica said from inside

Alfred enters the room. As he sees Danica , He gets awestruck by her elegance. For a minute he forgot what he was about say.

Danica looks at him and says " Speak"

He finally gets back to his senses and says "Ahem...You don't need to get ready like this for a murder. We are not attending any --"

Before he could speak further, Danica cuts him short and says "Mr. William is about to die, I will be the last beautiful woman that he might see. Besides that, I always carry myself with elegance irrespective of the occasion"

"Okay , I should also get ready then" Alfred said and smiled.


Author's note :

Danica's look will be revealed in the next chapter 😉