Chapter 28: Action Time: Executing The Plan (Part 2)

Mr. William was happy that everything was going according to his plan. He finally arrives at the Airport.

The atmosphere of airport was neither hubbubed nor silent. Arrival time of his flight was 2:30 pm. He arrived an hour before the actual time. He was overly punctual person.

He takes his bag and heads inside the airport. After going through all the procedures of checking , He sits on a chair, waiting for the flight to arrive.

Suddenly a announcement was made that flight is delayed. Upon hearing this, Mr. William flinched in agitation.

"Aish....What the hell !" he muttered inwardly.

After some time, He heads towards the washroom area for peeing and washing face.

As he was washing face, Two cleaners entered the washroom.

At the same time, Another man who was beside William, washing his hands; He left the washroom. Now Mr. William was all alone.

A cleaner locks the door of washroom without being noticed by Mr. William. Another one pads his way towards Mr. William and hits him hard on his head abruptly using a rod that was hidden in a big washroom trolley that they had bought.

Mr. William falls unconscious.

Cleaner's hand was shivering, He takes off the mask and says "Oh God ! I never did this before"

"Mr. Sean Baker" said the other cleaner "Hurry up, let's keep him in this washroom trolley"

"You ..Mr. Lee" Sean says gritting his teeth

" Help me. He is so heavy" Sean adds

They both kept him in that housekeeping trolley and covered it with some other object and clothes.

"Let's go" Sean says and puts on his mask.

Mr. Lee tries to open the door, But fails.

"Why this is not opening?" Mr. Lee said with fearful look.

" Aish....This guy" Sean muttered.

"You have locked this door. Just open it" Sean adds.

" Oh yes" Mr. Lee's brain lights up now.

He hurriedly opens the door and keeps the keys in his pocket.

They took the washroom trolley and strolled their way towards the backside of the airport. Trying their best to stay normal and calm.

They finally reached the backside of the airport, and saw a van.

Nina and Paul steps out of the van as they saw them.

"Did anyone suspect you both?" Nina asked.

"No" Sean replied.

" Okay hurry up" Paul says

They slid the trolley into backside of van.

Mr. Lee and Sean sits opposite to each other on a seat and housekeeping trolley between them. They opened it bit to check whether Mr. William gained his consciousness or not. They were happy to see that , Mr. William was still unconscious.

Paul looks in rear view mirror and winks at them as if saying ( Great job )

He starts the van now and leaves the airport immediately. As they left the Airport , Mr. Lee and Sean removed their mask and sighed.

Nina removed her mask as well and smiled.

Now they arrived at the given address. The place was strange and secluded, It withheld many abandoned homes and one half constructed building. The scenery was frightening itself.

The building was was weather-beaten and queer. It was half constructed, bearing one rusted iron door at second floor and rest of the floors were partially constructed.

They stepped out of van and took the trolley out.

"This place is so scary" Nina said.

"Let's not waste time and tie him up before he regains his consciousness" Sean said.

Paul nods.

They took out Mr. William from that trolley and takes him to the second floor.

The rusted iron door cracked open and they stepped inside. The room was huge and dark. There was only one tube light that flickered.

There were old wooden blocks and other objects of construction which were lying at the corner of the room.

Mr. Lee immediately takes a chair and places in the middle. Paul makes Mr. William sit on that chair.

Sean was watching all this and wondering

[ If I stayed any longer in this company, God knows what else I have to witness. ]

" Hey Sean..." Mr. Lee said loudly "Come help us"

"O..Okay" Sean was shivering a bit.

Nina tied his hands and legs on the chair. Meanwhile Sean gaged William's mouth with a dirty cloth.

Mr. Lee keeps a old wooden table in front of him.

Everything was done. They all looked at each other and then they looked at Mr. William.

"Look what you made me do" Paul muttered, his eyes were now filled with tears.

Nina pats his shoulder.

All four now left the second floor and were waiting outside the building for Alfred to arrive.

Mr. William now opened his eyes a bit. His head was hurting badly. He wanted to cry out of pain, But failed. At this moment he realized that his mouth was gaged with a cloth. He tries hard to move but failed, Soon he realized that he was all tied up.

[ Where am I ??] he thinks with frightening face.

He looks around abruptly and sees tumbledown walls of building, Nothing else.

[ I was in washroom and then -- then what happened. Wait a second...Am I kidnapped??] Mr. William thinks.

[ Who kidnapped me? Who dared to kidnap me? ] he was now agitated.

Now the rusted iron door cracked open and Mr. William looks at it with brooding eyes.

The flickering light showed him silhouette of a man with his companions entering the room expressively.

He sees two people wearing black mask and back jacket beside a man. Whereas two people wearing cleaner's clothes and a mask were on the other side of the man.

They all walked towards him expressively.

[ Oh I remember it all now, These two cleaners entered the washroom. Maybe they kidnapped me. How dare they ! Do they know how powerful I am ?] Mr. William thinks and tries hard to speak.

Soon Face of man was clear as he approached closer.

"Alfred !!" Mr. William was shocked to see him.

Now all five of them were standing in front of him.

However he wasn't able to recognize the other four, Since they had put on their masks.

Alfred gave a evil smile.

" Surprise" He said and upheld his both hands in air.

"Did you like my surprise ?" He said.

Mr. William wanted to speak but wasn't able to. Nina removed that dirty cloth from his mouth.

Mr. William coughs and spits

"You bastard !" Mr. William said "How dare you!"

" I guess the demise of your's her name? Oh , Yes Danica. Her death has made you crazy" Mr. William laughs and says.

"She deserved that death" Mr. William adds and looks at Alfred with fierce eyes.

Alfred grabs William's neck tightly.

He starts choking.

"Stop dissing my woman" Alfred said gritting his teeth.

Alfred clutched his neck more tightly now.

Now Mr. William was gasping badly.

"You will see now, How death looks like?" Alfred said and released his neck from his grip abruptly.

Mr. William tries hard to breathe.

"You hired this lowly people to kidnap me...huh" William said and looked at them .

Paul and Nina removed their mask, Followed by Sean and Mr. Lee.

Mr. William's eyes widened as he saw that.

"Paul ???" he muttered

"How can you treat your dad like this ?" He said

Paul smirked and replied "The day you attacked us and ordered your guards to kill me and my friends, You lost the rights of being my dad. You were dead for me from that day onwards. Understood?"

"Then kill me , Come on. Kill me" his dad said raising his voice.

"We will.." Mr. Lee said with grave look.

"And How dare you attacked my best friend Danica ..huh!" Nina says raising her voice.

Mr. William laughs briefly and says "She was never my target. My target had always been Alfred. She messed up everything. So, I had no choice but to kill her"

Nina smirks

"Do you think, you really killed her?" She said and smiled.

"What ...what do you mean??" The eyebrows of Mr. William furrowed as he asked the question.

"Looking for me ?" Said a voice.

Everyone looks to their right side including William.

The door opened and Danica entered. Her long black coat flying as she walked in, The red strapped tube dress that was in contrast to her skin, added more elegance. Her wavy hairs flew a bit as she moved expressively. Her beautiful red lips, stern look, and high heels gave off the faint vibe of lethalness. Dang ! She was the real villainess.

Alfred smiled as he saw her.

Mr. William' s eyes widened as he saw Danica.

"How is this possible??" William mutters.

She was now standing in front of William.

"I killed you. How can you be alive??" He said with popping eyes.

Danica laughs and then stops abruptly.

"Dead...huh ! It's not so easy to kill Danica" she replies.

Alfred takes out the gun and a knife. He keeps them on the table.



Author's thought :

Is this the end of William? What's next ??

Do let me know your thoughts in comment section🙂