Chapter 30 : A Beautiful Misconception



Back then, Alfred dropped Danica outside her home, Upon her request.

This time finally he got a chance to meet her parents. He was excited and nervous at the same time to meet them.

A car arrives at big gate. Guards standing outside, Stops the car and checks it. Upon seeing Danica, They hurriedly opened the gate.

Alfred drives the car inside and stops at the entrance. He steps out of the car and opens the door. He takes Danica out and lifts her in his arms.

A guard who was standing outside the entrance, He was astonished to see his boss being carried by a man for the first time. Nobody ever dared to go so far.

However he opens the door for them. Alfred enters her house. He loved every thing about her and even her house.

Danica's mom hurriedly comes out in the hall, to see her daughter. She wanted to discuss something important with her.

As her mom saw Alfred carrying Danica, She was speechless. Until now, Danica never allowed man to even enter her life. However, This guy was carrying her in his arms and wasn't even afraid of her.

Alfred nods and smiles.

"Um...Where is her room?" He asked humbly.

Her mom showed the way.

[ I guess He is Danica's boyfriend. Wow, I never thought that my daughter will fall for anybody. Anyway, I am happy. Indeed very happy to see this. I will tell this to Danica's father as he arrives. Ishh ...So nice ] Her mom was thinking and smiling inwardly.

Alfred enters her room and keeps her gently on the bed. He takes out her heels and keeps her purse on the side table.

Her mom was watching him and thinking [ He is so nice. He really loves my daughter. ]

Her mom smiled inwardly.

Alfred was about to leave, But Danica grabs his hand. She was still asleep.

"Don't go" she said while sleeping.

Her mom was watching all this and was smiling inwardly.

Alfred smiles and sits down.

"I won't go" he said and patted her head.

Her mom was eager to know about this guy now. She could not restrain her curiosity anymore.

She sits on Danica's bed and inquires him.

"What's your name?" She asked

Alfred looks at her and smiles.

"Alfred" he replied.

"Nice, What you do ? I mean -- what's your occupation?" She asked.

"I am a business man, I am owner of three multinational companies and five reputed Industries" He replied.

"Oh I see. That's nice" her mom replied.

[Amazing choice Dan ] she thought and smiled inwardly.

"What about your parents?" She asked.

His smile fades away as he heard that. However, He maintains his chivalry and answers.

"They are not here. I mean, They --" He says

Danica's mom cuts him short and answers "I am sorry for asking you so many questions"

"It's alright" Alfred smiled and said

Danica's mom smiles back.

He now takes out his hand with care that Danica was holding.




Alfred keeps a glass of water on table after drinking it.

"There are so many paintings and crafts in that room" Alfred says "You have a great taste"

"Oh, You are misunderstanding it. Actually, Danica has made those paintings. She loves art. All these paintings will be displayed in exhibition" Danica's mom replied.

"Oh Danica never told me that she is into art as well" Alfred states. He was surprised to hear that.

"I thought she might have told you every thing" Danica's mom said .

"No, We are just starting to know each other." Alfred smiled and said.

As he said that, Her mom's misconception got more stronger.

[ Now, It's clear that he is my daughter's boyfriend ] She thought and smiled inwardly

"Oh I see, How long you both have been together ?" She asked

"It's just been three months" Alfred replied.

"It's already 9:00pm. I guess you should get going. I am sorry, I asked you so many questions at first meeting --" She says

Alfred cuts her short and says "It's alright. It was nice talking to you. I felt as if I was talking to my own mom"

Alfred stands up and nods.

Her mom smiles and stands up. She looks at him as he left.

" Wow, Such a nice guy" She mumbled


Meanwhile, A black car arrives in front of Nina's house.

Paul looks at Nina and says "We arrived at your home, Babe"

Nina looks at him and smiles.

They both stared at each other for a minute, As if they were talking through their eyes.

Paul brings Nina's head close to his and kisses her. After a minute he pulls away.

"I can't wait anymore --" Paul says holding her head gently "Let's get married after a week"

"No" Nina replied.

Paul's smile fades away, Her words were thunderclap to him.

Before he could speak further, Nina says "Let's get married this week"

Paul gave a big smile. As of now, He was the happiest person on the earth. He finally got his ownership back and he was about to get married as well. He was feeling content and happy.

He hugs Nina abruptly.

She smiled.

She hugs him back .

" I am happy, Very happy honey" He said.

" So am I" Nina answered and smiled.




It was Mr. Lee's house, The green lush garden at backside of the house where he always drinks with his friends.

A Small round table that was kept in the middle and two chairs near it. The sparkling velvet sky and a squalls of blowing wind, Everything was perfect for drinking and celebrating.

Mr. Lee and Sean were drinking.

"Man, I never saw a murder. This was my first time seeing a murder" Sean said

Mr. Lee clears his throat and speaks "Dude, You will see different things such as murder, threatening, etc.. If you keep working with our company. Don't worry, You will get used to it."

[ GULP] Sean

[This guy is scaring me or solacing me? ] Sean thought giving a weird look.

"I am planning something" Sean said and took a sip of beer.

"What?" Mr. Lee asked him curiously

"I am planning to run away" Sean said.

Mr. Lee laughs at him for a minute and speaks "Boss will find you. Running away is not a solution"

Mr. Lee's face frozed as he saw something behind Sean.

Sean looks at Mr. Lee for a while and was afraid.

"What.. What happened Mr. Lee?" Sean asked him giving a nervous smile.

Mr. Lee points his finger and says in quavering voice " Look Boss is standing behind you"

Sean was now scared as hell, He turns around abruptly and winces.

"Sorry, It was just a joke. I am not running away" He stutters, His eyes were still closed.

He was afraid to face her.

"..." (There was no reply)

He opens his one eye and finds no one standing there.

He abruptly turns behind and finds Mr. Lee laughing inwardly.

"You...Lee" He says with gritting teeth

Mr. Lee laughs and says "Oh God what a jerk you have created"

Sean was now about to grab Mr. Lee's collar.

However, Before he could, Mr. Lee says "Aye, Sit down. I was just kidding with you"

Sean sits down and drinks once again.

"Ahh...So nice" Sean says as he takes sip of beer.

[Sean is so scared of Boss, He can't even stand properly in front of her. How can he be her ex boyfriend? I am curious to know his story. Should I ask him?] Mr. Lee thought and looks at Sean from top to down while thinking

Sean caught him looking and he covered his chest.

"W..Why are you looking at me like that huh?" Sean asked nervously.

"You jerk ! How can you look at me like that?" Sean adds.

"I am curious" Mr. Lee says.

Sean misunderstands his words.

"Aish...So lowly of you to think that" Sean said

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself...huh? How can you be so lowly" Sean adds.

Sean stands up abruptly and was about to leave.

Mr. Lee stops him and sighs.

"Aye, I didn't mean that. How dare you think like that about me..huh?" Mr. Lee said.

Sean was relieved to hear that. He sits down.

"You are so scared of Boss. How you managed to be her boyfriend in the past?" Mr. Lee asks him with curious eyes

Sean's face went stern as he heard that question.

He makes another drink for himself and takes a sip.

"Danica wasn't like this before. The woman who I am seeing every day is very different than a woman whom I dated years ago" He said.

"Come on, Tell me everything. You can share with me and be honest" Mr. Lee says

Sean looks at Mr. Lee for second and then he starts his story.


Author's Thought:

There are always two sides of story. Are you eager to listen Sean's story??

Why Alfred's face went stern for a second when he was asked about his parents? Is he harbouring a family secret?

Are you eager to know what's next???