Chapter 31: Sean Baker's Back Story

Sean looks at Mr. Lee for a second and starts his story.

"It is true that I am her ex. We were together in a university. I was a newbie in that university. When I first saw Danica, I immediately fell for her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. We became friends, The best friends --"

Sean stops for a second and drinks the beer.

He starts again "After some months I proposed her. She said yes. I was shocked to see that most beautiful girl in university, Who always avoided guys that lurked around her. How come she said yes to a guy like me? I was happy and astonished at the same time. However, The relationship was going well for some months and then ---" Sean stops again

"Come on, Say it" Mr. Lee says and rubs his hands in excitement.

"Then I came to know my dad got promoted in his job, But on top of that, He got transferred to other country. So, I had to leave this country anyway. She was upset, But she was confident that our relationship will withstand this long distance thing" Sean stops again

" Aye , Why are you stopping every now and then ? Just go with the flow" Mr. Lee winced and said.

"A woman who didn't believe in love, Who always maintained a distance from this love thingy; Now was madly in love with me. However, I wasn't able to feel that same intense love for her. I tried hard to feel it, But I wasn't feeling the same way for her. Now, After changing the country, Everything changed. I found more beautiful girls in that university. I realized that Danica wasn't only one option that I had, There were several options here. I found a beautiful girl, She was very beautiful (more than the Danica) and she was seductive as well ---"

Mr. Lee cuts him short and says with scowling face "Hey ! How can you be so lowly? Boss was here, Waiting for you and trusting you all this time --"

Sean says abruptly "Let me finish this story"

Mr. Lee now tamed himself and crossed his hands.

"Go ahead !" Mr. Lee adds

"Every day Danica used to call me and chat with me. She even used to stay awake late night to chat with me, I was ignoring her and distancing myself from her now. Since, I had found more amazing woman there. Danica started questioning me, She was now too furious to handle. I just wanted to get rid of her. I was tempted by other beautiful options available in my university. One day, Danica said that she wanted to visit my country, I was already sick of her and her talks, In agitation I insulted her 'YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING EXCEPT YOUR LOOKS. YOU CAN'T GET HERE' She was silent when I said that, Even after getting insulted by me every time, She was determined to make things work in relationship. I started using her now, Because I wanted to play safe. I wanted to get that seductive girl, But I wasn't sure that she will say 'YES' , So I kept on using Danica as my girlfriend. However, I proposed that woman and she indeed said 'YES'. Now, Danica was of no use to me. So, I just got rid of her. Well, It was very difficult task, But I did it" Sean stops.

Mr. Lee's face was now all red with anger. He was very furious on Sean now.

"You are the reason, Why our boss is like this. You are F****** D**** creature" Mr. Lee said with scowling face.

"I know, I was back then. But now, I have completely changed. I have understood the value of people in my life. I know that being loyal is important. I realized all this, After being ditched by other beautiful girls one after the other. I also lost my mom. My life was completely devastated. I was all alone, The people whom I considered my best friends, They betrayed me as well. Everything was mess now. I went through hellish situations and learned a big life lesson" Sean says with tearful eyes.

"You deserved that hellish situations" Mr. Lee replies raising his voice.

"Then I joined Alfred's Company. I was happy that I was appointed as a manager of the most versatile and incredible Business tycoon. Then Alfred told me about collaboration. He didn't reveal at that moment, With whom we were collaborating. It was all surprise for me. I got bit late in Get - To- Gather. When I arrived, Introduction was already over and everyone were enjoying. However, I made my way towards Alfred , I wanted to apologize for my late comings. But, Before I could, Alfred made me introduce to Danica as a new business partner. I was feeling lowly but happy at same time" Sean says and drinks beer again.

"Why happy?" Mr. Lee asked curiously.

" Ah...God gave me a chance to make up to her and apologize her for my past mistakes. However, She was completely changed. She wasn't the woman whom I dated years back. I am now scared of her and even more scared to apologize" Sean states his answers.

"Good, Very good. You should be scared. You deserve this shit" Mr. Lee said angrily

"I am trying my best to prove her my loyalty " Sean said

"Man, It's of no use now. You should have done this years ago" Mr. Lee replied.

Sean winced and said " I know ,but --"

Mr. Lee cuts him short and says "It's too late now. Let's pack everything. We will meet tomorrow at Company"

Sean stands up and nods.

"Jerk !" Mr. Lee mumbled while staring at Sean who was leaving.

******** Next Day *******

****** Danica's Mansion ******

*****At Dining Table*****

Danica takes her seat and flips the plate that was kept inverted until now.

A waiter served her breakfast and she was ready to eat the food. However, She stops abruptly when she catches her parents staring at her and smiling.

[ Eh. ..Why they are smiling like that ?? ] She thought.

"Mom, Dad why are you smiling like that? Is anything off with my look today??" Danica asked them while eating her food.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Danica's father asked her.

"What, Dad?" Danica says and takes another bite of food.

"About Alfred " her mom finished the sentence

She started choking upon hearing that. Her mom briskly passed on a glass of water as she choked. However, She swallows hard and replies clearing her throat.

" Ahem...what ? Who Alfred?" She asked with nervous smile.

"Come on ! We know everything now. You don't need to keep this a secret" Her mom said and grinned.

"Oh...Haha" Danica didn't knew what to reply.

[ What happened last night, By the way? How mom & dad came to know about this Alfred? Did he met them by chance ?? No way ! ] Danica thinks hard

Her chain of thoughts was interrupted by her Dad.

"How long it has been?" Her dad inquired

[Oh so, there hasn't been any misunderstanding. They know we are just business partners. Great ! ] Danica thought.

[ Umm...How long we have been working together ? ] Danica counts as she thinks.

"Approximately three months" She replied.

Her parents smiled and then looked at each other. Danica was perplexed upon seeing that.

However, She finished her breakfast as soon as she can and left briskly.




Sun shone brightly and spouted it's golden rays over land area that withheld graves of many people.

Paul and Nina's face was stern when his guards keeps the coffin of Mr. William that they had been carrying for a while; In the grave.

They covered the coffin and Paul keeps some flowers on his father's crematory.

Danica was standing at a distance and watching all this. A squall of wind blew her hair, She smiled.

Paul and Nina now strolled towards the exit area.

Danica smirks

"May your soul rest peacefully in hell" Danica mumbled and puts on her black sunglasses expressively.

She now immediately drove off towards her company.


CR Company


A black car stops at entrance of the company and Danica steps out of it.

She moves inside the the company and her guards behind her.

Every staff member and employee stands up and bows as they see her approaching and passing by.

She enters her cabin abruptly now.

Alfred was standing near the glass windows and gazing at the view.

Before she could say anything, Paul and Nina enters her cabin.

Alfred turns back and looks at them.

[ Oh they are already here ] Alfred thinks.

" Paul !" Danica says "Organize the press conference by today itself and withdraw that product before the day ends. I cannot wait anymore"

"You know I don't have patience" Danica adds

Paul nods

"Let's start working on product. We will add new feature in it and launch it within three weeks" Alfred says while moving towards them, His hands in the pocket.

"Three week !" Nina exclaimed

"Yes ! He is right. Better late than never" Danica replied

"I am organizing conference meeting right away" Danica adds.