Chapter 17

The moment she was online, School Is Starting I'm So Panicked sent her an invitation to form a team.

Qiao Jing Jing was not surprised by this invitation at all, because when she was reviewing her own skin in the afternoon, she found out that the three of them had confirmed her as a friend. Off the top of her head, she gave each of them two skins.

Qiao Jing Jing noticed that all the heroes they played yesterday were not wearing skin at that time.

By gifting them, they will feel bad about not bringing her along to play together. As expected, hasn't the invitation already arrived?

"Hand Can Pick Cotton" entered into the room. All four people she met yesterday were also there.

School Is Starting I'm So Panicked:

Little sis, did you give me two skins?

Dragon King 2001:

I have also received them.

Slime Package:

Me too.

Hand Can Pick Cotton:

Great Gods, please take me along O O

Without any difficulty at all, Qiao Jing Jing played the role of a cute little newbie.

Only Yu Tu did not speak.

Qiao Jing Jing chuckled.

School Is Starting I'm So Panicked was so touched, he clicked to start the game. When they were entering the Antaris Battlefield, only then I'm So Panicked noticed that Yu Tu's Zhuge Liang still did not have a skin, so he could not help but switch on the voice chat.

"Yu Tu, why did you not wear the skin given by little sis?"

Yu Tu said indifferently: "I don't have one."

Qiao Jing Jing was holding back her laughter. After a long time, she used all her acting skill to say pitifully: "When I was about to send some to God Jade Rabbit, I discovered that I've no more money."

There was silence for a while, followed by a burst of laughter, "Ha ha ha ha ha … Yu Tu, you finally get your moment, too, of being last on a girl's list ha ha ha ..."

He laughed heartily and loudly a few times, but then very quickly shouted: "Yu Tu, you betrayed me."

Against the sound of the system voice making the announcement, School Is Starting I'm So Panicked, who had gone with Jade Rabbit Pounds Medicine into the enemy's jungle area to steal the ​blue buff, was killed by the other team's Hua Mulan, gloriously giving out first blood of the game.

Yu Tu who took the other team's blue buff and ran away, said leisurely: "Retreat."

After saying that, he made another stab at him. "Don't worry, I've got the blue buff, so we didn't lose out in this charge."

Really … looking for a good beating = =

Suddenly Qiao Jing Jing recalled Yu Tu was always surrounded by a group of schoolboys during high school, joking together in high spirits in the crowd. He had always been the most outstanding, be it in study or basketball. She just did not expect this was also the case in gaming.

However, she cannot pinpoint where was the difference now. It seemed like … he spoke less? School Is Starting I'm So Panicked always has to tease him first before he would start to talk. Sometimes even the laugh has a trace of melancholy feeling. After all, Qiao Jing Jing was an actress, so she was especially sensitive towards these subtle changes in emotion.

Could it be that because he was older so calmer?

… This was wrong, why was she studying him?

Qiao Jing Jing quickly cast aside these sudden thoughts, and played her Cai Wenji with seriousness.

Qiao Jing Jing put in great effort to play two rounds of Cai Wenji and felt that she was progressing rapidly. She was already getting a much lower number of deaths. Hence, she boldly tried a match using Sun Bin. Before going into battle, lacking in confidence, she made it clear in advance that she did not know how to play. Surprisingly, she ended up winning the match!

Even though, several times when she used her ultimate ability, she ended up casting it into the no man's land beyond the wilderness.

When Qiao Jing Jing was going to practice on Sun Bin again, School Is Starting I'm So Panicked felt a bit embarrassed and said: "Little sis, we want to go and play ranked match, how about bringing you to play casual match again tomorrow? We are quite free lately."

Qiao Jing Jing was dumbfounded: "You can't bring me along?"

Only after asking did she realize how foolish she had been. She had only played a few matches with this alternate account and was not even qualified to play ranked match with it, whereas these people were already Diamond Star rank. So much difference in the ranking. Of course they could not bring her along. In Honor of Kings, the difference must only be one rank to be able to play ranked match together (ranking from low to high: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, star, strongest king and king of glory).

"There's no way we can bring you along ah." School Is Starting I'm So Panicked was even more embarrassed since he had taken two skin from her.

"All of you go la." Suddenly Yu Tu started to speak, "I am not interested in ranked match."

After finished saying this sentence, the match was over.

In this game, after a match is over, the teammates will not be able to speak to each other anymore. When Qiao Jing Jing was getting annoyed at being abandoned, a game invite notification popped up on the screen.

Jade Rabbit Pounds Medicine (from QQ friend)

Diamond Ⅲ (Rank)

Invite you to form a team. Casual Match 5V5 Grand Battle (Antaris Battlefield)

Accept. Reject

Qiao Jing Jing was a little stunned.

This ... don't tell me he is going to take me along by himself ? ? ? ! ! !

But I did not give him skin ah!

However, Qiao Jing Jing clicked accept without the slightest hesitation. Indeed, only two people, Yu Tu and her in the team. He immediately clicked to start the game.