Chapter 18

Because there were only the two of them, they were casually matched with three random strangers. Qiao Jing Jing pondered for a bit and then once again chose Sun Bin.

In comparison with Cai Wenji, this hero, Sun Bin, is a little more difficult to manage, as more knowledge is needed, especially on the position and timing of the release of an ultimate silence ability. The first half of the game was still okay. Yu Tu was still the solo mid Zhuge Liang, supporting the top and bottom lanes from time to time. Their side was dominating. When it came to the team battle, though, Qiao Jing Jing could not keep up. After the marksman died twice, the criticism began.

End of the World: Sun Bin, are you a dummy you ****?

Foul language was censored by the system.

Qiao Jing Jing was shocked and was going to scold back. Before she finished typing the three words, "You're the dummy", however, she saw Yu Tu's response in the chatbox.

Jade Rabbit Pounds Medicine:

If you continue to be wordy, we'll leave the game together.

End of the World:

You two are together? Fine, then. The two of you are like positive and negative that cancel each other out.

Qiao Jing Jing:


Wasn't this marksman a little spineless?

After a while, the marksman could not hold himself back and talked again.

End of the World:

Since you're taking the girl along, why don't you be the marksman and look after her yourself?

Yu Tu continued to ignore him.

They still won this match. At the beginning of the next match, Yu Tu switched his selection to marksman.

Qiao Jing Jing stared blankly at the screen at Jade Rabbit Pounds Medicine, who, in only a single second, had chosen Sun Shangxiang and then locked the choice in.

What should she do?

Her heart … actually felt a little sweet?

... Qiao Jing Jing gently patted her face.

Keep calm, keep calm. As a big star with tens of millions of fans on Weibo, one who had declined dozens of gifts worth several millions without even batting an eyelid, people took over as a marksman to lead her, how embarrassing it was that her heart was starting to feel floaty just because some guy was purposely using a marksman so that he could lead her.

On one hand, Qiao Jing Jing was still despising herself, but on the other hand, she quickly chose Sun Bin and then followed after Yu Tu, fearing that others would grab her support position.

Afterwards, they played a few more matches, and every time, Yu Tu chose to be marksman. No matter how badly she played, in the end, they still won, and Yu Tu was the MVP in every match. When she went to bed at night, Qiao Jing Jing tossed and turned restlessly in bed while rubbing her sore fingers.

Hey, Qiao Jing Jing, what is wrong with you?

You're almost thirty years old. Just from seeing someone play the game so well, you're so … so full of admiration?

He may already be bald, or maybe really fat and out of shape…..

What are you all excited about here, huh?

… But his game playing is so cool, ah.

Qiao Jing Jing was unable to sleep.

All kinds of images of Jade Rabbit Pounds Medicine's figure criss-crossing the canyon were still flashing in her mind. Qiao Jing Jing suddenly sprang up in bed, took out the phone from under the blanket, and started to watch the few matches she had recorded.

Qiao Jing Jing kept silently reciting, "I'm doing this for learning purposes" while tapping on the video to view it from Yu Tu's angle. And then, she watched that figure in the canyon dashing and flying around the entire arena, flaunting his skill to the enemy and basically rubbing it in not just one face, but two faces, three faces, four faces.

After falling asleep, her hand was still holding her mobile phone with its illuminated screen, the sound of "penta kill" coming out from it.

During the following few days, Qiao Jing Jing lived happily every day. There was no need to rush to complete the job list of the day, no drama to shoot, and all quiet regarding talk about her on the media and social front. During the day, she would play game with A Guo and then at night she would cling to Yu Tu and friends' thighs. Only occasionally would she have to film an advertisement or attend an event.

No doubt, she preferred to play with Yu Tu and friends because after all, they won more matches.

A Guo was also very enthusiastic now. Although his student, Qiao Jing Jing's skill in video games was average, she had self-confidence. No matter how many setbacks and or defeats she suffered each day, so long as she returned home to rest for a night, the next day, she was able to continue playing, filled with energy and confidence. Otherwise, how could she demonstrate that not everyone is cut out to be a celebrity? Just look at her tenacity!

But, why was she leaving to go home earlier and earlier?

Qiao Jing Jing also wanted to go home at five o'clock today. The reason she gave was so she could go home and work out to get firm, defined abs. In reality, it was because she had secretly logged in to her alternate account just now and discovered that Yu Tu and Slime Package were playing games, so she wanted to go back to play with them.

As to why she did not tell big sister Ling and others …

It would be way more fun if becoming an extraordinary gaming master suddenly happened overnight.

When she got home, Yu Tu had already gone offline.

Qiao Jing Jing unhappily sliced a plate of fruit as dinner. When she was eating them tastelessly, Pei Pei suddenly called her.

Her voice sounded a little excited.

"Jing Jing, someone reposted into our high school class group chat that post with the rumour. Guess what happened when everyone was scolding that rumormonger!"

Qiao Jing Jing was a little preoccupied: "What?"

Pei Pei:

"Yu Tu came out to speak out!"

Qiao Jing Jing was shocked.

Pei Pei talked non-stop: "Oh, actually, besides scolding the rumormonger, there were also a few sour grapes. But in the end, once Yu Tu came out and spoke up, it was like they were immediately slapped in the face and they didn't make a single peep anymore."

Qiao Jing Jing composed herself: "Take a screenshot of what he said for me to see."

Pei Pei very quickly sent a screenshot over.

Yu Tu:

I did not say such a thing.

Yu Tu:

If anyone is still in contact with Qiao Jing Jing, please say sorry on my behalf. If there is a need to explain further, I will cooperate.

Qiao Jing Jing stared at the picture and looked at it for a long time.

Apologize to her, what did he do wrong to require an apology? Also, "will cooperate to explain further"; how was he going to cooperate? Was he going to have to issue an announcement? He really had no understanding of the entertainment industry.

If he sincerely wanted to apologize, he might as well properly take her along to play games, not run to the group to chat.

Qiao Jing Jing read Yu Tu's two sentences over twice, quickly finished eating the fruit, and then clicked to enter the game. She very generously sent two skins to Yu Tu.