Chapter 27

Qiao Jing Jing quickly finished eating her breakfast and went to the living room to look for Yu Tu.

The nine o'clock morning sunlight landed in front of the French window. Yu Tu was sitting on the sofa on the other side and looking attentively at the computer. The pace of Qiao Jing Jing's footsteps paused for a moment, because she felt that this scenario was somewhat unbelievable.

Yu Tu lifted his head to look at her. "Finished eating?"

Qiao Jing Jing nodded, a little surprised. "You even brought over a laptop?"

Yu Tu made a "hmm" sound and waited for Qiao Jing Jing to sit down before asking, "Who was teaching you before?"

"My manager's husband."

"Cai Wenji and Sun Bin were taught by him?"

Qiao Jing Jing nodded. "He told me to play as support, but later, after playing with you and the team, I feel that Wang Zhaojun is more suitable for me."

Yu Tu pondered for a moment. "Have you ever watched a professional competition?"

Qiao Jing Jing shook her head.

"Then watch a few matches first."

Yu Tu clicked open a video on the laptop. "This is the finals from back in the first half of the year. Luo Shen against CS."

"I know about this. Big sister Ling used my account to forward it in Weibo."

"You didn't watch?"

"I was filming out in the middle of nowhere, where the signal was very bad."

"Then watch now." While they were talking, the two finalists in the video had already ended the Ban and Pick Phase and entered the map.

The first half of the year's finals played the full seven matches, and nearly every match was exciting. After continuously watching three matches, Yu Tu pressed pause and asked Qiao Jing Jing: "What do you think?"

Sure enough, she was asked to share her insight and what experience she had learnt!

Qiao Jing Jing mulled this over before answering, "They all don't die very often? It's not like us, where when we fight, we chop off dozens of heads."

"They understand their damage ability very well, whether they can fight or not and whether it's worthwhile to fight. They won't so easily just form a group." Yu Tu said, "Did you notice Zhuang Zhou in Luo Shen's battle team?"

"The one who fought Zhang Fei in the first match? The commentator talked about him many times."

Yu Tu nodded, "At the beginning of the second game, Zhang Fei was banned. That's why, actually, the support position is very important. Sometimes it is also the commander of a team."

Therefore, A Guo's previous words where support was easy to play was not quite right?

"My skills playing as support are very much only so-so …. So can I play Wang Zhaojun?"

Yu Tu did not directly reply. "I saw that you are already in the Gold rank for casual matches. Did you go and play by yourself?"

Qiao Jing Jing was very pleased with herself, "Yes ah, I also took many MVPs."

After pondering about it, Yu Tu handed his mobile phone to her. "Use my account to try and play a ranked match."

Qiao Jing Jing did not understand what he meant, but still, she took the mobile phone and clicked open Yu Tu's diamond rank account to enter the single ranked match. She successfully picked Wang Zhaojun, who she had been training very hard on.

Ten minutes later, Qiao Jing Jing experienced what was called being totally slaughtered.

She put down the mobile phone, looking a little pale. This match was not finished yet. Her teammates were actually very good-natured. But they kept shouting catch phrases: "Develop humbly, don't act rashly!" "Hold on! We can win!"

The rough meaning of this was for her just to not give away any heads.

She handed the mobile phone over to Yu Tu.

Yu Tu took the phone, controlled Wang Zhaojun to go back under the tower and developed her in a low-key manner.

As he lowered his head to play on the mobile phone, he also calmly stated, "You previously played very well in the Gold rank matches, but you're having a hard time playing in the Diamond rank matches. The competition you're going to participate in has professional players, so the difficulty level will be higher than now. Before this, I didn't know about the situation you'll be facing, so I thought it would be enough to play Wang Zhaojun well. But in reality, Wang Zhaojun is simply not good enough to play in a professional competition."

Qiao Jing Jing pursed her lips, her mood a little down. When she called Yu Tu to come over, it had actually been more on a whim. Only now did she know that it really was needed.

"I knew if your ranking is different, it'd be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so different." She mustered up her spirits and asked earnestly, "What am I going to do now?"

Yu Tu looked at her in surprise and said very simply, "There is still a month left. You rely on yourself to reach the strongest king level."