Chapter 28

At most, Qiao Jing Jing would only ever be depressed for a meal.

Then she would be full of confidence again. During that time when her acting skill was not good, hadn't she found a teacher and earnestly taken lessons for half a year with results that, not too bad? She had weighed only about a hundred and four pounds and had still been ridiculed for being fat, three months later, didn't she still end up working out until she had defined abs?

Oh, that was incorrect. That "formation stage" had now disappeared again because she had been diligently playing games recently.

… That was not important. In short, she would be the strongest king.

Yu Tu was eating opposite of her. Just from looking at her, one could see that Qiao Jing Jing has turned from being a tiny, withered grass into a self-confident little white poplar tree again. After she was done eating, Qiao Jing Jing shoved aside her rice bowl and, full of confidence, looked at Yu Tu. "Start now?"

Yu Tu stood up and cleared away the dishes. Qiao Jing Jing was embarrassed to say that Xiao Zhu would come over at night to help clear them away together. She had no choice but to step forward to help out. After the two had cleaned up the table, Yu Tu picked up the mobile phone and entered the game.

"Let's play solo battle 1v1."

"Ah, I'm battling you? Then I'm definitely no match for you."

"Through real battle, you need to become familiar with the abilities of every hero, their damage ability, ultimate ability, cooldown period, and some little details on using them."

Qiao Jing Jing:

"… Every hero? Honor of Kings has seventy, eighty heroes?"

Yu Tu let out a "hmm", "So there aren't many."

Qiao Jing Jing:


Yu Tu opened a room and invited her to join. "Come in. I also want to see what kind of hero is suitable for you."

Qiao Jing Jing was tortured by Yu Tu for the whole afternoon and started to doubt whether she had made the right decision to ask him to be her teacher. She put down her mobile phone and said in a serious manner, "I don't think it's fair."

Yu Tu quietly waited for what else she had to say.

"I haven't reached level 30 yet and my arcana builds are not yet full. You have more arcana builds than me, so I'm definitely no match for you."

Yu Tu let her see his mobile phone. "I only have a few arcana builds."

Qiao Jing Jing clicked it open and took a look. Indeed, there were not many, and most were from level three or four ….. So the whole time, he actually did not have that many arcana builds, yet he still played so showily ?

The speechless Qiao Jing Jing was tortured again for a few more matches, and decisively, she chose to use the excuse of going to the toilet to escape. When she came back, she saw Yu Tu was holding his mobile phone and watching something. Judging from the sounds, it should be a video from Honor of Kings.

She went over and saw, surprisingly it was that video that had been posted online of her playing using Xiao Qiao. Qiao Jing Jing quickly used her hand to cover it. "Don't watch."

This was absolutely a black mark on her past, especially after she knew how to play the game. ~~~

Yu Tu did as she asked and closed the video. He raised his head and calmly said, "Let's practice Xiao Qiao."

Qiao Jing Jing:


Xiao Zhu sent dinner over at six o'clock. Qiao Jing Jing immediately said, when she opened the door, "I want to eat meat today."

"There is boiled chicken breast."

"No, I want braised."

Xiao Zhu was put in a difficult position: "But I didn't prepare any for you, only for teacher Yu. Moreover you already ate two pieces in the afternoon, so you can't eat any more at night. Be a good girl ."

Like in the afternoon, Xiao Zhu left after delivering the meals. Qiao Jing Jing and Yu Tu ate their meals facing each other in the dining room. When the properly set out meal boxes were compared, their dinners were completely different, like day and night .

This afternoon, Yu Tu had only felt that she ate very little, but the things she ate would still be considered as normal. However at night, all she was having were some vegetables, egg white and a few pieces of thinly sliced ​​chicken breast.

He suddenly found it difficult to bring his chopsticks to the food. He pushed his meal box to the middle and asked, "Do you want to take some first?"

Huh, did he hear her conversation with Xiao Zhu?

Qiao Jing Jing looked at his container that was full of food. Her heart was yearning for some, but she still restrained herself and shook her head. "No need; you eat."

She heaved a sigh and said condemningly of herself, "I've put on a bit of weight in the past few days."

Yu Tu looked at her wrist that was so thin it could easily fracture: "..."

After they finished eating, she continued to practice playing the game. When she clicked open the game interface, Qiao Jing Jing was invited by School Is Starting I'm So Panicked to play a 5v5 casual match. She glanced at Yu Tu. He nodded and said, "Play for a while."

Now, playing on a premade team was so much more relaxing . Qiao Jing Jing was so touched.

After entering the game, School Is Starting I'm So Panicked chattered continuously, "Yu Tu, where did you go today? There was already no sign of you early in the morning."

From the beginning, Yu Tu did not switch on the speakers and microphone, so naturally, he did not respond to him.

Qiao Jing Jing also switched off the microphone. "What does School Is Starting I'm So Panicked do? He also seems to be very free."

"He is my university classmate. He used to work in a fund management company, but he will be going abroad next month."

Oh, no wonder he was so free.

After the end of the match, Yu Tu said: "Just now, the other team had Zhuge Liang. In your full HP condition, you should block the ultimate ability attack for your teammates ."

Qiao Jing Jing:

"…I don't know ah."

Yu Tu:

"This is the most basic of little details. You have to know it."

Qiao Jing Jing nodded, and then expectantly asked, "Have you figured out which type of hero is suitable for me yet?"

Yu Tu glanced at her. "We'll play for two more days."

Qiao Jing Jing automatically interpreted that as receiving one-way torture from him for another two days. Blackness fell in front of her eyes for a moment. Life was not worth living anymore!!