Chapter 40

The next day, when she was still half asleep, Qiao Jing Jing received a phone call from big sister Ling. She first told her about Director Li wanting to meet her and then asked, "Did you go to watch a movie yesterday?"

Qiao Jing Jing was startled. "Was I photographed?"

Big sister Ling turned her nose up at her in disdain. "You are nervous and jumpy. Why are you getting panicky from just getting photographed while watching a movie alone?"


"I feel that you can date someone. Such a beautiful, grown-up girl, and she went to watch a movie alone on Singles' Day. Aiya, as your manager, I also feel a little humiliated."

What kind of logic was this? Had Singles' Day became Valentine's Day?

Qiao Jing Jing was still a little surprised. "You're actually encouraging me to date?"

Big sister Ling scoffed, "The world is different now, not like before. See, even your fans are laughing at you that you're a single dog. Okay, I'll hang up but do remember that we'll be meeting Director Li at three tomorrow afternoon. Prepare yourself well."

Qiao Jing Jing felt a little helpless. "Director Li hasn't revealed anything about his movie, only its name. How do I even prepare? I've seen all of his previous works."

After thinking about it, big sister Ling also agreed. "Then that will do. Later, we'll play it by ear."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Jing Jing went to Weibo to search for that photo. It was blurry, but she was still very good-looking in it, so Qiao Jing Jing felt relieved. When she was about to close the photo window, she suddenly seemed to have found something. She zoomed in on the picture.

Sure enough, Yu Tu was actually standing in the corner. In the photo, she was collecting the movie tickets, whereas Yu Tu was looking at her from the corner?

Sure enough, so much like a spy film.

She saved the picture. Then, her train of thought drifted away a little.

Date someone ~~

It seemed, it was possible? However, at the very least, he must be handsome like Baili Shouyue?

Oh, yes, Qiao Jing Jing's recent favourite hero had gone from Zhuge Liang to Li Bai, and now it had become Baili Shouyue. It was because that feeling of killing off a low-HP player with just a single snipe felt just too good!

After they finished eating lunch, she and Yu Tu, each playing with four computers as teammates, waged a 5v5 battle against each other in the living room. She used Baili Shouyue.

The result was that she actually managed to snipe Yu Tu a few times.

After a shot killed him, Qiao Jing Jing looked suspiciously at him. "Did you purposely let me kill you?"


"...I don't believe you."

Yu Tu laughed. "Then why are you asking? When have I ever let you win? If you can't even get one shot on me, then I've truly failed."

That was true. After all, he had personally, step by step taught her how to play Baili Shouyue.

Yu Tu really would not ever purposely let her win. In the end, he still won this match. Regarding losing to Yu Tu, Qiao Jing Jing felt nothing towards it anymore, but she still had to find an excuse.

"It must be because the computer teammates that the system gave me aren't able to operate the line of soldiers."

Yu Tu felt that the computer had been treated rather unjustly, being made the scapegoat in this. Miss Qiao had lost purely because she had been continuously chasing him to fire at him.

Qiao Jing Jing looked at the time and stood up. "Let's go and watch the live broadcast. Xia Xue's live broadcast is about to start."

Xia Xue was one of the professional players that Qiao Jing Jing was interested in of late.

Recently, she had been watching some competition videos with Yu Tu and had become a fan of several professional players. She had ended up watching all their competitions and interviews once through, and then went on to the Douyu and Chushou platforms to watch their live broadcasts. While she was there, she had also looked over some of the game anchors on the platforms and cried out in admiration over the popularity of those anchors.

"If I hadn't started my career yet, I could also be an anchor. I'd just sing some songs and play some games and whatnot."

Yu Tu had no comment on her singing, but "play games?"

Qiao Jing Jing shamelessly said, "I used to be busy acting, so I didn't really seriously play. If I am a professional anchor, I would certainly have to practice hard, as I cannot only rely on singing?"

She wandered one round through the site and felt that she could even teach makeup, fashion, and yoga. She was truly multi-talented and destined to be popular.

Regarding the professional players that Qiao Jing Jing liked, Yu Tu commented, "All of them have pretty good looks."

Qiao Jing Jing:

"…Don't insult me. It's mainly that they play well. It just so happens that they also look good."