Chapter 41

The way these two people watched videos was very high class nowadays. They used to watch with the phone or Yu Tu's computer. One day, Qiao Jing Jing suddenly remembered there was a small home theater in her house, so she immediately set up a new battlefield.

Large-screen projection was much more comfortable than computer and phone. Moreover, they could watch while playing games.

Xia Xue used Sun Shangxiang today. Qiao Jing Jing recalled that Yu Tu also played very well using Sun Shangxiang, so she suddenly said, "Actually, you also can go and compete in e-sports. Maybe you'll be even more popular than them."

"…E-sports have very high demands on the player's age. How old do you think these players are?"

"Twenty something?"

"The one you're watching now, I've read up on his info. 18."

Qiao Jing Jing was shocked. "11 years younger than me?"

Yu Tu suspected that something had happened with her math ability. "Not 12?"

Qiao Jing Jing immediately blew up. "I am only 29 years old! My birthday is next month."

"Very precise. I calculated it wrong." The precise and stringent scientific researcher gave recognition to the designer.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, they changed over to watch a few recorded matches, Qiao Jing Jing had grown a little excited from watching, and her heart began to stir. "It seems like there will be a semi-final match in a few days time. How about we go to the venue to watch the match?"

Yu Tu:

"…Can you go?"

When they were watching the live broadcast, they could see the competition venue. Actually, it was not very big. The auditorium could only accommodate roughly two to three hundred people. Thus Qiao Jing Jing would be too easily discovered.

Qiao Jing Jing also hesitated. In a flash, she had another idea, and she pointed to the screen and said, "Look, every time before the match starts, the commentator will guess which position will be banned. How about we also guess this in the next match? If we guess all of them correctly, we'll go."

The moment she finished talking, she heard a 'pop' sound, and the big screen suddenly went dark.

Qiao Jing Jing blinked and looked at her own finger. This is… being destroyed by her pointing finger?

Yu Tu was unable to restrain a smile, "Maybe it's just the protection against overheating. Let's play a round of ranked match first. We will switch it on again after a while."

The result was that after they played a round of ranked match, the projector still could not be turned on.

Yu Tu looked at Qiao Jing Jing. "Last time, when you deceived me to come and fix the purifier, you said you've a full toolkit set at home?"

Calling it deception really hurt the feelings. Speaking of which, the toolkit had actually been specially prepared in order to "invite" him to come over last time.

Ten minutes later, after asking Xiao Zhu, the toolkit was found. Qiao Jing Jing squatted beside Yu Tu and watched him repair the projector.

"Do you really know how to repair it?"

Yu Tu said modestly. "I'll try."

He took the multimeter and some other tools and tested things for a while. "It should be the power board problem."

"Then we have to change out the board?"

"Too expensive to change, just repair it."

Qiao Jing Jing was doing a little hero worshiping. "You guys in the aerospace industry even know this."

"This is very basic. Aerospace is a systematic engineering process that is very diverse and enormous. Thus I've to know a bit of all aspects." Yu Tu casually said, "If I go into welding, I'll also be a first-class worker."

Godly student, you are still as narcissistic as when you were in high school ~~~

Qiao Jing Jing watched him bow his head, focused on the testing. She pursed her lips and felt like laughing.

She looked intently at him repairing the machine for a while. The phone suddenly started to ring and Qiao Jing Jing answered it. Big sister Ling's rapid voice was heard. "Jing Jing, Director Li changed his schedule. He will be returning to Beijing tomorrow, so the meeting has been changed to this afternoon. Why didn't you reply to my WeChat messages?"

"I didn't see them. What time?"

"Half past four. I'm already at the downstairs, of your home. The make-up artist and stylist have also arrived. We'll be coming up right away."

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised. "I even have to do makeup and style consult?"

Big sister Ling said, "Time is tight. It'll be a little faster if they help you. Oh, I forgot, is Teacher Yu there?"

Qiao Jing Jing sighed, "Of course he is here. And you're bringing a group of people here."

Big sister Ling:

"… You think of a way out yourself, since we are already in the elevator."

Qiao Jing Jing hung up the phone. Yu Tu thought for a while before saying, "Tell them that I am the electrical appliance repairman?"

Qiao Jing Jing was a bit hesitant. "You're a little too handsome…."

"Yea." Yu Tu said, "Then just close the door here when you're going out."

There was no other way, because after all, those people were already in the elevator. But Qiao Jing Jing still explained, "The make-up artist and stylist are not considered our studio's people, so ... in fact, big sister Ling had already wanted to meet you long ago."

The doorbell rang and Yu Tu said, "Quickly, go."

Qiao Jing Jing hurriedly walked out, and of course, she did not forget to close the door.

It was getting noisy outside. Yu Tu put his phone in silent mode and went to Taobao to buy several components. The people outside were busy for a while and then Qiao Jing Jing sent a WeChat message to him: "I'm leaving now. Wait for me to come back."

Yu Tu smiled. "Okay."