Chapter 51

Yu Tu played a little differently today compared to before, especially fierce, constantly invading and suppressing the opponent's jungle area and using heroes not commonly used such as Li Yuanfang, Han Xin, Baili Xuan Ce and the like. The rhythm was soaring and each game ended very quickly. To her surprise, she returned to the king level ten stars faster than yesterday.

Then he put down his mobile phone, looked at the time and said, "You play by yourself for a while, I will go and fix the projector."

…why, there was a kind of — "Look, these are the stars I shot down for you. Go and play by yourself and lose as many as you wish" feeling?

Qiao Jing Jing quickly banished this kind of unreasonable way of thinking, took her mobile phone, followed him to the home theater and squatted at the side to monitor him fix the projector.

"How long is needed to fix it?"

"Very fast."

"The final will be three days from now. If you can't fix it, we will sneak into the venue to watch it?"

Yu Tu lowered his head to remove the components, "Do you actually want to go or not?"

"Depend on your level of achievement?"

"… don't disturb me displaying my skill."

"Oh." Qiao Jing Jing shut up, looked at him at work for a while, then sat down on the carpet nearby to play solo queue.

She chose Luna because Yu Tu played with Luna in the previous game. Looking very handsome, one against five on the opponent's home base, made her eager to give it a try.

However, after two team battles, she regretted until she wanted to cry. Luna was really very difficult to play. People were "unlimited success under the moon". Whereas she was probably "unlimited emptiness under the moon"?

Initially, she still wanted to persevere for a little while. Although her teammates did not say anything unpleasant, the opponent's Su Lie began to say bad things and yelled at the garbage to surrender quickly. In anger Qiao Jing Jing immediately foisted the phone on Yu Tu.

Yu Tu was rolling up the sleeves to remove the components. He did not even have time to wipe his hands, a 0-4 Luna was foisted on him.

The person who foisted it on him also angrily requested: "Beat up the opponent's Su Lie who is always ridiculing me."

Yu Tu looked at her currency, "I can't beat him up now."

However, when he met Su Lie, he still positioned himself to toy with him a bit and then left through the wall.

This was actually not Yu Tu's style. In his own words, this was considered a waste of effort.

Normally, teacher Yu will simply not waste time doing this.

Qiao Jing Jing's gaze moved away from the screen of the mobile phone and quietly landed on his face.

She inexplicably felt that the Yu Tu who came back from his work trip seemed to have become a little gentler and even a little more indulgent towards her?

She was unable to pinpoint any specific details, very subtle. Perhaps Yu Tu also didn't realize it himself.

But she just felt.

Even eager for action.

She wanted to test the water.

"Yu Tu, can I use your mobile phone to play games in the next few days?" Qiao Jing Jing suddenly asked him.

Yu Tu looked up at her from the game screen. Qiao Jing Jing's eyes were bright with a readily available reason, "During the competition, I've to use a specific mobile phone which is the same brand as your mobile phone. The model is also fairly similar, so I want to practice how it feels."

Yu Tu nodded, "The password is 0424. Go to the living room and take it yourself."

Gave her an inch, and she wanted a mile.

"Did you add the high school classmates group?" Qiao Jing Jing already took the mobile phone and asked a question, already knowing the answer.


"I didn't add … a bit curious as to how they are now. Can I use your WeChat to look at their Moments?"

Yu Tu said faintly: "Moments is for friends to look at and you are also their classmates."

Hey ~ The key point was not whether people let her look or not, but to use his WeChat.

Qiao Jing Jing turned her eyes: "Everyone?"

In his heart, Yu Tu could not understand why she was carefully probing. He wanted to say "I also have not seen, what do you want to see?". But in the end, he just did not lift his head and continue playing the game, as if he had responded like normal.

Qiao Jing Jing sighed, this person totally did not understand her key point ah ~ ~ ~ forget about it, he did not understand can also be considered good. Looking at Yu Tu using Luna to help her take revenge, she decided to return the favor and helped him to win a game with his account.

As for Moments, it was just hot air. She was too lazy to look at it.

In fact, Qiao Jing Jing had used Yu Tu's mobile phone to play ranked match on the first day. Of course she has also used it afterwards, but only to play games. For the first time, she unlocked the phone herself, as if she had received some kind of permission and his world was completely open to her.

She resisted the urge to flip through everything in his mobile phone. She easily found the Honor of Kings app, clicked open and began to play a ranked match.

After playing for a few minutes, Xiao Zhu's phone call came in. Qiao Jing Jing was busy so she pressed the hands-free on her mobile phone.

Xiao Zhu's voice came through the phone.

"Jing Jing, the brands you are endorsing have sent you birthday presents. There are three big boxes, should I get the driver to bring them up?"

Qiao Jing Jing was about to agree but suddenly remembered teacher Yu who was beside her.

Oh ~~

She wanted to send teacher Yu on an errand ~

"Wait a minute." She said to Xiao Zhu, and then smilingly looked at Yu Tu. "It is not very convenient for the driver to come in. Teacher Yu, can you please go to the elevator and help to bring them up?"

Teacher Yu immediately went downstairs to bring them up. Qiao Jing Jing was holding the mobile phone to play game while waiting at the elevator door.

When the game was pushed forward to the opponent's home base, the elevator door opened. Xiao Zhu was holding a small box whereas Yu Tu was moving a big box. The two came out one after the other. Qiao Jing Jing glanced inside the elevator and there were still two huge boxes inside.

She felt a little strange: "Which brand sent me gifts so far in advance and so many?"

"Every year B home also sends more than ten days in advance." Xiao Zhu replied, "Oh, these three big boxes are not from them. Those are clothes, bags and shoes that you asked people to purchase on your behalf last time and they've been sent here together. Aiya, they've arrived very timely because you can mix and match just in time for the competition in a few days time."

Qiao Jing Jing's hand shook and a head was lost.

"…didn't you say they are things from the brands I am endorsing?"

Xiao Zhu held up the small box in her hand. "This one."

Qiao Jing Jing:


The teammates successfully destroyed the opponent's crystal, and the two big words "victory" appeared on the screen. But Qiao Jing Jing's heart was desolate…

She numbly put away her mobile phone, walked to stand in front of Yu Tu and intended to help him. Yu Tu made way for her. "Let me do it. It is a bit heavy."


Can it not be heavy? .... she did not know how many pieces of clothes were stuffed into a box…

Why did she want to go through so much trouble… Why not let the driver sneak them in and let it be…

Yu Tu moved three big boxes into the house. After closing the door, Xiao Zhu was still chattering continuously: "Jing Jing, your wardrobe for autumn and winter clothing is too packed. I'll sort out those unsuitable clothing bought previously. Many of the labels have not been removed. Divide them like before? Also send to Pei Pei."

Qiao Jing Jing:


Very good, revealing more details of her extravagant spending!

She wanted to know why her assistant has such low emotional intelligence?

Her back was facing Yu Tu so she silently said "shut up" to Xiao Zhu.  She can be considered astute as she immediately stopped talking. But why was her lips pursed up so tightly and the eyes opened so widely at that moment?

… Who taught her such exaggerated acting?

Qiao Jing Jing really wanted to deduct her salary.

"Very good."

Suddenly Yu Tu's low voice can be heard from behind.

Qiao Jing Jing turned around to look at him and suspected that she has auditory hallucinations. Was this spoken by that teacher Yu who said that she was enjoying the dividend in this society?

Seeing her puzzled look, Yu Tu smiled.

He thought it was very good.

For her to be just like this, feeling happy every day, dressing up beautifully, carefree and without worries. Things could not be better.

Yu Tu left a bit early, at a little over six o'clock today.

He walked out of Qiao Jing Jing's house, made a long phone call, and then bought a cup of hot coffee by the side of the road.

He stood by the side of the road and drank slowly for a long time.

The coffee became cold very quickly.

But this was probably the normal temperature as there was no warm room, no sly smile.

He threw the coffee cup into the trash can and flagged down a taxi.