Chapter 52

Qiao Jing Jing quietly withdrew her small probing claws and meekly followed Yu Tu to play ranked match for two days.

In the blink of an eye, it was the KPL final.

The start time for the final was 3pm but Qiao Jing Jing was already waiting in the audio-visual room at 2:30pm. She turned on the live stream platform first and then pulled Yu Tu along to study which team to place the coins on.

The two teams in this final were Luo Shen and Tian Gong. Xia Xue, the professional player Qiao Jing Jing liked was in team Tian Gong.

Hence for sentimental reason, she ought to support Tian Gong.

But she has 100,000 coins, which she had painstakingly accumulated through playing ranked and casual match every day. Such a huge amount, so she cannot act impetuously. Because of this, she carefully read a pile of pre-game reports and gossips, and also peeped at teacher Yu who was next to her.

She happened to see teacher Yu placed all the coins on Luo Shen.

"You placed all on Luo Shen?"

"They are in better condition and also have more experience after being the champion in the spring season competition."

Qiao Jing Jing was not convicted and said: "Xia Xue is also in very good condition."

So it was not pleasant to the eyes. Yu Tu said: "If you want to win, place them on Luo Shen. The probability is high. If you want to support your idol, then place them on Tian Gong."

"That will not do." Qiao Jing Jing appeared serious, "I am a rational person when it comes to celebrities fangirling."

Should she trust her idol or godly student?

"Forget it, I will place them on Tian Gong. Otherwise, it is so boring for us to place them all on Luo Shen." After Qiao Jing Jing finished placing them, an idea popped up in her mind, so she enthusiastically proposed, "How about we also make a bet? Whichever team lost will have to agree to the other party's request? More interesting ah."

Yu Tu was already used to her endless stream of new ideas so he said, "Okay."

He pointed to the big screen, "Starting now."

At three o'clock sharp, the competition officially started.

After all it was the final, so the match was dazzling and exceptionally intense. Initially, Qiao Jing Jing was well-behaved and sat together with Yu Tu on the sofa. While watching, she slipped down to sit on the carpet. Hugging her knees, she was unable to take her eyes off the screen.

In the first three games, Luo Shen and Tian Gong scored 2:1. Qiao Jing Jing was a little nervous. The final is a seven-game four-win system. If Tian Gong is to lose another game, it will be difficult to make a comeback.

Fortunately, Tian Gong started very smoothly in the fourth game, profiting from two consecutive team battles. In the second team battle, Xia Xue even obtained continuous triple victory. The heart of a fan like Qiao Jing Jing practically exploded.

"Xia Xue is so awesome! I would have died a hundred times."

After all, Luo Shen was the champion in the spring season competition. Hence, they were calm and unhurried in the face of such disadvantage. Soon after they set up ambush beautifully in the next team battle, closely followed by seizing the lead again and immediately drew on the currency.

The situation immediately became complicated again.

Qiao Jing Jing's heart was on tenterhooks once again. She turned her head and asked Yu Tu, "Luo Shen is really very stable, you think…"

Her voice suddenly halted.

Yu Tu was leaning on the sofa behind her, but she did not know when he had unexpectedly closed his eyes.

Was he… asleep?

Qiao Jing Jing picked up the remote control and turned off the sound. Then she quietly climbed up from the carpet to the sofa, sat cross-legged on one side and studied him closely.

His eyelashes were very long and thick, so the eyes always looked very deep and serene. Qiao Jing Jing was a little envious because her eyelashes were also long, but cannot be considered thick. Hence, she always has to carefully brush her eyelashes for quite a while. Why a man needs such good-looking eyelashes. He might as well give them to her.

His eyebrows were long, thin and fine, so he always appeared full of courage. However, there were faint wrinkles between his eyebrows at this time, as if there was something to worry about which made him not able to relax even in his sleep.

Qiao Jing Jing frowned. Was he very tired recently? Watching such an intense game, he can also fall asleep.

But what was he busy with?

Ever since he returned from his work trip, he will leave at around six o'clock every day. Actually Qiao Jing Jing thought of asking him if he was still busy with work at the aerospace institution. Why was he still busy after he had decided to quit the job? But remembering the reason why they fell out last time, she did not end up asking him.

Qiao Jing Jing looked at him in silence for a long time.

Forget it, she didn't care what he was busy with. Whatever he was busy with is also good. When you were young, it's normal to be a little busy and tired. Who didn't want to strive hard? When she was busy, she often only slept for three to four hours a day for several days in a row.

However, the faint dark shadows under the eyes were a bit unsightly.

She thought about it, took out her mobile phone and took a photo of him. Then she clicked open the Photoshop software and skillfully helped him to smooth the wrinkles between the eyebrows and then removed the dark shadows.

But it still appeared weird, whichever way you looked at it. Why it looked better before photoshopping?

She compared the photo with the real person. After closing the resume button, she restarted Photoshop. This time she was more careful, using the Photoshop experience of a popular celebrity. But the result was still not satisfactory.

Oh, it may be that the original photo was taken from a wrong angle, not enough front view.

Better to take another photo.

She sat down on her knees and leaned forward to take a photo of Yu Tu's face as seen from the front. However, she underestimated the softness and elasticity of the sofa. As she continued to adjust the angle, she lost balance and unexpectedly fell on Yu Tu.

She was shocked and stiffened for a few seconds on top of Yu Tu.

The body beneath her was warm and hard, which exhibited the strength distinctive to the male sex. Her heart was racing and beating wildly several times before calming down a little.

It seemed that Yu Tu did not move.

She thought, could it be that she was so lucky not to have awakened him?

She moved, wanting to get up. But in the next second, a warm and powerful palm held her wrist.

She immediately halted her action. But the hand that was holding her wrist was also not moving, only the grip was particularly tight.

After a while, only then his hand gently and firmly lifted her from his body.

Qiao Jing Jing took the opportunity to sit back on the sofa.