Chapter 53

Her face was a littler feverish, and she simply didn't want to look at Yu Tu. It felt like even if she had fallen on the red carpet, it wouldn't be as embarrassing as now.

How should she explain…

"That… I…"

Yu Tu interrupted her, the voice was a bit low, "What do you want to take?"

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised.

Yu Tu's line of sight turned to the coffee table on his side, "Cup?"

She finally recovered her composure, "… um."

Yu Tu handed the cup to her.

Qiao Jing Jing held the cup, sat still and looked straight ahead. The heart felt relief, does this mean that she had been found out? Probably yes, since he took the initiative to help her to find a good excuse.

But why did her heart unexpectedly feel a little melancholy?

Yu Tu sat on the sofa and drooped his head slightly. A few strands of his hair messily covered the front of the forehead. His gaze looked fixedly on his own hands. After a while, he calmly looked up at the big screen. "Who won?"

Only then, Qiao Jing Jing remembered there was still a competition. She looked up at the screen which was already replaying the highlights of the competition.

…the game was over?

However, how would she know who won. " guess."

Yu Tu picked up his mobile phone and looked at the result of the game. "I guess you've lost."

As it turned out, Tian Gong had lost.

"Oh, then I've lost, you can say your request."

Her voice sounded unhappy and her mood did not appear good. Yu Tu's eyes narrowed slightly and his mood became mess up. In the end, he did not manage to control himself.

He heard himself asking her, "What present do you want for your birthday at the end of the month?"

Qiao Jing Jing blinked. "I am asking you what is your request."

Yu Tu paused and said: "The request is to tell me what present you want."

Qiao Jing Jing looked at him, her eyes slowly lit up. All kind of recent moodiness vanished all of a sudden, her mood started to improve. "Then I will not be polite."

"Of course."

Qiao Jing Jing thought about it for a while but she really couldn't think of what she wanted. "It's too sudden. I'll think about it then tell you later."

Aiya, teacher Yu was truly too straightforward. Where got ask people what they want as present? Isn't it only considered a surprise if he takes it out unexpectedly?

"Okay." Yu Tu nodded, picked up the remote control and switched on the sound system again.

"The final is over. In a few days, it is the awards ceremony. Have you thought properly which professional players you want to select to be your teammates?"

Why did he suddenly talk about serious matter when she was still thinking about her present.

However, looking at Yu Tu's rather serious appearance, Qiao Jing Jing also followed suit and changed the topic, "Do you have any suggestion?"

"The first choice is Zhou Yin from Tian Gong." Yu Tu found the replay of the first match in the just ended final. "Although Tian Gong lost to Luo Shen in the final, as the team leader, Zhou Yin's capability is never in doubt. He is a rare all-rounder player in the KPL. The hero reservoir is deep and he can play any position, so it is easy for your team to adjust gaming tactics."

"I thought you would suggest I choose someone from Luo Shen."

"Of course Luo Shen is very strong, but their strongest area is the overall co-ordination. You have two teammates who are randomly selected, so it is still best to choose players with outstanding personal capability."

Qiao Jing Jing nodded. "Okay, I also like Zhou Yin."

"Ah, Zhou Yin looks pretty good."

"… he is only 19 years old!"

She even knew the age. Yu Tu smiled and reminded her to look at the big screen: "Pay attention to the way Zhou Yin plays."

Qiao Jing Jing looked at it right away.

"Did you notice anything?"

"What?" Qiao Jing Jing was confused.

"When I was playing ranked matches with you in the past few days, I was imitating Zhou Yin."

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised.

"The heroes he normally uses, the way he likes to play and his behavior patterns. By doing all these, you'll be more familiar with him during the competition and also easier to coordinate with him."

"…In the past few days, you've been imitating him to let me familiarize with his playing style and practice coordinating with him?"

"Yes, I've also imitated Xia Xue, you didn't realize?"

Absolutely not. She just felt that his recent style and pattern were not the same as before. It turned out that he was actually imitating others, just to let her familiarize with the style of those players…

How much time and effort did he take to study these? Was he so tired because of this?

For a split second, Qiao Jing Jing didn't know what she felt in her heart. She only knew that she didn't want to go and probe anything again.

No need anymore.

"I've thought of a birthday present," she said.

Yu Tu looked at her.

"You can give me the unique pentakill." Qiao Jing Jing smilingly said, "Having played until now, I've not had a pentakill before. But it must be you who give it to me, not them. So don't imitate them."

"I prefer to play with you."

Yu Tu's gaze was fixed on her face. without blinking. Then he lowered his head and seemed to give a helpless laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Qiao Jing Jing was a little annoyed because this should be very romantic, right?

"Nothing… It feels like manual labor."


Don't think that she can't hear that he was laughing at her. It was purely bad luck that she did not have a pentakill up until now!

"Let's start now." Yu Tu picked up the mobile phone that she had left on the sofa and handed it to her. "You've to lose 30 stars in solo queue match first."

"What?" Qiao Jing Jing thought that she has hearing problem.

"Your position is too high now. The unique pentakill for the king level 50 stars..." He sighed and said, "I can't afford to give."

Qiao Jing Jing glared at him. She couldn't help but laughed and said arrogantly: "That I don't care."

"Oh, yes." She suddenly remembered something, went to the living room and searched for a while. Then she took two tickets over.

"The tickets for the awards ceremony. On that day, you come and watch together with School Is Starting I'm So Panicked! Your majesty, please make sure you rest well before you come. If you are busy, don't come so early in the morning. In short, don't watch until halfway and fall asleep again."

Yu Tu took the tickets, "Invite School Is Starting I'm So Panicked?"

"Ya, come together la. At that time, you can tell him —— the most powerful one on the stage … oh not right, the best looking one is Hand Can Pick Cotton!"