Chapter 54

As early as ten days ago, KPL's official Weibo had announced the gameplay of the exhibition match at the awards ceremony.

Honor of Kings KPL Professional League:

"Five lucky players will be drawn in three days to play an exhibition match together with the game ambassador @Qiao Jing Jing next week. Where will the remaining four team members come from? Clang Clang Clang! As the social media editor, I am excited to tell everyone that at that time, these six players will randomly select them from the audience. In that case, who will be in the audience???"

Below was a picture of a large group photo of the twelve professional teams.

A flood of comments.

Fluttering Snowflake:

In other words, each team can choose two professional players?

Miss Diao Chan:

Now this is getting a little more interesting. I want to go to the official website to sign up.

One had to say, the official Weibo had done a good job keeping people in suspense, holding out until the very end before releasing the ultimate news. Immediately, another huge wave of interest soared up. Big sister Ling had observed for a while from the sidelines and was also full of admiration.

She has been very nervous recently, and from time to time she had even had to grab a random person in the studio and complain, just to reduce stress. As the manager of an artist, it had never crossed her mind that there would be one day where she would have to worry from the standpoint of a coach.

On the day of the match, she couldn't sit still. She hurried to Qiao Jing Jing's home early in the morning to help her plan and to give suggestions.

However, what she focused on was a little off the main point.

"Wear a loose sweater… This one's too long. Take it away. Take it away."

"Don't wear high-heeled shoes, wear small white shoes… Ah, whatever. Let's do high-heeled shoes la. They lengthen legs, you know, just in case some of the audience have poor photography skill."

"Tie up the hair to look younger and a little more vivacious. Don't comb too much hair away from that side of the forehead, must have a little more hair!"

"Take off your long pants and change into shorts. Must show the legs!"

Qiao Jing Jing didn't listen to everything she suggested. In the end, she wore a big white sweater which loosely tucked into a short skirt and paired them with some high-heeled shoes. Besides a pair of long diamond-studded rabbit earrings, there was no other jewelry on the whole body, making her look young and vivacious. Big sister Ling looked her over this way and that and heaved a deep sigh of relief. "It can be said that this is perfect! We can lose the game but we cannot lose in terms of legs and face."

In the mirror, Qiao Jing Jing glared at her. "Can you say something auspicious?"

"Win, win, win. I am just trying to help you relax." Big sister Ling answered emphatically, but she still felt a little nervous in the heart.

"Oh, by the way, haven't you reached the king level 50 stars? How come you fell back a lot when I took a look this morning, are your condition not so good?"

… don't mention it.

Speaking of this, she was depressed…because Teacher Yu really didn't play duo queue with her anymore. He would look on unfeelingly when she played solo queue and dropped back to the king level fifteen stars. Then he enthusiastically took her along to play casual match.

This kind of casual match playing with an objective was very tiring, okay? In the end, she wanted to hug cruel Teacher Yu by his trousers and ask if she could not accept this present.

She really did not know why he was in such a hurry. Her birthday wasn't until the end of the month.

And also, to date, they still had not gotten a pentakill yet. Teacher Yu appeared rather disappointed about that.

She did not feel like explaining to big sister Ling, so she simply said: "Fifteen stars is my true standard. Teacher Yu took me along to get the previous fifty stars."

"Oh, fifteen stars is also great." Big sister Ling felt reassured and also gave her a reassuring boast. "You just play with ease. Don't be nervous. I've contacted several of the marketing media that I have good relations with, so even if lose, it is guaranteed that they'll still report this matter nicely."


Qiao Jing Jing was also tired. She has never seen such a bad-mouth, yet full of confidence manager. She reminded her, "It is hard to predict the outcome of any skill competition. If you win, don't brag about it. If you lose, even more so don't go about trying to flatter. Doing too much is as bad as doing too little ."

Big sister Ling shuddered and immediately made a phone call to mention this to the person doing the publicity. After hanging up the phone, she was about to praise Qiao Jing Jing for understanding how to act properly, but she saw her looking happily at her earrings in the mirror. Big sister Ling immediately became speechless and she swallowed the praises.

"Rabbit Buff"

The award ceremony began at 7pm. The team arrived at the backstage area of the KPL competition venue punctually at 5pm.

The KPL organizer had originally prepared a dressing room for her, but Big Sister Ling, very much understanding how to make things work to their gain, declined. "Go and leave a good impression with the players, maybe it'll be useful later."

When Qiao Jing Jing appeared in the big dressing room, it caused quite a commotion. A lot of staff members, including some more outgoing and bubbly professional players also came looking for her to take photo and get an autograph.

Of course Qiao Jing Jing was cooperative. When she was signing the autograph for the players, she would write "To XX." Everyone was a little surprised to see her able to accurately address "To XX" after taking a quick look at that person.

A player named A Ming shyly asked, "How do you know my ID?"

Qiao Jing Jing smilingly said, "I am the brand ambassador."

After giving the standard reply, she smiled and said, "I have watched many of your matches. Oh, and also live broadcasts."

"You've even watched live broadcasts?" The other party was very surprised.

"Of course." Qiao Jing Jing said very seriously, "I've to play in the exhibition match together with all of you, so naturally I must know what you will be playing. 'Know yourself, know your enemy'."

A Ming thought for a long time and then whispered, "If the other side selects me, I will kill you one round less."

Qiao Jing Jing:


… Was this the way an e-sports nerd expressed goodwill?

After signing for a while, some staff members hurriedly came to call the players to enter the exhibition venue.

Qiao Jing Jing stood up to see them off. When the players were at the doorway, a guy suddenly shouted, "Goddess, in a little while, please select me. My name is Zhou Yin from the Tian Gong team."

Everyone immediately started to roar with laughter.