Chapter 55

When it was Qiao Jing Jing's turn to go on stage, the five lucky players who had been randomly picked were already standing on the stage, two females and three males. The age range was quite wide, from teenagers to someone in his forties. If this had not been a public draw that had been supervised to ensure fairness, people would have suspected that the Honor of Kings organizer was deliberately showing off the wide range in their audience.

The BGM played during her appearance was very funny because it was actually the soundtrack from "Young and Dangerous.". Qiao Jing Jing felt very relaxed, and when she heard it, she almost laughed out loud. At the end of the BGM, the host announced loudly, "We welcome Honor of Kings's ambassador, Qiao Jing Jing."

Qiao Jing Jing greeted everyone, "Hello, everyone, I am Qiao Jing Jing."

She had a dedicated support group present, a sea of screaming fans.

"This must be teacher Jing Jing's first time visit here. Moreover you are to compete in an exhibition match. Are you nervous?"

"I'm usually not nervous."

The host was fast on his feet and worked with her. "Oh?"

"It's my teammates who are nervous."

The audience immediately burst into laughter. The bullet screen of the live broadcast on the video site also displayed streams of "hahaha".

"Gosh, what should I do? I actually think she is a little bit adorable."

"The teammates are nervous. So funny."

The host seized the opportunity to ask, "So among the people beside you, do you know which two are your teammates?"

Qiao Jing Jing tilted her head, took a look, and said, "The two most nervous ones?"

The audience burst into laughter again.

The host wiped his sweat. "I feel that they are all very nervous. Actually, it is still not yet confirmed who will be your teammates. It will be decided later by drawing lots. Next, let us first invite our five lucky players to introduce themselves. Who will start first?"

The lucky players looked at each other. The short-haired girl on the far left took the microphone. "Hello, everyone, my game ID is called Nine Tomatoes. I'm a student at Shanghai Jiaotong University. My rank is platinum."

A bespectacled young man said, "I'm Fighting Little Bear, a real estate agent. My rank is diamond. Anyone who wants to buy a house can come find me."

A middle-aged man:

"I'm One Glance to the End of the Sea, a menial programmer. My rank is master."

A white-collar girl:

"I'm Tong Tong Is Very Spiritual, a lawyer. My rank is gold."

When the young man on the far right got the microphone, there was a clamor in the audience. He smilingly waved at the audience.

"Hello everyone, my name is A Pot of Wine Among the Flowers. My rank is the strongest king 21 stars. My occupation is Honor of King's anchor, and my live broadcast room number is xxxxx. I want to say that I really didn't cheat. I really was randomly drawn."

The host smilingly added, "I can guarantee that there was no cheating."

After he finished saying this, he looked at Qiao Jing Jing.

Qiao Jing Jing:

"Ah, I also need to say something?"

Qiao Jing Jing quickly said, "My game ID is … I've a few so do I have to mention all of them? I haven't had time to close the add friends function ah..."

After everyone burst into laughter again, Qiao Jing Jing said, "My occupation is an actress. My occupation for today is the ambassador of Honor of Kings. My rank is the strongest king 15 stars."

When that anchor mentioned that he was 21 stars just a moment ago, not many people were surprised. But at this moment, the audience gave a "Wow!" and the fans frantically waved their props.

Qiao Jing Jing stood with a smile on her face, full of confidence.

The host said, "All right, then, everyone has finished introducing themselves. Let's talk about the allocation of our teams now. Goddess Jing Jing and our anchor are both strongest kings, so they definitely cannot be on the same team. The other four lucky players will be allocated fairly by drawing lots in accordance to their ranks."

After drawing lots twice, the bespectacled young man and the short-haired girl walked to Qiao Jing Jing's side. The little girl's eyes were bright, and when she walked up, she instantly gave Qiao Jing Jing a hug.

"Jing Jing, I am your fan! I only signed up because of you."

"Then you better not mess things up for her." After making a joke, the host said, "Give your teams a name."

The anchor took the microphone and said, "I suggest that our team be called Pluck Stars team, as we just want to win."

The host praised: "Pluck Stars team! There is momentum in that name! There's nothing wrong with wanting to win. This is what a competition of skill is about!" Then he looked at Qiao Jing Jing.

Qiao Jing Jing discussed with her teammates for a while and said, "We have discussed this for a bit, and we feel that winning the game needs luck in addition to strength, so we want to be called Good Luck Come team."

The host:

"…That will work."

The bullet screen of the live broadcast once again displayed streams of "hahaha"

"Good luck come, good luck come. I can't help but sing this out."

"The name of this team is down-to-earth, hahaha~~~"

"Qiao Jing Jing actually has a bit of potential to be a joke writer."

After that, under the instructions of the host, Qiao Jing Jing and the anchor drew for the red and blue sides. The Good Luck Come team immediately experienced good luck, getting the blue hand that had the first selection. Not only did they get first choice in pick and ban phase, but they also can choose the first teammate.

"The following is what everyone has been looking forward to ~~~ The part of choosing the teammates. The two teams can choose two people from the audience down off the stage to be their teammates." Okay, let's see what kind of audiences members we have off the stage."

On the big screen, the silhouette of the professional players sitting in the first three rows immediately appeared.

The host said: "These audience members look kind of familiar."

The audience burst into laughter.

"According to the rules, the blue Good Luck Come team will first choose a person. Then the red Pluck Stars team will choose two people. Finally the blue side choose another one. You are given three minutes to discuss your selection plans."

Qiao Jing Jing turned around and discussed with her teammates. The little girl was probably a huge fan of hers as she was at a loss about what to do and looked very nervous. This made Qiao Jing Jing also very nervous.

"You guys don't be so nervous. I am not that bad."

The short-haired girl nodded. "I will play properly."

The bespectacled young man was calmer. "Let's talk about the heroes that we are good at. I am not good as a marksman and solo mid, but I'm not bad as solo top. I am also pretty good as support. I prefer melee and being a tank is also okay for me."

Short-haired girl:

"My rank is only platinum, so I'm only good with a few heroes. I usually use Cai Wenji and Bian Que. I also know a little about other support heroes. I am only so-so with Zhang Fei and others."

Qiao Jing Jing thought for a moment. "Two people out of the three of us are going to play support? I am not good at jungling; other positions are all okay. Have you considered which two professional players to choose?"

Short-haired girl:

"I, I, I'm good with whoever. You choose."

The bespectacled young man said, "You decide, I feel that you are not quite the same as what's reported on the internet. You should know how to play."

Qiao Jing Jing:

"I think it is best we choose both from the same team. This game is actually all about cooperation. If both of them are teammates, they'll cooperate better."

The boy truly did nod this time. "You are right, I had not even considered this point."

Yup, Yu Tu also did not mention this point. She thought of it herself. Qiao Jing Jing felt a little happy.

The three people agreed on their choice. The host announced that the discussion time was up and asked the blue team for their first choice. Qiao Jing Jing took the microphone.

"Our first choice is Zhou Yin from Tian Gong team."

"Oh ~~~ Tian Gong's Zhou Yin!" the host drawled. Zhou Yin's avatar and profile immediately appeared on the screen.

Zhou Yin was also KPL's star player and his handsome index was also very high. His fans off the stage burst into cheers, and the scene was comparable to if he were a celebrity.

The host said jokingly, "Teacher Jing Jing, tell me honestly, did you choose Zhou Yin because of his looks?"

"Of course not." Qiao Jing Jing smiled craftily. "I chose him because Zhou Yin yelled in a loud voice for me to choose him when I was in the backstage area just now."

"Such a thing happened?" The host looked at the audience. "I'll ask the other players. None of you called out shamelessly like that? Do you regret it now?"

The camera swept over a few star players, and everyone was unable to restrain a smile.

Zhou Yin had already stepped onto the stage. The host grabbed his shoulders and sighed, "Your reputation as the KPL social butterfly is well-deserved."

Qiao Jing Jing laughed. "Actually, I was just joking. I chose teacher Zhou Yin because he is very versatile. He can play in any position, and his hero pool is especially deep. I feel that no matter what, choosing him first can't go wrong."

The host was a little surprised. "Goddess, you are very professional. You are well aware of the players' positions and hero pools."

"Of course. Before coming, I had made a list of three people for each position."

"Can you tell us?"

"No." Qiao Jing Jing heartlessly refused his request. "I will not do such a thing that offends people."

"Okay, okay." The host gave up. "Then it is the red team's turn to choose two professional players."

The red team players discussed for a while and chose Qi Zhu, the most famous solo mid mage from the CS battle team, and He Liu, who had the title of CNS's most powerful marksman from the Luo Shen battle team.

The host turned to the blue team again. "Okay, the red team had already chosen their players. I have to say, very wise choices. In that case, who'll the blue team choose as the second player?"

Qiao Jing Jing said, "We still choose from the Tian Gong battle team, Xia Xue."


"The two players chosen are both from the Tian Gong battle team. Goddess, are you a fan of the Tian Gong team?"

Qiao Jing Jing said, "Of course I am a fan, but this is also a battle tactic."

"Oh ~~~ I'd like to hear the details."

"Honor of Kings is a team game. Cooperation between teammates is very important, so we intentionally chose two players of the same team. I believe that their cooperation will result in one plus one greater than two."

The live broadcast was immediately flooded with comments of "Makes sense" and "Smart."

The face of the anchor in Pluck the Stars showed signs of chagrin and remorse.

Yu Tu sat off the stage, the corners of his mouth slightly curved upwards.
