Chapter 61

Soon, the lineups of both teams were set.

Good Luck Come team:

Baili Shou Yue, Cai Wenji, Zhuge Liang, Bai Qi, Dharma.

Pluck Stars team:

Baili Xuan Ce, Zhuang Zhou, Bull Demon, Lady Sun, Mai Shiranui.

After the heroes were selected, there were still a few seconds for the teams to adjust within themselves, so at this time it still was not set who would play which hero.

There were already many discussions going on, on the live broadcast platform.

"God Zhu playing Mai Shiranui means that they're basically giving blue buff to the anchor again? Too self-effacing."

"Qiao Jing Jing playing Cai Wenji? They're continuing to just basically give her a victory on a platter …"

"Isn't she known as the gaming expert, but she only knows how to use one support hero?"

"She is probably still not that capable. There is professional player in the opposite team, yet she still selected Cai Wenji to play."

"I kind of understand her strategy. In any case, if she plays support, no matter win or loss, it'll be easy for her to explain."

The commentator was also thinking in this way, but of course he spoke more politely. "It seems that the newly selected handsome guy will play with Baili Shou Yue, filling Xia Xue's position as the marksman. Then Qiao Jing Jing should still be playing support. Since Dong Huang Tai Yi has been banned, it is also pretty good for her to play Cai Wenji, a hero with a high fault tolerance rate."

"Both sides have made their final adjustments to the lineup… Wait a minute, I didn't see wrong, did I? Qiao Jing Jing will play with Baili Shou Yue? Baili Shou Yue?!!! See if it will be adjusted again!"

"Definitely confirmed! Qiao Jing Jing will play with Baili Shou Yue! The newly selected handsome Jade Rabbit will play solo mid with Zhuge Liang! Zhou Yin's Dharma will be the jungler. The lineup for Good Luck Come team was adjusted extensively! What a surprise!"

A float of comments could be heard in the audience, while the live broadcast platform immediately exploded.

"My vision must be blurry. Qiao Jing Jing is playing with Baili Shou Yue? Did they make a mistake when adjusting their lineup?"

"Surprisingly she is not going to be the support?"

"Baili Shou Yue is very difficult to play. He snipes from a long distance. Can she aim accurately?"

Among the many speculations, the team members from both sides entered the map.

As soon as the game started, Qiao Jing Jing, holding the rifle, walked straight down the bottom lane.

Actually, under the current version, Yu Tu as the marksman would definitely have a higher chance of winning than her as the marksman. Even when she was using Baili Shou Yue, the hero she was most skilled with, Yu Tu's skills were still much higher than hers, such as that very mysterious scope skill that he had….

However, if she didn't compare herself to him, she was pretty good, too. If there was a chance to show off a little, of course she could not let it go. As for whether they would win, they would just see. They had won a game anyway. Even if they were to lose the next two games in succession, it wouldn't look that bad, right?

Qiao Jing Jing thought this rather scoundrelly.

Cai Wenji followed behind her, her voice very tense. "Am I to follow Jing Jing?"

Yu Tu said calmly, "No need to be too nervous. Our lineup has an advantage. You go to the river to stand in position first, Jing Jing will go solo in the bottom lane."

Cai Wenji asked cautiously, "Do we have an advantage? As Cai Wenji, I'm…"

Qiao Jing Jing comforted her: "In the early stage, hero like Mai Shiranui will use up our energy remotely. If you make up the blood loss, we won't need to return to home. That's quite good. Moreover, there is Zhou Yin."

Yu Tu:

"Yes, there is Zhou Yin."

Zhou Yin:


He felt like they were joining together to bully him.

Zhou Yin said, "Cai Wenji, follow me. Don't divide the gold and XP."

Qiao Jing Jing looked quickly at the red buff. She felt that the other team was not coming over, so she bypassed red and went straight to the minion wave at the bottom lane. Actually, Shou Yue can get red very fast. Normally when she played casual matches, she would take red buff first, but in this kind of regular competition, it is better to leave it to the jungler as the jungler's growth is more important.

The other team's Zhuang Zhou was already at the minion wave but Qiao Jing Jing did not rush over. Hiding inside the tower, she used her second skill and began to take aim.

Qiao Jing Jing did not know that since the start of the game, all the camera shots were on her Baili Shou Yue. After all, this was an exhibition match and was not that rigorous and serious, so naturally they would more closely follow what the audience most wanted to see. What did the audience most want to see? Of course, how Qiao Jing Jing's Baili Shou Yue was faring.

On the big screen, a tiny Baili Shou Yue was squatting in the tower, the three red skill lines gradually became one. Then moving quickly, he released the trigger!

With a "bang", the first shot accurately hit Zhuang Zhou.

A faint cry of surprise could be heard from the audience.

The reason why this hero, Baili Shou Yue, is said to be showy is that the moment in which he snipes an enemy is very exciting and visually it is quite thrilling. If he instantly causes the player to become low-HP player, that practically can make people's hearts abruptly stop for a beat.

Although Zhuang Zhou only lost a bar of HP, the moment he was hit, it still very much gave a blood-racing feeling. The commentator, who had been told ahead of time to heap more praises on Qiao Jing Jing, immediately sang her praises. "Not bad, not bad. Quite accurate."

However, the bullet screen of the live broadcast was an entirely different story.

"Did Zhuang Zhou stand motionless during wave clear just now? His positioning was only so-so."

"It was basically, 'I've plenty of HP so come and hit me.' 23333."

"It's still okay. Don't be too harsh. After all, I was still defeated when I used the cannon to fight against Huang Zhong."

Qiao Jing Jing hit her target in one shot and then came out of the tower to withdraw the troops, smoothly rising to the second level. Then she began to place the field of visions at some key positions. Seeing Zhuang Zhou once again appear in her field of vision, Qiao Jing Jing sniped at him again.

This shot did not hit the target.

Moreover, because positioning was opposite to what she had predicted, she was quite a bit off target.

Qiao Jing Jing was depressed and muttered. "Luckily, the first shot hit the target. If two consecutive shots didn't hit the target, I reckon I would be ridiculed."

Yu Tu said, "Your idol baggage is so heavy?"

Qiao Jing Jing said, "Yes…"

Before she finished speaking, she heard a familiar female voice shouting — "First Blood!"

She was surprised, and quickly looked. The screen showed Zhuge Liang attacking and killing the other team's jungler, Xuan Ce.

Yu Tu got the first blood.