Chapter 62

Qiao Jing Jing:


Wasn't he chatting with me?! How did he take the first blood?

The audience and the commentator were all baffled.

Because everyone had been watching Qiao Jing Jing's development in the bottom lane, watching her placing the field of visions to hit the little monsters and so on, and the commentator had even been explaining what to pay particular attention to when placing the position of the field of vision, everyone had become immersed in a kind of farming-like peaceful atmosphere. How was it that first blood had arisen but the camera hadn't even captured it?

Where did the director go?

Fortunately, there was the playback function.

In the replay, Zhou Yin's Dharma took the blue buff and advanced to the second level. Then bringing along Cai Wenji, he went into the other team's red area to counter jungle. Xuan Ce was interrupted while trying to get the red buff, so from two different lanes, Bull Demon and Mai Shiranui came to provide support. Yu Tu also came rushing over, surrounded by 5 'rebound' magic spheres. A small-scale group battle took place between the two teams. Yu Tu's Zhuge Liang was seen strolling, looking relaxed and at ease, through the jungle areas. Repositioning slightly, he avoided Mai Shiranui's fan attack, then released all five magic spheres on Xuan Ce, who had only half a bar of HP before following up with his first ability to magnify the damage, thus effortlessly getting the first blood.

Mai Shiranui did not dare jump into the fray again and threw fans from a distance. Dharma successfully took away the red buff.

Qiao Jing Jing could not see the replay, but she had a lot of complaints.

"When you're fighting a group battle, can you not chat with me? Be more serious. If by chance we lose because you were playing around, my idol baggage will explode."

Yu Tu said, "Mm-hmm, no playing around."

His words were still ringing in her ears, but the result was, in the next instance, he and Zhou Yin were completely having a blast playing around. No communication between the two of them was heard at all, yet they worked together seamlessly, continuously invading the other's team red area, or going to the top lane to suppress Lady Sun's development.

Oh, well, it wasn't completely no communication. Most of the time, it went like this:

Zhou Yin:

"Is it okay?"

Yu Tu:


Great! Let's go! Start a small group.

Zhou Yin:

"How's that?"

Yu Tu:


Great! Let's go! Release the small dragon tyrant.

Qiao Jing Jing:

….. Wait a minute, where did this mutual understanding between you two come from?

The rhythm that they had created together in mid-jungle was off to a flying start. Only a few minutes after the game started, they were already leading by a lot in gold and experience. The superiority of their lineup in the early stage had been played out brilliantly.

Qiao Jing Jing vaguely felt that when Yu Tu played with her, it seemed he had never played with such recklessness before. Could it be it was because her level was not on par with his? Then after meeting an expert like Zhou Yin, his hidden potentials were unleashed all at once?

Qiao Jing Jing worked quietly and diligently in the bottom lane. All of a sudden, she felt a little lonely.

Actually, she also had scored lots of hits on Zhuang Zhou in the bottom lane, but Zhuang Zhou had thick blood and could soak up damage. It was actually not easy for her Shou Yue, having not brought along any support, to ambush and kill him. She painstakingly only managed to push half a tower. Speaking of which, when she was practicing her heroes, she had also used Baili Shou Yue to engage in battle with Yu Tu's Zhuang Zhou before. The outcome was that Yu Tu had pushed down the tower. Therefore, that uncle's Zhuang Zhou was, comparatively, playing only so-so and a bit conservative, too, and could not compare at all with his performance with Hua Mulan in the previous game.

At this time, she had already exhausted two-thirds of Zhuang Zhou's HP. He was inside the tower and would not come out. Qiao Jing Jing was about to lead the minion wave into the tower, but suddenly she heard Yu Tu say, "Jing Jing."

She instantly collected her thoughts. At the same time, she saw Mai Shiranui's figure in her field of vision device. Without the slightest hesitation, she used an ultimate skill to jump backwards. After landing on the ground, without even a backward glance, she dashed off in a safe direction.

Her evading move was like a falcon that swooped down the instant a hare was flushed out, extremely decisive, and earned the commentator's praise. "Mai Shiranui came to support Zhuang Zhou, but Qiao Jing Jing reacted very quickly with an ultimate skill to escape and avoided Mai Shiranui's fan. Otherwise a whole set of injuries inflicted on her would have been waiting for her."

Qiao Jing Jing increased her distance of safety, and then immediately used her second skill, aiming it at Mai Shiranui, who was in her field of vision.

Mai Shiranui is a very flexible hero who has many types of positioning, and in addition, the opponent was a top-notch professional player. Both the audience and the commentator did not think that Qiao Jing Jing would be able to hit the target with one shot, and they were very laidback about it. Qiao Jing Jing was also not very confident. Thinking carefully, however, even Yu Tu's Mai Shiranui, when engaged in battle with her, had once taken three consecutive shots from her and been killed. Her heart immediately calmed down.

Three red lines tilted at a slight angle, gathered together, moved. Released!

A "bang" sound was heard. The squishy Mai Shiranui was practically left with half a bar of HP.

The audience gasped in surprise.

Mai Shiranui's HP level was at too low a level to be healthy, so he did not pursue further and choose to return to the minion wave near the tower. Qiao Jing Jing conservatively chose to chase after him a few steps and hide in the grass. The small map in the upper left corner indicated that Zhuge Liang was approaching. She prepared her second skill once again.

Qi Zhu's very sensitively sniffed this out. Yu Tu's Zhuge Liang only just appeared, but he had already thrown out the fan. Yu Tu used his second positioning skill to dodge it and, at the same time, get closer, and then he directly locked his ultimate skill on Mai Shiranui.