Chapter 63


"Mai Shiranui still has half a bar of HP left. Zhuge Liang's ultimate skill won't be able to get an instant kill on him. Using the ultimate skill at this time is a little hasty…"

However, at this time, there was another "bang" sound. Another completely unexpected shot hit Mai Shiranui again. Immediately following, Zhuge Liang's ultimate skill exploded, and instantly took Mai Shiranui's head.

The commentator unexpectedly exclaimed, "Ah! This rapport… Qiao Jing Jing is quite accurate with her shots."

This time, what he said was not out of duty, but a genuine and sincere comment. "This cooperation this time between those two was really good. They managed damage ability and timing very accurately. Zhuge Liang's positioning was very crafty. Of course, the crucial point is that both of Qiao Jing Jing's shots were very accurate. Reasonably speaking, I am a little surprised."

He was not the only one who was surprised, but the live broadcast platform was also full of ellipses.

"...Two consecutive shots. It seems we can't say it was pure luck?"

"Damn! Been slapped in the face."

"…the female celebrity is so awesome?"

"A little stunned. Absolutely didn't expect that."

The battle was not over yet.

The kill was given to Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang once again dealt the fifth level of his passive move. Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Zhuang Zhou quickly retreated. Zhuge Liang used his second skill to go into the tower, then released his ultimate skill and went out of the tower again. Next, a spirit bomb was once again dropped on Zhuang Zhou.

Two consecutive blows.

The bottom of the tower was damaged.

"This Zhuge Liang is called Yu Tu. The id is so cute, but he's so ferocious when fighting, not cute at all." The commentator sighed with feeling.

At this point, the rhythm of the game was basically in the control of the red team.

However, the playing field for a competition has always been ever changing. Being in an advantageous or disadvantageous position is merely the difference of one or two group skirmishes. Zhou Yin and Yu Tu did not want to drag the battle into the late stage of Lady Sun's development and the rhythm became extreme. During the team battle to push the other team's second tower in the middle lane, Mai Shiranui tricked Bai Qi into using his ultimate skill, which ended up missing the target. Dharma entered the tower to chase after a low-HP but was killed instead by Lady Sun. Although Zhuge Liang got two heads, the opposite team's Mai Shiranui still managed to seize the opportunity to retaliate and use the ultimate skill to directly wipe out the whole team.

Mai Shiranui got three consecutive kills.

The Pluck Stars team seized the opportunity to go after the big dragon slayer, and then pushed the Good Luck Come team's second tower in the middle lane.

Zhou Yin repeatedly sighed that they were reckless, just reckless. Yu Tu just smiled. "We were too careless. They are very powerful. My golden body will be released soon."

Their corpses were in disarray and scattered all over the ground. But his voice sounded very cheerful. Qiao Jing Jing could not help turning her head sideways to look at him. He was concentrating his attention completely on staring at his mobile phone, his fingers swiping over it as he checked the other team's movements. His eyes were radiant with an eagerness to give something a try.

This big wave had let Lady Sun, who had all along been suppressed since the early stage, to find an opportunity to develop. But so far, the Good Luck Come team still had an advantage in terms of number of towers, XP and gold.

However, a few minutes later, Bai Qi made a mistake once again. During a minion wave clear, he penetrated too deeply. Although Zhou Yin was quick to warn him to withdraw, because of his reluctance to give up the minion wave clear, he dragged things out for a while, which resulted in him being surrounded by the enemy and instantly killed.

The five people from the enemy team quickly advanced and changed lane, charging directly to the middle lane's second tower.

Both teams got caught up in a melee once again.

Dharma struck down three people of the opposite team with one punch, and Qiao Jing Jing followed after with damage output to assist Dharma in killing Bull Demon. But because she had not positioned herself well, she lost lots of HP to Lady Sun.

She was very annoyed. "Why did I stand there?"

She straightaway pulled back and to snipe from a distance, but her first shot aimed at Lady Sun missed.

The commentator's speech was already speeding up. "At the back, the minion wave is coming again. If the Good Luck Come team can't hold their ground in defense, they may be run over by the wave!"

At this time, Yu Tu's Zhuge Liang came from behind and charged straight into the enemy ranks. He used the second skill, burst and ultimate skill to target Lady Sun. Immediately, he dropped low on HP. He invoked his golden body so that he was blocked from all damage, and then he struck down Lady Sun.

He then immediately charged at Mai Shiranui with passive flash, used positioning to dodge the fan, targeted Mai Shiranui once again with a passive skill plus ultimate skill. Mai Shiranui position shifted, allowing the still half-HP Zhuang Zhou to release an ultimate skill. But at this same moment, Zhuge Liang used his second position shifting, and Zhuang Zhou's attack missed. Mai Shiranui was killed once again. Next, Zhuge Liang used his passive skill and immediately wiped out the low HP Baili Xuan Ce.

Qiao Jing Jing did not even get to see clearly how he did all that. Within a few seconds, the outcome was already determined.

Zhuge Liang got three consecutive kills.

Since entering the battle, he had almost been at low HP the entire time. At this time, however, he was still chasing after Zhuang Zhou. In the end, Zhuang Zhou did not escape either, and his head was taken and put into Zhuge Liang's bag.

Quadra kill.

In KPL competitions, it is not uncommon to go to the extreme to guard the tower. Quadra kills or Pentakills often happen, but to see such skill from a random, unknown player was still very astonishing.

The commentator's voice grew louder. "Zhuge Liang took extremes to guard the tower and got a Quadra kill! This rabbit is definitely a king amongst the random, unknown players. The timing to enter the battle and the use of his golden body were managed very well, and his hand speed is extraordinary. I now think he normally just doesn't even play all the time and work on getting stars. Otherwise, he will definitely not have only 50 stars."

The live broadcast platform was inundated with 666.

"Such a legendary player to watch, this Zhuge Liang. Qiao Jing Jing randomly grabbed a person and still got someone so awesome."

"That series of position shifting he did went by in such a blur. When I go back to look at the replay later, I probably won't even know how he did it."

This comeback that slayed the other team let the Good Luck Come team regain control over the rhythm of the game. After taking the big dragon, the team led the minion wave down the lane and pushed forward to the other team's home.

However, for the time being, they did not find a good opportunity to attack the home.

Qiao Jing Jing was more cautious in her positioning this time, keeping an eye on the other team's movement at all times. Calmly, she found a safe position and waited in stealth for an opportunity to snipe. She fired three consecutive shots. Two shots hit the squishy Lady Sun and Baili Xuan Ce, and they dropped to low HP. Lady Sun immediately rolled back to the spring water to restore HP but Xuan Ce's positioning was not very good. Yu Tu flickered through the wall, used a combo to target Xuan Ce, and then used his golden body once more. Xuan Ce was killed. Zhou Yin led the army and broke through the enemy's home tower. Zhuge Liang, low on HP, made a dashing escape.

The last wave of minions was about to come, Cai Wenji restored her energy. A battle broke out again.

However, during the second time, Zhuge Liang's ultimate ability was interrupted by Qi Zhu. Qiao Jing Jing focused on harvesting and followed closely behind the tank and Dharma, continuously kiting. She ended up taking two heads.

Double kill! If she got a triple kill, she'd look even cooler! Qiao Jing Jing was very excited, but still she did not lose her rationality to become just a head hunter. There was minion wave now, so the most important thing for a marksman was to touch the tower. However, she was also now the main target of the enemy team. The moment Baili Xuan Ce was resurrected, he came trying to catch her. While kiting, she added the third skill ultimate combo, and then prepared her ultimate skill to hit Xuan Ce and get three kills.

The commentator was surging with excitement. "Qiao Jing Jing is playing well in this game. The first two shots were the crucial move for breaking through in this game, and then her ultimate skill very accurately hit Xuan Ce. Everyone, did you notice a little detail? She used just normal attack while she adjusted her position, and then she used her ultimate skill! The Pluck Stars team is now left with only a support. We'll watch to see whether they can still hold their defense."

In this kind of situation, they definitely were unable to hold their defense. Soon the crystal shattered.

Zhou Yin shouted! They won!