Chapter 64

She actually obtained three consecutive kills at the end!

Qiao Jing Jing took off her headphones and stood up excitedly. But she was probably too excited and forgot that she was wearing a pair of 10 cm, high-heeled shoes. She was not steady on her feet and fell to the side.

Before the audience had time to cry out in alarm, they saw Yu Tu, who was standing beside her, deftly caught her.

The camera captured this scene precisely. Not only were they filmed, the scene where they stared into each other's eyes was frozen on the screen for a few seconds.

Yu Tu didn't let go of his hold immediately. "Is your foot okay?"

Qiao Jing Jing was slow to react. "…It's okay."

Yu Tu released his hand.

On one hand, Qiao Jing Jing was excited, and on the other hand, she wanted to cover up her embarrassment, and so she embraced her teammates one after another. After the host called them, both teams returned to the center of the stage. The host first asked for the losing side's feelings.

The anchor said, "I am really very happy to be here. I am also very fortunate to have been sniped countless times by my goddess. I will die with no regrets."

Qi Zhu, was quite down to earth. "I really didn't expect to lose the second game. I probably underestimated the enemy a little at the start. Zhuge Liang played very well."

The other two passers-by voluntarily took the blame. "It's because we suck too much."

However, the middle-aged man whose rank was master equivocally mentioned: "Actually, my usual position is not solo top, so I was a little not used to it. I am usually the jungler, so we had an overlap of skills in our team."

"You already played very well." The host chuckled and brushed past this. "All right, thank you for the wonderful performance that you've brought us. I'll first invite everyone to go to the backstage area to take a break now."

The losing team waved goodbye to everyone, and the audience gave them warm applause.

It was the winning side's turn. The host said, "I've to say, Jing Jing gave the most stunning performance today. Any objections from the audience?"

"Uh… I know we have to carry out a round of mutual admiration next for commercial purposes, but can we restrain it a little bit so it'll be a bit easier for me to give some responses?"

The special guests were just too good at making and receiving comeback lines, so the host really felt relaxed today. He wiped away some imagined sweat: "How about, who was the most awesome female player today?"

Qiao Jing Jing said, "Are you trying to flatter me to death today? At most, I've the highest heel."

Everyone burst into laughter.

The host asked in a concerned manner, "So Jing Jing, is your heel still okay?"

"My feet… oh, you're asking about my shoes?"

The laughter from just a moment ago had not even stopped, and now it grew even more.

Yu Tu also couldn't help smiling.

"Goddess, you were very awesome. The way you used Baili Shou Yue just now really was just so flashy and surprised me. I really didn't expect it. Did you purposely practice with him?"


"You and your classmate worked really well together just now, especially that charge that killed God Zhu. Do you also usually coordinate like this? He plays with Zhuge Liang and you play with Shou Yue?"

"No, he plays all positions and is very awesome with every hero. In fact, he is the one who is teaching me."

"I saw it just now too. His Zhuge Liang's positioning was just so snazzy. Handsome guy, you're so awesome, you can consider playing for the professional league."

Before Yu Tu could say anything, Qiao Jing Jing replied for him. "No, he can't. He's already so old."

Yu Tu coughed.


"…Are you turning against him? Do you still remember the classmate's love he showed you just now when he provided assistance to you so many times?"

Qiao Jing Jing:

"Oh… but he should do that."

The host looked at Yu Tu. What would Yu Tu do?

Yu Tu:

"I should do that."

At this very moment, Weibo and some forums had already been completely exploded.

On a more private but very lively forum, a post with warnings that there were multiple images in it attracted a lot of replies.

"Is Qiao Jing Jing making it public? In a roundabout way, she's making it public, right?"

"Don't think so… If it really were true, she would hide it."

"Didn't they say they both are single? It felt like she intentionally mentioned that to avoid misunderstanding?"

"A fan here expressing that their attractiveness indexes match really well. I have always been silently thinking which actor would match my girl's attractiveness index. A new ground breaking train of thought came up today! Someone outside of the entertainment circle is even better! That way, we won't need to have any arguments with fans on the guy's side."

"I'm feeling all giddy from handsome guy's doting smile. Can I say that I was originally an anti-fan of Qiao Jing Jing? I originally watched the KPL today with bad intentions. I still don't like Qiao Jing Jing, but I'm totally shipping her and her classmate. What am I to do? It's the, the sorrows of someone who's obsessed with good-looking faces?"

There unexpectedly were quite a few replies below that agreed with her.

"I feel like I am not watching a competition. I am watching an idol drama."

"It seems that the guy is just an ordinary salary earner, so Qiao Jing Jing probably turns her nose up at him?"

"Poster before me, look at the emotion showing in Qiao Jing Jing's eyes… If it's not good acting skill, then I think that's love."

"This guy's Zhuge Liang is very showy. He totally can go and play in professional competition, then he'll have money."

"23333, didn't you hear Qiao Jing Jing complaining that he is too old? Most professional players are only seventeen to eighteen years old."

The various topics of Qiao Jing Jing and KPL got onto hot search at top speed, and even more people went to watch the broadcast. The number of people watching the live broadcast continued to rise. Alex practically called big sister Ling immediately and excitedly sealed the deal for next year's contract.

Big sister Ling and the fans felt like they were in a dream. They won? And what's more, an undisputed 2:0?

The exhibition match was considered over, and the award ceremony was next.

Zhou Yin immediately returned to the special guests' seating, and the other four from the winning team were brought to the backstage area by a staff member. Big sister Ling and Xiao Zhu were waiting there. Big sister Ling came up with an energetic hug and patted Qiao Jing Jing hard on the back.

"I'm more excited than you getting an award."

… Useless words. The way she said that sounded as if she had won credible awards before.

Qiao Jing Jing asked her for her mobile phone, eager to go to browse through the comments. Naturally, she mainly was looking for praises. Hey three consecutive kills. The fans should have been very pleased with how awesome she'd been. However, she just got hold of the mobile phone and then a staff member from Honor of Kings ran over.

"Jing Jing, right away you're going to be invited up to give out the award for the most popular player of the year, and there's also a group photo session, so I'll have to trouble you to come over here for a while."

"Oh." Qiao Jing Jing conveniently shoved the phone over to Yu Tu. "Help me look after it."

Then she hurriedly followed after the staff member. After taking a few steps, she turned around and hugged the short-haired girl, then shook hands with the bespectacled young man.

"Thank you both of you."

Then she hurriedly went away again.

The short-haired girl was stunned. She needed to count how many times she was hugged by the goddess today.

The bespectacled young man pushed his glasses up, blushed, and said in a low voice, "I think I am becoming a fan."

Yu Tu lowered his head and smiled, but then it immediately faded away. His gaze fell on Qiao Jing Jing's mobile phone in his hand. She seemed to have changed her phone case again. It gleamed particularly dazzlingly.

Big sister Ling was still very excited. "2:0, and she was even able to get three consecutive kills. I don't even dare dream of such a perfect result."

She turned to Yu Tu. "Teacher Yu, thank you. This time, it is all thanks to you."

Yu Tu regained his composure. "You are welcome."


It was indeed a perfect ending.