[Hitmen, like no other!]


[Name: Esmond Manston]

[System Level: 19

[Experience: 49,578,500/1,048,576,000]

[Credits: 1,001,000]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Body Status: Primordial Human]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength: 67]


[Stamina: 67]

[Dexterity: 77]

[Intelligence: 87]

[Agility: 64]

[Wisdom: N/A]


- Spectral Consciousness

- Taming]


[Spatial Ark Land]

[System Level: 19]


[Hunting Grounds]

[Level: 0]


[Great Imperial Xoplis Royal Family Body Refinement]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 1]


[Great Imperial Xoplis Royal Family Spiritual Energy]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 1]




'What shit have I done now… hopefully Carter doesn't go off his chops at me…'

Ohh but Esmond had no clue, what kind of fury he created within Carter, who also had to deal with a rush of information flooding his mind.



"… Sorry… Mum…"

Carter, in his rage, forgot Daniel and Ruby had come back from their dinner and were currently resting in the family room as he charged in, screaming his head off at the immense flood of data and information that nearly left him convulsing on the ground in front of the Zadris people.

"Now honey, tell me what happened, and I'll go have a talk with him…"

Ruby asked with a smile; however, Carter had been around her enough to know it meant much more than just a simple smile.

"*Sigh* He added some things to the space that sent my mind into overdrive, making it difficult for me to stay awake…"

Carter told Ruby everything that happened to him, playing out the pain and suffering he had to go through because of Esmond, who watched on from the small balcony that looked from the second floor into the family room.

Daniel noticed his other son upstairs was watching and listening with a sly smile across his face with no indication he was going to step in and say his peace in the matter.

They both loved Carter for being by their son for so long, having somewhat questions Esmond narrative in the beginning deep in their hearts but once they entered the space and all that it had to offer, they knew what they heard from their boy at first was legit.

That's when they both changed their mindsets as well, trying to understand there was more to the world.

However, the loving couple already knew that better than one…

There was always more to this world, just some preferred to work quieter than others might.



"Yes, mum, I'm here and I heard his complaints…"

Ruby saw the smug smile on Esmonds face that she wanted to smack, but she held back for now, wanting to know what Esmond had to say about the pain he caused Carter.


"Carter's whining for no reason Mum…

I might have added too much at once… but…!

It's best to show you instead."

Esmond asked Carter to take the whole family to the Essence Spring, which he begrudgingly did, though he made Esmonds landing harder than usual.


"Carter… you know about the spring?"

"… Yeah… prick."

"Boys! Play nice…"

Carter internally sighed before speaking, "The spring water isn't normal water.

Instead, it's made of the purest essence that inhabits someone with the Great Imperial Xoplis Royal Family body, soul, and mind that's reached a particular level.

From that point, the essence begins to inhabit and be produced within their body.

The essence spring here is of the Imperial Xoplis which could both accelerate Esmonds training process but more than anything… it could offer both of you much more…"

Carter looked at Daniel and Ruby as he spoke the last of his words, already onboard with Esmonds plan for the two even though he wanted to punch his pal in the face right now.

The couple were a little hesitant to step into the large pool of glistening pink spring essence pouring down from a great mountain.

All around, the influence of the essence could be seen on the great mountain which looked quite daunting to look at, but Carter assured everyone nothing would go wrong, like a bouldering flying down suddenly, crushing them to death.


"Look, Mum, Dad, this pool of light pink will help improve your body and mind, making youthful, but the downside can be the extended lifespan…"

Esmonds parents were gobsmacked just knowing the water could make them young and health, but the extended life… that was troubling to hear.

For many it would be a great thing to know that they could get an extension on their current years of life remaining.

However, Daniel and Ruby understood what their son was trying to say.

People that you know and hold dear would eventually leave you and die before your eyes.

Friends and family alike…

But knowing this, the two held each other and step by step walked into the pool of water.

Slowly feeling heat build-up from their feet as they stepped into the water, until they were completely covered by the water at which time their bodies felt like molten lava.

They experienced pain they'd never felt or come across in their lives, but due to Carter's control of the space and what was contained within, he could alleviate their pain, sending it to Esmond instead, who collapsed to his knees.


"Shut up… this is pay back for what happened earlier.

Now take it like the bitch you are... plus this is the pain that they would be going through right now if I hadn't sent it to you instead, so be a dutiful son…"

Esmond just squirmed about, trying to keep his mind clear while trying to breathe through the pain.

He had a couple questions about how Esmond could load his body with this pain, but he found some of the essence had also entered his body weirdly, so he started to practise his Training Manual and cultivated, gaining some strength that usually should take months, if not years…

While he sat by the lake of essence that would also send essence partials into the hair when it crashed down the fall, which Esmond drew towards his body as he meditated to absorb the essence entering him.

Carter in the meantime left them to do their vices and instead went to another part of the space where he found a large blue stone, glowing bright like a lamp, however this light affected everything in a span of 10 metres.

Analysing the space around the stone, Carter moved closer and noticed the grass was smashed into the ground as were some of the small plants he could see that were crushed.

'Gravity Core…'

Completely resisting the power of the Gravity Core, Carter moved right beside the metre tall stone that was roughly as wide as him.

Contacting the stone saw it disappear into Carters body received another lump of information about how to use the powers of the core.

Eventually Carter understood the core allowed him to manipulate gravity within the space to a huge extent, both problematic if things went wrong but also a huge booster for in the soldiers if it were to be used for their training.

There was more to it that Carter picked up which would be important later, but for now, it's main purpose would be to train the soldiers.

Carter started designing facilities that the gravity cores would function inside, built alongside the other military training facilities.



After what seemed like days for Daniel and Ruby, they both exited the pool of essence with their hair changing.

Daniels became a bright silver that could reflect natural light while Ruby's became as pink as the essence, even changing the colour of her pupils to the same as her hair.

The two looked much younger, more so for Daniel than Ruby, but the two had returned to their youthful early twenties, much to the delight and joy of Ruby, thankful for her beautiful hair.

They were checking each other out, about to comment on the changes to their bodies before they heard some coughing coming from outside the water.

"There are some clothes here…

The water destroyed what you were wearing earlier."


Esmond had stopped meditating when his parents were finished undergoing the changes.

He knew more about the smaller changes they wouldn't have yet noticed but it didn't matter because he was soon going to teach them the same training manual, he was using to grow their power and strength.

Also, with the essence spring so close and heavily aligned with their body meant they would grow exponentially, something Esmond had figured out would be incredibly difficult for him.

After all, he had the Primordial body which stopped its growth, but the Training Manual he was using right now was still able to stimulate it just a nudge.

Esmond knew the essence would greatly affect it, however that would cause an irregularity of strength between the mind, soul, and body, so for now, his concern became mind and soul.

The soul was another concern of his that he had to address but it required time and power he didn't have right now so the only thing that remained was mind, which related to the system, space, and his training.


Leaving his parents behind, Esmond went straight for the cabin, moving with a thought, while his parents would need to call for Carter.

He thought about some of the other tasks he wanted to achieve today so he went to his room and turned on his classic Xbox, which was updated and improved by the space automatically just like his phone when Esmond first appeared within the space.

But Carter had the drones also work over it and increased it processing ability as well as improving the airflow.

Esmond was thankful for the updates as it improved both the reaction time of the remotes and how the games played.

Problem was he rarely got to sit down and relax to play the mountain of games he wanted to get around to, so he instead focused on using them to his gain.

Carter wanted him to head over to Star Wars or Star Trek next with his ability, however he wanted to go elsewhere.



[Scanning surroundings… Analysed!]

[Quest activated in conjunction with Spectral Consciousness Ability]

[Media: Video Game]

[Name: Hitman: Bloody Money]

[Year of release: 2006]

[Hitmen, like no other!]

[Information pertaining to the cloning technology developed by Dr. Ort-Meyers, the creator of Hitman Agent 47, is currently in the hands of a personal secretary of the Vice President of the United States]

[She is on her way to deliver the briefcase with all the information to the headquarters of Alpha Zerox, who want to monopolise the technology.]

[Host will need to intercept the convoy travelling with the secretary before it arrives at its destination otherwise it could be a disastrous outcome for world…]

[Host needs to:

- Secure briefcase pertaining to the cloning technology

- No harm should come to the personal secretary

- Host can engage with hostile forces]


- 100,500 EXP

- 100,500 Credits

- (?¿?)

- ICA Training Facilities (Epic Grade)

- (Based on results)

[Time to complete: 1 hour]



'Let's fucking do this!'

Esmond was summoning in Washington DC, USA, as the White House was the first thing to come into his line of sight as he appeared in the world.

"Carter looks like we are exploring the deadly world of hitman.

Care to join?"

'Argh… I want you to fail miserably…'

"Oi oi, don't be a prick now, and just help me out.

I promise to not send you into seizes of pain anymore.

I'll send shit to the Inventory first and then you can bring it out into the space as you please.

How's that?"

'… Fine… now get moving.

You're going to be far behind the convoy if you don't get going.'