Esmond moved according to Carter's instructions, however the cut through side streets and alleys to catch up to the small motorcade that surrounded the personal secretary.

He circulated his body energy to increase his speed and movement which removed most of Esmonds need for a vehicle, but it got to a point that he needed more than his body to assault the security detail in the motorcade.

Follow the roughly direction and estimations of Carter, Esmond eventually found the motorcade slowly approaching a backed-up region of traffic.

It seemed like the perfect place, but it would cause a huge scene and mass casualty.


>Master, please summon some drones, I believe I may be of some assistance…<

Esmond felt relieved and summoned a gate, letting a dozen or so drones entered before shutting the gate.

A guilt fluttered in his heart for not getting in contact with Echo once he was done with the Hunting Grounds and had some free time.

However, that concern was pushed aside for now as more pressing matters needed his attention.

Free reign was given to Echo who connected with the power grid and traffic network so it could make changes to the traffic lights, causing untold problems for both the motorcade and surrounding traffic.

>Master, I can redivert the motorcade, however it still won't be enough to stall the car with the secretary<

"Could you send a drone to affect the car?"

>… Affirmative, it is possible<

"Make it have mechanical issues, pulling it over, which will be the time for us to intercept.

When I said 'go', let it rain…"


Esmond didn't wait around and burst ahead with the power and strength within his legs sending him whizzing through the streets of Washington, until he stopped at a hill, overlooking the section of road where the car would break down.

Echo still had to complete a dangerous task yet, so everything wasn't as easy as it might look, but there was a lot riding on this small operation.

As the car with the secretary started to slow down cause of interference from the nanotech of the drones, quickly shutting it down on the side of the motorway.


The driver jumped out and moved to help the secretary out before moving her to another vehicle following them from behind, however just as he went to open her door, a pool of black goo that covered part of the ground started to meld together and turn into a human.

Though it had the shine of steel coming off it, the driver was fooled long enough for Echo to knock him back from a swing of its heavy fist.

With that, Echo started to summon some weapons to its hands and began firing at the motorcade breaking hard before Echos rampage.


"Sir! This have gone bad! Someone is attacking us!"

The secretary of the United States Vice President, was calling her boss, asking for help, unaware she had some company within the back seat as she looked out her right passenger window, watching Echo barrel through the hounds of Alpha Zerox

"I think it's time you put the phone down missy…"


She was about to turn around and scream when she heard Esmonds voice, however he reacted quickly to hit her on the back of her head, knocking her out cold and giving himself the leisurely time to inspect the briefcase.




Outside, screams could be heard from the numerous secret services, police, and agents of Alpha Zerex being gunned down by the rapid fire coming from the steel cold hands of Echos controlled humanoid drone.

Esmond, who quietly sat alone in the car, with the unconscious secretary to his side, broke open parts of the briefcase locks with the strength in his grip, unveiling documents highlighting missions of Agent 47 and deadly work, but also information about the cloning tech.

There was a small cylinder with some biomatter that piqued Esmonds interest, however he didn't bother checking it out any longer and decided to bolt out of the car, ripping of the hinges of the door as he left.

"Echo, finish up and make your way over to me.

I need to send the drones swarm back first before I leave the world."


In its humanoid drone form, Echo caused more chaos before collapsing and transforming into the small drones which flew off before the agents and others were able to break from their covers to look around.

Everyone bolted for the car with the secretary, praying she had the case still with her, not knowing Esmond had already opened the gate to the space and sent most of his drones back.

Right now, he brought up the System Interface, ready to cross off his trip to the world of Hitman done and dusted…



֍ Back within the Spatial Ark Land ֍



"Why won't you just tell him!

He had a right to know!"

Carter was screaming at Ruby and Daniel, having overheard the conversations of the couple when he brought them back to the cabin.

He didn't mean to but when he heard Esmonds name being brought up, he thought it might be something embarrassing from his past.

Instead, it was news of epic proportions that would greatly help Esmonds plans, however his loving parents had zero thoughts of letting know anytime soon.

"We made that decision a long time ago Carter.

There is no point placing such great stress and responsibilities on a child.

For Christ's sake, even I wasn't able to deal with it at his age.

That's why we live the lives we do…"

Daniel never took his eyes away from the newspaper in his hands, but the tone of his words was enough to put some pressure on Carter.

Ruby was the same, though her words were gentle and not as stern as her husband.

"Sweetie, listen, in time we will come clean and let him know everything…

It just isn't the right time.

Please, promise us you won't say anything to Esmond…"

"*Sigh* you have my word…"

Carter couldn't argue any further, knowing he would lose against the pair, so he agreed and backed off, waiting for the soon arrival of Esmond who was about to finish up with his little trip to the world of Hitman.

However, as Esmond stepped back into the space, Carter was sent news of the quests completion as well as the rewards given, much to his shock.



[Hitmen, like no other!]

[Host needs to:

- (Completed) Secure briefcase pertaining to the cloning technology

- (Completed) No harm should come to the personal secretary

- (Completed) Host can engage with hostile forces]

[Time to complete: 1 hour]

[Result: Completed]


- 100,500 EXP

- 100,500 Credits

- (?¿?) Updated to Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans Genetic Code

- ICA Training Facilities (Epic Grade)]

[Results based Rewards:

- 150,000 EXP

- 100,000 Credits

- (Common) Dr. Ort-Meyers Cloning Technology

- (Common) Agent 47 Clone Genetics]



All Carter saw was more work for himself than the huge possibilities offered to Esmond and his future plans.

"I'll get going… seems like Esmonds got more work for me…"

"Have fun sweetie!"

Ruby and Daniel smile and waved goodbye to the mopey Carter, who couldn't be bothered leaving the cabin right now and felt like laying back.


>Yes sir…<

"Give me a hand with the work.

I've got most of it planned but it would be nice if you could help."


What are your orders? <

Other than Esmond, Carter was the only other person Echo communicated with, plus it respected him as a greater form of artificial intelligence, even though they were at the grade of programming.

"Focus on constructing the new facilities Esmond was rewarded.

Also, can you start work on creating a secure area for where the clone tech will be housed."


Scheduled completion, roughly 40 hours<

With that aside and sorted, Carter thought about his next steps.

'Well… might as well go see that foolish brat and see his reaction…'

Carter felt unwell keeping things from Esmond, but for the sake of his promise to Ruby and Daniel het kept his lips tightly shut.



"My god…"

Esmond was beyond ecstatic and laughing like a mad man in his room seeing some of the rewards from the quest.

There were a couple of things he knew would take time for him to test out, but one could be done right away and that was summoning the Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans whose genetic code was added to the Summoning Square.

Esmond vanished from his room and appeared near the Summoning Square with Carter in his sight, standing next to the small platform with a smug look.

"It was so obvious that you were going to come straight here.

Did you even know your parents were home?"

"Huh? Wait what!... ahh fuck…

Screw it, I'm here now, so let's get to work!"

Esmond rushed for the small platform, ignoring the look on Carter's face, and saw a window pop up with a little more detail than before.



[Summoning Square]

[Level – 0]


- 0/1000 tons of Ogryx (Zadris Upgrade)

- 0/100 Successful Missions (Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans)]

[Genetic Codes Available:

- Zadris

- Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans]

[Summoning Capability:

- 100 (Zadris)

- 100 (G.A.E Humans)]


[Summon (G.A.E) Humans]

[Ratio: Predetermined – Locked]

[Summoning Amount: 100]

[Does Host accept?]


Esmond was a little surprised the system would allow him to summon anymore today, but it turned out the square had a limit on the number of people from each genetic code that could be summoned within a day.

Hearing everything from Carter, who happily watched Esmonds actions, paused for a moment as golden light filled the square for a few seconds before vanishing, leaving a hundred people standing.

They all had youthful faces and looked no older than Esmond, however just as he was about to comment on how they weren't reacting, the humans, both men and women started to look around at the others before their attention turned to Esmond, having stopped on Carter for a moment.

'"We greet the Lord."'

Their voices reverberated loud enough for the Zadrisians not far away to hear and come out onto the streets to see what was happening.

While they were looking in amazement at their new brethren within the space, Esmond nudged Carter for answers, not knowing why 100 G.A.E Humans were kneeling in front of him without him having to go through a similar conversation as the one with the Zadrisians.

"… Hmm… well, it in part the systems doing and also their own will, in a way…"

"Be more precise!"

This time, someone from the crowd spoke up instead, "While we have free will, we understand in our minds that you're the reason why we are here and exist right now…

For that reason and the possibilities, you might offer us, we swear our allegiance to you."

Again, Esmond felt an uneasy by the determined faces of all the humans in front of him, however he showed his best smile and swore to never let untold harm come to their people, just like he'd sworn to the Zadris people.

For now, another 200 G.A.E Humans were summoned before Carter and Esmond figured out a way to deal with them.

But first they wanted to know more about the G.A.E Humans.


"So, you're from the Scatral Mass Galaxy!"

Oscar, the first of the G.A.E Humans that spoke out of the crowd, was retelling the last of his memories which were in battle protecting his world and people.

Under attack by an insectoid lifeform that scoured space for planets with resources to keep their spaceships functioning.

Being one of the Commanders of a battleship that was taken out by the insectoid lifeform, Oscar retold memories of his past life.

"Yes, my Lord, we were from as said galaxy, however we never traversed more than our own system.

Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans were developed and created by a unified council of all the nations around our planet, Lyerse.

We were injected with serums as foetuses and our genes altered meant from birth, we were far superior to humans so we were trained a young age, constantly tested, and examined to see if where we would be working.

Many of us went straight into military, with every single one of us having gone through meticulous and arduous already, it seemed like the best course of action, however some were diverted for other tasks and means.

Training and studying a large amount of information that helped us also improve not just our strength in space but also our dear planet.

Eventually the number of Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans leading the greater space armed force coalition grew beyond the number of ordinary humans."