Brutus, Indigo, Mace and Zalia...

Esmond returned to the lounge room, making sure not to leave a bit of dirt or mess in his wake.

Looking over at Vaazakra, Esmond saw a sheepish grin across her face.

"Whats up Vaazi…?"

"Umm… well…" before she even got the opportunity to explain.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO JACKASS!?!" Carter screamed as he barged into the cabin with his hair dishevelled.

Not knowing what to say or how to respond, Esmond patiently waited for Carter to calm down and explain but that didn't happen as Carter started swinging.

"Bitch you die today!!" Carter yelled his war cry while charging at Esmond, who leaning back as far as possible to lift himself up and leaped from the couch once his feet had a decent grip.

Esmond leaped over Carter, landing right behind him before having to set back as Carter instantly flipped his body around, using his control over the space to help.

"Bullshit! This isn't fucking fair!"

"Life is fair, Esy! Now… DIE!!"

"ENOUGH!" Isabelle yelled as she entered the cabin, giving both Esmond and Carter the look of death for causing a mess in the family home.

"If mother were here, she would beat the two of you too death…

Now… sit the hell down and tell me what the hell is going on!"


When Ruby was leaving, she asked Isabelle to look over everyone, knowing a woman need to control the chaos in the house, especially with Carter and Esmond at the helm.

The second she heard the two were causing chaos in the house, Isabelle immediately shifted to the lounge to find out what the hell was happening.

"This… bastard-" Isabelle threw her shoe at Carters head, smacking him straight in the side of the face.


"S-sorry…" Carter looked at the fiery eyed Isabelle and started to explain.

"Esy… *sigh* my head hurts too much to explain…

The addition of the Halo installation and all the extra information from the damn caretaker sent my head into a painful mess!"

Carter explained his own curiosity was to blame when he brought out the Halo Installation reward into the space just as Esmond reappeared.

The information that he had to absorb was just as extraordinary as Reaper technology.

Even the index scale system for various items like suits of armour and weapons were quite informative to define its measuring system.

That was why he'd lost his cool when he started to overlook the technology stored in the Library on the Halo Installation, Carter was in serious pain as the information hit his mind.

Thankfully with the help of the quantum computers, everything could be filtered and managed appropriately.

Without any pain bothering him, his mind placed all blame on Esmond for bringing such a monstrosity to the space.


Isabelle could understand Carter's frustration, but it was his own fault for experiencing the shockwave of pain from the overload of information.

"Carter, that's your own fault, not Esmond's.

For now, let's all head over to the Halo Installation."

Everyone stood close by before they all shifted over.

Appearing on the surface of the ringworld, Esmond, Carter, Vaazakra, and Isabelle were utterly stunned by the visual presentation of the megastructure.

Just looking around made Esmond feel uneasy by the sheer size of the ringworld.

The lush forestry surrounding them made Esmond feel like he was back on earth, but he could still see the darkness on either side in the far horizon of the planetary system.

At no point did anyone feel any discomfort, with the temperature and atmosphere working perfectly.


"There's much more to this place than the surface…" Carter explained how the ringworld contained a Library which he'd mentioned previously, but he'd also come across a foundry with automated machines to create weapons, communication and navigation systems, stealth capabilities and more.

The Halo Installation still had its firing capabilities to attack the flood, however the space had changed it so it didn't wipe out all life in the galaxy or anything of the sort, but it could take out planets without any issue.

Trying to figure everything out while they walked around, Carter brought up the fact there was more information to deal with, though it wasn't as extensive as Ecumene database, the UNSC tech was quite eye opening and visually stunning.

Considering it for a time, Esmond thought about leaving for the mancave so he could start examining some of the new data, but Isabelle was firm with her resilience to keep them all from leaving.

She even called the others of the family to come and join them.

Soon some drones appeared and quickly set up a gazebo for them all to rest in with even a small barbeque set up to cook on.

Carter brought out some beast meat that was infused with spiritual essence from the air to cook up on the grill with Echo helping him out.

Gabriel had appeared, with dark golden hair and bright blue eyes.

She sat across from Esmond and Isabelle as they all listened to Kane and Vaazakra explain to the two the knowledge they'd understood so far.

"… in comparison to the current design levels of the military, we could vastly increase the strength of our vehicles from the navy and land to the sky and space." Kane said before Vaazakra took over.

"And with Ecumene technology combined with UNSC, we can create fleets of autonomous VTOL drones which can be planet faring with the capability for stellar flight."

The two were elated by the possibilities afforded to them through the huge sums of information that'd reached them through Mass Effect, Halo, and Predator tech.

Their eyes were largely on the armour classes which included a database of the suits schematics, allowing the two to possibly recreate them for their droids, but they weren't given free reigns just yet by Esmond.

Rather, he wanted to hear from Isabelle and her opinion on the matter, since she'd remained the quietest beside Gabriel who was focused on the quality of air and operational systems of the Halo since she felt like having something similar over each island to reduce air pollution.


"… I think… it's far too much for anyone of us to handle…

Yes, I believe you should have people working on the various projects within the Virtual Labs, but please do not have anything made just yet, well other than the things needed for the Solar System.

At most, we could help send out beacons to begin noting down our own maps to the stars.

While the Ashtrok Empire will arrive in 2050, I believe we should be more than capable to handle them easily.

But that doesn't mean we should stop, just that we need to solidify what we have so far…"

Esmond agreed with Isabelles opinion, as did everyone else.

"Isabelle is right.

We've put in a great deal of attention into military, which is important, but we need to deal with the common health of the people and the quality of lifestyle." Gabriel, while promoting her own fields, was rather correct in her observation of the projects within the Virtual Labs.

So far within the Labs the only natural and efficient project to help the earth were the Power Cells, Energy Sphere, Climate Control Management Atmospheric System, and his electric engines but they wouldn't be released to the public just yet.

There were plans to create floating islands and saltwater desalination factories to help increase the amount of fresh water in the world and help send it around the world in areas where it was difficult to find.

Esmond planned to have one made for Somalia, but he'd yet to start the project, nor had he started on his CO2 air filters which could be planted atop skyscrapers, eliminating pollution within the air.

Avitus Financial Group would eventually be selling and promoting the CO2 Air Filters, but Esmond needed to make clear headed way on the projects first.

He ended up making a decision to focus on dealing with some of the problems on earth while everyone processed the current data dumps.


"While that does sound great and all, what the hell are we supposed to do with the behemoth… thing…?" Carter said while flipping the beast steaks on the grill to get the nice char, seasoning the meat straight after.

"Well, it has similar properties like the rest of the space so why not increase food production here.

To be fair, we need to develop some projects on agricultural sciences and technology." Gabriel once again spoke, also adding the need for medical equipment to help fight current diseases and provide treatment to certain injuries.

Relaxing in the gazebo while painting the horizon in front of her, Rosie suggested development of both culture and entertainment, much to Esmonds liking since Eddie confirmed the sale would be going ahead with Disney, Marvel, and a couple other organisations.

Iron man was about to be released soon which made Esmond want to get involved within Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

With the use of the Virtual World Esmond predicated the level of detail they could invoke within films, T.V shows, and much more could challenge the status quo of the industry.

Everyone gave their input on the matter, with Esmond listening to everyone before saying, "You all have sound suggestions, so I'll leave it to you to deal with.

Now that you all have quantum computers it should be a piece of cake.

I'll be leaving for Thailand in two days, and until then I am going to be busy within Stovi.

Kane and Vaazi…"

The two nodded in Esmonds direction as they were called upon.

"How is the little project I asked going along?"


We've already managed to create more than several thousand Profiles which continue to improve within the simulated worlds." Vaazakra said, while Kane added, "Overall, the Profiles are currently sufficient up until level 3 of the Aeternus Swordsmanship since anything higher would require the droids to cultivate spiritual essence infused within their makeup."

The Aeternus Swordsmanship was Esmonds own technique he had developed and created over the lifetimes, eventually settling on a philosophy that continued to develop endlessly.

Esmond demonstrated a portion of the Aeternus Swordsmanship and uploaded the information to Kane and Vaazakra once he knew about clans and the possibilities they offered.

Rosie was already working on an architectural design for the clan headquarters within Vileta, with Isabelle decided on to be the caretaker of the clan and its facilities within Stovi.

Things like waste and other junk they would accumulate on Stovi would be sent back through the Ark Points, so Isabelle would come back and forth to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Esmond also wanted factories within the space to manage any products that would be sold into the Stovi world.


Carter brought over the 4 direwolves from the woods where they were safely wondering around to the Halo installation and joined the family.

The small pups were so cute and adorable that everyone wanted to hold them.

Soon they were all named by everyone as they got to spend a little time with each of them.

The darker furred wolf was named Brutus by Esmond for his demeaner and leadership qualities that could be seen already as he led the small pack around when they got the chance to be free to roam around.

Indigo got her name because of her eye colour which caught Rosies attention as she held the small grey-haired pup.

Mace was named by Kane for his fighting attitude, constantly running his head into everyone, as if challenging them for a fight.

Gabriel named the last pup, Zalia for her elegant traits like her posture and running style.

They would all be heading to Stovi with Esmond eventually so they could improve their skills.

Ace and Rath had improved beyond anything Esmond possibly could have imagined.

Though they were currently on levelled in the single digits, they were more than capable to take on any foe so far.

Esmond worried what would happen if he took Jones along with him to train in the forest close to Vileta, but he wasn't planning to take him yet.

In fact, he planned to take some members of the Great Warring Clans who preferred to fight with sharp and blunt weapons, not caring highly for energy weapons.

The Yautja would be included in the group that would be brought over, however he wasn't sure on how the locals might take it.