Will you stand with me?

With the family break over, Esmond left for the cabin, taking along the direwolves and letting them run around the garden.

He was thinking about leaving for Stovi, but he stopped once he heard Carter informed him the Unknown Beast Egg was about to crack open.

Leaving for the spring, Esmond arrived to find the egg cracked open a small icy transparent creature standing atop it, screeching into the air withs it's winds wide and open.



[Unknown Beast has been identified!]

[Ice Dragon!]

[Beast is identified as Mythological!]

[Ice Dragon]

[Level – 18]

[Exp: 67,000/190,000]

[Grade: Elite]

[Affinity: Ice]

[Natural Skills:

- Dragon Ice Cold Breath

- Dragon Roar

- Dragon Bite

- Dragon Ice Shard Wing Beat

- Dragon Fury


- Water Manipulation

- Disaster Manipulation

- Size Manipulation

- Ice Manipulation

- Body form Manipulation

- Life Creation

o Can create ice lifeforms with unique characteristics

- Spatial connection with Spatial Ark Star World

- Revitalising and Cleansing Ability

o Can revitalise polluted Artic environments and clean the areas to allow for new Eco life to form]


Before Esmond had to time to register what he saw, the small ice dragon no larger than Esmonds head, flew over to him and landed on his shoulder.

The ice dragon was cooing and rubbing his head against Esmonds, sending slight shivers of cold across Esmonds body.

"Your name shall be Frigus…"

The small ice dragon roared in excitement and happiness for being given a name.

It continued to play around on Esmonds shoulder before flew into the sky and started to expand in size.

Shortly, the ice dragon no larger than Esmonds head was dozens of metres tall with wings that span wide for a hundred or so metres.

"That's… amazing…" Esmond looked up at Frigus flying around and cutting through the air until he landed before him, letting out a roar that would have burst his ear drums if it wasn't for his enhanced body.

"He doesn't seem as large as Edrym was…" Carter added as he arrived by the spring to see Frigus.

Esmond patted Frigus ice cold head whose temperature could be managed by the dragon.

Playing with the latest addition to the family, Esmond thought back to his old pet, an old friend, Edrym, his first dragon…

Remembering the days from his past, Esmond thought back to a time when he was the youngest son of a dragonlord.

Living within a fantasy world, Esmond wasn't ever destined to become a dragonlord because the family dragon would choose its successor when the time came, but Esmond went off adventuring one day and came across Edrym.

Though it was hurt, Esmond did his best to nurse it back to health until the dragon connected with his soul, making them bound together.

Because of the latent power in Esmonds soul, it was more than enough to charge up the dragon's strength, returning the power Edrym had long thought he lost.

Once Edrym declared his return to the world, roaring into the sky, all other dragons instinctively kneeled in his direction.

At the time Esmond didn't know of this and took Edrym home to his family to show them that he had his own dragon, unfortunately things didn't go as planned and Esmond ended up being attacked by the dragonlords who wished to rule the city.

Even his father was agitated and started to attack him without any remorse.

Only when Esmond was barely breathing, did his father have a look of guilt in his eyes before stabbing his son in the chest.

The last Esmond saw of Edrym was him unleashing his anger on the dragonlords for harming his rider.


"Mmm… Do you think Edrym escaped back then…?" Esmond asked Carter, as some tears formed in his eyes remembering his old friend.

"… Yeah…" Carter didn't wish to speak more on the topic as it brought up emotions they'd long pushed aside.

Neither wanted to speak as they watched Frigus flying around, enjoying himself.

Esmond thought about bringing him over to Stovi and letting him roam around freely in the forest, hopefully he could help take control over the hordes of beast within the forest.

Kane and Vaazakra were also busy training the profiles in combat so they could help Esmond within Stovi as members of the clan.

The news had already gone out to the Yautja and the Great Warring Clans to prepare as well, with the predators preparing their armour and gear, having the automated factories ready everything.

Esmond left for the gate to Stovi with Carter heading over to the cabin so he could relax while helping out in Stovi.

He also prepared some medicine from the Medicinal Garden for Angela, the wife of the Baron who seemed to have some damaged organs from a previous illness.

Hopefully by healing her, Esmonds standings would grow with the Baron, after all he would be vital for Vileta to become his stronghold.

There were plans in Esmonds mind to upgrade the small town into a smart city once it was in his control.

It just depended on the Barons thoughts to abandon the Trika Empire and join him.



[Activating Hunting Grounds Generator: Stovi!]

[Continuing Quest: Where the journey begins…]


- Part 1) (Completed) Host needs to register with the Adventurer Guild for now…

- Part 2) Establish power and strength within Vileta

- Part 3) ?¿?]

[Rewards: Based off Evaluation]


'So… I'm back… from where I left it seems…' Esmond thought to himself as he returned to the same spot, he left Vileta from.

However, the addition of Frigus in his hands was a change.

The little ice dragon moved to Esmonds shoulder, reducing his size to roughly an apple.

Julius and Levas noticed the crystal ice, transparent beast on Esmonds shoulder but before they could ask a thing, Esmond decided on returning back to Julius home.

He wanted to give Angela the medicine as soon as possible, plus Esmond needed to sit down with Julius and find out if he was willing to join him on his conquest.

From Esmonds estimation, the Baron had more than enough land in his care but most of it hadn't been explored or it contained too much danger.


Returning back to the scrappy manor, Esmond brought out a vial with a cork atop to stop any of the medicine spilling out and called for Angela.

"What might this be Mister Zars?" Angela asked, intrigued by what she was presented with, just as much as Julius and Levas, who looked at Esmond with questioning gazes

"… *sigh* I know your trying to hide the pain, Lady Angela…

This will heal the internal injuries."

Julius looked towards his wife with surprise and guilt for not noticing earlier, leaving it for a complete stranger to pick up instead.

Angela looked embarrassed but more than anything she was glad to hear that the suffering she was going through day and night might be finally over.

Julius went to his wifes side, grabbing the vial from Esmond without asking and fed it to Angela who thought for a second to refuse, but when she saw the look of desperation and anguish in Julius eyes that gladly drank the medicine before falling asleep.

"Take her upstairs, in the meantime, I will make some changes around here…"

Juluis didn't care to listen anymore once he was told to take his wife away, but Levas on the other hand was beginning to panic when he saw Esmond open a gate and out emerged a stunning violet haired beauty with a petite body.

She hit every single box in Levas heart as he got up to approach the love of his life, however he stopped in his tracks when he overheard Esmond and his goddess conversing.


"Hm… turns out you can appear here… interesting…

Are you ready, Isabelle?"

"Yes, I've been in contact with Rosie and Archie for their help.

It shouldn't take too long for this place to be upgrade, nor should the clan land which will happen overnight."

Levas had no clue what was going on but the second he saw what appeared to be a dark swarm fly out the gate and start working on the interior of the manor.

Some of the drones were working on the walls or roof, while others were digging up the floor, ripping it all up and swallowing the excess dirt.

By the time Esmond had stopped chatting with Isabelle, giving Levas a chance to step in, his body was flung out the house, along with Esmond, the young children of the Baron, and Hari.

The kids and Hari were wondering what was happening, but soon enough they saw a gazebo appear with plenty of food, attracting their attention instead.

Levas went to join the kids, but his eyes continued to stare towards Esmond, wondering what kind of person he was and the sort of powers he held.

Just then he watched as the gazebo added some tenting and a bed.

Levas didn't wait long before he understood who it was made for as Julius and Angela appeared with some drones carrying them out before carefully place them on the bed.

Julius looked towards Esmond with a questioning gaze, but he just smiled back, "Don't worry…

You've already placed enough trust in me with the land and settling here, so let me repay some of it at least…"

The stable hand came over and joined the kids while they ate, wondering why the whole family was outside, but looking towards the manor and its outwardly appearance that was beginning to change into something far cleaner and more beautiful than previously.

Even when it was possible to pay for upkeep, the level of detail and assortment of plants weren't present compared to now.


After roughly 20 minutes Angela awoke to the nice cool breeze running past her.

It was quite the wake-up call to see her house ever changing before her sight, which did alarm her but seeing her husband's goofy expression covered with tears and snot, it brought peace to her uneasy heart.

As the two embraced once another, their kids raced over to join them, laughing, and screaming about what they'd seen.

After listening to her children, she looked towards her husband and asked, "What is happening, dear?"

"Zars… he… he…." It was hard for Julius to speak as it'd been a long time since he'd seen his wife in such a cheerful mood, with her skin glowing and her complexion much healthier than before.

"Lady Angela, if you don't mind, I'll explain…" Esmond said with a gentle smile on his face.

Esmond explained to the two of them that he was from an advanced nation extremely far away from this world.

The two found it hard to believe for a moment but they soon caught sight of Isabelle exiting the manor and walking over to Esmond.

While doing so she seemed to have opened another gate a couple metres away from which dozens upon dozens of PD-01As and some C-PD-01As came out, equipped with modified and improved swords and other middle age type weapons.

Julius and Levas were utterly shocked to their cores by the sight of the armour and weapons which clearly looked deadlier than anything they'd come across, including some of the magic equipment that could be purchased.


"… I'll be straight forward and tell you both…

I plan to take over this town and eventually the Trika Empire…

Will you stand with me?"