Atlaestreous Trial

"…" Stepping out the carriage, Esmond was too stunned to say anything as a startling number of people stood before him on either side of red carpeted marble white stone.

"… I don't I should be saying anything right now… but remove that stupid mask around your face and allow your natural aura to run freely.

Trust me when I say, everything will be fine." Carter appeared beside Esmond, having exited his own carriage with the other Celestial A.I Egos who all joined Esmond and the girls.

Esmond held off withdrawing his Primrodial Divine Cell Nanotech face mask as his monarchical aura was far too potent to be completely released.

Instead of showcasing his appearance right away, Esmond waited for the announcer to introduce everyone else before making his entrance, according to the schedule he was given.

For a short moment the announcer was too stumped to introduce Esmond and his party, but after a small nudge from a Knight beside him, the announcer finally cleared his throat before beginning Esmond's introduction to the noble society of the Atlaesus Empire.

"Grand Noblesse, introducing Lady Rosalie Manston (Rosie), Lady Scarlett Manston, Lady Gabriel Manston, Lady Valery (Vaazakra) Manston, and Lady Isabelle Manston of House Sicarius."

"Grand Noblesse, introducing Master Carter Manston, Master Emrys (Echo) Manston, Master Archibald (Archie) Manston, Master Maverick Manston, Master Edward (Eddie) Manston, and Master Kane Manston of House Sicarius.

The announcer felt parched shouting out the names of the Celestial A.I Egos who were exuding a small part of their Divine strength mixed with Esmond's aura to shock and surprise the nobleman.

Esmond didn't expect they would arrive right away at the garden party, but it seemed that his grandfather wanted to introduce him to the noble society.

Carter quickly drew attention of many different ladies who had yet to be wed, surprisingly the Celestial A.I Ego who wasn't expecting so many hungry and thirsty eyes staring in his direction.

Even the other Celestial A.I Egos were utterly shocked by the attention they received but they knew everyone was waiting for the V.I.P's entrance.

"Grand Noblesse, introducing Lady Mei Cai of House Qin, Lady Amelia Trudell of House Pendragon, Lady Layla Raigon of House Macedon, and Lady Igdraasilla Manston of House Yggdrasill."

The four ladies joined the party, stunning the nobles alike who were enthralled by the raw beauty and elegance of the women.

Many men thought up outlandish plans to charm the girls, but they swore to never act on their thoughts when it became clear that they were the infamous ladies who nearly sent their future heir to war with his true homeland.

Ruby and Daniel sat on their own thrones besides the Emperor and Empress whose seats were slightly stationed higher to honour their power and authority.

Everyone kneeled before them when they entered the garden party, including Esmond's entire party.

The Celestial A.I Egos had no trouble performing noble etiquette, especially the girls whose bloodlines sparkled alive before the Imperial bloodline of House Atlaesus.

Everyone highly regarded their etiquette, especially the Empress who believed it was an important aspect of noble education and formal training.

Yet the Imperial Family waited at the edge of their seat for the entrance of Atlaesus future heir.


"Attention Grand Noblesse.

Introducing the guest of honour, Maestro of House Sicarius and the Primordial Xrian Creed, his Royal Majesty of the Septum Aecors of Terra Kingdom, Young Prince of Chaos and Judgement, Esmond Manston Sicarius of the Imperial House Atlaesus!"

The announcer couldn't help but smile with satisfaction that he didn't mispronounce a single title of the future heir.

Furthermore, he got to witness Esmond's appearance before anyone else, leaving him enamoured by the holy regal aura emitted by the guest of honour.

As Esmond passed by the announcer, he decided to thank the man for performing a splendid introduction, however to the nobles and imperials present, Esmond displayed the greatest value any worthy leader could possess.

The first Imperial Knights who got to witness Esmond up close, burned alive with fiery passion as each of them slammed their staffs into the marble stone.

Each Knight followed the last as Esmond walked past them, creating an earth shattering drum to celebrate the arrival of the future heir.

Maintaining a stoic expression, Esmond made sure to look around as the heightened emotions of every person present at the garden party was near its peak.

His futuristic attire incorporated fantasy elements, but its magnificence was ignored by Esmond's beauty.

The Xrian didn't hide Esmond's natural hair colour and allowed his platinum hair with a rosy glint to shine freely before everyone.

Esmond's hair easily signified his connection to the Imperial House, but it was easily made clear by Esmond's natural aura that he was from the Atlaesus Monarchical Lineage.


After reaching the end of the marble stone walkway, where four thrones rested, Esmond saw his mother and father, both smiling towards him.

Both were shocked by the changes Esmond had gone through, especially his strength that appeared to be far beyond anything they ever imagined.

But besides the two parents, the grandparents found themselves delighted by the might of their grandchild.

"So… This is my grandson!!



I wish to know my grandchild.

Save your needless questions and examination for later." The Empress got up from her throne and headed straight over to Esmond.

Ruby and Daniel also joined the Empress as they casually greeted Esmond with hugs while the Emperor stubbornly remained on his throne.

Everyone that watched the affairs of the Imperial family actually enjoyed the casual behaviour displayed because it showed normality.

Even the media members of the Empire who were in attendance were drowning themselves in videos and pictures.

In everyone's mind, the Emperor was the stubborn grandpa that didn't want to give up his comfortable seat.


"… Yes, honey…"

"… Stop playing your games and get up to get your grandson."

The Emperor finally got up from his throne and walked over to meet Esmond, but he looked defeated before his grandson.

Deep down he was rather happy to meet Esmond, but a small part of Maximilianto wanted to see the might of his grandson personally.

After the two embraced one another, the Emperor decided to get to know his grandson, and those that came with him to the garden party.

The engaging attitude of the Emperor helped the party members engage with one another, which kickstarted Kristoff's, Rian's and Mavericks plan to recruit people for the Syndicate.



"Your Majesty… should we finalise preparations for the Trial?"

"Johilem… I want the people to see my Grandson… our future… succeed were we've failed." Maximilianto asked of his trusted Imperial Knight as he watched the noble society mingle with his grandson.

Looking on at Esmond, Carter, and Echo, the Emperor, Maximilianto wondered about the future of the Empire in their hands.

He understood Esmond would become the Emperor one day but Carter and Edward would be crucial leaders beside him.

Maximilianto already saw the Sicarius children as his own.

Daniel and Ruby made it clear that they were all children of the family and as such should be respected accordingly.

The Empress, Xariyah, already gifted each of the Sicarius House members with jewels and accessories from the family treasury.

"Esmond… Carter, Edward.

Come join me…

I wish to discuss something and hope to get your thoughts on the matter."

Maximilianto invited the Lord of many different Houses to join the impromptu meeting.

The Lords all wondered why the Emperor wanted a meeting in the open, especially when it was possible for others to hear, however nobody expected Esmond's next actions.

Several Magic Circles and formations were laid out in a couple seconds to stop anyone from listening in.

Maximilianto didn't expect Esmond would perform such a feat since they had technology that could make their meeting private, but seeing the Magic being performed just increased the seriousness of the discussion.

"Thank you, Esmond.


I've decided to organise the Trial for my Grandson, even though his age isn't 21.

I feel the Child has more than enough strength to take part in the Trial without being harmed by the Guardian.

It'll also be viewed by the citizens of the Empire.

Both across our homeland but also abroad in secret."

An eery chill reverberated throughout the eyes of every noble partaking in the meeting.

Esmond sensed his grandfather's decision wasn't overly accepted by everyone, but he understood the ability afforded to him would come with serious consequences if he failed.

Knowing this beforehand, Esmond mentally prepared himself for the Trial, assuming it could potentially be a combat situation.

Just the fact it would be shown to the public put Esmond in a serious mood.

"If you don't mind me asking… what is this Trial about?" Carter asked, while take a sip of the Imperial champagne.

"… It pertains to the origin of the lands that our House has ruled for nearly five millennia.

history of the Empire.

According to the first Mortals, Atlaestreous was joined onto a larger piece of land that ended up shattering because of the Warring Gods but there were a few who wanted to save what remained of their creation.

They sent the last surviving piece of land with humanity to this world.

The Gods also helped protect what remained of Atlaestreous by safeguarding the borders of the land from any outside eyes.

But their last gift has alluded every generation that has existed across Atlaestreous.

It is a Trial the children of the land must partake in before they've turned 25.

Through the Trial we can learn about children with greater Bloodline potential, but it all depends on each person's performance." Maximilianto explained before Johilem handed Esmond a small wooden chest box that.

The Imperial Knight opened the lid of the wooden box to reveal a thin golden plate with the Imperial coat of arms.

"To enter the Temple of Atlaestreous Trial, you'll be required to carry the golden plate at all times, otherwise the Guardian may see you as an enemy." Johilem said before turning to his Emperor's side.

"Whenever you are ready Child…

The Knights shall lead you to the temple." Maximilianto hoped Esmond would send some more time at the garden party, but his grandchild was too fired up.