A Child of The Atlaesus Empire


Why the hell did Esmond need to run off right away to the Atlaestreous Temple?!

We nearly had the Fjord League joining our fucking Atlaesusian Syndicate!!"

"Kristoff, if you don't shut the hell up, I will shove my foot up your ass!" Quailiyah, one of Esmond's female cousins said.

She was furious her attention was dragged away from the television in the Family Reception Hall of the Imperial Palace.

Reserved for family and close friends, the Hall was set up in a very homey manner with couches, bean bags, a pool table, bar, and much more.

Currently it was set up to show Esmond's attempt at the Atlaestreous Trial, which saw every Noble House member at the garden party to race home and prepare for the viewing.

It was a special event whenever it was broadcasted since it would showcase to the Empire and its citizens that the 'Gods' trial was complete and so was the true mission of their people till now.

Esmond realised when he took hold of the golden slab that was given to him by Johilem was in fact a recording device to help the technology of the Empire view his efforts.

Using his ability to connect with technology, Esmond embedded the golden slab into his Primordial Divine Cell Nanotech Operational Systems.

Within no time, every member of the Atlaesus Empire and Spatial Ark Star World could witness his actions inside the Ancient Atlaestreous Temple.


Yvetteya, Esmond's last female cousin of his generation came over to join the other family members and close friends as they watched the young member of the family.

"… Bastien… 10,000 Atlaesus Dollars on Esmond failing." Yvetteya said with a cheeky smirk to the family friend that was part of the viewing party.

As the two finalised the bet, all of the cousins and friends started to argue with the two for trying to jinx Esmond's attempt at the Trial.

However, nobody expected Carter to interfere with precise predications on how the battle would go.

According to the research he'd performed after the meeting ended with the Emperor, Carter discovered the Trial was a battle with oneself in a pocket space that was fuelled by both the Gods and participant.

Knowing full well, Esmond wasn't normal by any measure, Carter decided to make wild predictions in the mind of others when instead he knew himself to be correct.

"Esmond will last for over 30 minutes if he remains in his current form.

If he undergoes Metamorphosis, then I predict the fight will end in 10.

And he'll do the Dragon Ball Z move… just because he can at some point in the fight."

Bastien started to scramble and create the odds for such predictions before he grabbed a hold of Carters money.

Soon the other Celestial A.I Egos came up with their own predications, leaving Esmond's cousins feeling like they were in the dark when it came to knowing Esmond's combat prowess.

Daniel and Ruby also made bets with cousins of their own in regards to Esmond's performance, completely unaware that their son far exceeded anything they could have ever imagined for him.


"*Sigh* Right… so I need to just drop some blood on this relic, right…?" Esmond looked at the small pond at the end of the Temple hallway.

The water sparkled a holy radiant, yet Esmond sensed it was failing away with every passing moment.

"The seal must be fading away with time.

Right… lets get this over with." In a heartbeat, Esmond summoned his sword, which he unsheathed to slice open his hand.

Yet where he expected to see red blood, Esmond instead watched a hybrid of crimson and golden blood slowly pour out of his hand and into the pool of water, instantly dyeing the pond by its dense liquid essence.

"… Another Comes to Seek the Sealed Glory of the Gods…

*Sigh* Lets end this already… I wish to slumber."


Who… the hell are you?" Esmond paused for a moment to look around, but he didn't need to wait long before the mysterious voice replied.

"… Mortal!

Can you hear me?!"

"Yeah… but don't call me Mortal, alright?

I'm far from that." Esmond spoke freely without any care for who was watching.

When he started to speak randomly to himself, everyone watching the Trial Live thought Esmond was going mad already, but soon they heard the sound of the supposed Guardian for the first time.

Esmond automatically filtered in its voice through to the Live feed, surprising every citizen of the Empire who'd never heard any but random gibberish they always assumed was the language of The Guardian.

Cities across the Empire instantly became dead quiet, as all the citizens tuned into the Live feed to hear the voice of the Guardian.


I can agree… you are far from being a Mortal.

In fact,… I sense a potent Lineage that shouldn't exist… as it goes against the Heavenly Laws."

"What can I say, I just have a close relationship with chaos."



Let's see if you feel the same way after this Trial."

The space around Esmond distorted and changed into an open field among the stars and galaxies.

While the space would startle most people, even those who'd partaken in the Trial before, it wasn't a big deal to Esmond who was instead interested in the clone figure a couple hundred metres away.

"I get it now…

You've got a sense of my strength through my blood.

Interesting…" Esmond laughed, yet his voice turned icy cold.

"If you think that'll help you beat me… oh boy, your about to experience a rude awakening."

Closing his eyes to focus his mind across his body physique, Esmond took in one last deep breath before saying, "Break!"




[System Level: 1]

[Host Level: 27]

[Experience: 21,068,166,500/49,00,010,000]

[Credits: 214,462,246,500]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Soul Condition: Healed (Condensing)]

[Body Status: 2nd-Rate Primordial Royal Prince (Great Monarch)]

[Class: Primordial Prince of Chaos

[Xrian Organism Count: 1,450]

[MP: 2,600,000/2,600,000]

[Status: Healthy]

[Elemental Affinity:

- ֍ Refined Chaos ֍

- Refined Lightning

- Refined Fire

- Refined Water

- Refined Light

- Refined Dark

- Refined Earth

- Refined Wind

- Refined Ice

- Refined Thunder

- Refined Blood

- Refined Nature

- Refined Metal]

[Strength: (560 → 590🔓)]

[Endurance: (560 → 590🔓)]

[Stamina: (560 → 590🔓)]

[Dexterity: (605 → 635🔓)]

[Intelligence: (660 → 690🔓)]

[Agility: (550 → 580🔓)]

[Magic: (465 → 495🔓)]

[Wisdom: N/A]


֍ Army of Death ֍

Nanotech Armour Manipulation

Direct Cybernetic Interface

Spectral Consciousness


Universal Lifeforce Control

o Lifeforce Pace

o Lifeforce Body Strengthening

o Lifeforce Vision

o Lifeforce Manipulation]


[Artus Anima Star]

[Quality: Elite Grade]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 99]

[Exp: 4,200,000/4,900,000]


[Spatial Ark Star World]

[Grade: 0]

[System Level: 10]


[Hunting Grounds Generator]

[Stage: 0]

[Level: 2]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform (Lifeforce) Body Refinement]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 99]

[Exp: 4,200,000/4,900,000]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform (Lifeforce) Body Essence Energy]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 99]

[Exp: 4,200,000/4,900,000]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 15]



Esmond activated his Powered Armour Suit and shot forward to attack the clone figure of himself that appeared slightly altered so they weren't mistaken for the other.

To the delight of his battle-oriented mindset, the clone figure had more than enough strength to put up a decent fight.

Only using their fists, Esmond, and the Clone Figure in the control of the Guardian, left a wake of destruction whatever they pasted.

Just the destructive nature of their battle was enough to startle every individual watching the Live feed, who'd never seen such raw and chaotic power before.

Every other Trial that was ever viewed by the citizens of the Empire had to wield a weapon of some sorts to at least have a chance against the Guardian.

Esmond however showed everyone across the Empire that his own strength exceeded the need for such tools, even if he still had a sword made for himself.


Neither the Guardian or Esmond stopped to take a breath as their speed increased with every punch and kick thrown at the other, until the two finally distanced themselves.

Esmond and the Guardian couldn't hide their grins as they prepared to increase the difficultness of the war.

"Tell me…

Who are you…?!" Shouted the Guardian, even though he couldn't contain his laughter and excitement to continue battling.

"… Who am I?


The only question in life I have yet to understand.

I can stand here all day and proclaim various titles… however it wouldn't make them true.

Well not in the eyes of many."

"… Then in the eyes of the few… who are you?" as the Guardian closely examined Esmond, he started to notice the disturbing changes happening across Esmond's body.

Unbeknownst to the Guardian, the Xrian Cells within Esmond were screaming to undergo metamorphosis, which timed perfectly with Esmond's next words.

"… A child of the Atlaesus Empire."

"… Hmph, them come Child of Atlaesus!

Unleash your true power!!"

"Gladly…" Esmond's body released a mammoth shockwave that spread across the endless space created by the Guardians Trial.

His Platinum hair with its rosy tint took on a starry nebula colour as the Xrians underwent the first stage of metamorphosis.

Esmond's body became stockier and increasingly muscular, as his Stats doubled, including the Magic Power in his control.

The Guardian was left stunned by Esmond's newfound power which it also tried to activate as it was essentially Esmond's clone figure.

Those watching at home or in various city centres and businesses were out of breath by the absurd power in Esmond's control.

"… Is that really our son?" Daniel had to question his loving wife after seeing the destructive strength Esmond controlled.

He already knew Esmond wasn't the same child since the beginning of the year, but even after witnessing the abilities of the Spatial Ark Star World, Daniel still found it difficult to believe Esmond could hold so much power.


That is Our Son… Our Child.

The True Lord Atlaestreous has always desired." Ruby spoke from the heart, unaware her words rung through the hearts and minds of everyone in the Family Reception Hall.

Carter, Isabelle, and the other Celestial A.I Egos decided to shout and cheer for Esmond to help end the silent atmosphere.

"Come on big brother!

Use your new ability to raise the dead!!"


Don't listen to Maverick!

Use the damn Xrian and manipulate the space around you!!"

"Jeez you both are so childish, especially you Scarlett."

"Ohh bite me, Kane."

Soon the entire Reception Hall started to roar alive with everyone shouting and cheering for Esmond's success.

At the same time, the whole Empire started to come alive as people began to realise that they might finally understand the truth behind the Trials.

Not only that, but the people also finally began to trust the future heir, who saw himself as a child of the land.

Maximilianto and his wife Xariyah were overjoyed at the live reports informing them of the success displayed by Esmond across the Empire.

Both Emperor and Empress told their aides to gather Carter and Igdra to begin the move of the Empire into the Spatial Ark Star World.

They weren't aware that Carter and Igdra could easily click their fingers and conduct the major move in an instant but neither wanted to make the move since Esmond hadn't given them the okay as of yet.


Esmond gained the upper hand in the battle with the Guardian before it also adapted to control its own Xrian Cells, however this was also the moment the Guardian realised why Esmond was such a potent being.

"Chaos, Judgement, Death, Space and Time!!

You contain the Five Keys of Discovery!!



The Guardian hysterically laughed as it gained limited assess to the core of Esmond's strength and prepared to fight till the end.

Unfortunately, the Guardian wasn't able to stabilise the newfound power without help from the Spatial Ark Star World to remove the corruptible aspects of the Five Keys of Discovery.

Esmond created a cleansing spell to wash away the corruptible powers beginning to influence the Guardian.

Just as Esmond released the Magic Spell and Formation into the endless space, he also started to take control over the Trial and the landscape it was conducted in.

The System notifications helped Esmond realise the full depth of his actions, yet the true reason of the Trial alluded him.




[Host has dispelled the corrupting forces attacking the Guardian of Atlaestreous!]

[Host has incidentally tamed the Guardian Spirit of Atlaestreous!]

[Host and Guardian Spirit are linked through Soul-Chain, allowing Guardian Spirit to access Hosts Powers, Skills, and Abilities without any issue]

[Spatial Ark Star World has analysed and registered the Guardian Spirit of Atlaestreous!]

[Guardian Spirit of Atlaestreous is also linked to the powers of Spatial Ark Star World through the Host Soul-Chain]



The view of all the people watching the Live feed was distorted for a short while, only to clear up with the Guardian Spirits true form kneeling before Esmond.

Its golden corporeal form surprised every person watching the Live feed since nobody ever got to witness the true Guardian form.

Seeing it now kneeling in front of Esmond was quite the shock for most people to take, especially certain members of the oldest generation who felt like it was finally time to pass onto the next phase of life.

Yet they all waited at the edge of their seats, hoping the Guardian would say something to confirm Esmond's ability to succeed in the Trial and his reward.

"… So… Guardian Spirit.

What is your name?"

"My previous Master named me Empyran…

However, you may choose another name now that you're my Master."

The conversation between the Guardian and Esmond was heard by every citizen of the Empire, even if they were in America, Africa or anywhere else across the globe.

Everyone watched closely, as they waited to hear from the Guardian Spirit.

"I won't change your name out of respect for your past Master, Empyran.

I do however have many questions, such as the point of this Trial and your connection to Atlaestreous."

"My original purpose was to protect the last piece of Atlaestreous after it broke off from the World of Dawn.

Master hoped one of the surviving Mortals would be strong enough to gain my alliegance and help the development of what remained, yet none were strong enough to break through the first layer of the Trial.

Without enough strength and power, nothing could be achieved, so I rested and awoke every so often to help the Mortals awaken their bloodlines.

I thought this might help me raise someone worthy enough to become my Master but failed horribly until you came along.

Since you've been recognised as my new Master, you are now the True Lord of the land.

I can finally begin turning the Last Piece of Atlaestreous into its former glory amongst the new world.

Because you are born of this world, its Laws of Creation do not oppose me and the last piece of Atlaestreous.

I can remove the boundary that's protecting Atlaestreous and integrate into the world if you wish."

"I see.

For now, hold off on revealing yourself.

In fact, I wish to take this place somewhere else.

To our true home."

Esmond called on Carter and Igdra to begin the move of the Empire, which was supported by Empyran to shift the hidden continent into the Spatial Ark Star World.

Everyone that was watching outside of the Empires border was disconnected for less than a microsecond from the Live feed as their Homeland entered the Spatial Ark Star World.

They couldn't figure out what exactly happened until Esmond started to address everyone watching the Live feed after skimming through the System Notifications.




[Foreign Land Substances has entered the Spatial Ark Star World!]



[Damaged Divine Continental Land has entered the Spatial Ark Star World!]

[Damaged Divine Continental Land has been added to a corner of the Mainland within the Spatial Ark Star World!]

[Genetic Code of Mortals from the World of Dawn has been added to the Summoning Square!]

[Spatial Ark Star World has Levelled Up!]

[Spatial Ark Star World has Levelled Up!]

[Spatial Ark Star World has Levelled Up!]



[Analysis of Damaged Divine Continental Land!]

[Name: Piece of Atlaestreous]

[State: Damaged]

[Area: 25 million km2]

[Ruling Power: Great Imperial House Atlaesus]

[Government: Constitutional Monarchy]

[Population: 750,978,000]



[Hosts Heavenly and Underworld Planes can form their own Continental Lands and Seas!]

[Spiritual Energy substance throughout the Spatial Ark Star World has increased in density and strength!]

[Divine Spiritual Energy can be found within the Spatial Ark Star World!]

[Creatures and Beasts of Divine nature can be found across Spatial Ark Star World!]

[Host is gifted several rewards for adding the Damaged Divine Continental Land to the Spatial Ark Star World!]


- 1,000,000,000 Credits

- 1,000,000,000 EXP

- The Lost Continent of Earth (Mortal Grade)

o A continent destroyed by the appearance of the Damaged Divine Continental Land

o Host is capable of restoring the beauty and magnificence of the Lost Continent on Earth

o Roughly the size of 10 million km2

o Continent rests across the equator of the Atlantic Ocean

o Continent contains an enormous wealth of natural resources that exceeds the combined value of present-day Earth.

o Continent will be linked to the Spatial Ark Star World and its capabilities

o Land will be sealed from external presence of Earths humanity until 2013

- Sovereign State Creation Orb (Rare Grade)

o Activate on land that isn't ruled by governing body

o Orb will establish Capital City based on the Hosts strength and capabilities, including the value of the land.

o Orb will create Hosts envisioned Sovereign State with necessary infrastructure and forces

- Barracks Summoning Station (Construction Plans) – (Uncommon Grade)

o Can be created within the Spatial Ark Star World

o Will Link Up with Summoning Square and its Genetic Database

o Host will be able to spawn people with their Genetic Codes tuned to combat and warfare]



"To everyone watching the events of the Trial.

Whether that's overseas or on the homeland, I hope you all listen closely.

Moments ago, with the help of the Guardian Spirit, my brother Carter and the lovely Lady Igdraasilla, transported the Empire into a hidden world within my control.

You may see this as an aggressive move to take away your homeland, but in fact it is to safeguard the Empire and its future.

I do not wish to see our Empire bound to Earth, but to be the first to enter the stars and my hidden world which I call the Spatial Ark Star World.

It could one day become a universe of its own, but that will happen over time no doubt.

For now, I hope our Empire and the citizens of the Spatial Ark Star World work hand in hand to envision a safe galaxy and universe for the future generations that wish to seek out adventure.

So, to the citizens of the Empire around the world, I ask as the Child of Atlaestreous, prepare yourself for the work ahead as its time for our people to flourish and lead our Cosmic Empire!"