Mystery wall

Have you ever done something proudly and then, later on, regretted doing it? I've regretted buying this house a thousand times.

Sitting on one of the stone steps that lead further into the garden to the dark forest to God's know where it ends, there isn't any fence separating the garden from the forest or I can't see any. Making it scary at night. I hope there aren't any harmful animals in there.

I admire the beautiful scenery surrounding me the wind blows playing with the tree leaves. And the colorful butterflies flying high and low, with the sound of birds chirping filled the garden.

I grab my green dairy and continue to write whatever comes to my mind. It's been four days since my encounter with the selfish former owner of my house. What's his name again … something Fuoz, making five since the day I came here.

I can't believe he cheated on me and went away with it. After I found out he was the one that sold me this house, I requested a refund because it wasn't the house I wanted to buy, I'll never buy this creepy house. if I saw it like this. But he man refused, saying it was all written in the details; no refund was accepted.

I made quite a scene in the mall requesting and pleading to have a refund but later on gave up to that heartless monster, he just has a way out to every complaint I make and it seems that wasn't a real fraud or I am that dumb? Not dumb, but urgent and it's not like I've bought a house before.

If only I wasn't chased out by the so-called landlord. I'll not need to buy a house. Thank God, Ye ye left me enough money to find a roof for myself. I tried looking for rent but all were occupied, and then I came across this house at an affordable price. Plus I'll have money to live by myself for a year, before I find a job.

Nobody in the mall helped me out. It's like they are scared of him or everyone knows he's this heartless.

I remembered bumping on him, feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time. I can't believe I once admired him, he's nothing but the Devil himself.

There's no one I hate more than him right now. I blame him for everything. This house only gets creepier with every passing day. I've seen shadows sometimes or heard different weird sounds. And I had to spend the last two days cleaning the dusty house.

But I didn't let him get along with it, my lips twitched devilishly. feeling proud of myself. no one just go off that easily after cheating on me. I made sure I flatten his tire before I left, I bought a four-inch nail and keep it on the ground next to his tire. I've read somewhere that if you put a nail near the tire. it'll flatten once it starts to move. And I can feel it work just fine.

I closed the dairy letting out a sigh and threw candy in my mouth. I pick the book I grab from this house library. One of the habits I've gotten recently, eating junk and reading olds books from the library or sometimes writing in my diary. Most of the books are boring, from old folk stories to history and all boring kinda stuff. But I have nothing to do either. Is not that I have friends to call or hang out with.

I searched for some job vacancies nearby but there's none I could find. All are "full and close to the new intake" I mentally mimic them.

With me eating all day long I bet the money I kept for a year will last me 8 months. So, is either I die of hunger, or the thing in this house kills me.

"Be positive Anya, be positive!"

I muttered, hitting my head with the book in my hand. I'll find a suitable job before it comes to that. I read some lines and closed the book. Boring.

"Book of the Afterlife."

I read the book's title out loud. Boring. Who believes in that kind of stuff. I'll searched for something better, I got up and went to the library.

I climbed the ladder to pick a book I didn't read, because I've tried almost every one of them. I saw one with a dusty leather back cover, I definitely didn't read that one and I reach out to pick it. It's far ahead of me so I stretched to pick it up and I came falling but I tried and grabbed the shelf, pressing on an animal skin cover book. The whole shelves pushed slowly to the side, showing another shelf.

My mouth opens amazed, another shelf, how many shelves are in here?

The shelf is covered in dust and cobwebs, I blew air on it. making me cough.


This shelf have different types of books, and they all look to be interesting, why would someone hide a self of books if there not important right? A huge vintage leather book caught my eye.

I pulled it but the shelf screeched, opening a square space. this is becoming more interesting. I look left and right to confirm no one's here. like a theft trying to break in.

I touched the square space with my finger, wishing to find a gold or something like that in there, it's made of brick and was covered in dust. I touched another brick and the shelf cracked open to a door that leads into pure darkness. I gulped slowly, stepping backward with my heart palpitating in my ribcage.

"What the ... What sort of house is this? Is this some kind of secret room, or something?"

I spoke to myself, not a gold, definitely not a gold safe but

I saw something glowed deep in the darkness. I quickly push the brick and the door closes before something comes out. I'm not going in there. Maybe there is a monster locked behind bars and now I unlocked it. I dashed to my room and locked it like someone that saw a ghost. I dropped on the bed waking Mimi up.


I hold her close to me, my chest that's leaping up and down. Thinking about what I saw, it look like a gem gem because I saw green light shining in the dark though it didn't seem scary but appealing, I become curious and want to know what's in there but I fell asleep imagining what might be in there.


"This way."

The sweet voice called again. It sounds like a little girl around 6. I followed her walking through the dark long tunnel; the only light was that of scattered green pebbles on the wall. her sweet chuckle echoed in the tunnel as we walked.

"Where are you going?"

I asked the girl curiosity laced in my voice.

"You'll see, it's a surprise."

The girl answered in joy, her grip on my hand tightened and she began to run, I run with her and soon start to see light at the far end of the tunnel. I ran and ran together to the source of light.

"Close your eyes."

The girl ordered.


I asked curious.

"Just close it, you don't want to ruin your surprise, do you?"

She asked smiling and I closed my eyes as instructed curious of what the surprise might be. We stopped running and she whispered and let go of my hand.

"You can open them now."

I opened my eyes blinking to adjust the light. I saw faces smiling at me. My eyes traveled around the place trying to identify it. We were standing in the former garden of our house, but now Ye Ye's beautiful garden was a little bit bigger I guess with the lot of people in it. I searched the garden that was full of people and I saw Ye ye approaching me with the little girl and some people accompanying him. My eyes brimmed with tears and I ran to embrace him.

"Welcome Anya, my love."

Ye ye said his voice full of joy. I couldn't believe my eyes nor my ears

"Ye ye ... I miss you"

I run to him letting my tears flow and hug him tightly, afraid to lose him again.

"She's grown into a beautiful woman," I heard a sweet voice of a woman who was around her 40s. Ye ye unwraps his hand around me. And I felt Mimi by my legs, I bend and picked her up, rubbing her back.

And look at the beautiful woman that spoke, she seems familiar. But I didn't remember her face. Together with her was a man in his late 40s. Both were smiling warmly at me, but I couldn't remember where I knew them. they seem familiar.

"You didn't remember us little Nyla?"

The man spoke for the first time a little bit hurt but was smiling warmly.

Little Nyla ... there's only one person that called me with that ...

"Pa?" And the man nods his head. "Ma?" The woman smiles at me with her hands open to hug me. I call out their names, tears rolling down my eyes. The woman embraced me, crying.

"I missed you so much."

Mom wispered in my ears rubbing my back. I opened my eyes, tears rolling down from them. it was just a dream. But it felt so real.

"I missed you too Mom."

I murmured to myself wishing the dream will last forever, is that heaven? I thought. If so I wish to die soon and meet them. I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. Hugging myself. with Mimi curled up by my side.

If only I'll ever see them again. I'll never let them go again.