The Tomb

I sprawled down on the couch with the package of pringle, candies, and chocolate laying on the wooden floor. I'll need to go back to the mall tomorrow or the day after. My food is almost finished, my throw sprawled half-covering me and half on the floor. Living here is so boring. I haven't done anything productive for almost a week now yet I'm bored of living here.

I needed a hot choco, so I went to the kitchen to make one. I brew my choco humming silently. I turn off the gas cooker. I turn to walk away. But the switch turned on. I switched it off again. Praying it won't turn on again.

Sighing in relief.

Something is off about this house. The appliances sometimes turn on by themselves like the bulbs, shower and now the gas cooker, sometimes even the doors. It's like I'm not the only one living in this house.

I walked back to the sitting glancing at the library door, it's been on my mind since yesterday, the secret door hiding behind the shelves and the dream I had. Maybe it's my door to heaven.

I shake my head. Get in your senses. I passed and sat on the sofa. Picked my laptop that was on the center table and Mimi curled on me, that lazy cat. I chuckled. The network here is on and off, mostly when it rains. I don't really care since I'm not that of a social person. Who did I have to get in touch with? I let out a scoff, my heart cringing at the bitter truth. Ye ye was the only one and now he's gone. The phone is of no use to me.

The network is available now. It was around 4 pm and the sun was shining brightly. So, I typed the address of my house on the keyboard. I have to know about this house. It starts to creep the hell outta me, who lived here and sold it, or maybe died and left it behind.

"23 F street"

I scrolled and scrolled until I saw what seemed to be my house. But a beautiful version of it, ten years ago it was posted online, house for sale. I clicked on the link to get more information.

"Two years ago a family of three. A couple and their 7 year old lived in this small mansion but some months later the couple were nowhere to be found."

"Nowhere to be found?"

I repeat myself. What is the meaning of that, did something ete them or they just disappeared? Or maybe they have found the secret door to heaven. I smiled at that thought.

I scrolled on the page and found a link related to my house.

In 1899 It was a graveyard, then in 1967 it was built into a prison. Decades later it was then built into a community church, after then a couple bought it and built a house but after two years nobody lived in it, nobody heard about their death, or them leaving the town. The town was later on sold out to Mr Fu Ming Lee and it was named The F street.

That means this whole town belongs to that selfish brat's family. No wonder everyone fears him. Why would he sell this house then? I shrugged. None of my business.

This is too much to digest. This house has a lot of bad history, but it didn't ease my curiosity. I shut the laptop close. Heaving a sigh.

"What did you think of Mimi?"

I asked holding her like a baby.

"You wanna meet granny again?"

Wait, does that mean I'll be dead? Who cared if I lived or died? I shrugged.

"No one"

But my dream has to be right. At the end of that door lies my family waiting for me. Life is not a fairy tale or a dream. A dream is just a dream. I scoffs at stupid thought.

But there's something special about that door though I didn't see anything related to it. In what I read and can't help the urge to know more.

I'll take a look again, besides who knows if I find my family at the extreme end. I rolled my eyes.

I get up finally getting the guts to open the door again. I picked up my phone that has been changing since yesterday night. I didn't care to unplug it. The thing is of no use to me other than the touch light or and it's search engine. but Ye ye insist that I use it and buy it for me saying everybody uses it nowadays. But I'm not like everyone, am I? I shrugged.

"You'll last long to the end of the door."

I chuckled, talking-to the touch and taking Mimi with me.

I wore my boots and a coat over my pajamas and shorts before going to the library and did the same thing I mistakenly did yesterday and opened the door. I grabbed the leather cover book I couldn't reach yesterday and put it in my coat. Pushing the block brick, the door opens to the darkness that awaits inside.

Sometimes you'll be scared of doing something but your curiosity takes the best of you and you do it anyway.

I muttered a prayer under my breath staring into the darkness, what lies in there doesn't seem as pleasant as my dreams. Nothing in there will be worth it, I turned to leave but Mimi jumped from my hand and ran into the dark door. I couldn't see her because of the darkness.


"Mimi, come back."

I shouted her name but my words only echoe back at me.

Why would you entered in there when I'm about to back out with this stupid idea. I held my phone with my right hand and stepped into the dark door.

My boot touched cracked stairs that lead downward. A basement? My face tangled in the cobweb that enclosed the door, I cleared the path with my hand and continued taking steps down one after the other until I couldn't see the light from the door. The dusty smell stuffing my nostrils.

I took a few steps down, leaning on the wall beside me, and then heard noises come and pass by me.

"Mimi, is that you?"

I turned swiftly searching where the noise came. No one.


I heard Mimi meowing in the distance.

"Mim, where are you?"

I whispered searching for her, taking a step lower but saw something move in the faint light of my phone.

"Who's there?"

I asked, breathing profoundly.

I take the next step and meet the watery floor touching my boots. The room temperature dropped. Where's all this water coming from? The smell of stagnant water with wet moss filled the air.

I walked further in and I can see some pillars stained with dry blood and big chains circling around them. I count three as of now but no sign of Mimi.

No … no this isn't like the dream I had, nothing like it. This place is scary. The voices and shadow creeps the hell outta me already, and now these blood stained pillars? Is this some kind of punishment room or prison down here? this is nothing of what I expected. I turned back from where I came in, I can't leave Mimi in here alone, but couldn't find the stairs I stepped down from right now.

This can't be possible. I just stepped down from it a minute ago. I glanced my touch in all directions in the room but couldn't see any stairs.

My heart starts beating fast, what's wrong with me?

What was I thinking of in the first place ... going to Meet my lost family or find out what's in the mystery door?

Am I going out of my mind? I regret opening the door again and now Mimi's missing. I curse myself a thousand times.

I walked and stepped on something, something ... is it Mimi's tail? I jumped back a bit, I couldn't see it anymore, it was not here anymore. Was it her?

"Mimi please come back, this is not a joke anymore."

I pleaded with my voice shaking, clutching onto my coat, the temperature kept dropping as cold sucked the life out of me, only the sound of my boot stepping on the watery floor, water dripping, and the squirking of rats can be heard in the empty room.

I walked further past the pillars, and into another door. Maybe she's in here. There's no way back and still didn't find Mimi. I hope to find her soon and get out of here.

I could only see a few parts of two big rectangular tombs with my touch that are built in the extreme end of the big room.

"It was once a graveyard."

I remember what I read in the article. And my heart thumbs, in my rib cage. This is a huge tomb. The size of what ... giant? Cold shrils run down to the end of my spine.

"Mimi come to me"

I whispered not to wake whatever is in there, my words breaking at the end. We're all gonna die. No way out of here.

"We have to get out of here right now."


I felt a bit relieved hearing her voice and I followed where the voice was coming from. Walking closer. I saw her. She hops here and there, in order, then hides quickly behind the other tomb.

"Come to me Mim."

But she stays chilled, Hiding from someone or something?

A wild wind fluttered in the room in a spiral for seconds and then it got normal. I hastily seized her as the breeze calmed down, but she scratched my hand and jumped.

"Mimi, what's wrong with you?"

I asked confused.

"Come let's go."

She ignored me and repeated what she did before jumping near the tomb. I grabbed her in between her puzzle jumps but she scratched me again jumping down. My head spins, feeling unsteady, I take two steps backward and hit my head with a red gem that was built into the tomb, blood oozes from my forehead, and my eyes closed feeling the piercing pain on my forehead.

And another wild wind blew, my eyes closed to complete darkness.