Chapter 8 (Awaking)


After 40 min, Naruko left the house. In Uchiha Residences, Yuri felt something went wrong on this day, and she felt sad, worried, and scared.

Ryo, her husband, notices what she feels when he looks at her face. He walks toward her and embraces his wife. "Hey, what's wrong, dear?"

"I-I don't know... I just felt something horrible gonna happen today, and I'm anxious about them." Yuri said in a sad voice that came out of her mouth.

Ryo nodded, "Yeah, you right feel about the same. I gonna go check them out."

"Dear..." She was about to protest, but she shook her head, "Nah, never mind."

Ryo looked at her with concern, "Are you sure?"

Yuri nodded as she gave a said sad smile. "Yeah, it's okay... oh, one last thing." She kisses her husband. "Be safe, okay."

Ryo smiled, "Yeah, I'll, hehe." He strokes her hair and disappears in front of her, leaving a single leaf on the ground.


In the woods, Hinata walks slowly, entering the training field and worried about her friend. 'Kyo-Kun, please be okay...' Then she heard a voice, and a fighting sound sneaked behind the threes. She tries to use Byakugan to see the scene, but her vision is limited because of a lack of training. 

Then Hinata saw Kyo being hit by a powerful punch by the leader.

'Kyo, NO!' Hinata shouts from her heart—Hinata is about to deactivate her Byakugan when she sees Naruko and Sasuki on the ground. Naruko is unconscious, Sasuki is barely conscious, Akira is bleeding to death, and other girls hold him and cry.

'Kyo said, stay here, but NO! I-I must help them whatever it takes.' Hinata runs to help them, but suddenly, Hasuto appears in front of her, knocking her out, grabbing her, and regrouping back to his team.


Sastuki is disbelieving, "N-No, No No, KYO!" Tears fell from her eyes, and she began to cry hard. She looked at them angrily and, tears in her eyes, then she saw one of them left, and in a second, he was back with someone in his arm. 

Then Satsuki realizes who that was. "HINATA!" She shouts out loud she knows Hinata and the dead boy Akira because they play together, even though this should be the first time their train together.

That shout makes all of them look at raven hair girl.

Hasuto smirked, "Taros, I found this girl spying on us with Byakugan."

Taros look at Hinata as he smirk, "Ho? Hyuga brat also here, huh?"

"Taros, what are we going to do with them?" Mota asks.

Taros wondered as he sighed, "Well, your wish it's finally coming true then, it's a shame, but it's like I'm the last Nakamura clan alive. Kill them all. We didn't need a survivor or slave anymore."

Hasuto smiles evilly, "Well, goodbye, little girls." He throws Hinata to Satsuki's side. 

Satsuki closes her eyes, ready to get hit.

Jiro made a hand seal and said, "Lightning style: Thund-"

"Fire style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!" 

Jiro Jutsu stops in mid-air as a Big fire wave comes toward them. All of the Taros team members backed away. 

Tora Makes a Mud Wall Jutsu to cover them from the flame. When the fire is gone, Tora undoes his Jutsu and sees an Uchiha standing right in front of them. 

The Uchiha seems to have a sword with him.

"OII, who the hell are you!" Soma shouts to the children's saviour. 

But the child saviour ignores the word form, Soma. He keeps looking at the child behind him. He looks at Naruko and Hinata, unconscious, Asuka, who holds Akira's limp body, and Satsuki looks at him with tears of joy, but where is Kyo? He keeps on looking until he finds out Kyo are unconscious in the trees 100 meters away from him. 

Ryo looks at the Taros team with anger, "I... RYO UCHIHA AND I WILL KILL YOU ALL AFTER WHAT YOU DONE TO MY CHILDREN!" He activates his Sharingan and pulls out his blade. His Sharingan changing form to Mangekyo Sharingan.

Soma grinned as he got excited, "Well, fun ever-ending, huh?" Pull out his blade from the seal scroll and toss it to his group.

"Let's kill this, fucker!" Tora said as he grabbed one of the swords into his hands

Mota smirked, "Yeah!"

Jiro gets into the fighting pose, "This will be fun."

"Let's go and be careful, guys. He, Ryo Uchiha, is also known as the strongest Uchiha in his generation and second stronger than Hokage 4th." Hasuto warns his group.

Mota scoffed, "As I care!"

They begin to attack, and Soma swings his sword. 

Ryo blocks the sword with his. He sees Tora make a fire sword and swing toward him, but he kicks Tora, making him drop to the ground. Ryo deflex his sword and backflip away.

"Amaterasu!" Ryo yelled as his eyes bled, and a black flame came out from Tora and Soma and burned them alive.

"GAHH!" Soma and Tora scream in pain.

Hasuto uses water elements, but The black flame didn't affect water. "What the?!"

"Amaterasu... the eternal flame that burns whatever it touches to dust. You can't save them, Hasuto. Their already dead." Taros said, and he didn't effect by the dying scream of his team.

Soma slowly walked toward his leader while trying to remove the flame, "GAHH HELP, MEEE!"

Tora and Soma drop and dead. 

Ryo closes his left eye, and his right eye is still open.

Mota scoffed, "This guy is not bad, but you have to pay for what you have done!" Mota, Jiro and Hasuto attack Ryo, but Ryo is too skilful thanks to his Sharingan. 

The father of Kyo is too fast that their swords even can touch him. The three of The Taros team swing their blade above his head, Ryo blocks their attack with his single sword, but the force of three people pushes Ryo down to his knees.

Ryo made a hand seal as he said, "Fire Style: FIRE DRAGON JUTSU!"

Ryo fires his attack on three of them, which make their body turn to ashes. Satsuki, from far away, watches The 5 of them die In her uncle's hands. Satsuki was amazed at what she just saw, "W-Woah, Sugoi(Amazing)."

Ryo takes a step forward toward Taros and is ready to fight him.

Taros clapped with a grin, "Well, I'm impressed that you take this guy like no threat at all. But they are nothing but an insect... Now time to get a real fight!" Taros pulled a blade from his jacket.

"Satsuki-Chan, can you move?" Ryo asks his niece while his glare never leaves Taros.

Satsuki nodded slowly, "Y-Yeah."

Ryo smiled as he said, "Well, I need a huge favour from you. Can you take Naruko-chan and Hinata-chan home, please, and you little girl!" He said cheerily but seriously at the same time. He called Asuka, making Asuka look at him with a teary face. "Please, Follow Satsuki-Chan to safety."

Asuka shook her head, "... No."

"What? Why?" Ryo aks.

"I said, No, I never leave Akira here alone!" Asuka said while still holding the lifeless body of Akira.

Ryo sighs sadly, "I'm sorry, little girl, but... he is no longer with us."

Asuka shook her head a couple of times, "NO! He still alive, he must!" Asuka hugs Akira's body again and cries.

Ryo sighed as he got angry at what this group of assassins had done to these two children, 'Satsuki can take Naruko and Hinata back to safety, but this little girl, I have taken her back to safety with Kyo.'

Ryo crouches down to Asuka as he asks, "What's your name, little girl?"

"My name is Asuka."

Ryo smiled, "That is a nice name, Satsuki. Can you do it?"

Satsuki finally stood up and nodded, "Yes, I will, but how about Kyo?"

"Don't worry about Kyo. He is still alive. I will take him home with them." Ryo points to Asuka and Akira, but when he sees a boy with light blue hair, he knows that the boy is no longer with them, or he was. It will be a miracle if the boy is alive.


Satsuki nodded and took Naruko and Hinata and took to leave, even a little bit of struggle by carrying two children of her own age.

Ryo sighed, "Be safe, my child. Asuka-Chan, please stay here." His eyes never leave Taros. 

Taros points a finger toward Ryo and slides to Asuka before Ryo can't react. Taros fire a super-fast Ki attack toward Asuka's chest. Asuka look at Taros and Ryo. Her body drops to the ground, dying.

Ryo runs toward the kid and knees down to her.

Taros scoffed as he said, "Well, now, we don't have anything to get disturbed."

Ryo said in anger, "You! Why did you do that!" Ryo held the girl as he cursed himself for not knowing any medical Jutsu to help this poor girl.

"M-Mister, can you tell me something." Asuka mumble.

Ryo nodded, "What is it?"

Asuka: "I-If I die here, can I see Mom, Sis and Akira back?"

Ryo just holds dying Asuka's hands.

"P-Please answered me, mister. Can I will see them back?" Asuka's tears fall from her eyes.

Ryo gives a sad smile, "Y-Yeah, you can see them again."

Asuka replies with a weak smile as she replies. "T-That good to hear. Can you put me beside my friend?"

Ryo nodded and put her beside Akira, and she thanked him. 

Asuka holds Akira's hand and closes her eye as she passes. 

Ryo holds his fist. "You! I Don't know who you are, but I will make you pay for what you did!" Ryo opens his left eye. He strikes first with his blade.

Taros dodge every attack with ease. Then Taros struck back, and Ryo, who's bearly dodged it cost him his headband cut in two. Ryo Increased his speed which made Taros block the sword strike from Ryo.

'What?!' Taros thought while The swords continued clashing, and Taros smirked. "Not bad for Uchiha."

"..." Ryo didn't say a word as he continued striking and blocking,

They keep continuing, and finally, Taros is slashed in his chest. But Taros also got to the point when Ryo got thrust to his left chest, and they kept slashing, the light cut and deeper cut all over their bodies. Taros jumped into the air and struck Ryo, but Ryo blocked the attack with his blade handle and Ryo kicked Taros in his gut. 

Taros made a counter with his blade cover.

They both fly away from each other as they get up and continue again. 

Taros block the sword and dodge a kick from Ryo. Taros push Ryo's face and strike his blade on Ryo's guts, making Ryo drop to the ground. Taros jump In the air and strike down Ryo.

Ryo got stabbed in his left shoulder. Ryo counter with a headbutt to Taros that sends him away from Ryo. Ryo gets up and is ready to strike again, same with Taros. 

They just keep continuing until they back up to catch their breath.

Ryo panting while smirking, "W-What? Catch breath already, hehe."

Taros growled, "D-Damn You!" He is holding the cut on his chest, and they are both about to begin again, but when the swords clash, their brakes. 

Ryo makes a chakra punch with Sunanoo's skeleton arm combined with his right arm, and Taros make a Ki punch, the same punch he punches Kyo. They strike at the same time. They both clash a fist this time. 

That attack is so power full that it destroys their environment and makes a huge shockwave. They are both still standing, bleeding all over their body.

They both exhausted Chakra and Ki and then Ryo made a move. 

Ryo makes a low round kick to Taros, but when Taros drop to the ground, Taros make a low kick that drops Ryo to the ground. The first thing he saw was Taros's fist smashing his face. Ryo counters with a headbutt and kicks Taros away from him.

Ryo is exhausted and tries to stand, but no vail. He tries again, and he is barely standing.

Taros, on the other hand, is just shocked that he was beaten by Uchiha.

"No... no... NO!! I WILL NOT LOSE NOT TO UCHIHA, NOT TO ANYONE! NOT EVEN TO CHAKRA USERS!! I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR SON... YEAH, I WILL KILL YOU BOTH!!" Taros jump into the sky, and his hand starts to glow. 

Ryo realizes what Taros gonna do. He starts walking to run to his son. When he arrives, He covers Kyo using his body. In contrast, he covers Kyo. He notices that Kyo's right eye is damaged or blind from the early attack.

"HAHAHA...NOW DIE!! FULL POWER ENERGY BLAST VOLLEY!!" Taros starts throwing the energy blast. "HAHAHAHAHA DIE DIE DIE!!"

The ground explodes when the single Ki blast touches the ground, and then comes another Ki blast and other and other and other. At this point, it looks like a dozen mini-tail beast bombs have struck where Ryo is standing.

"AHHHHHH!!!" The father screams in pain while protecting his son, taking impacts one by one. 

Taros finished his blast and fell back to the flat ground. "W-Well, that should do it..." He watches the smoke for confirmation. 

When the smoke is gone and reveals, Ryo still covering Kyo, Ryo's body drops to Kyo's left side.

Taros smirk. "Heh, it is finally done." He slowly walked away because of his injuries.


Kyo is barely conscious and opens his eyes. He felt dark on his right side. He slowly makes his head turn to see what surrounds him. He turned to the right he saw a field of destruction. 

'What happened to this place.' Kyo, in thought, as he turns to the left, sees his father. 'D-Dad... dad?" 

Taros heard his voice. 'What, but how?' He turns his body and sees a barely conscious boy as he growls,' I need to finish this brat now.'

"D-Dad... wake up..." The boy shakes his dad but still no response. His eyes start will in tears.

"Y-Your Dad is not gonna wake up because you know why. I'm the one who kills him. HAHAHA! Ouch!" Taros laughs in a psychopathic tone and gets hurt in his chest.

"No... Dad... Dad wakes up." Kyo still has no response from his dad. "No... no... NOO!!"

Taros grin, "Well, I tell ya. Hahaha, your dad is dead... dead dad... haha."

Suddenly the sky gets dark by a dark cloud. 

Kyo gets angry. "Don't you dare talk about my dad!" The raven hair boy down his face didn't even look at Taros's face.

Taros smirked, "Don't you worry, kid, because you will join him SOON!" 

Taros when for a punch, but suddenly Kyo grabbed his arm and showed his face with no eye pupil on his left eye while the right eye was still closed. 

Smoke came out from Kyo's body, and Golden Aura came out from his body with hair spiked up to cover his whole body in a golden aura.

Kyo grabs the arm harder and harder till Taros's arm is crushed and lets the blue hair man's arm go.

"GAHH! What, who the hell are you?!" Taros asks in shock,


•To Be Continue•


(Cliffhanger No Jutsu! That is a warp for chapter 8 hope you like it! The next chapter will be awesome, I guess?)

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(See ya stay safe😊)