Chapter 9 (Saiyan vs Human)


After Satsuki has been told to leave with Naruko and Hinata, with little struggle, she carries Naruko and Hinata back home, but she will get the job done. After a few mins, she carries them. She feels tired and falls to the ground, dropping Hinata and Naruko, and Sasuki is exhausted.

'Come on, Satsuki, just a little bit more..' She tries to get up, but she can't because Sasuki is too tired. 'Come on, and I can't let Uncle Ryo down...' She tries again, and finally, She stands up and carries Hinata and Naruko on her back. When Sasuki looks at their condition, Hinata falls unconscious, giving Sasuki relief, while Naruko is the worst. She is bleeding on her head.

"Hold on, Naruko, we're almost there." Sasuki talks to Naruko, but Naruko gives her no response. When she stepped outside the forest area, she saw multiple big explosions from the training field. That worries her more. In her heart, she wanted to help Ryo and Kyo, but she knew that she was too weak to aid them.


"GAHH! What, who the hell are you?!" Taros asks in shock. He backed away while grabbing his broken left arm and stared at Kyo's new form. 

Kyo's hair stands up straight and has some orange on the edge. He has a yellow-golden aura around him. His left eye pupil has left blank white eye, while the right eye is just shut close. His skin tones change to yellowish colour, and the vein is visible on his skin. He also got muscle buff a bit.

Taros began to tremble as he said, "Y-You, You are Saiyan!" Kyo didn't give him a response. "How possible! Master said Saiyan should have a tail!"

Taros start to punch Kyo's face, but Kyo disappears behind his back. But when Taros moved his head to his back, Kyo went to the front.

"WHAT?!" Taros were shocked by how fast Kyo could be.

Kyo gives him a side punch powerful side punch.

"GAH!!" Taros growl in pain as the side punch sends Taros 500m away from Kyo. Taros fall to his knees and vomit blood.

'I may not be gonna make it, but I do not die alone... Master said this power would shorten my lifespan. But it seems like I don need it anymore. This power will be more powerful than Master transformation.' Taros in thought.

Taros raised his power and unlocked his hidden potential. "I'm going to say, kid, you and your father really push my limits, and... AND I WILL NOT LOSE! I BEING TRAINING FOR MY WHOLE LIFE... I WILL NOT LOSE TO SPOIL BRAT LIKE YOU! HAAAA!" 

Taros make the first move. Taros punched Kyo multiple times, and Kyo countered with a single punch, but that wasn't enough as Taros kept attacking Kyo so that he didn't give the Saiyan boy a chance to rest.

Taros is overpowered by Kyo's transformation. He makes a Ki blast attack on Kyo's chest and blasts it off. 

That impact caused Kyo to fly away from Taros for a couple of hundred meters as Kyo was down to his knees. 

Taros charge his deadly Ki blast toward Kyo. "This will end your life."

Kyo, in anger looking, tries to stand up, but he can't. 

Taros was about to finish charging his attack, But suddenly a punch came to his face that sent him 20 meters away from the puncher. 

"W-What?! H-How! How You still live! AKIRA!" Taros are in shock. 

Akira is still alive, his wound lets out white smoke that slowly heals him, and his left arm is regenerating, but it's not a normal arm. It's Monster arm. His hair spikes up, his left eye turns black with a red iris, and the red mark on his gets longer to his chin.

(It's Akira Oc Power: Spiritual Dragon. Visit Oc Bio for more info, and yes, this form can be regenerated as long his brain and heart didn't get destroy)

"You... I will kill you after what you did to my friends and ASUKA!" Akira's voice is deeper, more like Demon's. 

Kyo is back on his feet and ready to fight again as Akira also stands in a fighting pose. But Kyo seems unconscious about what he is doing, while Akira knows what he is doing right now. 

Taros attack them with countless Ki blasts toward them. Both of the super boys dodge the attack with ease and dash toward Taros.

Both arrive in front of Taros, and Akira blocks Taros's attacks. 

Kyo kicks Taros on the head, which makes him fly away from Akira, Taros catches his breath, but they both don't give him a chance. Kyo rushes towards him, Punch Taros right on his face, and Akira kicks Taros's broken arm, which makes his left arm completely broken.

"GAHHH!" Taros scream in pain.


Far away from that battle, Ryo gained consciousness, checked his surroundings, and saw Kyo's new transformation and a boy that was supposed to be death new from, beating Taros with no effort.

'K-Kyo?" Ryo mumbled while looking at his son.


Taros has cut and brushed all over his body. His vision is blurry, and his left arm is completely broken. He almost lost consciousness, and he shook his head to make his view clear again. "M-My... body... can't... hold much longer. I must... end.. this... NOW!!" 

The blue hair man starts running toward Akira and puts all his power into his right arm, making Akira off guard. When Taros gets closer, he fires a ki blast toward Akira's chest that makes him fly to the sky and explode in the sky.

"KYO GOOOO FINISH IT!!!! GAHHHH!!" Akira tells Kyo to end Taros's life before he disappears in the explosion. 

Taros was caught off guard when Kyo was right in front of him.

"HAA!!!!" Kyo makes Ultra Ki punch Taros's gut, destroys everything 50 meters behind him, and slowly destroys Taros's body.

"T-That's was for... my friends..." Kyo power down and collapse to the ground. 

Taros look at his body which slowly turns to ashes. He takes a deep breath and smiles. "W-Well... done... kid..." Taros turn to dust and disappear into thin air.

Ryo was shocked that his son did it! he won. But felt something wrong with his son. His Chakra, or Ki, is dropping fast. 


"Kyo!" Ryo tries to stand, but he can't, so he starts crawling to his son. "D-Don't you dare die on me, Kyo!" He puts Kyo on his arm and pushes all his strength to stand up. 

"HAAAAAA!!!" He screams in pain but still tries to stand while Kyo is on his arm. Ryo finally stands up and starts walking. Suddenly, his body gets shocked, drops Kyo on his arm, and falls to the ground.

Ryo panting, "S-Sorry, Kyo, it looks like we did not g-gonna make it." He turned his head while coughing blood, cursing his condition. He took so much damage from the Taros attack earlier. He couldn't use Hiraishin to go back home, and he didn't have enough Chakra for that. 

But suddenly, something caught his interest when he saw Kyo was no longer in a life-threatening condition. He still was poorly beaten, but somehow Ryo could tell his son would survive.

"K-Kyo, I didn't know if you heard me or not... b-but you must survive... y-you must protect Naruko." He pets Kyo's top head with a weakly smile on his face. "Kyo, I... got something to give to you... maybe this is my final gives to you. I hope you like it..."


Satsuki finally reached Naruko's home as she yelled, "YURI-OBASAN, PLEASE HELP US!" She shouts aloud and falls to the ground at the front door, fainting with Naruko and Hinata. 

Yuri opened the door and shook when she saw Satsuki, Hinata and Naruko lying on the ground.

"OHH KAMI-SAMA, WHAT HAPPENED!!" Yuri is shocked as she runs to them. "YOU ALL MUST GET MEDICAL TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY!!" She starts to pick them up one by one and treats them immediately.


After Yuri treated their wound, time passed from morning to evening. In Guess Room, Hinata starts to wake up and rubs her neck. Hinata checked her surroundings and got surprised that she was no longer in the woods. 

Satsuki also starts to wake up and have some bandage on her body. At the same time, Naruko is still unconscious and has a bandage all over her head.

Suddenly the door opens and reveals Fugaku, Mikoto, Hiashi, his maid Natsu and lastly, Yuri. Mikoto got tears in her eyes and started running and hugging Satsuki. 

Satsuki yelped in pain while Hinata got Natsu to hug her, and she began to cry.

"What happened, Satsuki?" Fugaku asks her daughter, While Yuri goes to the kitchen to make tea.


Satsuki explained before the attack, and Ryo arrived and told them to run and go home while taking Naruko and Hinata.

Fugaku nodded. "It's that so."

Natsu ran and hugged Satsuki gasping in pain. "Thanks, Satsuki-San... without you, Hinata-sama will never be home and safe." Natsu hugs her again.

Hiashi look at the Uchiha girl as he asks, "Satsuki, may I ask you what the other two kids are saying?"

"The boy as Naruko, Hinata, and I know is Akira. The other is Akira's friend, but I think Akira but..." Satsuki is silent for a second.

"But what?" Hiashi asks again.

"Akira dies right in front of us," Satsuki said in a low tone, shocking the adult in the room.

"Are they really strong?" Fugaku asks.

Satsuki nodded, "Y-Yeah, they're powerful... They put us in such conditions in one hit... Akira dies in hand the leader with one hit." 

That shocked the adult, and Yuri went back to the guest room again.

Fugaku narrowed his eyes, "And you said Kyo was almost able to beat them? How even possible he isn't the weakest in our clan?"

Satsuki glared at his father as she said, "Kyo wasn't weak! He Taijutsu is super strong, and yes, he almost beat them, but..." Tears start to come from her eyes.

"But what?" Hiashi ask again,

"H-He being hit by a powerful punch from the leader that sends him 100 feet away..." Hinata said while her eyes were welling teary.

No one is more shocked when Yuri herself, "WHAT!! No, I MUST GO HELP THEM!!" She shouts in worry and about rushing out of her home.

"YURI!! Don't go! Be patient. Ryo and Kyo will be alright... After all, Ryo is the strongest in the Uchiha clan, remember? He unlocked his Mangekyo Sharingan 5 years ago, and if what I'm hearing is true that Kyo being this strong, I'm pretty sure that he will survive." Fugaku said in a severe tone.

"BUT!" Yuri wants to protest.

"NO, BUT! Just stay here. Watch over Naruko. She needs you now, Has faith that they will be alright. Mikoto, Satsuki, let's go home." Fugaku said in a harsh tone.

Mikoto gave a sad smile as she said, "Thanks Yuri-chan for treating my daughter..."

Yuri smiles back sadly as she replies, "No, worries, Nee-chan, Satsuki is also my niece."

Mikoto pet Yuri's shoulder and said, "I'm sorry what happened to Naruko, and like Fugaku said to have faith. Kyo and Ryo will be alright." She hugs Yuri as her little sister hugs her back with teary eyes. 

Fugaku family left Ryo residents.

"Don't worry, I will help whatever I can, and thank you for treating Hinata. Your family will always be in our debt. Let's go, Hinata, Natsu." Hiashi said with respect.

Hinata bowed to Yuri as she said, "Thank you, Miss Yuri." Hinata gives a hug to Yuri as she hugs Hinata back and pets Hinata's hair. 

Hisashi's family left Kyo's house.


Satsuki, with her family on the street with some bandage on her body, as she asks, "Tou-San, are you sure that Uncle Ryo and Kyo will be fine?"

Fugaku looked at her daughter as he said, "Well, I'm sure he is. After all, you saw how Ryo handled those guys, right? And for Kyo, if that is true, I'm sure that he will survive the punch."

Satsuki gets angry when her dad tries to call Kyo weak, "HEY IS TRUE, Tou-San! I see it with my own eyes!"

Mikoto sigh, "That's enough, Sasuki. I know that you worry about Kyo. Let's have faith that he will be alright, okay?"

Sasuki sighs as she calms down, "O-Okay... I just... didn't want to lose him I-" She is being cut off.

"You like him, right?" Mikoto teases her daughter as Sasuki blushes while poking her finger together.

Fugaku rolls his eyes in annoyance.


"Natsu, take Hinata back home. I got something to do." Hiashi He said in a severe voice.

Hinata looks at her father as she asks. "Where are you going, Oto-Sama?"

"I'm gonna go to aid Ryo. You two go home." Hiashi is about to take his leave when he turns back toward his daughter and says, "Ah, one thing, if your sister asks about me, just say I got work to do." Then he disappeared.

'Kyo-kun, please be safe... please...' Hinata makes a worried face that her maid notices. 

"Hinata-Sama, are you okay? You seem worried. Are you worried about Kyo-sama?" Natsu asks her. 

Hinata blushed and nodded. "I-I didn't know what this feeling is... I love spending time together with him... but when I saw him get hit... I feel sad, worried, angry, and hurt that like I didn't want to lose him." She answers her maid's question.

Natsu smiled, "That feeling is to call love Hinata-Sama."

Hinata blush. "L-Love!?" She hides behind her scarf cutely. 'So, do I love him? No! Bad, Hinata! You're too young for that, bad, Hinata. Muh... what I'm going to do if I saw him again...'


Naruko is still unconscious. 

The head injury is terrible. Yuri picks Naruko into the bridal style and takes her to Naruko's room so Naruko is more comfortable there after Yuri lays Naruko down on her bed. In contrast, she sits on the couch beside Naruko's bed.

'Please be safe, Ryo-kun, Kyo-chan, please...' Yuri's tears start coming down from her eyes.


•To Be Continue•


(That is a warp for chapter 9. What do you guys think?)

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(See ya stay safe😊)