Chapter 11 (Blue Sharingan)

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While Isachi treats Kyo and The girl wound, she is shocked that Kyo and The girl's body has very severely wounded. She keeps treating their injury with her clone. 

Isachi finishes treating their wound, and she realises that Kyo is no longer breathing. The raven hair girl when into panic, and then she leaned her head to his chest to hear the pulse, but it did not beat. 

Isachi's eyes were wide in shock as she said, "No... NO, KYO, STAY WITH ME!" She gives Kyo CPR, but Kyo does not respond; he still is not breathing. Her tears fall to her cheek, and she tries again and again, but still no beat. 

Isachi begins to cry. She lost almost every people she loved, and now he wants also wants to leave her. "Kyo, please...wake up... I already lose so many people that I love... please, Kyo, don't leave me to..."

Isachi cries on his chest. "KYO!!" She shouts, and she stomps her hand to his chest. 

In a couple of seconds, the Uchiha girl hears a beat from his chest, and Kyo starts breathing slowly. She cries again, but this time tears of joy come from her face, Isachi hugs Kyo, and she cries in joy.


10 min later, Isachi saw Kyo getting better and better. The girl Kyo brings with him is now in stable condition. So she decided to leave the village. She lay Kyo and The girl side each other on a street chair. She touches his face and face to face with him.

"Kyo, please watch after Naruko and Satsuki..." Isachi said, whispering to Kyo's ear. "and no matter what, I always love you, Kyo-Chan." The almost 12 years old, Isachi gets close to him and kisses him on the lips.

(I know she is a bit young, but I don't care!)

"Goodbye, Kyo-Chan," Isachi said as she disappeared in a blink.


Hiashi and Anbu Force appear in Uchiha residences, their shocked that Isachi already gets the job done. Their start exploring the areas, and they find Naruko, Satsuki, a girl and Kyo, the only Survivors.


Kyo awake is in blank white space. He has no idea where he is. Kyo checks his body is fully recovered, but his right eye doesn't. So he investigates his right eye as he sighs, "I guess it didn't heal... anyway, where am I?" He said in confusion. 

Kyo started to explore the world, but he found nothing, and suddenly he heard a voice.


Kyo turns his head to see where the voice came from, and he realises that his Mother. "Kaa-San? Is that you? Where are we?" He still has no idea where he is right now.

Yuri smiled warmly as she said, "Don't be silly. Of course, it is me, and now we are in your dream."

Kyo was surprised as he said in excitement, "Woah, I didn't know you could do that! Can I learn that!"

"Nope! You can't. Don't I tell you? You get your training when you reach 10, DIDN'T I!?" Yuri yell, making her child scared of her.

Kyo bow as he asks for forgiveness, "I'M SORRY, KAA-SAN!"

The Mother couldn't hold her laugh as she said. "I'm just kidding, Kyo-chan." 

Kyo groans, "Mou Kaa-san, it's not funny... I want to ask where everyone is. Are Naruko and Satsuki are they safe? Ahh! what about Hinata! Did she go home to safety... and what about the girl that I carry! I saw Isachi came back home an- huh?" He is being hugged by Yuri.

"It's okay... I know Kyo-chan. Everyone is safe." Yuri said in a low tone to confront him.

Kyo looked at his Mother as he said, "You know? Then you know about Dad too? his... his..." Tears start to wiling in his eye.

Yuri smiles, "Yeah, your Dad tells me."

"D-Dad? Tells you?" Kyo asks.

Then he heard another voice from his back.

"Yo, Kyo-Chan!" Ryo is standing behind him.

"Dad? Is that..." Ryo smiles at him. Then, without a second thought, he jumps and hugs his Dad and cries into his cloth. "D-Dad, I'm sorry! I-I'm not strong enough to save you! I'm sorry..."

Ryo hugged back as he said, "Shh... It's okay. It's not your fault Kyo-chan."

"B-But I let you down..." Kyo said as he looked guilty.

Ryo eases his son with a smile. "No, you didn't, Kyo-chan. I'm proud of you."

"But why are you here? Are you still alive?" Kyo asks with hope.

"I afraid... I'm not." Ryo let his son down to his feet.

"What, but Kaa-San is here too." Then Kyo shocks and realises what happened here as tears well in his eyes. "Kaa-San, please tell me you did-" He is cut off when Yuri suddenly hugs him.

"Listen to me, Kyo-Chan... I want you to be strong, be well, eat well, live well and be loved... Take care, Naruko, for me... and I'm so sorry, but Kaa-San and Daddy can't be with you in this world anymore... So please forgive us, Kyo-Chan." Tears start to fall from her eyes, and Kyo. 

"B-But..." Kyo became so speechless he couldn't think of any words right now. He just lost both of his parents in such a short time. He didn't know how to react to the news.

Yuri let go of the hug and started floating with Ryo. "Farewell, my son... I love you, and I Love you and Naruko so much..."

Ryo gives a teary smile, "I hope you like my gift, son..."

Kyo shook his head in denial. "No... NO!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! KAA-SAN! DADDY!" He jumps to try to reach both of them, but it's too late Yuri and Ryo disappear into the light of ashes.

"Please take care of Satsuki and Naruko for us, our son Kyo Uchiha."


•Back To Reality•

"KAA-SAN! DADDY!" Kyo shouts, tears on his face and reaching his hand to room the ceiling as he begins to cry harder than he was before.

"I-I promise Kaa-San, Dad... I will take care of both of them and protect them even if it will cost my life...." Kyo manages to make a promise to himself as he tries to calm down hard as he can as he finds out he is in the hospital room. 

Kyo has a bandage from his toes to his head as he wipes his tears, but they won't stop, and he realises that Naruko is sleeping beside him. 

Naruko was slowly awake when she heard shouting. She saw Kyo awake and sitting on the bed while tears streamed down from his face.

"K-Kyo... KYO!!" She jumps and hugs him tightly and cries, Kyo when into speechless once again as he hugs Naruko back tight while trying to be strong for his adopted sister.

Kyo gave a fake smile and pain as he said, to ease the situation, "Ark! Can you let me go? Naruko, your hug hurt me."

Naruko shook her head, "NO! I won't let go beside you were also hugging me, Kyo, please... throw the mask away..."

Kyo's eyes widen, and he cries on Naruko's shoulder. All of his effort to be strong is gone when Naruko knows him too much.

After 10 mins of crying none stop, Kyo finally calmed down as he said to Naruko, "Thank you, Naruko..."

Naruko release the hugging as she looks at her adopter brother with a smile. "No need Kyo... you have suffered the most than the rest of us. Besides, you can always come to me if you need a shoulder to cry, Kyo."

Naruko guessed Kyo must be sad about her late adopted father because, in her mind, Kyo didn't know about their Mother's passes.

Kyo chuckled, "Said yourself, but you are crying hard as I did."

Naruko got embarrassed as she denied it. "NO, I DID NOT!"

Suddenly the room door opens and reveals Satsuki and Hinata with bowls of water.

"Naruko, what with the loud voice..." Satsuki asks as a bowl from her hand drops to the ground.

"What's wrong, Satsuki..." Hinata asks as she also does the same and drops the bowl when they see Kyo sitting on the bed instead lying on the bed like they always do.

"Oh, hey, girls," Kyo said with a smile while Naruko sat beside him.

"KYO/-KUN!" Hinata and Satsuki yell in happiness as they run and hug him tightly as Naruko also join the hug.

"Gah! Girls, can you let me go? It really hurt me, you know?" Kyo is really hurting this time.

All the girls yell, "NO!!"

Kyo sighed, "Okay..."


After 5 min hugging, all the girls let him go, and the room opened and revealed Hiashi and the 3rd Hokage.

Hiruzen, or 3rd Hokage as they know, gives a smile. "It's good to see you awake, Kyo."

"How do you feel? It has been a month since you were asleep," Hiashi said as he looked at the boy.

"Yeah, I feel good... Wait! You said I am asleep for a month?" Kyo asks in shock.

Naruko nodded, "Yeah, you are... you have badly wounded... sometimes we thought you would never be awake..." She said in a sad voice and held Kyo's hands.

"Don't worry, Naruko. I'm okay now..." Kyo said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Hinata aks for confirmation.

Kyo nodded as he remembered something, "Yeah, but where? Is the girl that I carry with me? Is she still alive?" 

Then they heard a small footstep walk into the room. 

Kyo recognises who it is. "Wait, you are the girl I carry with me."

Asuka has changed into the new cloth with multiple bandages to cover her scars and blind eyes.

"Yeah," Asuka responded with a smile as she walked to Akira's bed, and the brown hair girl bowed to Akira while saying, "I want to thank you... Thank you... for what you did to me." Water in her eyes.

Kyo saw that he wanted to get out of his bed. But he can't Naruko and Sasuki help him up. "Hey, umm..."

"Asuka, Asuka Shinjo."

Kyo walks slowly toward her, he almost stumps on his own feet, but Asuka catches him. "Hey, no need to thank me because I can let my friend die."

Asuka looks at him as she asks. "How can you say that? You even didn't know me."

"Yeah, but you Akira friend, so that makes you also my friend, so I can't let you die there alone," Kyo reply with a smile.

Other Girls in-room give him a sigh. In their heads are 'Kyo Is Kyo,' they remember what he did for Hinata.

"And I'm sorry I can't help Akira, too. I didn't see his body anywhere." Kyo looks down and is guilty he can't save his friend.

Asuka shook her head, "... It's okay, Kyo. Thanks to you, Taros is finally gone. I hope my friend's soul finally finds peace. Akira is like a brother to me with Taros gone, and I hope he also finds peace and all thanks to you, Kyo."

"But I'm not the one who killed him... It was my Dad." Kyo responded, and he didn't remember much from the battle he did.

"Sorry for the interruption. Is this 'Taros' the one you tell me, Asuka-San?" Hiruzen asks for confirmation.

Asuka nodded, "Yeah, he's the one."

Hiashi made a thinking pose as he said, "I can't believe this... someone who loves to torture kids. I'm also glad he is gone now."

"But with sacrifice," Hiruzen added as he remembered Ryo Uchiha's death to defeat Taros.

All of them down as Kyo mumbles, "Yeah, Kaa-San is gone too..."

All of them look at and raise their eyebrow at Kyo except Asuka.

"Wait, you know?" Hiashi aks.

Kyo nodded as he gave a sad smile, "Yeah, I met Kaa-San and Dad in my dream."

Naruko goes to Kyo and hugs him. "Y-You meet them."

"Yeah, she told me to take care of you and Sasuki. Dad told me he gave me something, but I didn't know what it was." Kyo said while he embraced Naruko with one hand, and suddenly, he felt pain in his rib. 

That caught the attention of everyone in the room, and Naruko had to let go of the hug to check his condition.

"Hey, are you alright?" Satsuki asks in concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Kyo smiled to ease the worry as he stood tall.

"You can unwrap your bandage, Kyo-Kun," Hiruzen said as he tried to look at Kyo's condition.

Kyo raised his cover eyebrows. "Really? Oh, thank you! These bandages really uncomfortable." He unwraps his bandages as he is told to. 

When Kyo unwrapped, a little scar from all over his body and on the right eye can see if you pay attention to it.

Hiruzen looked closer as he said, "Ahh Kyo, we also already fixed your right eye... Why don't you try to open it slowly."

Kyo nodded and slowly opened his right eye. When he opened his eye, they saw the third phase, Sharingan, from his right eye, and slowly, the red eye turned purple and, lastly, blue.

They are all shocked that his red Sharingan turns blue, and Kyo's eyes turn back to their normal black eye. 

The adult notices power rises suddenly and down when Kyo's eyes turn back to normal. 

Hisashi quickly uses Byakugan and investigates Kyo's body, and he sees the Sharingan changes its colour because of Kyo Chakra or Ki for Kyo.

"Well, as I expected," Hiashi said.

The old Hiruzen look at the Hyuga heirs as he asks, "What do you expect?"

"Well, his Sharingan changes its colour because of Kyo chakra..." Hiashi explain.

"What do you mean?" Hiruzen asks once again, and he wants to know if this Kyo is similar to his late student.

Hisashi didn't know how to say either, he expected Kyo might be like his late master, but that was not the same as he said, "Well, let's say this Kyo chakra is a little different from ours..."

"Well, I understand, hmmm." Hizuren hummed for a couple of seconds as he sighed and made a note to think later.

"Hokage-sama when. Kyo will check out from the hospital?" Naruko ask.

Hiruzen looked at the blond girl as he said, "Well if we see at his conditions now... Maybe 2-3 days more."

Naruko sigh, "Ohh, okay..."

Kyo looked at the brunette and asked, "Asuka, where do you live?"

"Well, Hokage-sama said I could live In the village," Asuka replied.

Hiruzen nodded, "She will live around here. For now, she lives with Naruko-Chan and Satsuki-Chan."

"Maybe, you can stay with us forevermore then? I'm sure Satsuki is fine with it." Naruko said with a smile.

Satsuki nodded, "Hmm, yeah, I'm also fine with it."

Kyo looked at both of the girls, "Hey, Did you need my opinion? I probably live there too, you know,"

Naruko giggled as she shook her head, "No, we already know the answer."

Kyo chuckles at Naruko's response. 

Asuka had tears in her eyes. Naruko and Satsuki saw that as they went to her and hugged her to comfort her. 

The brown-haired girl saw Kyo give a smile similar to Akira's, making her break her wall as she started crying. "T-Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much... Thank you, Kyo..."

Kyo smiled, "No problem, Asuka I-" His words were cut off when Asuka kissed him on the cheek. 

That action shocked every girl in the room.

Kyo held his cheek and didn't know what to say.

Hiruzen chuckled as he said, "Well, that was unexpected, but Asuka-San, you will live in Kyo's house then. Kids, I must go now... Kyo-Kun gets well soon."

Kyo quickly recovered as he said, "Thanks for coming to Hokage-Sama."

Then Hizuren leaves the room.

"Well, Hinata is time to go home... get well, Kyo," Hiashi called his daughter, but it seemed like Hinata were focused on something.

Kyo smiled, "Thanks for coming to Hisashi-San and Hina- Ofmm...." Hinata suddenly kisses him on the lips.

They were all shocked and exploded in their head except Kyo.

Hinata finishes her first kiss and looks at Asuka with a glare while sending a message that Kyo is her alone.

In a split second, Hinata realised what she was doing and was embarrassed that smoke had come from her head. 

After a couple of seconds, Kyo realises what just happened to him, and he is too shocked at what Hinata just did as he looks at Hinata, who is red from embarrassment.

Kyo looks to Satsuki and Naruko, and Asuka then points to Hinata back to him and back to Hinata, and they nod. 

Then the young Saiyan boy's eyes wide open, and he was as red as Hinata. Kyo is about to speak; Hinata is already sprinting out of his room. 

Hisashi shakes his head and leaves the room. In contrast, Naruko and Satsuki pout in jealousy.

Kyo didn't know what to say to these two as he said. "Girls, should you go home too?"

Naruko shook her head, "No, we stay here, right, Sasuki?"

Satsuki nodded and denied what Kyo said. "Yeah, we stay here... we take NO! As an answer, understand!"

Kyo sighed, "Alright, you all can stay... as long the nurse is okay with it."

Satsuki and Naruko smiled as they said, "Thank you, Kyo." Both of them were joyous, and they both kissed his cheek, making the Saiyan boy blush once more.

"What about you, Asuka?" Kyo aks.

Asuka gave a smile as she said, "Well, if they're both here, then I will stay too."


•To Be Continue•


(That is a warp for Chapter 11. I hope you like it. Asuka will live with Kyo, Naruko and Sasuki, and I change some character personalities.)

(For sasuki personally, she will be cheerful if she is with Kyo and her close friend.)

(And for Naruko is still the same. However, she has more manners.)

(And for Hinata, she will be more confident and a little bit bold.)

(Vote if you Like it! Share if you Love it! And a Follow will be Epic! See you guys next time.)

(See ya stay safe😊)