Chapter 12 (Traning)


3 Days Later.

Before Kyo was checked out from the hospital, Satsuki told him what happened to the Uchiha clan, and somehow he didn't seem surprised. 

Kyo was just disappointed and a little sad just what Isachi did, not only to his clan but also to his Mother.

Kyo knows Isachi didn't do that for a reason want to gain power. He just wants to know what is the real reason that makes her kill the entire clan. 

But before the Saiyan boy got out, he met Maito Gai. Height 6ft and wears a full-body green spandex suit with a Jonin vest, thick eyebrows and a black bowl haircut. 

Hokage said Maito Gai is the best Taijutsu in the village, and the Hokage wants Kyo to train with him.

"SO YOU ARE NONE NINJUTSU UCHIHA! I HEAR ABOUT!" Gai shouted in excitement.

Naruko and Satsuki sweat drop at the teacher as they thought simultaneously, 'Damn... That eyebrow...'

"Yeah, that's me..." Kyo response.

"YOU ARE IN LUCK BECAUSE I WILL TRAIN YOU TO BE THE BEST TAIJUTSU EVER!" Gai gives a thumb up and smiles at him with glowing teeth that hurt the girls' eyes.

'MY EYES!!' The girls yell in their thought while covering their eyes.

Kyo looks at Hokage, and he receives a nod from Hokage as he sweatdrops a bit and says, "Well, I would like to train with the best then."

Gai nodded with a smile as he said, "GOOD! Now for my first disciple, you will wear this training cloth." He shows him his spare green spandex suit.

Kyo shook his head, "NO, WAY! I WILL WEAR THAT!"


•7 Years Later•

In the Training field. Kyo can be spotted sweating.

Kyo is training very hard after what happened seven years ago. Maito Gai had taught him for six years before Gai got a new team to train. 

Kyo got a new look. His hair was longer, he got taller, like 5'5 from 4'0, and his body got more muscular, wearing a black high collar jacked, white shirt underneath, and black trousers.

The Saiyan boy has been training from morning to evening every day to push his limits, and finally, he got exhausted and fell to the ground. 

Kyo was breathing heavily to catch his breath when he heard a voice.

"Kyo! Did we tell you not to push yourself too hard!"

Kyo turns his head and sees Naruko and Sasuki walking toward him. 

Naruko and Satsuki also get taller, from 3.9ft to 4.8ft, so they are still lower in Kyo's height.

Naruko's outfit changed from her five-year-old style to neon orange and dark blue jumpsuits with short orange jeans, with the same hairstyle, a single ponytail on the right side, with free hair on her left but messier, with C-cup breast.

Satsuki also slightly changed her outfit from 7 years ago. Her dark shorts change to brown, and her hair is also slightly longer but more wild, with A-cup breasts.

"Oh, Naruko-Chan, Stasuki-Chan, what are you doing here?" Kyo looks at the girls while asking.

"We decided to train with you... because you know the genin test is next week." Satsuki said while arms crossed.

Kyo looked confused as he asked, "Eh? Didn't you girls' Rookie of the Year? Why do you need more training? I'm sure you girls going to pass."

Naruko sighed; as she knew Kyo were too dense to get what they actually meant, she said to the Uchiha girl, "Ugh... Satsuki, you need to straight forward to him... he is too dense to understand."

"What?" Kyo asked and didn't know what they wanted.

Naruko sighed once again as she said, "What she is trying to say is we want to train with you so we can spend more time together."

Kyo finally understood as he clapped his hand, "Oh, why didn't you say so... Well, more people, more fun, right?"

Both of the girls sigh one last time as they reply, "Yeah." They both pinch him for not truly understanding.

"Ow!" Kyo yelps in pain as he asks, "Hey, was what that for?"

Satsuki scoffed, "For not understand... hm!" She and Naruko walk past him to training.

Kyo looked lost as he thought to himself, 'I really didn't understand, Girls.'

"Kyo, let's go training before is night, or Asuka will be worried about us!" Naruko yells, calling for the Saiyan boy to train with them.

Kyo smiled as he responded, "Yeah, I'm coming!"


After more than two hours, the trio started training, and the girls were watching Kyo when the raven-haired boy focused on something for more than 40 minutes by standing and meditating while his hands were forward, trying to create something.

Naruko got more curious as she walked forward and asked the adopted Uchiha. "Kyo, can I ask you something?"

Kyo stop his training as he asks, "Yeah, sure, what is it?

"Why didn't you show your ability in a physical test earlier? I'm sure you're gonna be Rookie of the Year, not us." Naruko asks, and she knows Kyo is far stronger than any academy student, heck Kyo already stronger than Chunin or Jonin. 

When Naruko said that and it got Satsuki's attention.

"Yeah, Kyo.. why didn't you show your strength to them?" Satsuki asks, and she just wants to know because there is one case with one teacher that almost rapes Naruko because he wants to make the blonde girl suffer, and Kyo go all out to make it stop.



Two years ago, there was one pale light blue hair teacher who hated Naruko with all his guts, and he wanted to make her suffer just because he thought Naruko was the reincarnation of Kyuubi.

"Naruko-Chan, can you come to my office after school?" The teacher asks innocently.

The ten years old Naruko look at the teacher, "Why Mizuki Sensei?"

Hinata and Satsuki look at the teacher, while Kyo narrows his eyes because he knows this teacher has so much negative energy from the Villagers.

"Not much. I just want to give you some work that you have to do. You miss your homework. I can't let you just walk away Naruko-Chan." The teacher's name, Mizuki, explains deep inside his smiling madness.

Naruko groaned as she forgot that she was super lazy yesterday while the others managed to get their homework done. "Sure Mizuki-Sensei, I will come later."

"Good, see you soon," Mizuki said with a smile as he left the room while Kyo gave him a glare.

The others around Naruko nagged the blond about this is why they did their homework.


After school, Kyo is gone because of the fan girls, not because he hates them. He just annoys with so many he has to deal with, while Hinata, Satsuki and Naruko are the only ones left in the school.

"N-Naruko, are you sure you didn't want us to wait?" Hinata asks, and she gets more confident of all the time she spent time with her friends.

"No need, I guess, because, Mizuki-Sensei said he just wanted to give a work. Soon it did. I will come back." Naruko said as the other sighed.

"Sure, but if you are late 5 mins I will come back here," Satsuki said as she walked away from them.

Hinata looked confused as she waved at Naruko and followed Satsuki later on.


(A Warning?)

Naruko entered Mizuki's office as it was almost dark time, so it was a little bit hard to see a call from the teacher. "Mizuki-Sensei, are you here?"

The blond walked forward as she suddenly stumbled on a thin cable, and half a second later, Naruko was tight and trapped by a thin cable, making her yelp in pain and standing in an X pose.

"Ouch! What the hell!? What is going on!?" Naruko tries to escape but is not valid. She is not strong enough to break the cable.

"There is no use Naruko-Chan~. You can't escape from that with struggle, or it will cut your skin."

Naruko stopped struggling as she tried to look at who was talking to her. Soon she got a clear view. She saw Mizuki with an evil smirk made her scared.

"M-Mizuki-Sensei, why did you do this to me?" Naruko asks. She knows the teacher did this to her, and she got no idea why Mizuki did this to her. Mizuki can be harsh to her, but he always smiles at her making him like a trusted person to her.

Mizuki walked forward as he, held Naruko's face with his left arm as he said, "You have no idea how much I want this Naruko-Chan~ but don't worry, I will sure you will enjoy it too."

Naruko got scared as she shook her head, then when Mizuki got closer, he started to lick Naruko's right cheek making the girl scream.


Then the room door suddenly crashed open, and Mizuki stopped what his doing. He smirked when he saw. Naruko's homeroom teacher, scar face, Iruka, is panting like he has been running all the way from Konoha gate to here in only a few seconds.

"M-Mizuki, stop this madness and let Naruko go!" Iruka begging to the teacher to let go of his student alone.

"Why should I?" Mizuki said with a smile as he pulled something that made Iruka shocked when get got tight light Naruko did, "I already set another trap for someone trying to interrupt me. Can't you see Iruka, Naruko will grow into a fine piece? You can join me if you wa-"

"NEVER!!" Iruka yelled in anger as he tried to escape. As suddenly, Iruka got stabbed by Fuma Shuriken on his back, making him scream in pain.

"Then enjoy the show when I deflower this demon, Iruka." Mizuki pulled Iruka's hair to make the scarred face teacher see in tears Naruko and lock in place.

Mizuki walked and stood behind Naruko as he started to harass the poor girl and grab her growing breast while undressing her jacket. "Hahaha, even though you are still growing, you already got something to grab on Naruko-Chan!"

"P-Please stop, please. Why have I done wrong to you?" Naruko asks, and tears stream down her face.

Mizuki laughed louder as he licked Naruko's face and said, "You don't know Naruko-Chan?"

"STOP, MIZUKI, JUST STOP WHAT YOU DID TO HER!" Iruka was screaming and begging as he got a kunai stuck on his shoulder.

"Ohh, she needs to know, Iruka. Did you know Naruko 10 years ago when Kyuubi attacked the village? And the 4th Hokage defeat the Kyuubi BY SEALING THE NINE TAILS INSIDE A NEWBORN BABY, AND THAT IS YOU!" Mizuki tightened the gip on Naruko's breast, making her scream in pain.

"Now I will finish what 4th Hokage can't, but first, let me enjoy you first!" Mizuki grabbed Naruko's face and forced her to make her kiss him. 

Iruka looks hopeless as he closes his eyes. 

The day already turns dark.

But before Mizuka can move any further, an invincible energy force makes him stop moving as suddenly the ceiling room bursts crashing down straight to the ground floor along with Mizuki making Naruko can Iruka shock.

Mizuki yelped in pain as he tried to look at who was attacking him. As he saw glowing green eyes looking at him while most of the attackers were covering the smoke of dust.

"W-Who are yo-" Mizuki's words stopped when he got a punch to the face, making the ground crack.

The other punch came, then the other and other, and other, and another, each punching becoming faster and faster and destroying the whole ground or room.

"OOOOOAAAAAAA!!!!" The attacker roared while beating the pale light blue teacher who was just about to rape Naruko.


Naruko and Iruka could feel the earthquake and roar from the room below, and their room got cracked, making Naruko's tight cable loose and free as the blond fell to her knees.

Naruko, without a word, gets up and helps her homeroom teacher free.

"N-Naruko are you okay?" Iruka asked with hold pain, as Naruko nodded with a blank face. "We must get out of here now, Naruko."

Iruka could see the building could collapse anytime soon, a he got up with Naruko's support.


Soon outside, Iruka can see glowing green eyes rampage inside the call room, while Naruko is still blank from what happened.

Suddenly the classroom exploded as a figure flew outside and landed in front of Naruko and Iruka. The teacher and the student were shocked when they saw the dying Mizuki with no face, no right eyes, and exposed broken bone arms, ribs and legs.

"P-Please..... K-Kill... Me....." Muzuki mumble.

Iruka hissed as he said, "Mizuki... you should know, Naruko is not a demon. She is a Konoha civilian, a hero that saves us from the Kyuubi rampage. If there is a demon, that is you!"

Naruko looks at Iruka with lifeless eyes, but her tears start welling in her eyes.

The building can't hold anymore as part of its collapse on the glowing green eyes saviour.

Naruko and Iruka didn't look at gore Mizuki anymore as they kept their sight on their saviour. They saw a person they knew walking toward them in anger with glowing green eyes and hair spiked up.

"K-Kyo," Iruka said as Naruko, from lifeless eyes, turned back to lively eyes as tears slowly fell from her face.

Soon as Kyo got closer, his right eye changed to blue Sharingan and his left one to black one, but the hair was still spiked up. "You... dare to make Naruko cry... you dare touch her... you dare to hurt her... Like Iruka-Sensei, you are the real demon here... and NOBODY TALKING TO NARUKO LIKE THAT! SHE IS SWEET AND INNOCENT, AND FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO HER, YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!!" 

Iruka quickly covers Naruko's eyes as Kyo destroy what is left of the Co-Homeroom teacher by throwing Mizuki to the sky, but before he falls to the ground, Kyo delivers a powerful Ki punch that is almost strong as he did to Taros years ago with Iruka and Naruko behind him.

That blast makes Mizuki disappears; not even dust is left.


(Warning End?)

The 3rd Hokage arrive later with anbu white hair anbu and purple hair anbu. 

Naruko never leaves Kyo's side as the raven hair boy hugs and comforts the girl as soon she falls asleep because of mind exhaustion and stress. 

Iruka got treated by the purple hair Anbu while explaining what just happened. Most of them were shocked as Hokage and the Anbus looked at Kyo.

"Kyo-Kun, I'm afraid you might use your power when only you truly need it," Hiruzen said, and he didn't want to start chaos when Kyo started to show his power to the public eyes, at least not yet.

Kyo shook his head, "I will try, but if anything is about to happen to Naruko, Satsuki, Hinata, Asuka or even my friends, I will not hold back." Kyo said while holding Naruko asleep tight.

"Sure, you can do that," Hiruzen replied with a smile.


•Flashback End•

Kyo shrugs, "Well, didn't Hokage-sama say, "Use your power when only truly need it", and I just don't want to get people's attention..."

Naruko sighed, "Kyo, sometimes you need to get people's attention, datebayo..."

Satsuki nodded. She heard the story from Naruko, and she didn't see the point. Why cover it up now when he was about to become a ninja, "Yeah, people need to know that you are strong enough to beat Chunin... No, maybe Jonin itself."

Kyo looks at both of the girls as he sighs, "Okay, I will do my best to show them that I'm stronger, I'm better, I'm Batman."

Naruko and Satsuki look at each other, "Batman?"

Kyo chuckled as he said, "I just kidding... hahaha." He when back to his training as he focuses his energy on his arm. 'okay, it is time to try this.' He looks at the girls. "Naruko-Chan, Sasuki-Chan, can you girls get back up a little bit?"

The girls do as Kyo tells them.

Kyo pulled up his right hand and opened his palm, his consecrate energy to his side, and a small ball of light came out from his hand.

"Yosha!(Alright!)" Kyo smiles as he celebrates, while Naruko and Satsuki are surprised by what they just saw.

"Kyo what is that?" Naruko asks.

"This?" Kyo pointed to the light ball, and they nodded. "Well, I didn't know what to call it. Maybe later right now, let's call it a light ball."

"How do you do that? Couldn't you use Ninjutsu?" Satsuki asks.

Kyo rubbed his head back with a free hand, "Well, Gai-sensei told me that my chakra is different than a normal person, so he told me to release all my power one day. Trust me, and you didn't want to know what happened."

Naruko could help to ask, "What happens then?"

Kyo sighed, "The whole field is blowup by my power... Because of that, Gai-sensei told me to control my ability, and that is why Hokage-sama told me always to hold back my power and only use my power when I need it, but for you two, I surely can use it a bit more in the exam, okay?" He smiles at them, which makes them blush.

"Well, here goes nothing." Kyo stood up as he launched the light ball at a nearby tree and destroyed it completely in a split second. 

Naruko and Satsuki sweatdrop as surprise.

Naruko got excited and asked, "That... was... AWESOME! Can you teach me?"

"Well, if possible, I will teach you," Kyo replied, and he didn't know how to teach Naruko type of his power yet.

Satsuki sighed as she said, "I don't think we can do it, Naruko..."

Naruko look at the raven hair girl, "Uhh? Why?"

Satsuki shrugged as she responded, "Well, I didn't know either, but somehow I don't think we can learn that... Because Kyo chakra is not normal from others, remember?"

Naruko looked down as she remembered that, as she replied, "Yeah, you may be right.." She pouted until she felt someone hold her shoulder. 

Naruko looked up and saw Kyo holding her shoulder as he said, "Hey, don't be sad. Maybe you can't learn this one... But you can learn Taijutsu techniques that I create."

Naruko got her excitement back as she asked, "Really? That is going to be awesome! Satsuki, do you want to learn to?"

Satsuki smiled back, "Yeah, why not..."


At the Night-time, in Kyo's House. After the training session with the girls. Kyo and the girls decided to go back home and get nagged by Asuka because they were late. 

Asuka has grown to 4.6 from 3.9ft. She has short and long bangs covering the right side face, is wearing a brown and green half-length shirt and a bandage that covers her scars with black leggings, and she still has a missing ring finger on her right hand with B-cup.

(I'm actually laughing when I write their breast size... Sorry if it sounds like a pervert...)

While they got nagging, Naruko slipped away and told them to go first. 

The blond wants to buy cooking ingredients in markets, and Asuka approves it while Kyo and Satsuki look at Naruko to help them or take them with her, but Naruko replies with giggles and walks away.

Kyo, Satsuki, Naruko and Asuka have lived together in the same house since the accident that happened seven years ago. One hour after Naruko left the house. 

Asuka and Sasuki are waiting for Naruko back home while Kyo is getting Hungry.

Kyo getting hungry, "Hey, Satsuki-Chan, Asuka-Chan, when is Naruko gonna be back? I'm so hungry."

Satsuki looked at the clock as she replied, "Be patient, Kyo. I'm sure she will be back..."

"Be patient Kyo-Kun," Asuka replies. 

They all know Naruko wandering in the village is much safer than what the blond got in school days before because they're Jonin and Anbu who cover for Naruko, which make the Villager sight afraid of their action.


20 Min Later, Satsuki and Asuka felt something odd same as Kyo. 

The raven hair boy stood up and said, "Hey is already 20 min. Naruko still didn't come back yet,"

Satsuki nodded, "Yeah, let's go find her. She might be in trouble..." She said in worry Kyo and Asuka nodded their head.

Kyo told Satsuki and Asuka to split up in two while searching for Naruko alone when they were outside the house. 

They give him a nod and start searching for Naruko.


While on the street, after 5 min of searching, Kyo finds a crowd of people surrounding someone, then he gets closer, and he sees his blond adopted sister.

"NARUKO!!!" Kyo shouts to Naruko. 

The shout gets people's attention, and Kyo runs past them Naruko is crying, and when the blond Uzumaki hears the shouting voice, she immediately recognizes it. 

Kyo runs toward her and hugs her. "It's okay, Naruko. I'm here..." He said in a lower tone to confront her.

One Villager scoffed as he said, "Hmm, the look is Kyo, the weakest Uchiha is here..."

Kyo ignore the Villager as he asks, "What did you do, Naruko?"

Naruko sobbed as she explained, "I-I'm Sorry, it was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt the kid, he runs toward me, and he clashes with me."

Kyo notices Naruko's hands are injured, maybe from the clash with the kid with groceries lying around on the ground.

The other villagers got mad as she said, "She is lying! She was really the one who hurt that kid. You tell that demon fox to get out of our village!"

Kyo's power spikes up, and his right eye change when he hears the insult from the Villager. His hair spikes up a little. He lets go of his hug and looks at them super furiously like he wants to kill all of them.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that! I know Naruko, and she is not a liar or Demon fox." Kyo said in a deeper tone and frowning at the Villager.

"Don't you get it, kid? She is the one who destroyed our village 12 years ago." The other Villager said,

"Maybe she is the one who kills your entire clan." The other Villager said with a smirk.

When Kyo hears more insulting to Naruko, he gets angrier and killing tension starts to come out from his body.

"I just warn you..." Kyo said with an even deeper voice. "Now... Sayonara, mother fucker," He makes a fist tight and punches one of them.

The punch sent the one to a nearby building and, through the wall, broke all bones inside the Villager. All of them get shocked and scared when they heard Kyo laughing in a psychopath's way.

Kyo turn toward the other and give a dark smile. "Well, who next!"

Villagers take a step back, some of them already on the ground and afraid of what will happen.

The second Villager tremble as he yells, "G-Go fuck yourself, Brat!"

Kyo quickly turns toward his victim with an evil smirk. "We have a winner!" Kyo walks toward the Villager and is ready to make his night-night punch.

Each step made the ground crack as the Villagers got more scared than before, "NO! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"

Kyo's eyes widen in anger as he is about to punch the Villager and release all his anger on that punch. The raven hair had enough, Kyo didn't want anyone hurting Naruko by their word, and if he had to be enemies to this world just to prove what was wrong and right, then he will do it.

Suddenly Naruko hugs him, which makes him stop the punch inch away from the Villager's face, making the villagers fly away. Wind force from that punch is separated wide into the whole village.

"K-Kyo, please stop... please... is okay..." Naruko said while tears in her eyes. 

Kyo gains back his senses and hugs her back. The Saiyan looks at the Villager, is already fainted. Kyo has tears welling in his eyes as he remembers his promise to his parents. "I'm sorry, Naruko... I'm sorry... not I'm there for you." He begins to cry also with Naruko and the villagers running away from them.

Kyo has failed for the second time, and this is also the second time he has lost in his anger. How ge gonna protect the world and everything he loves if he is lost in anger?


Meanwhile, Satsuki and Asuka kept searching for Naruko until they heard a loud bang in their nearby Asuka, and Satsuki rushed to the scene and saw Kyo about to punch the other one Sasuki ran toward him to stop him.

'Damn it, and I can't reach him.' Satsuki was in thought, and suddenly, she saw Naruko hug him to stop the punch. 

They saw Kyo gain back his sense, and they also cried a little bit and walked toward Naruko and Kyo. 

When they arrived, they both hugged the two. 

"Kyo, you idiot, you stupid, you can get into trouble, you know that!" Satsuki said in a sad tone.

Kyo looked guilty as he said, "I'm sorry, Satsuki... I was a little lost in anger when they were insulting Naruko."

Satsuki replied with a sad smile as she replied, "Well, your apologies accepted.. well, I would do the same if I were you."

Naruko look at her friends and asks, "You do?"

Satsuki smiled, "Of course I do. You, Hinata and Asuka are my Best friends!"

Asuka chuckle, "Thank you Sasuki, and KYO!"

Kyo stood straight when he heard Asuka call his name. "Y-Yes?"

Asuka sighed, "Please don't do anything like that again..."

Kyo shook his head, "We will see about that. I will protect you three with my life, promise of the lifetime." 

Three girls were blushing when they heard that.

Kyo looked at the beaten and fainting villagers as he saw Anbus arrive to take care of them. 

Kyo turns back toward the girls and says, "Well is time to back, don't we? But before we go back, I'm HUNGRY!"

Naruko nodded as she picked up all the groceries with the others' help; thankfully, they were not damaged. She said, "Well, I already bought this ingredient... but it will take some time to cook. Maybe we can eat Ichiraku ramen?"

Kyo gave a huge smile, "Well, what were we waiting for? LET'S GO!"

Asuka sighed and smiled. "Alright, let's go, you both."

Naruko and Satsuki nodded and replied at the same time, "Okay!"


They arrived at the Ramen stool as Kyo, and the girls greeted the owner.

Ichiraku, the ramen owner, greet them with a smile. "Ohh, hello, kids... what do you like to order today?"

"Hello, Sir, I want five beef ramen for me and?" Kyo ordered to himself as he gestured to his female friends.

Naruko said with a smile as she ordered, "Same here, but I want 2 of them."

"I want one chicken ramen," Satsuki said.

"I want curry ramen," Asuka said in her order.

Ichiraku starts making the order and giving them the food Kyo as always, and he already finishes, while Asuka, Naruko and Sasuki didn't finish yet.

Kyo smiled, "Sir, another one, please!"

Ichiraku smiles back, "Coming right away... Ayame, can you get the bowl?"

"Coming right up." 

They heard a voice as a girl who was slightly older than four of the kids came out from the back store with bowls. 

Ayame is the Daughter of The ramen owner itself.

"Here, Dad." Ayame gives her father a spare bowl.

Ichiraku smiled, "Thanks, Ayame-Chan."

Ayame looks at Naruko, Sasuki, and Kyo and gives them a smile. "Do you have a big stomach or something... hehe." She giggly and in a little shock.

Kyo giggle and give a heartwarming smile, "Hehehe." That smile made Ayame feel a little bit of blush come from her cheek. 

Naruko and Satsuki glared at Ayame, while Asuka felt a little jealous. 


Meanwhile, Anbu appears in the Hogake room and explains what happened to Naruko and Kyo after 10 min explanation.

Hiruzen is in a thinking pose as he says, "I see, so the village is insulting Naruko, that's why Kyo is getting angrier... well, let's prevent this from happening again... and watch after Kyo. I want to know how his power has grown in these years."

The purple hair Anbu nodded, "Understood Hokage-Sama," She disappeared in smoke.

"Hmm, I start to think that Kyo is the one who killed the rouge ninja seven years ago," Hiruzen said in a serious voice while he held his pipe. With all the clue he got from what Kyo have done, it is possible that the boy, he thinks, is far stronger than anyone on his age or even him.


•To Be Continue•


(That was a warp for chapter 12. Kyo didn't know where his power came from. All he knows are his chakra is different, and what you think of this chapter is Good or Nah.)

(Sorry, a bit longer, 5k words for this chapter. I don't want to make a new Chapter to rewrite that all.)

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(See ya stay safe😊)