Chapter 13 (Acadamy)


A week later, in Uchiha residents. Kyo, Naruko, and Satsuki are getting ready to take the final test today while Asuka cleans some plates.

"Kyo! Come on, we gonna be late!" Satsuki yells and calls for the Saiyan boy.

"Wait up! I'm coming!" Kyo yelled back as he jumped from the stairs to the floor.

Naruko look at the Uchiha boy and asks, "What, you take so long?"

Kyo rubbed the back of his head as he said, "Sorry-Sorry, I got something to do and well, let's go! Bye, Asuka-Chan! Take care!"

Naruko nodded with a smile, "Bye, Asuka! I want to eat delicious food when we graduate!"

Satsuki gives a small smile, "Take care, Asuka."

Asuka gave the future Genin a smile as she said, "Yeah, same for all of you. I wish you luck!"

The trio runs out toward to academy, leaving the brunette alone.

Asuka wishes she could go to the academy with her friends, but she doesn't have Chakra control anymore. Her Chakra flow is a mess beyond repairs, and that's why she can't go into the academy.


Kyo arrives at Academy with Naruko and Satsuki as soon as Kyo opens the classroom.

The Saiyan boy sees all girls give him a jealous glare because he walks with Naruko and Sasuki on his side.

While the boys ignore him because they think Kyo has good-looking with no skills but are also jealous that he is walking with the most beautiful girl in the academy.

Don't blame Kyo because of the face he got, and he takes Hokage's order to lay low.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Kyo asks his classmate as they ignore him.

"Ignore them, Kyo. They are jealous of us." Satsuki said as she gave a glare at the boys,

"Jealous? Why?" Kyo asks because he has no idea what they are jealous about.

Naruko smiled and clung into Kyo's arm. "Come on, Kyo, let's take a seat."

That action makes girls even more jealous, even boy that has a crush on Naruko.

When the Saiyan boy is about to take a seat, Kyo meets Someone with a familiar face. "Hey, Hinata-Chan." He greets his friend with a smile.

Hinata is blushing, and suddenly, she snatches the hand that Naruko holds.

"Hey!" Naruko growled in frustration.

"Hi, Kyo-kun," Hinata said, blushing while still holding Kyo's hand.

Hinata has grown to the same height as Naruko and Satsuki, 4.8ft, as she wears an oversize light brown hoody to cover her C-cup breast with a bob haircut, with navy blue cargo pants.

Kyo has little blush on his face because Hinata holds his hand while smiling warmly at him.

"So how Hanabi? Sorry, I didn't visit you last week." Kyo apologized as Hinata shook her head.

"No need to apologize Kyo-Kun, but Hanabi did say she would make you pay for didn't come train with her," Hinata said with a giggle as Kyo sweatdrop.

"That enough, Hinata... Kyo didn't like to get people's attention." Satsuki said as she tried to break the hold.

Hinata realizes that everyone, especially the girls, is looking at her with a glare. Hinata's face turns to red tomato, same with Kyo's.

The Hyuga heiress lets go of his arm and goes back to her seat. Kyo, Naruko, and Sasuki sit beside each other.

The Saiyan boy sees Someone and walks toward them. Kyo gives a smile while greeting them. "Hey, Sakura-chan, Ino-chan."

"Hi, Kyo-kun!" Sakura said with a blush.

This girl is Sakura Haruno, and she has long pink hair with green eyes, which is quite rare because she is the only one with pink hair. She wears a red Qi Gong with short arms sleeves and black short leggings with A-cup breasts.

"Hi, Kyo-Kun," Ino Yamanaka said with blushing on her face.

This girl has pale blond ponytail hair similar to Naruko's but cleaner with pale pupilless green eyes. She wears a dark purple jacket with no arms sleave, with a purple skirt that only covers her front and back but not her side. She also wears bandages underneath her outfit to cover her modesty with B-cup breasts.

"Do you want to tell me something?" Kyo asks the girl as he sees they want to say something.

Sakura is the one speaking first. "Yes, I want to tell you good luck on the test."

Ino interrupted, "Hey! I'm the one how gonna tell him that, Forehead!"

Sakura glared at the Yamanaka heiress, "What do you say, InoPig!"

Kyo chuckled, he had been dealing with fan girls since he was 6, and it started with these two girls, as he got nostalgia as this random girl soon became one of his friends years ago, but they were still quite fan girls that always sought his attention.

Kyo sighed as he said with a smile. "Girls! Please calm down... and thanks for wishing me luck."

The pale blond girl smiled back, "Well, anything for you, Kyo-K-" Someone's voice cut her off.

"Well, girls, stop this shit. What the hell do you see in Kyo? He good for nothing?!"

They turn their head and see the one who is talking as all the girls yell in anger, "KIBA!!"

A boy name Kiba got angry as he said, "KYO! I challenge you to fight me. I will show them that you are weak!"

Kiba Inuzuka, who is high at 5ft tall, wears a grey furry hoody with narrow black eyes and dark brown spiky hair, with a white puppy sitting on his head.

Kyo sighed, "Please, Kiba, I don't want to fight you."

Kiba snorted as he smirked. "Huh, what already scaring you? HAHAHA!"

Satsuki and Naruko heard what he said, which made them angry with the other girls in the room.

Naruko look at Kyo as she yell, "KYO! GO SHOW HIM YOUR STRENGTH!"

Kyo sweatdrop as he tries to reason, "But Hokage sai-" He is being cut off.

"No, this is the time and Kyo I... No, we didn't want you always to be called weakest in the Uchiha clan or the academy. Now it's time to show your strength to him that you are strong!" Satsuki said with ambition.

Sakura nodded, "Yeah, show him that you're strong enough to beat him!"

Into agreed. "Yeah, Kyo-kun, go show him!"

These two actually didn't even know if Kyo could win or not, but they supported him as fangirls but mostly as friends.

"You can do it, Kyo-Kun!" Hinata said with confidence.

All the girls give Kyo support which that makes Kiba angrier. "WELL, KYO, ARE YOU SACRED?! COME ON, ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE... AND I WILL BEAT ASS YOU RIGHT NOW!!"

Kyo rubs his temple, "Okay, I accept your challenge!"

Kiba look suprice, "Huh!? Well, maybe you're not much Chicken, huh? Well, we will be fighting in the training yard."

"Okay, lead the way!" Kyo said as Kiba walked out with the Saiyan boy.

"Kiba is almost class time."

Kiba looked at one of his friends as he said, "Don't worry, Shino, this gonna be fast." He leads Kyo to the training yard.

"Well, if you say so." A boy with a circle shade name Shino Aburame has Durian black hair with sunglasses. He is wearing a light gay high, collar jacket with black cargo pants.

"Come on, guys, let's watch Kyo-kun fight!" Ino asked her other classmate to see the fight.

Hinata look at Kyo's male friends as she asks, "Are you coming, Shikamaru, Choji?"

"Well, if the hottest guy in class is getting beat, I'm in." A boy name Shikamaru Nara has a black spikey ponytail with small black iris eyes. He wears a green and grey shirt that exposes his chest and Ninja chainmail underneath, with the same black cargo pants as Shino.

"Well, tag me in." Another cubby boy name Choji Akimichi has brown spiky hair. He also has the same eyes type as Shikamaru; he wears a white scarf, a green jacket, a lime green shirt underneath and short dark grey pants.

They all start walking outside the building while wanting to watch the fight between 'The last male Uchiha or Weakess Uchiha' and the Heir of Inuzuka.


All the class members were in the yard watching the fight. The girls want Kyo to win, while the boys wish Kyo to lose. Kyo and Kiba do a stretch, ready for the fight.

Kiba smirked as he said, "I will Rip off that pretty of yours. So get ready, Kyo!"

Kyo sighed once again and smirked. "I don't think so, Kiba."

"Hey Ino, do you think that Kyo-Kun actually can win?" Sakura asks her rival.

Ino gives Sakura a shoulder shrug. "I don't know because Kyo-KUn is always just about to pass the physical test, so I can't tell."

The conversation the two of them hear by Naruko and Satsuki.

Naruko giggled as she said, "Don't you guys worry. Kyo is far stronger than you know."

Satsuki nodded as she got annoyed by these two, "Yeah, if you truly like him, you guys should have faith in him."

"Sorry..." Sakura and Ino said at the same time.

"Kyo-Kun is surely gonna win. Just watch." Hinata said with a smile.

Shikamaru becomes a referee in this fight. "You guys ready?"

Kyo pops his knuckle and gets into the fighting pose, similar to Gai's fighting pose. "Yeah."

"Born, ready!" Kiba said with a smile as he also got into a fighting pose.

Shikamaru: "Okay, then, now, FIGHT!"

Kiba strikes his pet Akamaru strike on top with his pet rush attack while Kiba strikes low; Kyo dodges the attack in the middle space and backflips away.

Kyo up his power to 2% in a split second, dodging a more incoming attack from left to right with ease.

"What? Is that it?" Kyo asks with a smirk.

Kiba growled, "YOU DONE!" He is about to make the other punch.

Kyo disappeared and reappeared in the middle air and kicking Kiba's face.


All of them are surprised except for Naruko, Satsuki, and Hinata. They knew that Kyo was faster and stronger than Kiba.

Choji were shocked as he asked, "How did Kyo do that?"

Sakura nodded, "Yeah, he just disappeared in the blink of an eye."

Shikamaru sighed as he said, "Troublesome. I must be dreaming right now that Kyo can hit Kiba, and Kyo didn't use Shunshin. It was just pure speed."

"Sugoi...(Awesome)" The fangirls said at the same time.


Kiba rub his face, "Owe! That hurt, but I'm Not Done Yet!"

Kyo smirk as he replies. "So am I, Kiba."

They continue their fight.


Naruko, Satsuki, and Hinata rub their forehead noticing Sakura and Ino.

Sakura can't help but asks, "What's wrong?"

"It seems like Kyo getting fun." Naruko reply.

"What's wrong with him having fun?" Ino asks because it nothing wrong with that to her.

Satsuki sighed, "Kyo got carried away. He wants the fight last longer, while you can look at Kiba. He wants to end this quickly. Kyo doesn't look at this as a challenge anymore. It's more like..."

"Sparing?" Sakura asks as she receives a nod from Naruko and Satsuki.


Kyo and Kiba continue the fight, but Kyo decides to power down a little bit to match Kiba's speed.

After about 10 min, the fight continues, and they both break the fight.

Kiba is breathing heavily, while Kyo is normal breathing and stands strong.

Kyo smiled, "That was fun, but we have to stop this, Kiba."

Kiba shook his head and said, "N-No! I will not lose... HA!" He was running toward Kyo and struck first.

Kiba makes a lower spinning back kick that hits Kyo, and Kyo immediately counters with a High kick and hand on the ground to support him up.

"Okay, that's enough!"

All the students looked at who they were, as they said at the same time. "IRUKA-SENSEI!?"

Iruka has a short brown ponytail with black eyes. He is wearing a Chunin vest, a black long-sleeve shirt underneath, and black cargo pants.

Kyo goes to Kiba and reaches his hand to Kiba as the Saiyan boy says with a smile, "Hey, that was a good fight, Kiba,"

Kiba gave a look for a couple of seconds as he sighed and smiled. "Yeah, that was a good fight." He accepts Kyo's help and grabs his arm. "Sorry for insulting you, Kyo."

"Nuh, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it." Kyo said with a smile.

Kiba: "Haha! Guest, what Kyo? I will make you my rival! By the way, are you all out with that fight?"

Kyo shrugged as he said, "Nah, not much, and or the rivalry, well, it is on! hehe."

Iruka walks toward them with a smile, "That was impressive, Kyo. You finally beat Kiba..." as he switches to thought, 'Even you are already the strongest than most of them here. But still.' "I am so proud of you, and guess what?"

"What, Iruka-Sensei?" Kyo asks while tilting his head to the side.

"You pass!" Iruka said with a smile.

"Pass what?" Naruko asks because she and the others have no idea what Kyo got passed to.

Iruka put his hand on Kyo's head as he said. "Kyo already pass the Genin test!"

"NANI!! (WHAT!!)"

All of them were in shock except Kyo, his a little late, his mind late to process it, and after a couple of seconds.

"Eh? Nani?" Kyo asks.


•To Be Continue•


(That is a warp for chapter 13, Kyo passed the Genin test without taking it.)

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(Stay safe, See ya!😁)