Chapter 14 (Team 7)


"Eh? Nani?" Kyo asks in confusion.

All of them facepalm at Kyo's reaction as the neon blond girl giggle, and she says, "Too late, Kyo... Hehehe."

"Um... Iruka-Sensei, may I ask something..." Hinata wants to ask something.

Iruka looked at Hinata as he said, "Yeah, sure."

"Why Kyo-kun passes the Genin test? He's, or we didn't start the test yet?" Hinata wants to know, Iruka replies.

"Ohh... So well, Kyo has a special case here... As you guys know, Kyo can't use ninjutsu, so basically, he is a Taijutsu user. So he didn't get the test as you guys do... Well, especially, this is not the real test, but... When he was fighting with Kiba earlier and winning that enough to make him pass."


All of them have thought about how Kyo got so strong and fast, except Naruko, Satsuki, and Hinata, that already know Kyo are powerful to begin with.

Ino suddenly walks toward Kyo. "Kyo-Kun, when you get so strong?" She asks Kyo that get everyone's attention.

Kyo got nervose, "W-Well, I-"

Naruko cuts him off while Kyo rubs his head.

"Kyo is always that stronger Ino, and for your information, Kyo is the one that punches the villager that you guys hear about... Well, he did not punch them for fun... he punched them to protect me... Hehehe, and that will show you that Kyo loves me more... HAHAHA- OW!" She was smacked in her head by Satsuki.

Satsuki scoffed. "Don't cross the line, Naruko..."

Naruko gives a sheepish smile while rubbing her head. "Sorry, Hehehe."

Ino suddenly yell. "I don't care if you are a childhood friend or like a sister to him. I'm the one who will take Kyo's heart!"

Naruko and Satsuki glare at the Yamanaka heiress, "WHAT DO YOU SAY!"

"You say what! No, I'm the one who will!" Sakura interferes, and they start arguing with each other while Iruka sigh that Kyo has fangirls chasing him.

"Well, girls, time to break that up... let's go back to class to take the test..." The girls ignore the teacher and continue arguing, except for Hinata.

Hinata smile. "Kyo-Kun, let's go back..."

"Uh? Okay," Kyo replied in confusion, and Hinata grabbed his hand, which got the girl's attention.

"Look, Hinata, grab Kyo-Kun's hand!"

They all look to Kyo and Hinata, who their holding hand, walking back to Academy.

"HINATA!!" All the girls yell in anger.


"Well, time to take the test. I call the name A-Z, okay! Well, except Kyo over there, he already passes the test... well, do you all understand!" Iruka explains to all of his students.


Iruka nodded, "Good now, let's start with...."

Then the test starts one by one.


Later, Most of Kyo's classmates passed the test.

Naruko jumped for joy while she said, "Alright! we pass Satsuki, Hinata!"

Hinata nodded with a smile. "Yeah... thanks to our training together."

"Yeah, and don't forget the training with Kyo last week," Satsuki said with arms crossed.

Hinata look shocked as she asks, "Wait, what? You guys training with Kyo-Kun last week?"

Naruko nodded, "Yeah, I told Kyo that we want to train together... So he accepts it..."

Hinata got sad when she didn't get a train with Kyo, "Hmm, I wish I was there, hmm..."

Naruko chuckled as she smiled, "Don't be like that, Hinata. I'm sure that Kyo will love you to be there too..."

"Are you sure?" Hinata asks with hope.

Naruko smiled and replied, "Yeah, of course!"

Satsuki then notices something as she asks, "Talking about Kyo... Where is he?"

"He said he wants to go to the bathroom," Naruko said,

"Ohh," Satsuki said as she leaned back in her seat.

Then suddenly, the glass door opens and reveals Kyo is back. 

The Saiyan boy goes back to his seat while Iruka announces. 

The team member from 1-6 until team 7 was announced.


"Okay, for the team 7 members are Satsuki Uchiha and Naruko Uzumaki," Iruka announced as the two best friends smiled at each other, "Sakura Haruno," The pink hair girl jumped in joy because she has the strongest Kunoichi on her team, "and Kyo Uchiha."

"YAHOO." Naruko and Sakura said at the same time.

When the three of them heard Kyo in the team, Sakura and Naruko had joy on their faces, while Satsuki had joy in her heart. 

Hinata and Ino felt sad because Kyo was not on her team, and Iruka continued the announcement.

(All the team is just the same as the canon, only team 7 have some change)


Iruka just announced the whole team member as he asked, "Any questioned?"

Shikamaru pulls his hand up into the air and Iruka notices.

"Yes? Shikamaru?"

"Iruka-Sensei. Why does team 7 get four members while we get only 3, and why is Kyo the only guy in the team?" Shikamaru asks lazyly.

Iruka put his hand under his chin as he started to explain, "Ohh, like you all knew that... Kyo is the lower in the Academy. He maybe passes the test, but the total score is the one that puts him on the team... Like Satsuki and Naruko is the top score in the Academy, why Kyo in the team keeps the balance..."

Shikamaru nod understand.

"But why is Sakura in team 7!" Ino issue the problem.

Sakura gets angry as she has a tick vein. "You got a problem with that!?"

Iruka sigh, "Clam down, you two... As I said, she keeps the balance. She may not score top, but she got a perfect score in chakra control."

"Haha, take that InoPig!" Sakura makes a smirk with a proud face.

Iruka sighs once again as he asks. "So, any more questions?"

Ino were down as she replied with a sad tone. "No more Iruka-Sensei,"

Iruka smiled, "Okay, then... well now, I will announce your Team Sensei(Teacher)..."


Iruka announced they, team teacher. "Well, for team 7, your Sensei will be Kakane Hatake. She will meet you in the next room."

A random boy groans, "Aw, man, Kyo gets more girls in his team. Not fair!"

Satsuki saw Kyo look uncomfortable as she said, "Ignore them, Kyo."

Naruko jumped in joy as she said, "Well, team, what we were waiting for, let's go."

They all nod and walk to the next room. 

Naruko opens the room door and notices no one there as she asks, "Where is our new Sensei?"

Satsuki shrugged as she replied, "She may be late. Come on, let's take a seat."

They nod and take a seat.


After 20 min waiting, Naruko starts to lose her patience. "Ahh! Where the hell is she!?"

Sakura also lost her patient. "Yeah, where the hell is she?"

Satsuki growled as she said, "It's been 20 min that we were waiting."

Kyo chuckled as he said, "Girls, relax... She must have something important to do."

Naruko suddenly has a prank idea to give her new teacher as she giggles evilly, "I think I gonna prank her."

Naruko takes the blackboard eraser and places it between the door.

Satsuki looked at Naruko dumbfounded, "You think she gonna fall for that? She Jonin ninja."

Naruko giggles once again, "Well, I guess, to test her if she truly Jonin, she can dodge this with ease."

Kyo decided to have some fun, too, as he said. "Hey, let me help. I also want to see her skill, hehe."

Satsuki sweatdrop at them as she says, "Really? Kyo too?" Then she saw Kyo make a Kunai trap as she continued with her words, "Uhh, whatever."

Kyo set some more traps to test his new teacher, and he made a Jonin-level trap level when they got distracted by a silly trap, and then the real danger came later. "And it's done."

Suddenly, they open and reveal the masked girl that covers her left eye with her ninja headband, pure silver long ponytail hair. Her outfit is what most Jonin wears with C-cup breast.

When the white hair teacher opens the door, she falls for the Naruko trap first. 

The blackboard erase hits her head, and second, when she takes a step, a second trap from Kyo releases multiple Kunai flying toward her, and she dodges to the left.

Then she suddenly triggers another trap that she can't dodge, Kunai straight to her head. She closes her eyes, waiting for the pain to come, but it never did. She opened her eyes and saw Kyo holding the kunai inch away from her face.

The teacher sighed, 'Damn it, I let my guard down... I should remember Kyo-Chan about his ability and intelligence.'

The teacher remembers when she was part of Anbu, and she had her shift or freely protecting the trio, but she always can't protect them when she is away because of other missions.

The teacher can see Kyo, who is right in front of her, from a small boy to grown and taller than other kids his age. She is not going to lie, but Kyo acts more mature than any kid around the village, which makes her attracted to the boy years after watching him secretly.

Kyo looks disbelieving as he puts the Kunai away and asks, "Are you really a Jonin?"

Naruko laughs while holding her stomach, Sakura having an excuse to cover her up. Satsuki seemed didn't care, and Kyo sighed as he smiled at the teacher.

"Yes, I am. Sorry for being late. I fell asleep," The teacher told the truth because there was no need to lie when the Saiyan boy just set a trap that actually could hurt her.

Naruko looked disbelieving as she said, "What! fall asleep!"

Satsuki also look disbelieving, "Seriously? Well, serve you right. Kyo got you."

Kyo tries to calm the girls down as he turns toward the teacher and he says, "Girls, relax... I never thought you would fall for that easily, and you must be Kakane-Sensei."

Kakane holds Kyo's shoulder as she leans closer and whispers, 'Yup, that's me... You really got my guard down... I'm Impress... Well, Cutie, tell your friend that meet me on top building, okay." She gives Kyo an eye smile. 

Kyo blushes because she calls him cute.

Kakane disappears in Shunshin, and Kyo tells the girls that Kakane wants to meet them on the roof. They all nod at each other and leave the room.


Naruko, Satsuki, Sakura, Kyo, and Kakane are there at the top of the building, waiting for them.

"What are we going to do here, Sensei?" Sakura asks as they take a sit.

"Well, first, we will be discussing your Name, what you like, dislike, your hobby and what your dream is," Kakane said with an eye smile.

Sakura and the others didn't know how it worked, so she asked, "Why not you start first?"

Kakane looks at her team with an eye smile. "Well, that good question, well... my name is Kakane Hatake, my like is secret, my dislikes are nothing for now, maybe rapist, my hobby will blow your innocent mind, and my dream is also secret."

Naruko and the others look dumbfounded as the blond asks, "But that's only your name and your dislike. What about others?"

"As I said, it's a secret... now let's start with you, blonde." Kakane point to Naruko.

Naruko jump as she introduces herself, "Well then, my name is Naruko Uzumaki. I like Ramen... Satsuki, Hinata, Kyo, Asuka, and my closest friends. I like cooking too, thanks to my mother. What I dislike is ramen that was cooked for too long that gets super-soft or over 3 mins. I hate to see my friends hurt, especially Kyo went he trained so hard that it damaged his body."

Kyo rubbed his back hair when he heard Naruko mention his name.

Naruko continues, "Also, I don't like bullies and rapists. My dream is to become Hogake so people will acknowledge me more... and..." She looks at Kyo. 'I want to stand by his side and become his wife.'

Kakane didn't hear the last part as she asked, "And what, Naruko?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Naruko quickly answers and waves her hand.

Kakane hummed, "Hmm, okay, what about you, Pinky?"

Sakura smiled, "My name is Sakura Haruno. I like..." She looks at Kyo. "My hobby is watching someone..." Look at the Saiyan boy, "My dream is..." Look at Kyo.

'Fangirl, Huh?' Kakane in thought as she sigh.

Naruko looks at Sakura and asks she asks. "What you're disliked?"

Sakura makes a fist. "That InoPig..."

Kakane sweatdrop and point to Sasuki, "Um... Okay... Well, now you're grumpy."

Satsuki narrowed her eyes because she thought she was not that grumpy when she was with her friends, "My name is Satsuki Uchiha. I like Naruko, Hinata, Asuka and Kyo. I hate almost everything, but the most I hate is when my friends get hurt, especially Kyo and Naruko... my dream is to kill her... and..." She looks at Kyo. 'I want to be his wife.'

Kakane looks at the female Uchiha, 'The one she wants to kill must be Isachi.' The white hair teacher looked at Kyo as she said, "And now, finally, you, Cutie."

Kyo has a red face again as the girls glare at the teacher.

"Well... my Kyo Uchiha, I like Naruko, Satsuki, Hinata, Asuka, and my closest friends, I like ramen, and Asuka's cooking is the best. I hate my precious friends getting hurt or being bullies, and I hate when people take advantage of weak people. I will destroy them." Kyo's power rises a bit with the notice by Kakane, which makes her shock a bit.

Kyo continues, "My dream is to fight a powerful opponent and become stronger to protect Naruko, Satsuki, Hinata, Asuka, this team, my friends, and every one that can't protect themselves, even if it costs my life. I will do it. I don't want to make the same mistake that I make in the past." He said in a severe tone. 

They all heard Kyo's words, their heart started racing, and their face was red. Kyo notices the red on their face.

"Uh, guys, are you okay?" Kyo asks as they gain back their sense.

All girls quickly reply, "Yeah, we're fine."

Kakane gives an eye smile as she asks. "What about your hobby?"

"Training, and eat!" Kyo replied with a smile as his power was back to normal.

Kakane sighed, "Okay, that is, for now. Tomorrow, I will test you all in the training field."

"What? More tests. I thought that was the last test?" Naruko asks.

Kakane shook her head, "No, we will begin the real test tomorrow. Who fail will send back to Academy, so don't be late."

"Wait, you didn't tell us what time should we meet?" Sakura asks.

Kakane looked at her pink hair student as she said. "Oh, sorry about that... we will meet at Konoha main gate at 8 am, and I don't recommend eating breakfast, or you all will vomit the breakfast back. Okay, see ya, Cutie." Then she disappears into smoke.

Kyo's face gets red as he quickly sighs, "Aww man, no breakfast... Well, I better do some training for tomorrow."

Sakura looks at her not-so-secret crush, "Umm... Kyo-kun, can I join you?"

Kyo looked at his friend as he replied. "Huh? Umm, sure, why not."

Sakura jumps for joy as she gets to train with Kyo for the first time.

Kyo looks at his best friends. "What about you, Naruko? Satsuki? Want to join me too?"

Naruko nodded, "Yeah, I will, but I want to go home first, so see you at the training field."

Satsuki smiled, "Same with me. I want to go home first and tell Asuka that we go to train too, or she will be worried again."

In joy, Sakura remembers something, she must tell her parents too, or they will get worried. "Umm... Kyo-Kun, I just remembered. I told my parents to before we train."

Kyo gives a girn which makes Sakura blush as he says, "Nah, it's fine... so see you guys in the training field." He disappears at high speed and shocks Sakura.

Naruko sighed as she said, "Well, let's go home."

Sakura snaps from her shock as she asks, "Naruko, I didn't know where is the training field. You guys go."

Naruko walked back and waved it off. "Just meet us at the main gate."

Sakura smiled, "Okay."

When they walk away, they don't notice purple Anbu watching them from afar with Kakane. 

The anbu saw Kyo's abilities again today and decided to go back and report, and then she disappeared into a cloud of smoke.


Later, Sakura is waiting at the main gate, as Naruko told her. Then she saw Naruko, Satsuki, Hinata and another two people that she didn't know.

"Sakura! Sorry for the wait." Naruko calls her new teammate.

Sakura groan, "Your late, and Hinata here too."

Hinata nodded, "Hi Sakura-San."

Sakura waved it off, "Sakura, just fine, and who are you?"

Asuka and Hanabi deside to come for training when Naruko told them. 

"Oh, my name is Asuka. Nice to meet you, Sakura." Asuka said with the manor.

"Hanabi Hyuga, Hinata sister, nice to meet you!" A ten-year-old Hanabi introduces herself.

Hanabi has grown to 4,3ft and is a sweet girl when she has a better father and friends. Her hairstyle was about the same as Hinata's but brown with one long bang sweep to the side; she also wore a Kimono with combat gear underneath.

Sakura smiles as she replies, "Same here."

"Enough talk. Let's go to Kyo." Satsuki said as they nodded.


Kyo is training with the training weight that Gai gives him. He does push-ups, punches, and a squad with weight on his back. When he's done, he starts to sweat.

"Well, that's for the warmup. I have added some more weight to the bracelet. It starts to feel lighter than before." Kyo said to himself as he pulled his jacket off and revealed the muscle that hid under it.

In seconds, Kyo heard screaming from behind his back. He turns and sees, Naruko, Satsuki, Hanabi and Asuka madly blushing, While Sakura and Hinata have a nosebleed and fall to the ground on their back.

Sakura and Hinata said at the same time, "I have no regrets..."

Asuka, Naruko, and Satsuki are the ones who see Kyo's muscular body every day but still can't hide their blushed face. 

Hinata and Hanabi rarely see Kyo's bare body, she can't handle it when she sees it again, and Sakura is the first fangirl who sees Kyo's bare muscular body, which makes her hype and can't control the blush and nosebleed.

Kyo sweatdrop as he asks, "Are you, girls, okay?"

"Y-Yeah... we fine," Asuka replies with a blush on her face.

"L-Let's get to start training." Naruko tries to remove her blush as she walks away.

"D-Don't pull your cloth off! B-BAKA!" Satsuki tries to be strong, but she stutters and blushes, making her act fail.

Kyo looked confused, "What? I still have my pants on."

"You definitely going to train with no shirt with me later, Kyo-Kun!" Hanabi said with a sly smile which made Kyo sweatdrop.

Hinata was still madly blushing as she thought. 'Mou, Kyo-kun will give me a heart attack someday.'

Sakura was drooling and blushing, 'I'm in heaven.'

Kyo sweatdrop as he sighs and says, "Uhh, so, can we train now?"


Meanwhile, In the Hokage building, the 3rd Hokage is doing some paperwork and smoking with his pipe, and he senses something.

"Reports." Hiruzen said.

A purple hair Anbu appears in the blink of an eye as she says, "Hokage-sama, Kyo, show his abilities again. He has improved his speed to an impressive level when he fights with Kiba Inuzuka."

Hiruzen looked at the Anbu as he said, "Is that so? Well, your mission is now done. I will tell Kakane Hatake to keep looking at him, now you dismiss."

The Neko Anbu felt sad that she could keep on looking, but Kakane was replacing her place, which made her feel slightly better. "Yes, Hokage-Sama." Anbu disappears and leaves Hiruzen alone.

Hiruzen in thought as he said out loud. "Hmm, Kyo is truly going to be a great ninja one day. I just hope he doesn't go rouge like Isachi." He smoked his pipe again.


•To Be Continue•


(That's a warp for chapter 14 hope you like it. Hinata in this story is more like Hinata from the other world at Naruto and Sakura arrive.)

(Did you know that in 2013 Masashi Kishimoto revealed that Madara power in six paths mode is equal to Nappa in DBZ? Nappa is around 8k+-9k+ or less than 10k+ power level.)

(And did you know every fight in DBZ/SUPER is super fast, like literally fast? 5min is really 5 min if you think about it. They fight at Ultrasonic speed, and the movement we saw was actually slow-motion of their fighting.)

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