Chapter 15 (Sharing)


Satsuki, Naruko, Hanabi and Hinata are down to their butt after hours of training, while Sakura is down to her back, exhausted. Asuka watches them with a smile; she doesn't train with them; she watches them train.

Asuka clapped her hands with a smile. "Everyone! That's enough for today. Tomorrow you all got a test, don't you?"

Sakura groan, "Oh My Kami-Sama! Is this what Kyo-Kun training every day?"

Satsuki scoff as she said. "Sakura, we didn't do the Kyo doing. This is what our doing three times a week."

Sakura sweatdrops when she learns, "You got to be kidding me..."

Hinata shook her head, "N-No, we didn't. No one can't keep up with the Kyo training method, we tried it once, but the result it's not pretty..."

"I felt hopeless for a week," Hanabi said as she shivered.

Naruko nodded, "Yeah, I felt every bone and muscle broken for a week, Dattebayo!"

Sakura was shocked, "I still can't believe we aren't doing what Kyo is doing."

Asuka sighed, "It's true, Sakura-San. Just look what Kyo are doing now."

They all look at Kyo.

Kyo is doing very hardcore training; he fires two Ki blasts at random trees, but this time is different. The Ki blast flies around and comes back toward Kyo, and The Ki separates into many Ki blasts.

Sakura was shocked when she knew Kyo could use some of 'Ninjutsu' but more shocked when the raven hair boy's attack came back to him as she yelled, "Kyo-Kun, watch out!"

Every girl is shocked and scared if anything happens to Kyo. Kyo closes his eyes and opens ones again; he backflips and dodges every Ki blast from left to right.

Kyo manages to dodge everything until the last one catches him off guard and hits him right on his chest. Ki's ball explodes right at the time its hits Kyo's chest with a loud boom.

"KYO-/KUN!" The girl yells in worried as they walk closer.

The smoke of dust is everywhere from Kyo Ki's blast and the one that hit him. Girls run toward the dust and search for Kyo. They can't see a thing in that smoke of dust, so they wait for the dust to clear out, and then they hear Kyo groan.

"Ow... that's hurt..." Kyo yelp in pain as he can see his slightly bleeding right chest.

"KYO!" Naruko and the others saw Kyo and ran toward him.

"YOU IDIOT! WHY YOU DO THAT!" Satsuki said in anger as she punched Kyo's injury on his chest.

"Ite! (Ow!), why do you do that, Satsuki-Chan?" Kyo asks while holding his injury.

Satsuki scoffed while looking away from the adopted Uchiha and said, "It's just your small punishment."

Sakura comes closer to Kyo with a worried on her face. "Are you okay?"

Kyo sighs as he smiles, "Yeah, I'm fine. This is nothing." 

"Are you sure?" Hanabi asks with concern.

"Yup," Kyo said with a smile as suddenly he felt someone hold his shoulder with scared intensity behind his back. 

Kyo didn't feel this scared and intense for a long time seeing his mother's death. He slowly turned his back and saw Hinata, Asuka, and Naruko smile at him with their eyes closed. An orange Demon mask appeared behind Naruko. A purple Demon mask appears on Hinata's back, and a brown Demon mask appears on Asuka's back.

Kyo was trembling as he slowly backed away, 'K-Kaa-San, why did you teach, Naruko-Chan your scary technique before you left us, and why Naruko-Chan teaches Hinata-Chan and Asuka-Chan too...'


In the afterlife, Yuri is chatting with Kushina, and then suddenly, both of the women feel proud of their Naruko.


Back to Kyo and the others. Kyo slowly backwards slightly.

Naruko gives a scary smile with her eyes closed. "How about we teach you about... Not trying NOT to get us worried like that again, is that okay, NII-CHAN."

Hinata gives a scary giggle. "I agree with that."

Asuka gives a scary smile and giggles* "K-YO-KUN."

Satsuki looked at her scary friend as she thought, 'Maybe I should rethink learning that technique.'

Sakura and Hanabi sweatdrop as they both thought the same thing. 'Oh kami, that's scary!'

Kyo saw Naruko, Hinata, and Asuka walk to him. As Kyo got more scared. "No, no, Please stop! I'll do anything!"

They didn't stop, and the Naruko Demon mask got bigger.

Kyo is scared and covers himself. "NOOO!!"


Kyo wakes in the early morning. He felt his body in slight pain because of the punishment about yesterday. He wants up off his bed and feels something heavy on his body. He turned his head from left to right and saw Naruko and Satsuki on both sides, asleep too close beside him, wearing pyjamas.

'Why their sleeping with me?' Kyo in thought as he tried to wake them up with a blush and said in a low tone, "G-Girls... wake up is already morning..." And he tries to free his hand, but they grip strong. 

The Saiyan boy tries again, accidentally grabbing their chest, making them moan a little bit. Kyo blushed even harder, 'Oh shit! But feels nice... Wait, what the fuck I'm saying! Naruko is my sister! But she adopted, so this is fine... No NO! BAD KYO!'

While blushing to red tomato, he tries to move again, but his hand is back in the same position. Suddenly he realises that Naruko is awake and blushing. 

"Nii-chan~ I didn't know you, such a naughty boy~." The blond girl said to tease him.

Kyo was blushing like red tomato, and he stuttered, "N-No, it's not like it looks like. It's an accident. I didn't mean to!"

"Well, I don't mind if it was you, Nii-Chan~," Naruko said with a blush on her face as she pulled her clothes to give him a clear view.

Kyo blushes madly as he looks away with an eye-corner glance, "Naruko, please don't call me that, and please don't pull that down!" He covers his face with his right arm. 

Then Kyo heard Satsuki groan. 

"To... much... noise..." Satsuki lean-to Kyo and hug him. 

The Uchiha girl's pyjamas slipped away her bare breasts and touched him. 

Kyo feels her bare breast on his left arm; she is still half asleep. Kyo can't take it anymore, his blood reaching his head and reaching his limits.

Kyo shot blood from his nose and fell back to his bed, and fell unconscious. Naruko giggled at Kyo's action, and then she heard a door open and revealed Asuka with an emotionless face.

"Ohayo!(Morning!) Asuka-Chan!" Naruko said with a smile.

"..." Asuka when into speechless.

"Naruko... can you keep it down?" Satsuki groans while brushing her eyes. She awakes and feels cold in her chest. She looked down and saw her bare B-cup breasts out. 

Satsuki let out aloud 'EPP' and covered herself.

"Sorry for the interruption..." Asuka closes the door.

Satsuki quickly get out of bed, "Asuka, wait, it's not what it looks like!"


Later the others were prepared for the test, and Asuka called her best friends. "Naruko, Satsuki, let's go, or you guys gonna be late!"

"Wait up. We were almost done!" Naruko shouts back.

Kyo is sitting at the dining table watching Asuka prepare for the launch and is sad because he can't eat. 

5 mins later, Naruko and Satsuki comedown.

"Sorry for the wait Kyo" Satsuki apologise.

Naruko look at the Saiyan boy, "Um... Kyo?"

Kyo didn't hear them. He keeps looking at the food.

Asuka giggle, "Kyo-Kun..."

Kyo was drooling at the food as he snapped and replied, "Ha? Yeah?"

Satsuki smiled as she said, "We gonna be late for the test Kyo."

Kyo quickly wiped his mouth as he said, "Oh right, don't let Kakane-Sensei and Sakura-Chan wait for us."

"I think Sakura is already there, but Kakane-Sensei, I think she will be late too, like last time. Bye, Asuka-chan!" Naruko siad wave Asuka.

"Please make a ton of food Asuka-Chan," Kyo said with a smile.

Asuka nodded, "I think if you all pass the test, why not we eat ramen for today?"

Naruko smiles brightly, "Oh, I'm soo going to pass. It's so long we didn't eat ramen together.

"Hurry, guys! Take care, Asuka." Satsuki said they walked out of the house and walked toward their location.


At the Big Gate of Konoha, Kyo, Naruko, and Satsuki arrive as they see Sakura already there, but Kakane is nowhere to be found.

Kyo smile gives a smile, "Ohayo! Sakura-Chan, early today?"

Sakura blushed a little, "O-Ohayo Kyo-Kun, yeah, Kakane-Sensei said we have a test today, so I'm trying my best today, so that's why I woke early."

"Ohh..." Kyo and Naruko reply at the same time.

Satsuki looks at her surroundings and asks, "Said about Kakane-sensei, is she already arrived, or has she didn't come yet?"

Sakura shook her head, "No, I don't see her yet."

Naruko sighed, "Well, I think she will be late again."

"Well, if she is late, how about we warm up a little or train a bit." Kyo gives them ideas.

Satsuki nodded, "Well, it is a good idea."

Naruko agreed, "Yeah, we better prepare for the test or nothing, right?"

"Yeah, that's right, umm, Sakura, you want to join us like yesterday?" Kyo asks, 

Sakura looked at Kyo for a couple of seconds as she replied, "Y-Yeah, why not? Definitely, I will love to train with you guys again!"

Sakura in joy, but deep inside, Inner Sakura. 'Gahh! Why do you agree? But as long we get time together with Kyo-Kun, I don't care.'


Two Hours later. On the front Big gate/outside Konoha. Kyo and the Girls have been training for a while now, and Kyo got something on his mind.

"Umm, Naruko, Satsuki, can you girls come over here?" Kyo call the blond girl and raven

Satsuki walked toward Kyo, "What is it?"

Kyo looked at both of them as he said, "Well, something in my mind." 

"What is it?" Naruko asks.

"Why did you two sleep in my room yesterday? Is something happening?" Kyo worries that the two of them got nightmares or something that make them sleep with him.

Naruko giggles as she replies. "Nothing happens, Nii-chan. Yesterday, we just felt like sleeping with you~."

Kyo sweatdrops and sighs. "Naruko-chan, what I tell you about Nii-Chan stuff."

Naruko giggles at Kyo, but the conversation hears by Sakura.

Sakura ran toward Naruko and shook her back and forward. "Wait, What!? You sleep with Kyo-kun! Yesterday! Please tell me this is a joke!"

Satsuki glared. "You got a problem with that?"

Sakura glares back and lets go of Naruko. "Of course I'm. Don't you three live in a spread house? How is that possible?"

Sakura didn't know Kyo had lived with this these girls for years.

Naruko sighed, "Sakura, we three have lived together for seven years now!"

Sakura was surprised. "Say what!"

Kyo sighed as he explained, "Sakura-Chan, chill out. Naruko and I live together, seen we born, and Sasuki starts to live with us seen our clan got massacre."

Sakura nodded as she asked, "Oh, okay, but that doesn't explain why they slept in your room last night."

Kyo rubbed his back hair and replied, "Um... that I didn't know. Maybe you should ask Naruko or Sasuki instead."

"No need to ask Sakura. I will put it simply why we sleep with him." Satsuki signals to Naruko to make her nod, and then they both surprise Sakura. 

Satsuki and Naruko when to kiss Kyo on his cheek.

Sasuki: "Now, you know, right?"

Kyo, on the other hand, blushes like mad. At the same time, Sakura gasped in shock. 

Satsuki and Naruko went back to their training, leaving Kyo and Sakura still frozen about what had just happened.

'Why are they so bold today? Why... was something happened last night?' Kyo in thought while blinking his eyes multiple times.



Yesterday night In Kyo's house. 

Naruko can't sleep. She had a nightmare from her past, so she decided to go to Kyo's room. When she arrived, she saw Satsuki about to enter Kyo's room.

"Umm... Satsuki.. what were you doing here?" Naruko aks in whispering tone.

"I-I umm, I just walked passing by, but what are u doing here?" Satsuki makes an excuse.

"Um... I came as you, just passing by." Naruko makes the same excuse.

They were silent for a while, with a glance at each other, and they revealed the truth.

Naruko and Satsuki groaned as they said, "Ohh, Cut The Crap!"

"Satsuki, I have to tell you that... I-I love Kyo!" Naruko confest first.

Satsuki shook her head, "I'm sorry, but I also love Kyo too!"

They went into silence once more until Naruko was the one who broke the silence. 

"Satsuki, if we both love him, how about we share him because I don't want our friendship to be broken if we fight over him. I know what I said is nonsense, but I don't want to lose my best friend chasing after Kyo like Sakura and Ino did." Naruko said while tears in her eyes. She really didn't want to lose her best friend because they loved the same man. 

Satsuki walks toward her and hugs her Satsuki also have tears in her eyes. "I-I... is okay, Naruko, I think that the good idea too... well, I agree that we share him, but what about Hinata? She told us that she loves Kyo too?"

Naruko nodded, and she knew that pretty clearly. "Don't worry about her... I'm sure she will agree."

"Then? What about other girls?" Satsuki, who didn't like someone she didn't know, became Kyo's lover.

Naruko tilts her head to the side, "Well, if they love Kyo because of his personality, not his appearance or his power, so why not? If they want to share, I say."

Satsuki sighed, "Okay, then, I hope you know what you were doing, Naruko."

"Relax, I know what I'm doing... So you want to sneak to Kyo's bed with me?" Naruko smiles with a smile. 

"Why not? That is the reason I came here in the first place..." Satsuki blunts out as she closes her mouth.

"Ha! I knew it!" Naruko laugh.

Satsuki quickly scoffed. "Well, you are the same, are you?"

"Hehe." Naruko gives a sheepish laugh.

They open Kyo's room door and see Kyo is heavy asleep, so they decide to sleep. They got to his bed and kissed him on the cheek, and fell asleep. 

Unknown to them, Asuka had been listening to what they were saying. She holds her chest and feels slightly sad. She likes Kyo too, even though she acts like a big sister to Kyo, but she also wants Kyo to see her as a woman. 

But will Kyo accept her imperfection?


•Flashback End•

Kyo gains his sense back and sees Sakura waving at him. She is so close to him, and then suddenly, Kunai is flying toward them.

Kyo and Sakura scream as the pinkte said, "Wahhh! Hey, what was that for!?"

"Opss.. my hand slipped.." Satsuki said in a cold tone and walked back to Naruko.

Naruko looked at the raven hair girl as she said, "Hey, why do you do that, Satsuki? You forgot what we talked about yesterday?"

Satsuki sighed, "I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me."

Suddenly Kakane arrives and walks toward them. "Hey girls, hey Cutie, sorry-sorry, I'm late. I got a black cat on my path. I have to take a long road to get here, sorry."

Naruko glares at Kakane, "You better be sorry it is already afternoon!"

"Yeah!" Sakura agreed.

Kyo chuckled, "Girls relax, so should we get our test now?"

Kakane nodded while giving an eye smile. "Yeah, let's go now."


In the Training field, Team 7 is ready to take the test.

"So what is the test? Kakane-Sensei?" Kyo asks.

"Well, that's a good question, Cutie. I will test you with this." Kakane pulled out three bells from her pocket as she continued her words, "Well, you four must get this bell before noon, for you guys can't eat and will be sent back to Academy. Is it clear?"

"YES! Kakane-Sensei!" They both said at the same time.

Kakane pulls out her hand and is ready to count. "Well, the test will begin in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

All of them disappeared from that location when all Kakane fingers were down.

"Ohh, good strategy," Kakane said while investigating her students. 'Hmm, good, always on guard but still lack how to hide properly.'

Before the white hair teacher investigates a little more, Kyo ambushes Kakane with multiple flying kicks that surprise her. She can't dodge it, so she takes the hit.

Kakane sends a couple of feet away and falls into the trap that Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura have made before they start the test. Once she to the trap, she disappeared in smoke and only showed a wooden log.

"Damn it!" All girls groaned in frustration.

Kyo stayed on his guard as he said, "Girls, on your guard! She is still here somewhere."

"Well, we should split up and find her!" Naruko said as two of the girls nodded, except Kyo, and disappeared.

"Girls, I don't think that is a good, Idea!" Kyo shouts to tell them, but it is no use. They have already gone. Kyo sighed, "I guess I have to work alone now." He also disappeared in speed. 

While Kakane looks from afar, she gives an eye smile and looks at her student's action, 'Well, that's true, Cutie, you guys should work as a team. Well, I'll teach them a lesson then.'


Sakura is hiding under a bush, waiting for Kakane to appear. Still, that strategy did not work well when Kakane had already found her.

Kakane smiled under her mask and said, "Hi, Sakura." She makes Sakura shock in surprise.

"Gahh!" Sakura stood up and saw Kakane was not there. 

Then Sakura hears something not far from her location, and she sees Kyo beaten really badly. She is shocked and runs toward him. "Kyo-kun!"

"Sakura, please tell the team that we got bandits here," Kyo said weakly

"Kyo-kun! Hey, are you okay!?" Sakura walked toward him and lifted Kyo's face. She saw the horror on his face that he got no eyeball, only left empty eyes socket.

"GAHHH!!" Sakura screamed in fear as she fainted a second later.

Kakane sighed, "You should know that a Genjutsu Sakura, well whatever, one down, 3 to go."


With Naruko and Satsuki are in the trees hiding but still can be seen by Kakane.

"Yo, Satsuki, Naruko." She appears behind them.

They both jump off from their hiding Naruko throws a shuriken to Kakane that she dodges while she dodges Satsuki using her proud clan, Jutsu.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Satsuki yell.

It hits Kakane, but they realise it is a clone.

"What?!" Naruko and Satsuki said at the same time.

"That petty good combo there, but you all should know where the true enemy is." Kakane appears behind them and knocks them out. But when she hit Naruko, pop into smoke. Kakane were surprise, "Kage Bunshin?"

Kakane saw Large Shuriken flying toward her. She dodges it when Shuriken passes her. It pops into Naruko. 

Naruko grabs her feet and slams down to the ground as she celebrates, "Yatta!"But her happiness died when she saw Kakane pop into a wood log. 

Kakane appears behind the blonde as she says, "That was good, Naruko. Who thought you to use Kage Bunshin?"

Naruko knows the Kage Bunshin from her adopted father as she replies, "My father... Gah..."

Naruko passout when Kakane hit her back neck.

"3 down, 1 to go," Kakane said as she sensed someone was behind her, hiding behind the tree. Kakane smiles under the mask. "Cutie, you can come out now."

Kyo steps out from his hiding and is ready to fight.

"Well, it is only you and me. How about we stop the fight, and I give you this bell." She tests him to see if he wants to take the hard road or the loser way.

Kyo shakes his head, "Nope, I will try to get it my own way."

Kakane giggle, "If you say so~."

Kyo is the one who makes the first move. He drags out his Kunai and fights her. They both parry, dodge, attack and counter.

Kakane tried to attack and parry at the same time as she said, "Cutie, your petty fast than I thought."

Kyo was attacked and parried as he smiled and said, "Thank you, Kakane-Sensei, then how about this!"

He was clashing the Kunai with her Kunai, which made their Kunai fly away. Kakane uses the same technique Sasuki uses.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu"

Kyo is so close to Kakane that he has to use his right-eye power to parry it. He closes his eyes and only opens his right eye and reveals his Blue Sharingan. 

The Saiyan boy parries the attack as the fireball flies away from him and disappears into the sky. Kyo holds the arm up. "This fight will be over soon."

Kakane sweatdrops and pointed, "Um, Cuite, your hand is on fire."

Kyo felt his hand hot and realised it was true, and his hand was on fire! He runs around like an idiot while Kakane points to a nearby lake, but he doesn't see where Kakane is pointing, and finally, he extinguishes the fire by putting his hand on a nearby river.

Kakane Giggle at his action and Kyo is embarrassed at his action. Then he disappears in speed. Kakane gets serious, and then she hears.

"God Fist!" A Ki punch hit Kakane right in the face.

"Gah!!" Scream in pain while sending her to a nearby tree.

Kyo just stood there waiting for Kakane Recovers. Kakane, on the other hand, is shocked that she just realised Kyo has Blue Sharingan, but it is only in his right eye.

"I-I'm surprised, Cutie, that you got blue Sharingan, but why is it on your right eye?" Kakane asks as she gets up. She had no idea about Kyo Blue Sharingan even though she went to watch him, and he never used it once on her watch.

Kyo shrugs, "I don't know, but I awake this seven years ago after my clan was slain."

Kakane chuckled as she said, "Is that so? Well, Cutie, I got something to tell you. I also have..." She raises her left eye patch and reveals Sharingan.


•To Be Continue•


(Chapter 15 is done!)

(Kyo Sharingan is different from others because he is a Ki user, Sharingan gives him a slight power boost three times.)

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