Chapter 16 (Sharingan Fight)


"I-I'm surprised, Cutie, that you got blue Sharingan, but why is it on your right eye?" Kakane asks as she gets up. She had no idea about Kyo Blue Sharingan even though she went to watch him, and he never used it once on her watch.

Kyo shrugs, "I don't know, but I awake this seven years ago after my clan was slain."

Kakane chuckled as she said, "Is that so? Well, Cutie, I got something to tell you. I also have..." She raises her left eye patch and reveals Sharingan.

"What? A Sharingan? You, not even Uchiha? How do you get it?"

Kakane chuckled, "Well, that secret, a Cutie. How about you show me your true strength? I know you hold it back."

"You knew? Hehe, sorry, well here goes nothing, Haaaaa!" Kyo screams while powers up, and his hair spikes up but is still black. 

Kyo's grin and his personality seemed to change to someone who loves to fight as he said, "I'm not holding back this time, Kakane-Sensei." He lies a bit that he wasn't in his full power, and he wants Kakane to use her fullness.

"So am I" Kakane closes her black eye, only reveals the Sharingan, and is ready to fight.

Kyo just stood there but also be ready to fight. He didn't want to get the bell because he wanted to fight her at her fullness.

"Are you ready, Kakane-Sensei?" Kyo asks as he sees Kakane nod. 

Kyo suddenly disappeared sight and punched her, but Kakane saw it with her Sharingan and parried the punch. Kyo didn't stop there. He continued his blow.

'He fast! My eye almost can't catch his move.' Kakane in thought while parrying the punch.

Then Kakane counters the punch with kicking. Kyo saw her attack coming and dodged it with ease, then Kyo backed up from Kakane.

"Not gonna lie, but Kakane-Sensei, you're petty fast, too," Kyo said with a smirk.

Kakane chuckled as she replied, "Hehe, but down let your guard down, cutie. This time, I will attack." She rushes toward him and makes her move. 

Kyo also makes his move and continues the fight until Kakane his Kyo a couple of times. Kyo powered up and hit her back with even more punches on her face.

Kakane screamed in pain as she said, "Gah! Kyo-kun is not right to hit the girl's face, you know?!" She rubs her face.

Kyo chuckled, "Sorry-Sorry, my bad, hehe."

They continue the fight. Kakane hit Kyo in the face. Kyo countered by punching in her stomach, then continued again, blocking and attacking.

After a few minutes, Kyo notices that his Sensei can't keep up with him, and he gets hungry, so he decides to end the fight, so he decides to power up and finishes the fight.

"I'm sorry, Kakane-Sensei, but I'm gonna end this," Kyo said in a serious tone.

"What?" Kakane asks while catching her breath as she punches the Uchiha boy with such speed, but Kyo parries them all with ease.

After Kakane did the punches, Kyo disappeared in front of Kakane's face, and he quickly punched her in her gut.

"GAH!" Kakane yelps in pain before she falls unconscious and drops to the ground.


Mins before, Satsuki, Naruko, and Sakura gain consciousness. 

They look at each other, and they understand the situation that they were knockout by Kakane, and they hear someone fighting far away from them. 

From afar, Satsuki, Naruko, and Sakura saw Kyo and Kakane fight.

Sakura realised how strong Kyo actually was while fighting a Jonin, "Amazing Kyo-Kun on par with Kakane-Sensei!"

Naruko nodded, "Yeah, Kyo is awesome!"

Satsuki just silently watched the fight, and suddenly they saw Kyo disappear to Kakane and Punch her with such power. They were all surprised that Kyo got stronger than last week.


Kyo watches Kakane lying down there unconsciously. So he decides to power down, and his eye turns to normal.

'Maybe I went too far.' Kyo in thought as he was about to help Kakane, but suddenly Kakane popped to smoke and revealed the wooden log.

"Nani?" Kyo were supprice.

Kakane appears behind him as she says, "Lesson one, Cutie, never let your guard down~."

Before turning his head, Kakane uses her lightning to Knock him out. 

Kyo was Just about to collapse to the ground, but Kakane grabbed him and she smiled at him. She noticed that girls were watching her fight. "Girls, you can come out!"

The Girls come out from hiding.

Kakane looked at them as she said, "Well, it looks like you guys failed."

"WHAT!" The girls yell in shock.


15 min later, Kyo starts to gain consciousness and realises that he is lying on Satsuki's lap. 

Naruko and Sakura are just beside him, and Kakane is in front of him.

Kyo look at the girls as he asks, "Did I lose?"

Sasuki nodded in shame, "Yeah, it looks like we all lost, and we failed the test."

"I don't think so, hehe," Kyo said giggly as he pulled out something in his pocket, and was a bell but not only 1 but 3. "See here that our pass."

Kakane was surprised that she didn't notice that she lost her bells as she asked, "How do you get that?"

Kyo give a smile, "Remember when the first I counter you?"



"God Fist!"

While Kyo punches her, he quickly grabs the bells.


•Flashback End•

Kakane sighed, "Is that so? But who will you give a bell to? They only have three. One of you will go back to the academy."

Team 7 student frown.

Kyo sighed as he said with a smile, "It's easy... I will give this bell to the girls then."

That shocked the girls.

"Are you sure? You work hard for it. Now you going to pass it to someone else?" Kakane asks, and she knows Kyo is the one who gets them, yet he is the one who wants to sacrifice for his team.

Kyo nodded. As far he knew, there were no four genin on one team, so he decided to give the girls a chance, "Yeah, sure."

Naruko snapped as she shook her head, "NO! Kyo, you can go ahead and be Genin!"

Sakura didn't agree, "NO! You three go! I'll go back to the academy."

Kyo looked at Satsuki as she said, "Don't give me the damn bells."

Kakane holds her laughs, but she can't. Kakane laughs out loud and looks at her student with confusion looks at their faces.

Kakane calmed down a bit as she said, "I'll tell you the most important rules, above of all Shinobi rules... who's abandoned their order are trash, but those who's abandoned their comrade is worst than trash... congrats, you all passed!"

"HUH!?" Team 7 were shocked.

Kakane look at her student's confusion as she explains, "This test is to test your teamwork, and you all show me your teamwork at the end. That makes you guys pass; see you all tomorrow. See you, Cutie." Kyo blushed; the girls gave her a death glare as Kakane continued her words, "Okay, see you guys tomorrow, and tomorrow we will do our first mission. Your all clear?"

"Yes! Kakane-Sensei!" They all said at the same time.

Kakane later disappeared using Body Flicker.

Naruko jump in joy, "Well, let's go back home and tell Asuka-chan we pass!"

Kyo nodded, "Then we go to eat at Ichiraku ramen! Want to join Sakura?"

Sakura blushed when she saw Kyo smile at her as she replied, "Sure, L-Let's go."

Satsuki gives a nod to Kyo.


After Kyo and the girls tell Asuka they passed the test, Asuka is so happy for them. So they decide to go eat. 

Kyo and the girls arrive at Ichiraku restaurant, and all of them greet the owner, "Hello!"

Ichiraku look at them with a smile as he asks, "Ohh! You guys! What do you want for today?"

Kyo smile, "As usual!"

Satsuki, Naruko and Asuka said at the same time, "Also same, as usual."

Ichiraku point to Sakura and asks, "And you?"

"I want one beef ramen, please." Sakura order.

Ichiraku: "Your order will come right up. Ayame, can you bring me more noodles, please?"

"Yeah, okay." Ayame stepped out from the back and saw four familiar faces. "Hi there Kyo-Kun, Naruko-Chan, Satsuki-Chan, Asuka-chan."

All of the preteens greet the owner's daughter except Sakura, "Hi, Ayame-Nee."

Ayame smile as she asks, "So you guys finish training?"

Naruko shook her head as she pointed to her headband, "No, we aren't training today. We are being tested by Kakane-Sensei."

"Oh." Ayame saw Kyo have a slight bruise on his face and a slight burn mark on his hand as she asked, "So, was the test difficult?"

Kyo shrug, "Not really, but I let my guard down."

"Is that so, here? Let me help you." Ayame wipes Kyo's bruise, which makes the male Uchiha blush again. 

Girls notice it and pull away from Ayame.

Naruko glares while pulling the poor Saiyan boy. "Ayame-Nee, get away from him!"

Sakura agreed, "Yeah, get Away!"

Satsuki said nothing while she pulled Kyo toward her. 

Ayame gives a small smile while Asuka sighs in disappointment.

Kyo sighed in defeat. "Girls, can we eat already?"


Meanwhile, in Hokage Room, Kakane told Hizuren what happened on the test.

Hiruzen hummed while smoking his pipe, "Is that so? Kyo is far stronger and fast?"

Kakane nodded. "Yeah, he is super fast that my Sharingan almost can't see his move, and he is super strong too. Lucky me that I make a clone of me before he fights seriously."

Hiruzen looked at Kakane, "Is that so? Well, I want you to investigate Kyo a little bit more. I want to know his true power."

Kakane nodded as she asked one more question, "As you wish... Hokage-Sama, do you know anything about Kyo Sharingan?"

"Ahh, thank Kami-Sama, you remind me, for your answer, yes... yes, I do. Go ahead, ask." Hiruzen said as he remembered to give the information to Kakane.

"I know Kyo is from Uchiha, but why does Kyo only have on his right side, and he got blue Sharingan instead of red?" Kakane didn't know Kyo's Origin, so she asked why.

Hiruzen looks away from her and looks out of the window room. "Well, I believe, Kyo-Kun awakened his Sharingan 7 years ago after the Uchiha clan massacre, and his Sharingan turned blue because of his chakra. It's similar to us but still different."

"..... So how he ends up only getting Right Sharingan?" Kakane asks.

Hiruzen looks at Kakane with glace as he explains, "Well, as you know, seven years ago, on the day Uchiha massacre." Hiruzen stops as he sits back on his chair, and he continues.

"Kyo Uchiha, Naruko Uzumaki, Satsuki Uchiha, and Hinata Hyuga were training in the training ground, but a rogue Ninja ambushed them. They called themself an Assassin. They got 6 team members, and the goal was to kill Kyo Uchiha by using their slave to investigate Kyo."

"Slave?" Kakane asks. She didn't know about that part, and she sure knew Kyo, Naruko, and Satsuki were survivors, but she never knew that an assassin was targeting Kyo.

Hiruzne nodded, "Yeah, you know Asuka Shinjo, right?"

Kakane nodded, "So she was one of their slaves."

"She and the other seven children, Asuka, told me one by one, being killed if they didn't follow their order. Assassin orders their last and strongest slave to investigate Kyo. If he denied it, Asuka would die. Naruko and Satsuki are knockout by the Assassin team with one hit, while Kyo gets a strong punch from the leader." Hiruen explain.

Kakane were actually surprised. "Seriously, they want to kill a five-year-old child!?"

Hiruzen nodded again, "Yeah... but their plan has been stopped when Ryo Uchiha arrives. He kills 5 of them with ease and tells Satsuki to take Naruko, Hinata home. While he is going to take Kyo home, he is fighting the leader until the night that we found Ryo's lifeless body lying on the trees."

"In contrast, we find Kyo is on Street chair in Uchiha's residence with Asuka, they both are beaten badly, but someone is treating them. I believe Isachi Uchiha is the one who treats them. But for your answer, we still didn't know about his pair Sharingan, but I guess he got damaged from that battle and can't use his left eye Sharingan anymore... So any more questions?"

Kakane shook the head, "No more Hokage-Sama, thanks for telling me."

Hiruzen smiled, "Well, it is nothing. He is your student, so you should know his past, so dismiss."

"As you will, and thanks again." Kakane disappeared.


•To Be Continue•


(That is a warp for chapter 16, I hope you like it!)

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