Chapter 21 (Dream)


Naruko was sleeping at that time, and then everything felt hotter and hotter. She slowly opened her eyes as she saw fire. Her room is on fire; she quickly runs out of the room. When she passed the living room, she saw something that made her heart break into thousand pieces. 

The blond girl saw half of Asuka's body lying on the ground while her other half was away from her. Naruko, with teary eyes, rushes out of the house.

When Naruko is outside, she gets down to her knees and starts to cry, and then she smells something strong, smells like.


Naruko looked in her front as she saw countless dead people right in front of her. She also saw a kid and a baby also die. They are lying with their parents, she guesses. She heard people screaming and burning. In the short term, Konoha is in chaos right now; everything is burning.

Naruko can only watch in horror.

"Why?.... this happen?..." Naruko asks in a lifeless tone,

"You want to know why?"

Naruko quickly turned toward the voice, and she saw Kyo Uchiha. She remembered the last time she saw him, standing right in front of her. He is in a Super Saiyan state, but his eyes are red blood and covered in blood.

The more shocked and broke Naruko is. Kyo is holding Satsuki and Hinata's heads in each hand. Naruko's tears are now streaming down to her cheek. Kyo throws two of her best friend's heads toward her. 

As she quickly grabs their heads. Naruko let out a broken heart scream, "HAAAAAAAA!!!!... w-why..... they love you..... w-why you kill them..."

Naruko continues to cry, Kyo's body almost covered in blood, and evil grins at her.

Kyo smirked, "Asura... Show me the true nature of Saiyan, and I will start with this place..." He palms toward her as he charges his Ki attack. "Sayonara Naruko..."

The Saiyan boy fires the Ki blast at her.



Naruko shoots out of her bed, panting badly. She saw her surrounding as she realized. She is in her room.

Naruko is panting as she asks herself, "W-Was that a dream?" 

Naruko needs to confirm something; she must check Asuka in her room to ensure that she is okay. She quickly out of her bed, running toward Asuka's room. She aggressively opens the door as she sees Asuka sleeping well on her bed, but that aggressive noise from Naruko makes her awake.

Asuka rub her eye and yawned, "Naruko? Why are you here? Did something happen?"

Naruko didn't reply as she went straight to Asuka and hugged the poor single-eye girl tightly. Tears streamed down Naruko, crying as Asuka hugged her back.

Asuka's big sister instinct came as she petted Naruko back. "Mah... mah... You have a nightmare, Naruko-Chan?" She asks her best friends as Naruko nods, and she explains to her.


After 5 mins of explanation, Asuka holds Naruko's hand and smiles at her.

Asuka smiles, "Naruko-Chan, you know that will never happen; Kyo-Kun are persons who will put their friends first, and yet Kyo will never hurt his friends or even kill them."

Naruko nodded she being worried about Kyo and the future about to come. "Yeah, Kyo-Kun is like that... and I'm worried; it's two months since he didn't wake up."

"We will visit him in this right after sunrise, okay?" Asuka watches the clock beside her bed. It shows the time is 5.45 am. "Naruko-chan, can you help me make breakfast?"

The blonde wipes her tear away and smile and nod. 


In the Hospital, Satsuki told Kyo what happened after he was unconscious three months ago.

"So Anbu's from Konoha arrive and bring me back to the village?" Kyo was actually surprised Anbu could arrive that fast.

Satsuki nodded, "Yeah, Anbu told us to continue our mission while they take you home and treat your injury."

"Is that so..." Kyo saw the frustration on Satsuki's face.

"I don't like it... I didn't want to leave you alone..." Satsuki said while pouting.

Kyo pets her head as she looks at Kyo warm smile. "It's okay because you guys saved the villager from Gato's company, and I'm proud of you because of that. I'm also glad you are safe."

Satsuki has a pink blush on her face as she when to hug Kyo. 'I Love you, Kyo.'

Kyo broke the hug as the room door opened. 

There were two persons: Naruko and Asuka, with a box of meals in their hands. Both of the girls look at Kyo with wide eyes open and happiness in their hearts.

Naruko got tears tear welling in her eyes when she saw the person lying dying for months, "K-Kyo..."

Kyo gave a warm smile and said in a gentle tone, "Ohayo... Naruko-Chan."

Naruko didn't say a word as Satsuki stepped aside from Kyo. 

Then in a second, Naruko dashed toward Kyo and gave him a tight hug as The young Uchiha braced the pain from his injured body. 

Naruko, tears of joy streaming down her face, and Kyo hugs her back.

Kyo saw Asuka also tear down her face as she quickly wiped it off.

Naruko was crying with joy but kinda angry at the same time as she said, "Baka! Baka! I'm gonna kill you once again if you die! Baka!"

Kyo chuckled at Naruko as he petted her back head. Asuka comes close to them. "Sorry... Naruko, Asuka... I'm sorry to make you guys worried about me."

Naruko broke the hug. "You better be sorry!"

Asuka is the last one who hugs Kyo, but her hug doesn't hurt him because she gives a gentle hug as Kyo returns it.

Asuka smiles sweetly, "I'm glad you are awake..."

Then they all heard a stomach growl from Kyo as he rubbed his back hair, "Uh... I'm a bit hungry..."

The girls giggled at him as Asuka said, "I'm sorry, Kyo-Kun, I only brought Satsuki breakfast. But don't worry, and I'll bring you food in mind, okay?"

Asuka gives the meal to Satsuki as she walks out of the room. As soon as she walks out, another two people come in. 

It was Kakane and Hokage, and they always visited him almost every day with certain Anbu with purple hair watching. 

"Kakane-Sensei! Hokage-Jiji!"

Kakane and Hokage saw, as usual, Naruko and Satsuki always there and Kyo layin on the bed. 

But this time, Kyo is awake and sitting in bed as he greets them politely, "Kakane-Sensei, Hokage-Sama."

Kakane gives a warm smile under her mask. "I am so glad to see you are awake, Kyo-Chan." She was glad when she saw him standing again, which was weird and impressive for a boy who is a coma for months were standing.

Kyo blushed a bit when he heard what Kakane called him.

"How do you feel Kyo-Kun?" Hiruzen asks.

"My body still hurts and is sore, especially in my abdomen area," Kyo said while holding his 

"Can you lift your shirt?" Hiruzen said as he wanted to see the damage.

Kyo lifted his shirt, and Naruko, Satsuki, and Kakane saw Kyo's scar.

Hiruzen hand on his goatee. "Hmm... it looks like you need a pro-medical treatment, Kyo-Kun."

Kyo releases his shirt as he asks.

"So... Kyo can't get any better, Jiji?" Naruko asks the old Hokage,

Hiruzen is humming for a second as he says, "He will get better, but not soon as he might be. So you might take it easy don't push your body, or it harms your body even more."

Then at lightning speed, memories struck the Saiyan boy's brain as he yelped in pain and held his head, and it noticed everyone in the room.

"Kyo! Are you okay?!" Satsuki and Naruko are already beside Kyo.

Kyo groaned in pain as he said, "My head... I saw images, and it felt like memories..."

"Are you okay? What you saw?" Kakane asks in concern.

The young Saiyan looks at the old Hokage as he asks. "Hokage-Jiji, do you know anyone with the name Kenshi Uchiha?"

Hokage's eye is wide open as the other looks at the old Hokage.

"Kenshi Uchiha? Who is that?" Naruko asks.

Satsuki shrugged as she answered, "I don't know."

The single eyes sensei explains to her student, as she knows a bit about that, "Kenshi Uchiha is the first Uchiha with blue Sharingan before Kyo-chan. He is also one of the Legendary Yonnin."

Hiruzen adds, "He is also one of my four former students. But how do you know him, Kyo-Kun?"

Kyo: "I didn't know... I saw the image when I was in a coma, I guess."

Hokage suddenly summons a weapon in front of Kyo, and their three old custom-damaged Kunai and old damaged Katana.

Naruko existed, "Woa... what is this blade and the Kunai? It looks old."

Satsuki touches the blade and looks at Hokage to see if she can pick it up. Hokage nods as Satsuki pick it up. "This Katana is heavy and looks like it has been in war countless times."

Kakane look at the Hokage as she asks, "Who's the owner of the weapon, Hokage-Sama? As I can see, It looks like a costume made like the 4th Hokage Kunai."

Hokage still didn't say a word when the old man saw Kyo ask Satsuki if he could hold the blade.

"Satsuki-Chan, can I hold it?"

Satsuki nodded. "Sure." She gives it to him. 

When Kyo holds the sword, memories strike him again; he lets go of the blade and holds his head.

The young Saiyan saw Kenshi's memories again as he saw Kenshi kill countless ninjas in seconds with the blade in his right hand, two Kunai on his left, and the other in his mouth. Kyo is about to witness Kenshi's powerful Susanno before the memories are gone in a flash.

Kyo is down to his knees, panting, with Naruko and Satsuki helping him back to his bed. "I saw it again..."

Hokage seals back the weapon, and he talks. 

"What you saw this time?"

Kyo looked at the Hokage, "I saw him, Kenshi. At war, he kills countless enemies in a second."

Hiruzen when into silence for a few mins while looking at Kyo a couple of times, and he couldn't push away the resemblance between his past student and Kyo soon; he said, "... Take rest, Kyo-Kun. I'll be back tomorrow. Kakane, meet me at the office."

Kakane nodded, "Hai, Hokage-Sama."

Hokage walks out of the room.

"Get well, Kyo-chan. I'm so glad you are awake; I'll come back tomorrow." Kakane said as she kissed Kyo's head, which made the Saiyan boy blush; she just about Shunshin away, but she stopped Kyo from talking to her.

"Kakane-sensei... Sasuki told me about the Chunin exam... so can I join Naruko, Satsuki and Sakura in Chunin exam?"

Kakane denied, "No, you can't. Your body didn't heal enough."

Kyo begged with a super cute cat face. "Please.... let me join them. I promise I won't die..."

Kakane looks at the male Uchiha. "Alright-alright... you promise you won't die, but that didn't mean you wouldn't get hurt, right?" Kyo replies with a sheepish smile at her as she continues her words. "Sure, can join them."

"YATTA!! ow, ow..." Kyo clamps his stomach in pain, and he receives other pain from Naruko when she smake his head.

Naruko said in anger, worried, "Baka! Don't be that happy because we will be there watching you, dattebayo!"

Kyo pouted, "Hey, don't be like that... I can watch myself, you know?"

Satsuki shook her head, "No, you can't! You are even weak than Sakura right now."

Naruko sweatdropped a bit as she said, "Um... It's a bit harsh to say, Satsuki?"

Satsuki scoffed, "Like I care..."

Kyo finally sighed as he said, "Calm down, girls; that's why I want to join because I know you girls will be in my back." He gives the girl a warm smile that makes them blush.

"The exam will start next week. So get prepared." Kakane disappears in a blink of an eye as more people come in.


It was Gennin ninjas graduate this year and Asuka with Kyo's meals in her hands. Kyo once again braces the pain hug from tearful Hinata, Sakura, and Ino. 

While Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, and Kiba look pity on Kyo is literally crushed by a girl's hug.


Hokage walked toward his office with a thought in his mind. 'Same blue Sharingan... memories of Kenshi uchiha... I hope he didn't have the same soul because my old heart can't take that surprise. I'm too old for this.'


•To Be Continue•


(Done, chapter 21 is done! I hope you like it.)

(What is the connection between Kyo and Kenshi?)

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