Chapter 22 (Suna Shinobi)


Five days later, Kyo is ready to check out the room; Team 7, Asuka and Old Hokage are also there.

"Remember, Kyo-kun, don't overdo it, or your wound will get worse," Hiruzen said while he smoked his pipe while Kyo rubbed his back hair.

"I... can't promise that, hehe," Kyo said while giggling a bit.

Hiruzen sighed. "Just don't die. Can you do that?"

Kyo gives a thumb up and a grin, "That's for sure!"

"Are you sure you want to join the Chunin exam?" Asuka asks worriedly

"Yup, pretty sure, hehe," Kyo said while rubbing his back head while the other sighed in defeat.

"6 more days until you guys take the test." Kakane reminds them.

"I can't wait! When I become Chunin, I'll step closer to my dream of becoming Hokage datebayo!"

Asuka giggled as she said, "Sure you are."

All of them in the room already know how the Old Hokage and 4th Hokage inspire Naruko to become the greatest Hokage of all time.

"Then see you guys later." Kakane and Hokage walk out of the room, leaving the other behind.

Kyo look at the girl as she asks, "Girls before we go home, can we eat some Ramen?"

Satsuki smiled as she replied, "Sure, why not."


Kyo and the other girls walk Into the Icharaku Ramen store and are greeted by The owner's store.

"Ah, Welcome! Oh, Kyo-kun, nice to see you awake!"

Ayame, walk out from the storage room with dry ramen. As soon as she saw Kyo, she ran toward him and hugged him. 

Kyo braces the pain from the hug, but Ayame doesn't notice as she says, "Thanks, Kami-Sama. You are awake, Kyo-kun."

Kyo smiled and hugged Ayame back, "Yeah, it's good to walk again."

"So what do you want today? And don't worry. It's all on me." Ichiraku said with a grin as he was glad Kyo were awake and walking.

"Really?! Two beef ramen, please." Kyo ordered with a smile.

The Ramen owner raises his eyebrow, same with the girls, as the man asks, "Only two?"

"Are you feeling well?" Ayame asks with concern as both daughter and father get worried about the young Saiyan.

 "Kyo didn't fully heal yet, Ayame-nee." Naruko Interrupts as Naruko wants them to know Kyo did fully heal yet so Ayame can let go of her hug.

"Well.... went I think back, It's kinda miracle you can even stand Kyo." Ichiraku continues making the Ramen for both of them. 

The store owner remembers how Kyo's condition when he visits Kyo for the first time, and it is not the best thing he has seen.

Ayame let's get the hug as she said, "Take it easy, okay, Kyo-Kun?"

"That didn't seem possible... soon," Asuka said while sighing.

Ayame looks at Asuka and asks why, but Satsuki is the one who answers Ayame's question.

"6 more days until the Chunin exam, and Team 7 will take part, including Kyo." Satsuki sigh.

Ayame sighed as she smiled, "Just be careful, okay, Kyo-Kun."

Kyo smiled sheepishly as he said, "Hehe, I can't promise that."

The girls sigh in defeat, and Icaraku has already done with the ramen.

Icharaku pass the bowl of ramen toward the teenage kids, "Here, enjoy, don't be afraid to ask more, okay?"

"Thank you!" Naruko said with a big smile, and the other grabbed the bowl.

"Itadakimasu!(Thanks for the food!)." The girl is thankful first 

The girls start eating as a smile on both of The owner's ramen, and his daughter sees their happy customer. 

But Kyo didn't eat; he seemed to stare at the food couple of mins. In his mind, he is thinking of Asura's words, and if the Saiyan come to attack his village now, he can't fight him in his condition right now. So he will 100% will lose the fight, and this place, Naruko, Satsuki, Asuka, Hinata, Sakura and all his friends will be gone.

Satsuki, who is sitting beside Kyo, notices Kyo staring at the food and doesn't touch the food as she asks in concern, "Kyo, are you okay?"

Kyo's thought stops as he looks at Satsuki with a smile. "Yes, I'm fine. I just lost in a daydream."

"What are you thinking of?" Satsuki asks.

"Not much. Just think about us being together." Kyo make a blunt excuse

Naruko, Asuka and Sakura, who heard this, almost choked on the food. 

Ayame eyes wide open in surprise, Icharaku giggled, and Satsuki red like a Tomato blushing.

"W-What you saying, B-B-Baka!" Satsuki said while blushing madly.

Naruko runs to Kyo and puts her hand and head to Kyo's forehead to check his temperature. Kyo, also in his mind, wonders why he said that and why Satsuki faces red so much.

"You have a fever Kyo-Kun?!" Sakura asks while she is standing beside Naruko.

Kyo realised what he had done as he said, "Girls! I'm fine, really. Let's eat."

The girls sigh and take their seats, looking at Kyo, who is now eating, and they also resume their meal.

Ayame was concerned as she said, "You should get some more rest Kyo-Kun."

Kyo waved it off, "Nah, one month in the hospital is enough rest for me..."

Unnoticed by everyone, Kyo tightened his fist.

"After this get some rest, okay? Only six more days until the exam. You must get rest much rest possible... can you do that for all of us?" Satsuki asks and wants Kyo to promise her.

Kyo wants to say something, but he only nods. Sorry, I really can't rest now. Asura will come here later or soon... If I join him, the world will doom, so the only I can do are against him.'

Asuka, who is sitting on another side, The Raven boy, notices Kyo in deep thought. She slowly holds his hand, which stops his thought. 

Kyo turned his head, smiled at her, and she smiled back. They both resumed their meal.


At night, Naruko and Satsuki on their room sleeping while Kyo is lying on his bed, still in deep thought, but the thought stops when he hears Asuka call his name.

Asuka kock the door, "Kyo-Kun? are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm awake..." Kyo reply.

Asuka opens the door and walk-in. "Kyo-kun, do you have something that bothers you?" She asked when she saw Kyo sitting on his bed.

Kyo looked at her as he asked, "Why you said that?" 

"Because you didn't seem like yourself for the past couple of days," Asuka explains as she sits beside Kyo.

"I-I..." Kto looked at her face, and he didn't know what to explain.

Asuka hold Kyo hands, as she said, "It's okay Kyo-kun..."

Kyo sighed as he said, "How I'm gonna say this... I-I afraid, Asuka-chan." Asuka raises her single eyebrow, and Kyo continues. "I'm afraid Asura will come here sooner or later."

"Asura?" Asuka asks as she wonders why the name is so familiar to her.

Kyo nodded, "Yes, he's Taros' teacher." Asuka's eye is wide open. The name makes her scared as Kyo continues. "He is 1000 times stronger than Taros himself."

Asuka was scared as she asked, "S-So that makes you scared?"

"Yes... the last time I fought him, I barely won last time... but in my condition like this... I am wondering how I'm gonna protect you, the girls and the village... and lately, memories of Kenshi Uchiha keep coming pretty often. It's almost like I'm Kenshi Uchiha." Kyo said as he felt confused and scared.

Asuka held Kyo's arm gently as he said again, "M-My mind kinda mess right now... and I'm sorry if lately, I didn't be myself for this couple of days..."

Asuka shakes her head, "No, it's fine. It's not you like you turn too bad or something. It just likes you turn less dense." She mutters the last sentence, and Kyo doesn't hear it clearly.


Asuka waved her hand as she said, "Nothing-Nothing. You should get some rest, Kyo-Kun and thank you for telling me what is on your mind."

"You welcome Asuka-Chan." Kyo looks at the windows. 

The room is dark and only lit by moonlight from the windows. Asuka leans forward toward Kyo as she wants to kiss him on his cheek as always. But Kyo turns his head toward Asuka at the same moment their lips touch together.

Asuka's eyes were wide open same with Kyo, and they quickly broke the kiss. Asuka's face is red like Saysuki did this morning. She looks at Kyo's hair and covers his eyes.

Asuka blush, as she asks, "K-Kyo?..."

Suddenly Kyo grabs her collar shirt and pulls her, and slam their lip together.

Asuka shock at first, but she returned the kiss later. Then, the hard kiss turns into a passionate kiss. Finally, after couple mins, the kiss broke to catch their breath. 

Kyo liked to snap his head back as he saw Asuka with a teary eye looking at him.

Kyo blushed slightly as he said, "I-I'm sorry, Asuka-Chan... I didn't know what was going on with m-"

This word cut off when Asuka put her finger to Kyo's mouth. The brown hair girl tackles Kyo down to his bed and kisses him again. 

Kyo ignores the pain that came from Asuka's tackles. After couple mins, she broke the kiss and tears down her face.

Asuka was in tears of happiness as she said, "I Love you, Kyo-kun... I really do."

Kyo was blushing, "I-I..."

Asuka once again stops his words. "I know Kyo-kun, you love other girls, and I understand that. I hope they will confess their feeling to you. I want you to remember Kyo-kun that I'm the first one who confesses my feeling to you."

Kyo smiled and blushed as he said, "I-I will, Asuka-Chan."

Asuka gets out the bed and smiles at him. "Get rest, okay?"

Kyo chuckled as he sighed and said, "Okay, fine..."

Asuka giggles and kisses his cheek, and walks out of the room. Unknown to both of them, Naruko and Satsuki heard and witnessed what happened.

'I didn't know Asuka-Chan was also in love with Kyo...' Naruko thought as she saw everything.

'I knew it!' Satsuki was also in thought, and most imported are.

'SHE IS THE FIRST ONE TO CONFESS HER FEELING TO KYO, AND THE FIST ONE TO GET KYO KISS!!!' Naruko and Satsuki yell in their thought at the same time as they must act fast, or more girls will confess to him soon, and they don't want to be the last.


Six days later, Kyo walks alone in the street while on his way to the Chunin exam. He secretly trains to gain back his power, and even though he did not strong as before, It's enough to pass Chunin's level of strength.

The Saiyan boy remembers Naruko and Satsuki having their own business before the exam. That is why he is walking alone right now. After 3 mins of walking, he saw his team and Kids and two others like the same age as him.

Kyo saw a boy covered in black with purple war paint on his face and a blond girl with green eyes and a huge fan on her back. 

Then the boy, covered in black, pointed the kunai toward the intention to hurt the kid.

In the blink of an eye, the Saiyan Uchiha disappears and reappears between the kid and the man. Kyo grabs the boy cover in black. Kyo notices the metal plate on their clothes is not the Konoha logo; it's Suna.

"You didn't want to start a war with Konoha, right?" Kyo said cold tone.

The boy, covered in black eyes wide when he suddenly saw Kyo, wanted to attack him, but the pain from Kyo grabbed his right arm, making him groan in pain.

A Blond Girl runs toward the boy in black while yelling, "Kankuro! Get away from him!"

This girl has blond hair, and dark green eyes, with a light pale purple shoulder long shirt, with chainmail underneath. She also has a huge Fan behind her with C-cup breasts.

The boy covered in black, named Kankuro, groans, "I can't! Temari, help me!"

Kyo ignored them as he saw Sakura, Naruko, and Satsuki run toward him. He pays attention to the kids.

"Kyo-Kun!" Sakura yell.

Kyo smiles. "Girls, can you please take care of the kids." He said toward his team.

Naruko knew those kids as she yelled their names. "Konohamaru! Udon! Moegi! Are you three alright?"

There are 3 Kids one boy with glasses, one with spikey hair, and another with a girl with twin upright tight hair. But all of them wears the same goggle that Naruko wore before she graduated.

The kids turn as they see Naruko's joy of happiness on their face appears.

"BOSS, please help us! That guy can't accept the truth that you are the strongest in the village." The three kids said at the same time. 

Naruko, Satsuki and Sakura look at the boy covered in black.

Kankuro growled as he tried to escape the "Let me go, damnit! Temari!"

The blond girl with green eyes, name Temari, nods, and fanning her huge fan toward Kyo, a huge wind comes toward the Uchiha.

Kyo closes his eyes; everything when to slow-mo. His team were worried for him when the winds attacked an inch away. Kyo opens his right eye, which shows them a Blue Sharingan and an invisible shield right front. Kyo deflects the wind's attack.

Kankuro and Temari's eyes were wide open as they witnessed Kyo blue Sharingan and ease deflect Temari's attack. The blond wants to continue with her attack, but a voice stops them.

Kyo and the others look at the newcomer, a boy like the same age as him with Red hair, no eyebrows, and his forehead has Kanji, which means love, with a huge gourd on his back.

"Gaara!" Temari yells at the newcomer.

"Gaara! Help us!" Kankuro yells for help.

Gaara looked at them both as he said, cold tone, "Shut up before I kill you both!"

Both of them shut up and head down. The red-haired boy is standing on a tree branch as he jumps down and slowly walks toward them. Kyo let go of his grab and freed the boy covered in black.

"I'm sorry for my brother and sister's behaviour... I'm Gaara." The red hair boy name Gaara said, even though it didn't seem like he were sorry.

Kyo sighed as he said his name, "Kyo Uchiha." 

Kyo looked at the other two behind Gaara.

Temari sighed as she said, "Temari, and sorry for attacking you."

Kankuro scoffed, "Kankuro..."

Then Kyo's team walked closer to him as Sakura asked his condition, "Kyo-Kun, are you alright?!"

Kyo switches off his Sharingan and turns back to normal, and opens his left eye as he smiles and says, "I'm fine, thanks for asking."

Satsuki released a deep breath in relief as she said, "I'm glad you are..."

Gaara looks at Team Seven, and Kyo introduces them. "Gaara, this is my team. Girls, introduce yourself." His team look at him, in their mind, like, 'Why does Kyo want us to introduce ourselves?'.

Sakura sighed as she said, "Sakura Haruno... nice to meet you?"

Satsuki scoffed, "Sasuki Uchiha."

Naruko were angry about what Temari and Kankuro had done earlier as she said, "Remember my name, I'm Naruko Uzumaki and if you plan to hurt Kyo again! You were facing the future Hokage NARUKO UZUMAKI DATTEBAYO!" She finishes with a grin as Kyo and the kids smile at her.

Gaara went speechless for a moment as he said, "... Until we meet again then..."

Temari looked at Kyo for a second as she got something she liked to see. "See you at the Chunin exam Kyo-San."

The team from Suna walk away from team seven. 

Kyo turns his head toward the kids that he saves. "Naruko-Chan, do you know them?"

Naruko nod. "Yes, I met them when the time I registered to Genin..."

"I see." Kyo pets their head and asks their names. "What is your name?"

"Hi, I'm Udon..." A kid who wears glasses.

"I'm Moegi!" She is a girl with orange twin tight hair.

"I'm Konohamaru! 3rd Hokage grandson and Future Hokage after Boss!" He is a boy with dark grey spikey hair.

"Boss?" Sakura asks.

Naruko sighs in defeat.

Udon nodded, "Naruko-Nee is our Boss."

Satsuki chuckled, "How she is you, Boss?"

"JUST CALL ME NARUKO-NEE ARE FINE!" Naruko interrupted and was embarrassed.

Kyo giggled as he said, "Hey Boss, kinda have a nice ring, hehe. How old are you three?" He asks the kids.

The kids said with a smile and the same time. "We are 10."

Kyo smiled, 'So them same with age as Hanabi.'

"Guys, I think we gonna go." Sakura reminds them that they still have a Chunin exam to attend.

Satsuki agreed, "Yeah, we should go. Chunin exam will start soon."

They both start to walk off and stop waiting for Kyo and Naruko.

"Stay safe, okay?" Kyo said with a smile.

The kid nod, happy.

Konohamaru grinned, "You said ware true, Naruko-Nee, your boyfriend is strong and kind."

Kyo raises his eyebrow as Naruko blushes which could rival Hinata. Before the kids can say more word, Naruko pulls Kyo's arm and walk toward Satsuki and Sakura.

"Hey, why is your face red?" Sakura asks Naruko, and Naruko thanks Kami, saying that Sakura and Satsuki didn't hear what Konohamaru said.

Naruko blushed as she waved it off, "Nothing..."

Kyo smiled at her as he got closer to her and whispered in her left ear. 'Your boyfriend, huh?"

Naruko blushes even more. Smoke almost came out from the heat from her. 

Satsuki notices the blush from her best friend as she asks, "Naruko, are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine. Just let's go to the Chunin test!" Naruko stutter as she walks even faster.

Sakura chased after the blond, "Naruko, wait up!"


•To Be Continue•


(That is a warp for chapter 22. I hope you like it!)

(Fragment of Kenchi Uchiha memory has to make Kyo Uchiha less dense and a bit mature)

(Asuka Shinjo are the first one who receives a kiss from Kyo and confesses her feeling to Kyo)

(Kyo will not fight at his fullness at Chunin arc until he finds Tsunade Senju)

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(See ya😁)