Chapter 23 (Forest of Death)


At the entrance of the Stadium where Chunin tests are. The girls of Team Seven arrive there, and Kyo is the last one who arrives.

Kyo saw Maito Gai's clone thrown out of the building, and he knew who it was. "Lee!" He runs toward the boy with the others.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sakura asks the thick eyebrows boy as the boy named Lee looks at Sakura with shining eyes.

"Are you an angel?" The boy name Lee asks while a bit dizzy.

"What?" Sakura sweatdrop with the other as he looks at his surrounding. He sees more beautiful girls.

"Oh, my Kami-Sama group of angels are here for me." Lee was still in his dizziness, and then suddenly, he jumped from where he was lying down.

Lee gives a Gai big smile as he introduces himself. "YOSH! I'M ROOK LEE NICE TO MEET YOU, MISS ANGELS!"

The boy's head down shows some respect. He wore green spandex, the same as Gai did, and even his hair was the same as Gai's.

Sakura was speechless for a second as she replied. "Hi? I'm Sakura Haruno?"

"Satsuki Uchiha..." Satsuki said in a cold tone cause she didn't like other weirdos.

Naruko grin, "Naruko Uzumaki! Nice to meet you Lee-San!"


"Why have you been throwing out the building?" Naruko asks.

Lee looks at Naruko as he says. "Oh, they said I'm too loud!"

Satsuki mutter, "I can see that..."

Kyo sighed, "Can't blame you, Lee. You look so much like Gai-Sensei or even act like him too."

"Huh?" Lee still didn't notice Kyo behind the girl, but when he saw Kyo, his eyes were wide open, and he is quickly rushing toward Kyo and gently push the girl away.

"SENPAI! (SENIOR!) AM GLAD YOU ARE AWAKE!" Lee yells while he is in tears of happiness.

"Sempai?" Naruko asks.

"Lee, you are older than me. Why do you call me that?" Kyo asks the green spandex kid.

Lee rubbed his tear away as he answered. "You train with Gai-Sensei longer than me! So that makes you have more experience than me! So it's my right to call you Senpai!" 

Kyo sighed and rubbed his temple, "Just... call me Kyo, okay?"

Lee nodded, "OKAY, KYO-SEMPAI!" He makes thumbs up, and Gai's signature smiles with shining teeth.

The girls shield their eyes while they yell at the same time. 'MY EYES!!'

Before one can say a word, they are interrupted by someone's voice.

"Enough with chit-chat. Lee, you can come in. I already reason with them."

They all turned to voice as they saw a boy with long black hair and the same eyes as Hinata.

Beside him is Tenten. 

Naruko knows who that guy is, she saw him when she visited Hinata, but she didn't know the girl standing beside him. 

Satsuki didn't even know those two, the same as Sakura. Because she very rarely goes to visit Hinata with her residents. While Kyo knows them well.

"Still alive, I see." The boy said sarcastically to Kyo.

Tenten got angry as she said, "Neji-San, that's wrong to say!"

The boy names Neji walks back inside.

"See you later then, Kyo-Sempai! Everyone! Neji, wait!" The spandex boy runs toward his teammate, leaving Tenten.

Tenten sighs as she apologises to her Team, "I'm sorry for my teammate's behaviour. My name is Tenten, by the way, and that guy's name is Neji." She points to Neji. 

Then the Kyo team also introduce themself.

"I'm glad you are awake, Kyo-Kun. Are you sure you are okay?" Tenten notices a bandage under Kyo's Shirt and on his right arm.

Kyo smiled, "No, I'm good. I'm glad... I'm got to join."

Tenten smiled back as she said, "May the best team win, then."


After meeting with Tenten. 

Kakane shows up the say good luck to her student, She is a bit worried about Kyo's condition, but she remembers Kyo is the one who fights a person who can destroy the world. So she just told them always to be alert to their surrounding. After that, she hugs them, four then she leaves the blinking eye.

The Genin of Team 7 enters the building while Kakane watches her student from afar. In her mind, she is thinking about what happened two months ago.



Three months before, Kyo was awake from a long coma. 

Kakane just came back from a mission with her Genin team. Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura want to visit Kyo soon as they step into the village, but Kakane stops them before they go.


They stop and turn; they turn their head to Kakane.

"What?" Satsuki asks as she gets annoyed.

"I know you three want to see Kyo so bad, and so do I, but we have to report to Hokage-Sama first," Kakane remind them.

"Can you just go alone?" Naruko asks cause she really wants to see Kyo right now.

Kakane knows what they feel, but they still have a final task to do, "I wish I could, but we work as a team."

Naruko and Sakura head down while Satsuki looks away.

Naruko sighed in defeat as she said, "Fine, but it better be quick!"


Team 7 arrived at the Hokage office, and they saw the Hokage doing some paperwork with his pipe.

"Ah, welcome back, Team 7." The old Hokage saw the Team's faces with sadness in their eyes, especially Naruko.

"Mission accomplished, Hokage-sama," Kakane said in a serious tone.

Hiruzen smiled as he said, "Congratulation to all of you. You manage to send and save Tazuna-San Village."

No one says a word for a couple of seconds until Naruko is the one who decides to speak, but her head is down toward the floor.

"Hokage-Jiji... are Kyo okay?" Naruko suddenly asks the old Hokage.

Hiruzen looks at his surrogate granddaughter, and he is standing from his sit place, walks close to the nearby window, and smokes his pipe.

Hiruzen were downcast, "He is still in critical condition... His body receives so much damage that normal people or even Jonin should die because of it... I'm sorry, Naruko-Chan, I can't say anything for now."

Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura tear their eyes while Kakane feels guilty because she drinks the potion and not Kyo.

"N-No, Kyo can't die. I will not let him be like, Kaa-San, Daddy, and Haku did." Naruko was crying with her head down. 

Satsuki holds Naruko's arm as she holds tight. "Kyo will be fine... He the strongest person in the world, remember?"

Sakura also held Naruko's other hand while saying, "Kyo will be fine."

Hiruzen saw sadness in their eyes as he said, "You three dismiss, Kakane stay; I have something to discuss."

Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura didn't say a word as they walked out the door and The old Hokage back to his seat.

Hiruzen looks at the white hair Jonin, "Kakane Hatake detailed to me what enemy your team encounters which makes Kyo Uchiha almost die."

"I'm not the best to tell you that," Kakane said with a serious tone.

"Why not?" Hiruzen asks back.

Kakane cleared her throat as she answered, "Because Kyo is the one who gets to talk to him so much. But I will tell you what I can."

Hiruzen nodded, "Then go ahead."

"The Enemy, name Asura has black hair, black eyes, and tan skin," Kakane said. 

Hiruzen frown as he asks. "Is he from Kumogakure?"

Kakane shook her head, "I believe not Hokage-sama... I don't think he part of any Village... He declared himself as part of the Saiyan race."

Hiruzen frown while asking, "Saiyan race?"

Kakane nodded, "Yes, Hokage-sama... He also has a transformation that can turn his hair into blond and give him 50 times stronger than before."

Hiruzen when into silence as he asks, "Is he strong without his transformation?"

Kakane was silent for a second as she remembered Asura receiving her stronger attack and not even a scratch on him.

"Yes... He is already 100 times stronger than me without his transformation." Kakane said that she was a shame that she couldn't help her student.

The old Hokage's eyes were wide open as he asked, "Do you know what his mission is, why he attacks your team?"

Kakane went into silence once again as she said, "..... His mission is to kill Kyo Uchiha..."

Hiruzen were shocked at the news. "Why?"

"... I want to speak this just you and me, Hokage-Sama," Kakane said while looking at her surrounding.

Hiruzen nod, "Anbu leave us!"

Anbu, in invisibility, leaves Hokage and Kakane alone. 


Kakane looked at the Hokage as she said, "I believe Kyo Uchiha are the same race as The enemy Hokage-Sama, but I don't understand... Aren't Kyo Uchiha a Human?"

Hiruzen asks, "Why did you say that?"

 "Kyo Uchiha just transforms, same as Asura did..." Kakane exposes the truth.

The old Hokage didn't say a word for a couple of seconds.

Hiruzen sighed, and the puzzle of Kyo clicked into places as he said, "Kakane, let me tell you the origin of how Ryo Uchiha found his son."

"Found?" Kakane asks.

Hiruzen tells Kakane about Ryo's wife, Yuri, that she can't have a child, and Ryo finds Kyo when Meteor kills Kyo's original parents when he owns his way back to the village. Ryo takes care of Kyo after that.

"So Kyo is adopted, wish means Kyo isn't real Uchiha. But how he has Sharingan?" Kakane asks.

Hiruzen sighed, "I believe he has the same case as you."

Kakane is wide, her single eye open.

Hiruzen explains, "At first, I also believed Kyo are real Uchiha because he has Sharingan, but when we recovered Ryo Uchiha's body, we noticed he lost his right eye, and I believe Ryo implanted his eye to his son before he died. I want to ask, and If you can't fight Asura, then I believe Kyo is the one head-to-head with Asura?"

Kakane nodded, "Yes, Hokage-Sama... Kyo is stronger than we know; he fast, strong. When he transforms, his strength passes 5 Kage combine or even Kyuubi itself. He was on par with Asura at first, but he lost right away when Asura transformed into the same state as Kyo."

Hiruzen hums as he asks, "I see... so that explains where the big energy came from... you know what transformation they use?"

 "I believe only the Saiyan race can use that transformation, sort of Kekkai Genkai (Bloodline limit). I remember Asura calling it Legendary Super Saiyan form." Kakane explain.

"Saiyan... Any more else?"

Kakane nodded, "Yes... Asura sees Kyo's potential and decides Kyo join him to conquer the world or die with the world, and he delivers a deadly blow to Kyo. I guess Kyo said no, but I did know why he didn't attack any village yet."

Kakane didn't hear when Asura gave one year to Kyo think about it. "Hokage-Sama... I want to ask what kinda treat we deal with?"

Hiruzen frowned as he said with a serious tone, "I believe this is far from Kage's level. I believe... Asura is God's threat level, and I think the Upcoming Chunin exam will attract other nations to our Kyo because the energy can be felt worldwide when he fights Asura. I bet this Cunin exam will have 5 Kage to participate with their Genin, including me."

"I see..." Kakane reply.

The Hokage continues. "Kyo-Kun is in critical condition right now, and we can't let people know about his strength for now, or he will be the main target of other nations."

"I understand Hokage-Sama," Kakane said,

Hiruzen looks at Kakane while asking, "Anything else you know, Kakane-San?"

Kakane shook her head, "No, Hokage-Sama, that's all I know..."

"Then you dismiss," Hiruzen said.

Kakane bow down, "Yes Hokage-Sama." She disappears in the blinking eye, leaving a leaf on the floor—the old Hokage in the room with deep thought.

"Anbu!" Hiruzen yelled as suddenly four Anbu Ninjas appeared right in front of the Hokage desk.

The first Anbu responded, "Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Hiruzen looked at them as he said, "Go fine, Jirayu, and bring her here!"

The second Anbu responded, "Right away, Hokage-Sama."

The Anbu team disappears as The old Hokage stands up to a nearby window and says, "Jirayu is the only one who can bring our best doctor back."

The Hokage said to himself while looking at his desk as he saw an old picture of his younger former student. 

Jirayu holds Kenshi's right arm while glaring at Tsunade because she hugs his left arm. Orochi is holding Kenshi's end of his shirt. Kenshi has a sweatdrop smile while Hiruzen is on their back, holding Orochi and Tunade's shoulder with a smile.

Hiruzen sighed, "It's been 25 years, Kenshi... Your death causes them to change... and I'm sorry 'cause I can't prevent that from happening," He said to the picture with a sad expression.


At night Kakane arrives on a tree branch and sits down on the branch; she faces Kyo's hospital room as she sees Naruko sneaking into the room through the window.

Naruko immediately tears down her face as she gets closer to the unconscious Kyo Uchiha. He has a bandage all over his body, an oxygen mask on his face, and a beeping heart rate monitor.

"Kyo-Nii..... can you hear me?...." Naruko knows Kyo gets annoyed when she calls him that, but she gets no response from the young Saiyan as she gently holds Kyo's arm with a tear streaming down her face.

Naruko sobbed while saying, "D-Don't leave me, Kyo... don't go join Kaa-San and Daddy..." She wipes her tears away, but it still comes out. 

Kakane, from outside, felt sorry for Naruko. She also has some tears in her eye. Then Naruko is in shock when Kyo suddenly growls in pain.

"Kyo!" Naruko were worried.

From growling to yelling, his heart rate monitor spikes up. 

The nurse and doctor rushed into the room. "Hey, I told you you couldn't come here! He is in critical condition right now! Now follow me!"

The nurse leads Naruko out of the room as the blond protest, "But!"

The nurse cut her off with a warm smile, "Naruko-San, I know he means a lot to you and trusts us. We gonna save him, okay?" 

Naruko's tears don't stop, and she nods, and Nurse back to her work. Naruko down to her butt, crying on the floor right in front of the room. Then she felt a warm hug from someone. 

The one who hugs Naruko is Kakane as she says, "He gonna be okay, Naruko... trust me..."

Naruko turns to Kakane as she cries to her sensei and hugs her tight while Kakane does the same.


•Flashback End•

Kakane remembers all pain that was being through her Team. Then she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turns her head toward the person. 

This person has long, wild white hair and black eyes, and she also has red marks across the side of her face, with Double D-cup breasts.

"It's that your team?" She asks the single-eye ninja.

Kakane nodded, "Yes, Jirayu-Sama..."

"Well, sensei didn't do wrong. That brat really looks like him..."

Another voice comes from their back. She has long blonde hair, yellow eye, and a diamond-shaped mark on her forehead F-cup breast.

A milf name Jirayu said, "Yes, he indeed has the same face, Tsunade."

"Wait, is he the one sensei said needs healing from me?" an other milf name Tsunade asks Kakane.

Kakane nodded, "Yes."

"Then why did you let him enter the exam when he is not fully healed?" Tsunade asks again.

Kakane sighed as she explained, "Well..... Kyo-Kun is the hardest one to say No to."

Jirayu giggled as she said, "Hehe... That boy even acts like him too... Well, let's go, Tsunade. I bet Shizune already arrive at Sensei's office."

"Hey, this is your idea to see the brats first." Tsunade response.

"Yeah-yeah, let's go. See you later, Kakane!" Jirayu replies, leaving Kakane alone.

Both legendary Sanin went to the Hokage office.


Later, Kyo and the others meet another teammate, which includes every Shinobi in the whole nation.

Kyo is greeted by Ino by hugging him seductively, which makes the girl who likes Kyo hate it.

Hinata greeted him with a gentle hug and cheek kisses, making the other girl mad even further.

Kyo also met Kabuto, who he called the guy with information cause he had almost the information of every Shinobi but not the Saiyan boy.

Soon the first test began, and Kyo met another guy named Ibiki, who had scars all over his head, and the Proctor of the first test. 

The Saiyan boy knew the first test was about cheating if you didn't know how to answer and not be quieter, but this test is more to test your will.

Kyo looked at the paper test as he smiled slightly, and thought, 'This is easy.' Kyo is not dumb. He also studies with books and training to keep it balanced.

Sakura, Naruko, Ino, Hinata and Satsuki were doing well on the test because they had been learning and studying together for the past months.

"ALRIGHT, TIMES UP, DROP YOUR PEN!" Ibiki suddenly yells as he smiles when he they are many Genin past the test. "Congratulations, you all past the test!"

The Genin who struggled with the test were shocked but still in joy when they passed the test.

"Now, I will introduce your second Proctor for the second tes-" Ibiki was cut off when the glass windows in the room broke. 

A Kunai stuck on the wall that was attached to the banner that wrote, Second Proctor, Single but not available, Anko Mitarashi.

Naruko and Satsuki suddenly smash his head hard into the desk while muttering, 'Why it must be her."

They both remember what happened when they met Anko in past four years ago, and this girl can't keep away from Kyo for a second when she has time to do so.

But thankfully, when Anko became Tokubetsu Jonin, her free time became her sleeping time, so she couldn't spend time with her favourite Kyo-Chan.

"KYO-CHAN!!!" Anko yelled as she ran toward Kyo and hugged him tightly.

The other sweatdrop, while the girls were jealous.

"A-Anko-Nee-Chan..." Kyo was blushing madly when Anko's breasts were mashing his face.

The woman name Anko pouted as she said, "Nah ah, I told you to drop it and call me, An-ko-Chan."

"A-Anko-Chan, it's been a long time." Kyo stutters cause this woman is the first one to make him feel and learn about women, and basically, she is his first crush.

Before they both can say any further words, Ibiki cuts them off and says, "Anko-San, you still have work to do here.

Anko sighed as she said, "Alright, listen up! Meet me at Forest of Death. In 10 mins, or you fail, should we go Kyo-Chan."

"Oh no, you don't!" Naruko and Satsuki said at the same time, and before the girls could do that, Anko took Kyo with her and disappeared into Shunhin.


Later Kyo and everyone on the field saw the Saiyan boy madly blushing while Anko was oddly smiling happily as she turned toward the Genin.

"So listen Up! All you have to do was follow the damn train!" Anko said she was a woman with purple hair and brown eyes and a trench coat and ninja chainmail underneath with Double D-cup breasts.

"What?" The Genin ask back.

"Oh, sorry, I said. All you have to do are survive in the Forest of Dead for three days while getting Heaven scroll, or Earth scroll. One Team will get one scroll, either Heaven or Earth, so your mission is simple." Anko smirks and crosses her arm under her breast.

Anko continues, "Fight each other to get the scroll, then when you have both scrolls, come back to us in the middle of the forest. Is that simple?"

"Why is it called Forest Of Death?" Naruko asks Anko.

Anko smiled, "Soon or later, you will find out why and there you go, your test starts... NOW!"

Most Shinobi run into the forest. 

Hinata, Ino, and Tenten said good luck to team 7 while Kyo was still blushing but didn't say anything.

"Let's go, Team! We gonna show them Team 7 are the strongest Shinobi from Konoha!" Naruko said excitedly.

Sakura shook her head, "I-I don't know. It looks kinda scary..."

Satsuki scoffed as she asked, "Are you Kunoichi or Villager? If you villager then stays here. If kunoichi shakes off your fear."

"I'm Kunoichi!" Sakura reply.

Satsuki felt Kyo touch her shoulder.

Kyo finally broke from his blushing as he gave a warm smile and said, "Hey, no fighting, okay?"

Satsuki sighed as she replied, "Alright..."

Kyo suddenly pet Satsuki's head with a Warm smile, "That's better."

"Stop! Don't do that!" Satsuki waves Kyo's hand off her head. 

Naruko, without waiting, runs toward the forest, and her Team follow her after.

Anko watches Kyo leave as she giggles when she remembers what she did with Kyo.

"What you laughing about, Anko?"

Anko heard the voice as she turned and saw her best friend, Kurenai.

"Nothing," Anko replies while smiling as she continues. "I'm just happy. Kyo-Chan were awake and fighting again."

"Well, I agree with you about that, but what did you do to make the kid blush like that?" Kurenai asked because she saw how red Kyo's face was.

"Well, it's a secret~," Anko reply with a slur.

Kurenai sighed, "You know he's still under age right?"

Anko shrugged, "I don't care. He is a Shinobi. He is already old enough to Kill, old enough to drink and-"

"Old enough to fuck?" Kurenai continued as she sighed heavily.

"Yeah, exactly," Anko said with a grin.

Kurenai sweetdrop as she said, "Please... Just make sure... he's old enough and ready."


A few hours later, in the Forest of Death, Team 7 decides to stop running.

"Hey, what are we after again?" Naruko asks her Team.

Sakura sighed, "We are searching for a Heaven scroll, Naruko."

"Ohh, hehe sorry." Naruko reply.

Satsuki looks at them both while shaking her head. 

Meanwhile, Kyo felt something as he warned them and said, "Girls! On guard! We got company."

That word puts the girls on guard. 

Suddenly one guy drops from the sky with Kunai in his hands, aiming at Kyo. The young Saiyan saw that as a swing kick, the guy who wants attack him. That Guy flew away when he received that kick. 

Kyo didn't notice there were two more Ninjas suddenly showing up behind him. he couldn't move fast enough because of his condition.

Both of the enemies also have Kunai in their hands; Kyo slow-mo turns his head as suddenly, Naruko and Satsuki jump right in front of him as they yell, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

Their both swing kick at the enemies that, make the enemies fly off toward the first one, being kicked by Kyo.

"Thank you, Naruko-Chan, Satsuki-Chan!" Kyo said with a smile.

Satsuki smiled, "Don't be worried. We got you covered!"

Naruko also smiled as she said, "She's right. We got you this time."

Kyo looked at the enemies, and he saw Sakura already tightening them up as he said, "Well, let's go ask them what scroll they have."

Both girls nod, and they walk closer to Sakura.

"Nice job Sakura-Chan!" Kyo prises his pink hair teammate.

Sakura blushed as she replied, "T-Thank you Kyo-Kun."

Kyo walks closer to the enemy's Team and slaps one of the enemy's faces as a reason to wake up. 

Kyo notices these guys are from Otogakure (Village Hidden by Sound) as he slaps the ninja while saying, "Wake up."

The enemies didn't wake up.

Kyo slapped the ninja again, "Wake up!" The ninja still didn't wake, "Are these guys seriously knocked out with one hit?"

Naruko shrug, "Seems like it."

Satsuki scoffs, "These guys are weak."

The young Saiyan notices a half-open eye looking at them, but he quickly closes his eyes when he looks. "Well then, I will give the most powerful slap that makes their head blow up into pieces to wake them up," Kyo said with an evil smile.

Kyo noticed sweatdrops coming from the enemy's faces as Kyo let his aura out that, made the wind blow their surroundings. 

Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura want to stop Kyo from overusing his power, but they also notice sweatdrops on the enemies' faces, making them also have an evil smirk.

Sakura also had an evil smile as she said, "Kill one of them will wake them up."

Satsuki gave an evil grin as she said, "Or kill two of them if they still didn't take up."

Naruko have an evil smirk. "Maybe Kill them all and take everything they got! Hehehe." She finishes with an evil laugh.

Kyo, with an evil smile as he, said, "Alright then, let's start with you... 1... 2..." Before he said three.

The group of enemies shouted at them, "WE AWAKE!" They all had heavy breaths in panic. 

Kyo power down as he crouches down to them.

"So let's get this fast and quick... what scroll do you guys have?" Kyo asks.

"W-We has Heaven scroll..." The enemies reply.

"Give it to us." Satsuki demand.

"What?" The enemies ask.

"You guys attacked us first, and you lost; you should be grateful to us we didn't kill you, so give us the scroll," Satsuki said again.

Kyo continues, "Or we will take it from your corpse."

The girls know Kyo acts to make enemies scare, right? The enemies looked down for a second as one of them looked at Kyo and said.

"Take the scroll... and let us live, please."


"That was easy..." Naruko said when her team 7 had both of the scrolls.

"Now we have both scrolls. Should we go to the middle forest?" Sakura asks.

Kyo shook his head, "No, not yet... I don't want them to suspect us cheating in the exam."

"Why? We won fair and square." Sakura said as they did win fair and square.

"I know, but they won't believe us... so here's the plan we gonna stay here for a day, then we go to the building for the next round," Kyo said while looking at his Team.

Naruko shrugged, "I have no problem with that."

"Same here." Satsuki agreed.

Kyo looks at Sakura.

Well, the Team better stick together, right? So I'm in." Sakura replied with a smile.

Kyo smiled as he said, "Alright!"


Girls of Team 7 make a small camp for a safe hiding place as Kyo search for some meal to eat tonight. 

While searching for some food, Kyo found a Group of ninjas, two males and one girl. Kyo noticed she had long red hair and glasses.

Kyo quickly hid behind a big tree and peeked at the ninjas; The Saiyan saw the male ninja were angry at the girl as Kyo heard.

"You brat! You should heal us! But you being a bitch and got scared, now look! We lost our Earth scroll because of you!"

"But I'm trying my best!" The red hair girl defended herself.

Kyo standing behind the trees heard what they were saying. 'These guys get attacked by another Ninja team, but why their all blaming that girl?'

Kyo stops with his thought as Kyo sees one of them slap the girl, which makes her fall to the ground with her glasses flying off her. 

"We leave you! You are a burden to us!" The girl team said.

The girl was searching for her glasses, and then they heard a roar. As they turned, they saw a bear, a starving bear running toward them as the male Ninja smirked.

"Goodbye, brat." Both Ninja leaves the girl behind.

"No, please don't leave me here!" The girls begged only to hear the bear getting closer to her. "P-please somebody helps!"

The bear second is closer to her as suddenly explosion right in front of her that makes her cover he faces.

After a few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a person standing right in front of her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kyo passes the glasses as the girls take them. 

The red hair girl finally sees it clearly now, and she sees a boy with medium black hair and black cloth. His village symbol is on his left bicep, and this person is very handsome.

The girl blushed while saying, "Thank you..."

As Kyo mentioned, this girl has long red hair and glasses and is wearing ninja chainmail underneath, and her outfit was almost like Anko did with A-cup breasts.

"No worry, I'm sorry that your Team did this to you. Oh, by the way, my name is Kyo." Kyo ends with a smile.

The girl blushes again, "My name is Karin. Thank you for saving me."

"What you gonna do now?" Kyo asks.

"I'm gonna retire. There is no need for me to continue. I already lose a team." She stands as she walks closer to Kyo and holds his hand. "Thanks, Kyo-Kun. I hope we meet again."

Kyo smiled as he said, "Me to Karin-Chan. You sure you good to out here alone?"

Karin's blush returns when Kyo calls her Chan at the end of her name as she says, "No worry, Kyo-Kun, I'm already lost, so another ninja can't harm me."

"Alright, see you again and be careful."

Karin lets go of his hand as she, nods with a smile and leaves Kyo alone. 

The Saiyan saw the bear that he killed, and he said. "Well, this bear gonna be our diner tonight."


Kyo goes back to his Team with a bit of meat on his back, that surprise his Team.

"Kyo, what is that on your back?" Naruko asks while the three girls look at Kyo back.

Sakura point out, "Is that a bear?"

Kyo lay down the meat as he said, "Yup."

"What are we gonna do with that?" Satsuki asks.

Kyo smiled as he said, "That's Girls is our meal for tonight."

The girls look at each other, and then they look at Kyo.

Naruko sweatdrop, "You kidding, right?"

Satsuki and Sakura nod at Naruko's words.

Kyo shook his head with a smile, "Nope!"

The girls start to regret staying on today.


The next morning, Kyo and his Team jump from tree to tree, and Kyo notices the girls' faces are unhappy.

"Why, you three with that face?" Kyo turns his head toward the girl while jumping trees.

"You asking us?" Sakura asks.

"Y-Yeah." Kyo nodded.

Naruko comes closer to Kyo and grabs his shirt, shaking him front and forward, which makes them stop jumping trees.

"YOU MAKE US EAT A BEAR!" Naruko is still shaking Kyo.

"AhhHhH... I'm SoRRy NaRuko-cHan, But IT's StIll EDieBle." Kyo tried to say a proper word, but it seemed Naruko shook him, making him can't say a word properly.


"I'm SOrrry!!!"

Satsuki holds Naruko's shoulder as she wants Naruko to stop. She says, "Naruko, let Kyo free and his right Bear last night still edible."

Naruko stops her shaking and lets her go. "Fine... You owe us a proper meal this time!"

Kyo coughed and smiled, "Sure."

Suddenly Kyo felt someone standing near them, which me him alert everyone. "On your guard, everyone! We got someone nearby." Kyo reaches his Kunai on his back porch. He felt the energy was stronger than normal Genin could have. "Careful, this person's energy is stronger than average, Genin."

"How do you know that?" Sakura asks.

"I just felt it." Kyo is still in his serious tone. Then his instinct kicks in as he throws kunai toward a random place. The Team turns their head toward where Kyo throws his Kunai as they see a white snake die from two kunai struck its head.

"A snake?" Sakura questioning.

"UP THERE!" Satsuki, with Sharingan active, yells at her Team. 

They turned as they saw a Thousand snakes fall from the sky.

"GET DOWN!" Kyo aims his hand toward the Sky as he shoots a dozen Ki blasts toward the falling snake. 

The big explosion can be heard 2km away. Kyo turned his head toward his Team as they heard a giggle from someone.

"Kuhkuhkuh, that is impressive. But what about a bigger snake."

Kyo and the others turned their head as they saw a Woman with pale skin, long black hair, yellow snake eyes and a purple mark around her eyes, with dark purple pants and a light cream shirt with an O shape that exposed her cleavage, of E cup breast.

Kyo has Kenshi memorise him, which makes him grow in pain as he holds his head. The girls notice Kyo in pain.

"Kyo-Kun, you okay?!" Sakura asks in concern.

Kyo looked at the woman as he said while in pain, "O-Orochi-chan?"

The woman named Orochi narrowed her eyes as a big snake surprised Kyo and tackled him off the tree while he was in pain in his mind.

Satsuki, Naruko and Sakura yell his name at the same time, "KYO!/KUN!"


•To Be Continue•


(That is a wrap for Chapter 23, and it is over 5600+ words long. It's supposed to be two chapters, but I combine them into one, and this is the longest chapter I ever make.)

(I'm glad to say that I'm not own any of the GIFs or Pic in this chapter.)

(It's been one month rest of this story, and I'm sorry for waiting.)

(Some of you ask me, "How many Harem is he gonna have." and the answer is. I didn't know, maybe 10 or 20. Let's see how the story leads.)

(And some of the other questions are, "are you include the movies in the story?" Yes, I'm, but not all of it.)

(I hope this chapter is worth your 20+min of reading.)

(Vote if you Like it! Follow if you Love it! And a Share will be Epic! And if you do all that, you will be LAGEND! See you guys next time!)

(See ya and stay safe😁)