Chapter 24 (Meeting Snake Lady)


Kyo blinked a couple of times and found himself in a dark space.

"Oh... Not again....." Kyo growled in frustration. He found himself in a familiar space, but this time there quite different it was a slimy and smelly space.

"Uh... The smells... Where am I?" He pinches his nose with his right hand and makes a ki ball hovering on his left palm. His Ki ball is enough to light the whole space as he realizes that he steps on the purple slimy meat-looking floor and the same purple slimy meat-looking wall around him. 

The young Saiyan can see the meat tunnel walk straight through, but before he can walk, he hears a voice.

"Why do you look so much like him..." 

Kyo turns his attention toward the voice as he sees the same female he saw before he knockout.

"O-Orochi-Chan." When he said her name, he gasped in pain and clutched his head. 

Orochi narrows her eyes as she walks closer.

"How do you know the nickname he calls me?" Orochi said in a cold serious tone. 

Kyo saw her pull a sword that came out from her cleavage at fist; he wondered how she managed to hide that sword first place, then seconds; he knew he lived in danger, so he ignored it. 

Orochi points the sword toward Kyo as she asks again. "Answer me, brat!"

Kyo noticed she was furious as Kyo tried to ease the pain in his mind and talk to her. "I-I didn't know, but something that happened months ago makes me remember the past." 

Kyo didn't want to tell her whole story, as he knew she might be an enemy, but his mind told him she was the person he knew and somehow loved.

"That wasn't good enough! How you look like him! How do you know my nickname? How do you even have his voice? And what you mean by you remember the past!" Orochi attacks Kyo as the young Saiyan dodge the sword slash. Kyo's single hand backflips as he fires his Ki blast at The snake lady.

Orochi cuts the Ki ball into two as she attacks faster.

"Wait! Why did you suddenly attack me!" Kyo said as he managed to pull his kunai and holds it on his right arm as his left hovering Ki blast made the space light.

"You can't fool me! I know you are from Nakamura! Only Nakamura can use KI!" The snake lady points her sword to Kyo Ki's ball.

"Huh? Wait, you know about my power?" Kyo asks her as Orochi smile as she stands still. 

"Why I'd know? Kukukuku....." Orochi said, and she closed her eyes as tears down her face, and she tightened her grip on her sword, and she continued. "because one of your clans KILL MY LOVER!"

Kyo is in shock as he remembers what caused Kenshi's death. Kyo saw a blue hair man, the same as Taros, use self-destruct to kill four Sannin and Kenchi was the one who protected three Sannin with his Susanoo body. Still, the explosion is too great. 

Even his Susanoo can't hold the damage. Everything turns black and white as Kenchi roars, and everything turns into a white scene. 

Kyo is down to his knees, panting as now he knows how Kenchi get into that situation.

"I was happy when I heard Narakamura got massacred and the last Nakamura also died seven years ago, but it seems like I was wrong... you Nakamura should not exist in this world." Orochi said with venom as she glared at Kyo. Kyo felt it hard to breathe as he felt he sucked poisoned air.

"Y-You..... wrong. I'm not Nakamura. I'm Uchiha!" Kyo said as he tried standing to stand. His Sharingan is active as he looks at Orochi with a glare. 

The snake lady is shocked at this when she looks at Kyo Blue Sharingan.

"How you have that!" Orochi said as she threw her sword toward Kyo, aiming at his head as he managed to dodge the sword in time. Orochi makes a hand seal. "Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes!" Thousand snakes out from her arms. 

Kyo makes a Ki blast and blasts all the snakes away, but suddenly, he is down to his knees, panting for air.

"Kukuku, It looks like the poison air finally takes effect," Orochi said with a smirk at Kyo as she walked closer to Kyo. "But It will be such a waste to let you die here... I want to make you suffer by watching everyone you love die." She said with a smirk and continued her word. 

"See you again, Kyo Uchiha, or may I say, Nakamura." Orochi walks closer toward The young Saiyan as Kyo stands right in front of her, his hair slightly spiked up.

"I'm not Nakamura; I will not let you Kill my friends! and remember my name, and I'm Kyo UCHIHA!!!" Kyo screams top of his lung as he transforms into Super Saiyan. 

Orochi is very shocked at this. She felt powerful energy come from Kyo as she decides to leave right away. Kyo notices that the meat floor is swallowing a snake lady, and Kyo lets his aura fire freely to prevent poisonous air near him.

Kyo floats in the air as he charges his Ki blast and fire to the nearby meat wall, but it slightly affects the wall. 'The wall is tough... I need something more powerful.' Kyo thought as he down back on the meat floor. 

Kyo stands still as he slowly raises his right arm and opens his palm while his left arm is on his waist with a tight fist. A sparkle of tiny light starts to get on his open palm, and his right arm glows bright blue. 

Kyo closed his palm, his hand glowed even brighter, and lighting danced around his right arm. Kyo changed the potion of his right arm to his waist as his left arm was in the sky.

"Thunder Crusher!" Kyo screams and smashes the top ceiling meat with power on his right arm while flying out of the meat space.

As Kyo named the power Thunder Crusher, there literally was a thunder strike out from his hand and straight into the sky.


On the night of Konoha, everyone in Konoha looked at the sky as they saw Thunder straight up into the sky. Some of them got scared, and some had a question in their head.


Back to Kyo, he floats in the air and is panting heavily. He is still in his Super Saiyan form. But suddenly, he powers down, crashes to the ground, and falls unconscious.


Later Kyo felt someone hold his head as his name was being called countlessly; as he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura right in front of him. 

The girls hug him with tears in their eyes.

"N-Naruko-Chan... Satsuki-Chan?" Kyle turns his head to Sakura as he sees she has short hair. "Sakura-Chan? why do you have short hair?" He slowly sits up as Naruko and Sakura support him up as Satsuki says. 

"Well, we lost to snake lady and Sakura, the only one who awakes. She covers us while we are both unconscious."

"Wow, really?" Kyo said in amazement and stopped for a second as he continued his word. "Wait! you three getting attacked by the other team?" Kyo asks in worry as he receives a nod from the girls, and Sakura says to him. 

"N-No worries, Kyo-kun. It's just hair. I manage to defeat two of them thanks to Naruko, Satsuki, and Kakane-sensei training me to become truly Kunoichi for two months." 

Kyo sighs in relief, and he asks. "What about the last member of the team?"

"Satsuki is the one who stops the last member....." Sakura's head is down as she remembers Satsuki helping her defeat the last member, but it doesn't look pretty; she remembers Satsuki has a black flame mark covering half of Satsuki's body, and Satsuki beat the hell of that guy.

"Is something wrong, Sakura-Chan?" Kyo asks her.

"Is something I want to show you, Kyo." Satsuki is the one who speaks this time, and Kyo asks. "What is it?" 

Satsuki shows him a mark that she gets from the snake lady, and she tells Kyo how she acts when she tries to protect Sakura, and Satsuki honestly feels disgusting to herself for acting that way.

"Satsuki-Chan... you still you remember that, and if you are out of control, I will be there for you and the two of you," Kyo said with a smile that made the girls blush. 

Kyo looks at his surroundings and notices he is in between dead giant snakes while he lies in the middle of a piece of snake meat.

"How long have we been in the forest of the dead?" Kyo asks the girls and stands up on his feet with the girl's support, and Naruko says. 

"Three days..... we have been looking for you all this time... until last night we saw the light straight through the sky, and we know that is you."

"And we found you here, middle of a dead Giant snake," Satsuki said with a relieved voice, and Naruko said. "We still have the scrolls, and we have to go middle forest building fast as we can, or they will let us in."

"Yeah, you're right... let's go then." Kyo said as he and the girls ran to the middle of the forest building.


Hinata and Ino, with their team, are at the entrance as they are waiting for team 7 to arrive.

"Are you sure they gonna be here?" Kiba asks the girls as they glare at Kiba. 

"Kyo is not with them when we arrive to see them," Shino said to everyone nearby him.

"True, but Kyo are not that weak to be defeated." Shikamaru is the one who is saying this with his hand crossed back his head while Choji is just eating his snack.

"Trust me, and team 7 will be here," Hinata said with hope while she held her hand together.

Then they heard an announcement.

"Team 7 from Konohagakure pass the first round!"

Hinata and the others looked at the entrance as they saw Naruko, Sakura, Satsuki, and Kyo step into the building. Other Ninja villages all focus on Kyo and his team.


•To be continued•


(That is a wrap for chapter 24 in Novel style. Tell me, how is it? Want me to continue with this style or change back to Script style)

(Orochi's full name is the same as the canon name Orochimaru. Only Kenshi calls her Orochi-chan.)

(Orochi really think Kyo are from Nakamura, but her theories are wrong when Kyo transform into Super Saiyan)

(And hey, I noticed... 30% of you didn't read fully for every chapter, and that is quite sad for me... but hey, I can't force you to read it every chapter fully. Hahaha)

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(See ya and stay safe😁)