Chapter 29 (New Form)


Naruko is with other Genin when Jirayu tells her to stay. 

Satsuki is also here when Kakane tells her to stay.

"What is going on, Asuka-Chan!?" Naruko asks Asuka. 

"Where's Kyo!?" Satsuki ask.

"Asura is here... and Kyo is the one who fights him," Asuka said in a scared tone.

"What!? I need to help him now!" Naruko said she was about to rush to Kyo but stopped when Shikamaru held her arm and said. 

"Naruko, wait! If you go out there, you will die! None of us can't fight or help Kyo right now... so be patient; we already have Kages, Sannin, and Jonin out there."

"But still, I want to see... please, Shikamaru, let me go..." Naruko said as she had some tears in her eyes. 

"Let her go, Shikamaru, and I'll go with her," Sasuki said as Shikamaru sighed and let go of Naruko's arm.

"I also will go with her," Asuka said as she found the strength to walk alongside her friends. 

"Me too," Sakura said. She wanted to help whatever she could.

"I also," Ino said with confidence. 

"Tag me in," Tenten said. 

"I can't see Kyo clearly with my Byakugan from here; then I'll also go with Naruko, too," Hinata said with confidence.

Shikamaru rubbed his head as sigh in defeat, and said. "Troublesome, Girls. " He sighs as he continues." Alright..... but we all go."


Every Genin goes to the battlefield, Shizune wants them to stay, but she also wants to see the battle in her heart. Overall, her medical skill might be useful there.


Asura fights most of the Shinobi there, and half of them are killed by Asura. 

Asura looked at his surrounding. He saw The 8 Tail was beaten, most Jonin were down, and even Kages struggled with Asura. 

"D-Damnit... This guy is no joke..." as he struggled to stand. 

Kakane is right beside Gai with Sharingan ready and says. "I'll try to trap him with Mangekyou..." Gai nods as his eyes never leave Asura's insight.

"Kamui!" Kakane yells as everything around Asura gets sucked into another dimension.

"What the?" Asura said as he felt being sucked into the dimension. Asura tried to fight it with powers up. "You Bitch! you think this power can stop me!" Asura said as he saw Kakane was the one who did it to him.

"HAAAAA!!!!" Asura yells as he changes to Super Saiyan and dispels Kakane Kamui. "Hehehe... your playtime is over—no more playing. I'm gonna kill all of you," Asura said with slight anger.

Kakane crashed to the ground as she was exhausted, as Gai stood strong and said. "I think... it is time to open the eighth gate..." Gai steps forward and stops when Asuma stops Gai.

"No, Gai, you can die..." Asuma said as Gai replied. "I know, but it is the only way, and It's only one live exchange to safe millions." 

Kurenai supported Kakane to stand as she said. "What about Lee?!"

"He will understand; my act is to safe the world," Gai said as he stepped forward. 

The Kage couldn't say a word; they were also in critical condition. 

Gai is about to open his chakra core but stops when someone is standing right in front of him.

Kyo is standing right in front of Gai and says. "Gai-Sensei... this not your fight... this is mine..." Kyo said in a cold tone with his eyes closed as he transformed into super Saiyan; everyone noticed the super Saiyan were slightly more powerful than before.

Before they could say a word, Kyo showed his right eye, Sharingan, as the eye shone in bright cyan that showed three tomoe. 

Kyo power up even when he combines the Sharingan with Super Saiyan. "Asura... I didn't know what Saiyan is, but I know one thing, Saiyan loves to fight, so we gonna fight somewhere else." Kyo said in a cold tone.

Asura scoffed as he pointed to the sky, and Kyo nodded. 

Asura flies to the sky as Kyo is about to follow but stops when someone calls his old name.

"Kenshi!" Tsunade and Jirayu call his name as Kyo turn his head and says. "Hey, all of you can go back into the village and heal everyone," Kyo said with a smile.

"But what about you?!" Orochi said to Kyo, worried.

"I'm gonna defeat him," Kyo said with a slightly sad smile. 

Kyo looks back to the sky as he is about to fly into the sky but stops when he sees Naruko, Sasuki, and other Genins. 

Kyo smiled at them as he made a mouth motion that said. "Thanks for what you have all done here, and I love all of you." and fly to the sky. 

"Please win; we can't lose you again." Tsunade, Jirayu, and Orochi said to themself.

"KYO/-KUN!" The Genin yells as they watch Kyo fly to the sky.


"Let's finish this, Asura!" Kyo yells as he fights Asura with all he got. 

"I'll kill all you love, Tomarot-to!" Asura yelled, parrying punch and counter with Ki blast right to Kyo's chest, sending fly away a bit, but he continued with Super God Punch on Asura's abdomen.

They both exchange punch and kick with Ultra speed so that no one can see their movement.

Every blow of the attack makes a sound wave that can see with bare eyes in the sky. Kyo and Asura punch each other right in the face, making them fly away from each other.

"Hehehe... seem like that blond bitch heal you enough, Tomarot-To," Asura said as he wiped the blood on his mouth. "But I'll not lose to you! I train longer than you! and I'll DESTROY THIS PLANET ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" Asura yelled as he flew higher and made a deadly red Ki ball and fired at Kyo, and Kyo was sent to the ground and destroyed everything around him.

(Imagine it's red)

Asura smirked, but his smirk stopped as The Ki ball stopped entering the ground. 

Kyo manages to stop the deadly Ki ball when he descends to the ground, and Kyo is on his knees and holds the Ki ball in his palm, smoking as the Ki ball burns his palm.

Asura gets angrier as he puts the power into that Ki ball, as Kyo gets more struggles to hold. "DIE TOMAROT-TO!" He fires a Ki blast to a Ki ball.

"No! I-I Can't Give Up! And I WON'T LOSE!! HA!!!!" Kyo pushes back the Ki ball as his Sharingan eye bleed and morphs into Mangekyou Sharingan. A single golden skeleton arm appears and pushes the Ki ball. 

Kyo's bottom face is covered with a golden demon mask, a golden samurai shoulder armoured appears on Kyo's right shoulder, and his right arm has a protective golden armoured with his right leg.

While the skeleton arm pushes the Ki ball, Kyo summons a Susanno sword right on his right arm and slashes the Ki ball in half, and the Ki ball explodes with such power.

Unknown to Kyo and Asura. 

Naruko and Satsuki are watching a bit closer than everyone, but when Kyo slashes the energy ball, they both really worry for Kyo, but then a bright golden light fires into the sky, clearing all smoke around Kyo's appearance.

Kyo's cloth tore apart, his long pants turned short, and almost half of his right side was covered in golden armour, and Kyo had a golden sword made from Susanoo. Kyo hovering a sparking Ki ball on his left palm.

"N-Nani?.." Asura said in shock as suddenly Kyo appeared on Asura's back.

"This is the combination of Super Saiyan and Susanoo... the power that none pure can't have," Kyo said in a cold tone as he punched the Saiyan man away from the Village area, which made a huge shock wave come from that punch.


•To Be Continue•


(That is a wrap for chapter 29, I hope you like it)

(Kyo Susanoo can merge with his body because he is a Ki user.)

(This form makes Kyo 100x stronger than a base form, or you can say this has the same multiply as Super Saiyan 2. Just imagine when Kyo get Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in both eyes)

(Next chapter will be the last chapter of season 1, and I will continue with season 2 When this story has reached 2k votes.)

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(See ya and stay safe😁)