Chapter 30 (I Always Love You)

(Final Chapter for Season 1)


Kyo is back to back with Asura as Asura draws his twin sword and quickly turns and slashes at Kyo, but Kyo manages to block with his blade; Kyo throws Ki's ball on his hands as Asura cuts it half with his other sword.

Kyo punched Asura right in his face sending him back to the ground with fantastic speed and crash. Kyo didn't wait as he fired a dozen Ki's blasts at Asura's crashing side.

"GAHHH!!" Asura screamed in agony as, one by one, and Ki blasts hit his body.

Kyo Susanoo's sword extended longer to Asura, crashed side and stabbed into the ground and pulled Asura out from the dirt ground. Asura has cloth ripped, and Kyo's Susanoo sword is in his stomach.

"Give up and leave this place," Kyo said in a cold tone as his Mangekyou spins.

"N-Never! HAAAAA!" Asura screams as he powers up to his full power, half of Kyo's Susanoo sword got destroyed by Asura's power, but Kyo still doesn't seem affected by Asura's full power. "I WILL SHOW YOU TOMAROT-TO! WHAT FELL LIKE WHEN YOU CAN'T DO A DAMN THING TO SAVE YOUR PLANET!" Asura yells as blood starts to come out from his mouth.

Asura flies even higher, almost out of the atmosphere; he stops and charges a Ki energy ball on both hands. 

Asura makes X pose as he charges his Ki attack. Asura's power brightens the whole sky.

Kyo sensed two people near him as he turned and saw Naruko and Satsuki looking at him. The Young Saiyan rushed to Naruko and Satsuki and said in anger. "What are you two doing here!?"

"We are trying to help you!" Sasuki reply.

"HOW YOU BOTH GONNA HELP ME!!" Kyo yells that, surprising the girls, and sighs in defeat as he says. "Look, I know you're worried, but I'm the only one who can stop Asura now." Kyo pulled the girl's head to head and said again. 

"I'm sorry for yelling, but no matter what happens, I always love you both," Kyo said with a warm smile as he put some energy into Naruko and Satsuki, which created an energy shield around the girls.

Both girls are speechless, and water in their eyes because Kyo's last words are like he is about to die and leave them forever.

'Kyo, please don't go...' Naruko thought.

Kyo floated back to the sky as he saw Asura's deadly attack was ready; he didn't know why he let Asura charge his Ki attack; maybe his Saiyan blood let it.


The Shinobi looked at the sky as they saw Asura. "What is he gonna do!?" Tsuchikage said, most Shinobi is at Konoha front gate. 

"Kyo-Kun," Hinata said with worried in her voice.


"THIS IS THE END, TOMAROT-TO!! BUSTER CANNON!" Asura fired a purple Ki wave at Kyo, aiming at to ground below Kyo.

Kyo gathers his Susanoo power along with his Ki to create a new technique.

"SUSANOO: THUNDER CRUSHER!!" Kyo fires a golden thunder, and Ki waves to block Asura's attack; as they power collide, the whole world starts to shake.

"HAAAAA!!!" Asura yells as he powers up even more to his limit.

At this point, Kyo is being pushed back by the Asura attack, and Kyo can feel his mind and body start to hit their limit. His Mangekyou begins to disappear as it almost turns grey, and his body gets weaker and weaker.

"N-No, I can't lose!" Kyo ki wave is gone as he blocks Asura's attack with his bare hands

Kyo remembers all the good memories with his Mother Father, like his mother, always gets mad at him when he does something wrong, and his father is the one to calm her down. 

Isachi, the one he always looks up to as the best Uchiha. 

Hinata: the shy girl he met and weak in her clan, turns into a confident Hinata and almost strong as Neji. 

Memories with Hokage 3rd, the old Hokage always gives him some advice and makes him stay positive from killing villagers that mock Naruko as a demon spawn, and his past lives the 3rd Hokage as his teacher and talk about past life. 

Memories of his team 7, his friends, and the people who care about him.

Naruko, Satsuki, and Sakura are just like Jirayu, Orochi, and Tsunade from his past life, and he still loves them like he used to, but if he fails now, this planet, this world going to die, and he won't let it!

Kyo pushes back Asura's ki wave as a visible vein can be seen under his skin, and Kyo Mangekyou Sharingan forms again, and his body starts to smoke out. 

Both of Kyo's hands have a golden-black lightning dance around them.

Kyo has both eyes wide open as his right eye is cyan and his left is green. Asura felt his Ki wave being pushed back as he wide opened his eyes as Kyo yelled.

"TAKE THIS THUNDER, BLASTER!!" Kyo fires a black gold-lightning wave to push Asura to attack and protect the world with it.

"N-NO, I CAN'T BE! HOW!?"' Asura asks himself as his Ki wave is being pushed back to him.

"I LEARNED ONE THING BEING SAIYAN, THAT I DIDN'T HAVE A LIMIT! HaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Kyo yells as he gives everything he got.


Everyone can see Kyo Ki wave shot out atmosphere. Almost every Shinobi that fought or watched Asura fight celebrated as they saw it.

The Kage has a smile on their faces, same with Kyo's friends and teacher.

"He did it, and he beat that bastard!" Sakura happily said as she saw Hinata and Asuka run to where Kyo at. "Hey, Hinata, Asuka wait up!" Sakura said as she and the other genin and Sanin followed Asuka and Hinata.


Back where Kyo at, Naruko and Satsuki are looking at Kyo in the sky. 

"Kyo..." Satsuki called him as he turned his head, and they saw Kyo's Sharingan eyes turn to blank white. 

Naruko and Satsuki can see Kyo's lifeless emotion on his face, and he is exhausted like he is about to fall any time now. 

Still, before any of that happens, Kyo's body becomes ash of light from his toe and continues to ash.

The young Saiyan falls to the ground. 

"KYO!!" The girls yell as they both catch him from hitting the ground and lie gently on the floor.

"Hey, you going to be fine; just hang on. I'm going to call Tsunade-Sama!" Naruko said with tears as she got up but stopped when Kyo held her arm and Satsuki's arm.

"S-Stay..." Kyo said as Naruko sit side Kyo. "Y-You know. It might be too late to say this, but... I love you both always... love you..." Kyo closed his eyes as the ash reached his abdomen, and his hand was also gone into the light of the ash.

"B-BAKA!! We love you, always love you, and you never knew! Now you said that when you were about to die! How STUPID YOU CAN BE!?" Satsuki cried out as tears down her face.

"Y-You promise me you didn't leave me! Now you... going to break your promise!?" Naruko cried. She remembered the promise Kyo made to her years ago. Now he gonna leave her.

"I-I'm..... sorry...."Kyo said the last sentence as both Blonde and Raven kissed him on the lips before Kyo completely went into the light of ash.

The other has arrived, but they only saw Satsuki and Naruko down on the ground and dust of light gone into thin air.

"NARUKO, SATSUKI!" Asuka yells as she and the others get closer.

"Where's Kyo-kun!?" Hinata asked, but Naruko and Satsuki did answer, their head down toward the ground.

"Hey..." Jirayu was about to say something but stopped when Naruko finally spoke.

"H-His gone..." Naruko said in a lifeless tone.

"Who's gone?" Tsunade asked, but they did get the answer. 

"WHO'S GONE!?" Orochi yells to both girls as they both stand up, still don't face them, but when they both turn their heads, they see Naruko with spit-red eyes and Satsuki 3 tomoe Sharingan.

"KYO IS GONE!" Naruko and Satsuki yells at the same time.


•The End•

(That is for the final chapter; I hope you like it! Bye!)





































(Just kidding, it's not over yet.)


Unknown to them all, someone is watching far away from that planet; it has a feminine body with blue skin and a cubby humanoid cat with purple fur beside it.

"Tell me again why we transferred that kid to my brother universe?" the purple cat said.

"To make him learn his full potential." The blue skin said.

"Whatever, come on, we got find some food, and I bet that planet got no good food at all." the purple cat said.

"But we never tried their food before." The blue skin said.

"Whatever, we gonna go somewhere else!"


Back in Naruko world, a blue-haired woman wearing a black cloak and a red cloud on it walks into the forest and stops when she finds something.

"So here you are." The woman said as she got closer. There lies unconscious Asura, beaten and still alive. "You coming with me." The woman warps Asura whole with paper.


Kyo slowly opened his eyes at some time as the first thing he saw was a bald kid with green skin and an antenna on his forehead; Kyo's eyes were wide open as he screamed in shock because he never knew that kind of human before.

"Y-You green!" Kyo said as he pointed to the green kid.

"Hey, is fine. You healed now." Kyo saw another Kid; he looked like a normal kid who wore a purple Gi, but the Gi seemed torn apart.

Kyo realizes his right eye is healed and not blind, but it doesn't come out when he tries to wake his Sharingan.

"Where am I?" Kyo asks.

"Oh, you in Kami temple, and oh, by the way, my name is Gohan." The kid named Gohan said with a smile.

"Oh, my name is Kyo. Nice to meet you, Gohan-San. wait, did you say Kami temple?" Kyo asks.

As time goes by, Kyo knows that Gohan is just saving this world and learns that he is in another world. He also meets the Z fighter and knows everyone on that planet uses Ki the same as he does.

The Saiyan boy met the Prince of Saiyan and learned how the Saiyan planet gets blown by a single creature named Frieza, and surprisingly enough, Vegeta said he knew Kyo and said his Saiyan name Tomarot.

Vegeta also knew Asura; Vegeta said Asura was his rival in their childhood, but King Vegeta made a fake task for Asura that made him find a similar Earth, and the King didn't care how long it took. 

Everyone there is surprised at how calm Vegeta is to other pure Saiyans. 

Kyo meets Trunks, and he learns that he is from the future and came to the past to save it from the android.

Kyo learns one thing. Vegeta's wife, Bulma, said that they could use a dragon ball to bring Kyo home if he wanted to return to his world.

But before he could go home, there was an upcoming tournament, and Gohan asked if he wanted to join it, and Kyo agreed.


This is the first time he saw most of Z fighters in action; Kyo thought he was strong, but the truth is, he was even far near Yamcha's power level when he used Super Saiyan. 

How does he know that?

From the tournament, of course, when everything gets worse, a green gang alien comes. 

Kyo tries to fight off them but fails badly. Trunk, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Piccolo Gohan are the ones who defeat them when he transforms into Super Saiyan 2. 

Kyo manages to save one woman from the enemy team. She has green skin and orange hair; he safe her from getting blown away by the leader, and Gohan does the rest.

From that day, Kyo wants to get strong enough to protect the one he loves and not surprise the woman he safe has a crush on him, and her name is Zangya. He didn't know why he saved her, but he knew one thing everyone deserves a second chance.

On the day he is about to go home, by using their call, A dragon ball that can grant any wish they want, even bringing back from the dead. 

Kyo got something in his mind and asks Gohan and others if they can teach him to be stronger, and they say.

"Yeah, sure!" Gohan said with a smile, and Kyo didn't go home that day.

Kyo trained for one year in the afterlife, two years in the time chamber alone, and two years in the real world.

Mr popo said he could go to King-Kai to learn his technique, which is why he trained in the afterlife, and he also met Gohan's father, Goku; he learned Kaioken from King-Kai and Instant Transmission from Goku.

In the real world, he learns Makang... Makang spaku..... Makang sapapup... Special Beam Cannon from Piccolo. 

Distcto Disk from Krillin. 

Sprit Ball from Yamcha. 

Spirt Tri-Beam from Tein. 

Final Flash from Vegeta and many more, but one Zangya favourite is Multi-From. Kyo ignores that for a second.

 Everyone learns Dende has the power to cure diseases, and one of them is the heart virus.

"Wait, all this time, and you actually can heal Goku?!" Yamcha asks in shock.

"Yes, I can, but Goku already heals when he picks me to become Kami on Earth," Dende replies as Kyo walks to the Green god.

"Can you teach me that?" Kyo asks with the hope that he can learn that.

"Yeah, sure!" The little green said with a smile.

Kyo spent three years in that world and two years in the time chamber. 

The Saiyan Uchiha becomes Gohan's best friend because Gohan doesn't have a friend about the same age as him, but now Kyo is three years away from Gohan when he came just one year apart. 

But still, that makes them the best buddy.


Now the time has come, Kyo must go back to his world, and Zangya wants to follow him.

Bulma makes a device for Zangya to make her have Human skin, Zangya refuses a first, but Kyo said in his world, they aren't many humans with green skin, so he doesn't want to make them afraid of her, and she agrees.

Kyo is now having a party at Bulma's house, with all fighter's families there.

"Thanks for everything, everyone!" Kyo said with a smile the same as Goku's smile.

"You know you might be Goku from another world," Chichi Goku's wife and Gohan's mother said to Kyo as Kyo rubbed his hair. 

"I know, right, but Son-Kun is not smart as he is," Bulma said with a sigh as she remembered her late best friend.

"Take care, Kyo," Krillin said, smiling and getting closer to Kyo and whispering in Kyo's ear. 'Hey, are you sure you will be okay? She comes with you?" 

Kyo and Krillin look at Zangya, and Kyo whispers back. 'I'm sure I will be fine."

"Man! Even kid half of my age have a girlfriend!" Krillin said out loud as the others giggled at Krillin.

"Be patient, Krillin. I'm sure 18 will notice your love soon." Yamcha teases Krillin as the bald man Blush.

Zangya scoffed as she said to all. "Even though you have 18, Kyo is still way ahead of you."

"What do you mean by that?" Roshi asked and got his attention.

"Kyo here already has seven girlfriends, including me," Zangya said.

The whole place becomes silent for a second, and they all scream. "NANI!!"

Kyo now were 18. He grows taller the most of his friends, 6ft, his hair medium long with a bang under his eyebrows, his body not significant as a Z fighter because he has a slender, muscular body type. Kyo wore no arm hoody with a red mark on the arm edge and the Uchiha logo on the back; he also had a white T-shirt underneath and black jeans with black Converse shoes.

Before he left the afterlife years, Goku gave Kyo his extended poll as he said, "This is a reminder from my world," with a smile.

After the party, now time for Kyo to go. 

Chichi and the others hugged Kyo, and only Vegeta didn't. He only smiled at Kyo. 

Future Trunks is not here; he is already back in his time.

"You should be proud of yourself all already strong as me, Tomarot-to," Vegeta said.

"Maybe more." Krillin reply.

"What you say!?" Vegeta asks in anger.

"Nothing-Nothing." Krillin quickly waves his hand and runs.

Everyone laughs at Krillin as Gohan walks to Kyo, makes a fist bump, and waits for Kyo to bump back; Dende calls Shenron and wishes Kyo and Zangya back to Kyo's world as the Dragon eye red bright; Kyo and Zangya's bodies start to glow.

"Goodbye, Kyo..." Gohan said with a sad smile as Kyo bumped back his fist.

"Yeah, Goodbye..." Kyo said with a sad smile as suddenly he felt someone hold his hand; as he turned, he saw Zangya holding his hand. "Sayonara, I HOPE WE ALL MEET AGAIN!!"

Kyo waves at them as he and Zangya are gone.


Kyo and Zangya arrive in the air, where Kyo is gone from that world. Kyo and Zangya descend to the ground, and they both see Kyo's gravestone that writes.

"Here lies the greater Hero of all time, Kyo Uchiha/Kenshi Uchiha. The Hero that reincarnation only to save his world again." Zangya read what they wrote on that tombstone. "They really think you die from that fight, huh?"

"You can't blame them... because as far I remember, I left in light of ash," Kyo said as he put his hoody on. He saw a picture of a younger him on a tombstone with another give on that. He takes the pic as he reads the writing on that pic.

"We'll love you even in the afterlife, Kyo Uchiha." Kyo read.

Then he felt three familiar energy walk toward them, and Kyo didn't even bother to hide or anything because he knew these people and saw Tsunade, Kakane, Shizune, Teen Asuka and Teen Sakura.

They stopped walking and saw Kyo and Zangya, but they didn't recognize Kyo because his hoody covered half his face.

"Ah, you came to give honour to a hero?" Sakura asked, but Kyo and Zangya didn't answer. As the three of them continued to walk to the tombstone, three didn't realize the Uchiha logo on Kyo or even look at Kyo and Zangya.

"It is the anniversary of his death..." Sakura said again.

"Did you do this every year?" Zangya asks as Sakura and the others nod.

"I'm sorry..." Kyo finally said a word.

"No need... because we know he is still with us in here." Sakura pointed to her heart and turned to Kyo as they saw the Uchiha logo on his back.

"U-Uchiha?" Sakura stutter as Tsunade, Shizune, Asuka and Kakane turns their head to Kyo, as they are in a fighting stance.

"Who the hell are you!?" Kakane asks as she gets ready for her Kunai.

"Satsuki and Isachi are the only last Uchiha after Kenshi's death!" Tsunade said like she was ready to punch anyone right now.

Zangya scoff as she said. "You sound like you love him, but you can't even recognize him."

Kyo sigh as he pulls down his hoody and shows his face. Sakura and Kakane didn't recognize him at first, but Tsunade did; she knew who he was, and then Sakura and Kakane looked at his grey eyes and knew this was Kyo.

Before Kyo can say a word, he receives a deadly punch from Asuka that sends him away, and Sakura appears from the sky and slams a kick at Kyo's abdomen. Sakura moves away. Kakane appears with Sharingan ready and Chidori on her right arm. 

Kyo closes his eyes, and Kakane's Chidori hits.

Kyo opened his eyes and saw Kakane Chidori stuck beside him; he looked at Kakane with tears in her eyes.

Kyo stood up like nothing had happened as Kakane hugged him, then Sakura, Asuka and Tsunade also came and tackled him into a hug as he fell back to the ground; Kyo hugged them back.

"O-Oraerinasai (W-Welcome back)... Kyo..." Four of them said at the same time to Kyo as Zangya sighed in defeat.

"Tadaima... (I'm home...) everyone." Kyo said with a smile.


•The Truth End•


(That is a final wrap for the last chapter of the Season.)


(It is a year and a half; I finally finished this from Naruto x Saiyan to Unwanted Saiyan, even though I have obstacles and challenges!)

(Kyo power level: End season)

Base: 55,000,000

Super Saiyan: 2,750,000,000 

(So next Season will be Kyo will be OP/Over Power.)

Kyo Harem for Season One:












(Did I mention Kyo has the less harem for Story/Season one?)

(I'm so proud of myself I finish this Story even only for Season One.)

(Don't forget to Vote!! I will continue when this Story reaches 2k votes.)

(And the next Story/Season will be 18+ only; I kind of have the Idea to put lemon on that.)

(So Vote if you want to see the next SEASON!! Follow me if you're going to get notified if the next SEASON is Out!! And a Share will be Epic! And if you do all that, you will be LAGEND! So see you guys next time!)

(See ya in the next season, and stay safe😁)