The Abyss he calls home

The look of boredom never left his face as he continued to he drifted along with the darkness. He was accustomed to the cold and lonely feeling that pricked his bare skin. It wasn't helping as he didn't have any clothes to wear, making it even colder than it was supposed to be.

Though it was cold, he felt at home. He never left this dark space, nor does he remember how he got there. It was quiet, enough to make a normal person go mad. But to him, it was... somehow peaceful.

From how he counted, it had been almost 200 years since he could remember. Aside from the dark and empty room, there was another room that opened it's doors every evening and closed every midnight. The training room.

Filled with many different types of equipment, varying from swords to bows and even to catalysts. On one of the walls, was carvings he made, to show how many days it had been. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months as it turned to years and so on.

He didn't remember his own age, nor did he care. He taught himself not to question these things. Having no friends other than his caretaker that dropped in once every 3 months, he couldn't ask anyone anyway.

And coincidentally, the day his caretaker would drop in was today.

"Daniel! Did you miss me?" Said a soft feminine voice.

"As much as always," he replied.

As much as he wanted to see her, he couldn't. Though, whenever she dropped in, he felt a huge feeling of comfort. She was almost like a mother to him.

"How has your training been?" She asked softly.

"Same old, same old. Though I broke another sword," he chuckled.

"That's the 5th time this week!"

Though, she couldn't drop in so often, she would sometimes send a telepathic message to him. In case he needed anything. Which, he didnt ask for much. Only for more weapons if it broke or for his training hall to be fixed if he over did something.

"You know, Nyx... how long am I supposed to stay here? Can't I go see you too?" He asked, with his voice so small you could barely hear him.

"Oh, my dear. When the time comes, you may leave. It's not up to me to let you out of this room. Please be patient. If it were me, I wouldve long let you out and about," she said softly

"I understand,"

Though she couldnt stay long, they had a blast. Talking about various things as Nyx told him stories about the outside world. He understood perfectly and dreamed of going outside.

"I see time is up, I shall visit you again soon. Please do send me a message whenever you want, I'll be glad to hear from you my dear," she said. Though the room was pitch black, he could sense that she gave a warm smile.

"Of course, thank you Nyx. I'll talk to you next time,"

With that, her presence left the room. Leaving him alone with his thoughts again. Again, he drifted around feeling quite empty in the room, without a care in the world.

Few hours pass and the door to the training room opened with a loud creak. Daniel, happy to finally having something to do, shot up and ran into the room.

As he reached inside, his body was magically covered with clothes that he, at first questioned how it got on his body. After asking Nyx, it was just something that happens.

He wore a dark grey crop top that was kinda big on his body. A slim black t shirt underneath and black pants, which had a random chain hanging on its belt. His crop top had these long pieces of cloth that hung off of his sleeve and one of the edges of his, well shirt. Which, by what he think, is not practical at all.

He picked up one of the daggers and started to twirl it around in his hand. A loud buzz signaled as his training would start. The doors closed behind him as two small doors opened infront of him. Slowly, two small different coloured demons walked out. One, held a sword too big for its body, but it surprisingly held it well, while the other held a bow.

The two demons looked around the room anxiously before realising Daniel was infront of them. Quickly, the two demons got ready to attack. The one holding the sword rushed towards Daniel, flailing his sword around like a rabid beast as the other stayed calm and pulled his string back, ready to shoot.

Daniel, full of anticipation and excitement, dashed towards the demon holding the sword. The demon, realising this held up its sword to slice Daniel. But as if he could see the little demon's movements, he blocked it with his dagger and quickly slashed the demon's body, making its blood splatter all over him.

The demon, on the brink of death, still held strong as it tried to slash Daniel again. But to its demise, Daniel sliced its hand off, making it cry in agony before dropping on the floor, dead.

The one with the bow finally let go of its string, making the arrow fly through the air and towards Daniel. With fast reflexes, he reflected the arrow with his dagger and ran towards the ranged demon. The demon, scared began swinging its arm around with an arrow in its hand, desperate to live. Daniel, quickly slashed its throat as it fell to the ground. The last thing the little demon saw was the smirk that formed on Daniel's face as he wiped his dagger on his sleeve.

"Oh that was fun," Daniel said as he turned to look at the two small doors in which the small demons came from.

Waiting for round 2 to arrive, he stretched while still holding the dagger in his hand. And thus, was his daily routine.
