His potential

He lied down at the floor of the training room, exhausted as he gazed at the empty creme coloured ceiling. Around him, was bodies upon bodies, rending from small demons to demons 3 times bigger than his own size. Though the training room was full of bodies and blood, each time he went back in, it was clean without even a speck of dust.

As he took a deep breath, the doors leading out of the training room finally opened, telling him it's now midnight and time to sleep. He shot up and walked to a random wall, carving a line before walking out the giant doors that lead to his dark room.

As soon as he stepped out of the training room, he felt the same cold feeling piercing his skin. Now, without clothes, he walked further into the room and lied down, feeling cleaner than before since the demon's blood had long disappeared along with his clothes.

"Today was the same as every other day," he said with a smile. And slowly, he drifted off to sleep.


He wanted to say it was morning, but as he awoke from his slumber, he was met with the same and familiar black abyss around him. A sigh escaped him as he remained drifting in this dark room he called his.

As usual, he would just play with his fingers, his toes or even braid his short hair out of pure boredom. (Been doing it for 200 years, give or take)

But suddenly, a floating white orb started to approach him. Alarmed, he backed away, scared and confused.

'What is that? Why is it here?' He thought in a moment of fear, but his fear slowly turned to curiosity.

'What would happen if I touched it? I'm not going to die, am I?' He thought.

Slowly, his hand approached the dimly lit floating orb. As his index finger touched the orb, a light grey screen appeared infront of him. Having learnt how to read in the training room by Nyx one day, he could understand what the screen had shown him.

< Congratulations! You have reached the requirements to be Erebus' Avatar. Below, are your stats.

Good luck! >

< Name : Daniel %$!&@

Level : 10 (EXP ; 10/2000 )

HP : 100/100

Stamina : 28

Strength : 30

Agility : 35

Fatigue : 01/100

Skills :

[ darkness teleportation LVL. 2 (EXP ; 15/100) - He can teleport via shadows/darkness, merging into shadows/darkness and appearing anywhere else from the same element. ]

[ umbrakinetik combat LVL. 1 (EXP ; 45/50) - He can fuse manipulation of darkness with physical combat to create a devastating form of martial arts. He can use both direct and indirect attacks, utilizing every patch of darkness or shadow available or create tools and weapons as needed. ]

[ darkness manipulation LVL. 1 (EXP ; 17/50) - As the Primordial God of Darkness, Erebus is capable of producing a dark mass of auras that was able to damage Satan's armor. He can also use his darkness to create a barrier to protect himself from his enemy's attacks. Erebus incorporates all the essence of darkness into existence and balances it with its other opposite, light.]

[ Erebus' instinct MAX LVL. - Erebus is always seen to be serene and apathetic towards other people, even while actually deeply conflicted. He is notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts different, bordering on coldness, to most situations he is faced with, and rarely views his opponent as being worth his time.He can be seen to be immensely friendly towards his siblings and father, however, his coldness can make him rather cruel and quiet hostile from outsiders, this ability allows the user to adapt Erebus' personality for a long period of time. It does not consume stamina ]

[ Asmodeus' blessing MAX LVL - this ability allows the user to gain EXP and more stat points by engaging in intercourse with any gender ***this user has not reached the required level to read any more information about this skill*** ]

(A/n: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

*as the user's level increase, they will be able to unlock more skills and quests

**10 years ago, the user has unlocked the system, but unfortunately, was granted late access to the system

***Erebus sends you his regards and congratulations for unlocking the system >

Having read too much text in a short period of time, Daniel felt dizzy as he clutched his head. Realizing a change had happened, he wanted to send a message to Nyx. He thought about wanting to send a message to Nyx when suddenly a new screen appeared infront of him.

< please input message >

Thinking for a while, he said what he wanted to out in aloud as the system wrote it down for him. Amazed, he watched as the system type out the exact things he said.

His eyes twinkled with curiosity, like a child having going to an aquarium for the first time, seeing new and strange things for the first time.

Not long after, a message appeared infront of Daniel. He tapped on the letter icon as the message opened. There, he read aloud :

< congratulations my dear! I will come visit you right away! -Nyx >

And immediately after Daniel finished reading the message, a large gush of wind appeared, blowing his hair back as he felt the same familiar presence.

"Nyx!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Daniel, my dear! What happened?" She asked, feeling as excited as Daniel felt.

In that dark room, Daniel explained with detail on what happened. He knew he couldn't see Nyx, nor has he ever seen her before, but he felt how warm she felt the more he told her what happened in the span of just a few hours.

"Daniel, I think it's time for you to come out of the room," Nyx said softly.

"Really?!" He asked, feeling even more excited.

"Yes, now that you've unlocked your system, and realising that it was Erebus' system to add, I think it's about time,

I can introduce you to everyone! There would be so many things I wish to show you! Oh how excited everyone would be!" She exclaimed happily.

And for the first time, Daniel felt a hand caressing his cheek. The hand was cold and soft, it was several times bigger than his own, even bigger than his face even. The fingertip itself was as big as his face. He longed for that touch as he snuggled into her fingers.

Soon, the doors to the training room opened. Almost immediately, Daniel ran towards the open doors, and inside the room, he wore the same garments as yesterday, but minus the blood. As he turned around to the dark room, for the first time, he saw Nyx.

She had long black wavy hair. Her skin was pale and looking almost ceramic. She wore a long black dress that dragged behind her, decorated with twinkling stars. She had a see through scarf along her arms, making her look more elegant than she already was.

On her back, were two majestic black wings that looked almost surreal. Floating around her was a soft mist, the same colour as her hair.

As she walked closer to Daniel, the sound of her shoes hitting the floor echoed through the room. She was several feet taller than Daniel, making him look up to her. She crouched down before patting his head gently.

"Let's go, I'll bring you to my realm,"
