A new land

No more than a few minutes had passed and now, Daniel was standing infront of a large mansion. It was the first time he got outside the dark room. And the first thing he ever saw was a large dark building.

"Where are we?" Daniel asked. He looked around like a curious child, making Nyx think he was adorable.

"This is Tartarus. The land of torment, suffering and darkness. And this, my dear Daniel is my mansion," Nyx explained as she gestured her hand out to the land as Daniel looked around.

He felt comfortable, despite the land being a land of torment, he felt as if he was at home. As Nyx approached the large mansion, the doors opened, making Daniel's jaw drop at the sheer size of the door.

"Please, make yourself at home," Nyx said as she was greeted by another being.

The being had the same feeling as Nyx, who was a goddess, but it didnt have the characteristics of the usual demons Daniel encountered nor did the being look anything like Nyx, which made the poor boy even more confused. The being had pale aged skin and white grey-ish hair. It had a monocle on one eye and two sharp horns that grew upwards. The being wore a suit, making it look sharp and dignified despite being several feet smaller than Nyx, but was just a little shorter than Daniel.

"Hello," Daniel greeted the being with a polite bow. The being chuckled lowly before lifting his monocle.

"You must be, Daniel, please this way," it said as he gestured for Daniel to follow it.

"Uhm... who are you?" Daniel asked as he watched the being's tail swerve left and right, following the pace he walked.

"I am Geras, the god of old age. One of Nyx's many children," it said with a low chuckle.

"Uhm, may I ask what pronouns you use?" Daniel asked as he tapped Geras' shoulder softly. (Be like Daniel. Ask for pronouns kids)

"I use he/him/his, thank you for asking," Geras chuckled again.

As they walked, they exchanged many things. Daniel had fun talking to Geras, even though he was much younger than Nyx, he looked so so much older than her. Though, Geras didn't mind being referred as an old man. Though, he couldn't help it, he accepted his appearance and his role as a minor god.

As Geras showed Daniel around, they came across another being that exuded the same aura as Nyx and Geras. Though, from the looks of it, this being was exuding so much of this divine aura, it was almost stupid.

"Koalemos. How do you do?" Geras asked with a smile.

"Ah, brother! I'm feeling so much better after going on a trip to the mortal world!" Koalemos replied with a smile as they held out their arms out wide.

Suddenly, a screen appeared infront of Daniel, making him jump back in surprise. It hadn't happened before with Geras, which mad himself confused.

< minor deity, Koalemos

Age : 3, 000 +

Parent(s) : Nyx the goddess of night

Rules over : stupidity

Characteristics : stupid and air headed >

As the screen dissolved into air, Daniel snickered to himself as he remembered the God's characteristics. Koalemos looked over to Daniel and gave a sheepish smile.

"You must be Daniel. I wish you the best of luck, my friend. If you'll excuse me, I'll be outside bullying the minor demons," Koalemos said with a huge grin before opening the window and spreading their wings before jumping.

"Well that was... something," Daniel giggled softly.

"Please do not mind my sibling, they can be like that sometimes, come, I'll show you to your room," Geras sighed, pinching the bridge if his nose before continuing to walk down the hall.

Soon, they reached a door where Geras stopped infront. The older looking deity stopped and placed a hand on the door before mumbling something under his breath. One of his hands crept to his back before flinging the door open and a dagger flew across the room towards an unknown man in the corner.

Daniel stared blankly at the man as the man looked nervously at Geras, holding both of his hands up as a sign of surrender.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down," the man said. His voice was soft and melodic, as if it was made to draw beings in.

"What are you doing here?" Geras sighed, again.

"Am I not allowed to visit lady Nyx's abode?" The man asked.

From what you could see, the man looked extremely close to what a human looked like. Though, the man had a beautiful face, with strawberry blonde locks and golden eyes that stared at Daniel. The man smiled and strutted towards Daniel, placing a finger under Daniel's chin.

"Hmm, yes, I made a good choice," the man said, almost a whisper with a sinister grin on his face.

"Asmo, you shouldn't loiter around in someone else's room like this," Geras scolded.

"Aww boo hoo~ you always ruin the fun Geras~" the man, supposedly named Asmo whined as he floated to the air before two small horns and a tail whipped out after a cloud of pink smoke.

"I'm just here to visit this boy right here, he was the one who received my blessing after all, and from what I see, he also received Erebus' system~"

"Yes, you're correct," the older looking deity said before turning to Daniel with an unreadable expression.

"This boy right here looks exactly like how Lord Erebus' mortal form would look like, just younger I presume? But this boy has more expressions on his face than his master, it's quite fun to see,"

"Yes, yes, come, I'll show you out," Geras said, showing Asmo out of the room before turning to Daniel with a smile.

"Make yourself at home, this will be your new room. Call me if you need anything,"

Daniel, confused and tired, just nodded as Geras closed the door behind Asmo. Finally, the room fell quiet. Daniel looked around the room as he walked to the bed. The room was decorated plainly, with grey walls and black curtains, Daniel liked it.

As he lied down on the bed after taking his shoes and socks off, he sighed. Closing his eyes and placing his arm on his eyes, he breathed steadily before slowly falling to sleep.
