Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

"My name is Ito Kuro. I want to be a ninja and was given a chance to be part of this class. It's nice to meet you all" I introduced myself as I was asked by iruka when I entered the classroom. should I say iruka sensei? since he's going to be my instructor now?

I look to the crowd of children before me and see that none of them seems to be interested in me besides naruto who keeps on waving his hands at me so i simply smiled back at him.

"there's only 1 space left at the back by the window Ito, that will be your sitting arrangement starting today." said iruka without leaving any room for discussion if i like it or not. so I just started walking and sit there by the window.

As class began, Irukas mostly talked about basic knowledge and history which I already know. So without even listening to what more he has to say, I slept. I need it anyway since I was up all night doing my exercise to enlarge my chakra pool.

when class was over naruto came to me and asked if I wanted to play. I agreed of course, it's my thoughts exactly of what to do after class. Before we walked out as i was walking down I saw sasuke still sitting there and seem to be thinking of something. He then looked at me seriously and i was immediately startled so I simply shook my head to acknowledge him to which he did the same so we both look away. I went out the classroom with naruto and we went to the riverbank we always played to. And just like that my days in the academy was ordinary, I didn't stand out nor did I overperformed since basic knowledge for children are easy. I started training with dad using shuriken and kunai. to which I improved steadily like a normal person would but not as much like a prodigy sasuke. Man he's a genius even without his sharingan. being on a clan really has its benefits to be ahead of the class. Though I am not as proficient as my classmates since they all came from bigger clans, I don't loose out to them since I work hard diligently and when I say that? It means I train even at night which results to me always asleep during class and barley keeping up when doing activities like marathon and taijutsu sparring.

2 years passed and I've got all the basic down. I started to keep up with the class since I no longer train at night. I think I have enough basic chakra pool to be able to cast some elemental ninjutsu. My dad has taught me basic taijutsu which I already mastered to the point that I am able to head to head with him along with using substituion, transformation (henge), shuriken and kunai arts. My father was actually proud of me for that at the same time a little worried that I cant avoid being a ninja. But there's nothing he can do about it if i am meant to be one.

One day during our spar my father talked to me. " Son, it is time for you to level up you training and learn how to use explosives and also elemental ninjutsu. Although I am a Jonin. I am just an ordinary one and an instructor at that. So what I'm saying is that I am a Jonin due to me having a position as an instructor. But I do know how to cast a ninjutsu at least." my dad seem a little bit ashamed of his prowess

"don't worry Dad, for me you are the strongest. Because I know you will keep me safe" I smiled at him

sigh.. " well thanks son. Here I have brought you a chakra paper so we can find out what your element nature is. by the way mine is fire. To which I have the fire ball jutsu, dragon flame justu and flame bird justu which I can teach you if you have the same nature transformation as me."

"awesome! Thanks dad. let's find it out so I can train as soon as possible! " I was so excited finally my favourite part of training

he handed me the paper and I poured chakra on it. the paper burned and turned to ash. 'thats it? don't people usually have 2 elements or something when they reincarnate? don't I have a cheat or something? even a little previlige?'. Now that I think about it it never crossed my mind to find out if I have a cheat or a system of some sort since I reincarnated here. but to my surprise I got none. I'm a low level character that does not register to the story. I don't even know my character since this charay was never shown in the anime. is it possible that i should have died earlier even before canon starts? damn!! this is so frustrating!

"Ohh i guess an apple doesn't fall too far from the tree after all? you have the same nature transformation as me. watch me closely as I can only cast all 3 jutsu twice a day. Be sure to observe carefully the signs, are you ready son?" says my father suddy interrupting me from my thoughts. I nodded and concentrate so I can get it all.

Dad showed me all signs first to which I was able to memorize after he repeated them like 3-4 times.

Then dad showed me how to perform his techniques. I was able to memorize the sign for it and started practicing all 3 jutsu namely. fireball, dragon flame and flame bird jutsus. It took me 2 months to master them. I can cast them surprisingly 3 times a day all 3 of them which surprised my father because I have a larger chakra pool than him. I think it also has something to do with me being able to control my chakra efficiently so I don't waste how much chakra I use when performing the technique. A few more years passed and I improved a lot to which I don't show to class or anybody. I don't want to be recruited suddenly to the root or anbu just because I have a little talent. to which I must be dreaming since I am not powerful enough to be one. But I know I have improved a lot to be able to handle a chunin ninja.

Anyway like I said few years has passed and yes it's the start of Canon. Naruto and I became friends but not close enough to be best friends since I train a lot which he does not seems to like and he also started playing with the others like shikamaru and chouji. I did my best not to stand out so of course naruto is still the only friend I have. My parents asked me about it since i did mention I could get more friends in the academy but I simply answered that I don't like to have so much people around. especially when we celebrate my birthday to which naruto is always invited and he sleeps over at night after the party which is fun.

now back to the main course, we are currently being tasked to perform the clone jutsu so we can graduate. As expected naruto is the only one who failed to which I approached him by the swing under a tree outside the academy.

"Hey naruto. Want to grab some ramen and talk about it? my treat" I asked gently

he nodded but still feels down.

"Naruto I know there's nothing I can do right now as your friend, and I apologize if I didn't help you then, I was so focused at myself that I forgot about you when I trained. I should have invited you to train with me so you can at least graduate too." I told him

"it's not your fault kuro, beside I have always hated how you train because it just seem so tiring to do it, so also never asked." he said while chugging the ramen in his mouth with tears coming from his eyes. When he finally finished his bowl it seems that he wants more, teuchi placed another bowl in front of naruto and said " this one is on the house naruto, enjoy."

naruto seems to be crying more but still chugged it down like there's no tomorrow.

"there are no shortcuts to become a Great Hokage that surpasses that previous once, I am sure you will also graduate naruto. All you have to do is work hard. I know you can do it" I said to him

Naruto gazed at me with determined eyes" I will become a hokage after all, believe it! ,.... Thanks kuro, for being there"

"your welcome, my friend"