1st C Rank mission

A month after my discovery of my path. I incorporated it with my taijutsu. Which at some point I derived it to better suit the effect of my burning chakra. One of the things I found out after using it is that whatever object I punched, as long as I put that chakra as an extension of my body, that object will be enveloped by my chakra and start burning until the chakra disappears. which meant that, the more chakra I infuse to my fist the longer the flame will burn. When I use it on my feet unlike the usual shunshin. I can travel faster almost as if I teleported. Unlike raikage's armor which is continuously he can move fast. Mine lets me travel almost 4-5 meters depending on my chakra's output and control. I feel that I van go way faster with more training. And last unlike raikage's lightning armor, mine can only cover my fist and the soles of my feet. I started using 2 shadow clones to continue enlarging my chakra pool. 1 clone goes to do D rank missions while another accompany me with training.

After reporting their mission team 6 was told by their captain udon that in half a month later they will have enough D rank missions accomplished and that they will start taking their 1st C rank missions. So they were advised to prepare for it and explained what are C rank missions normally.

"So we're finally going outside the village and have some adventure! this is what I have dreamt of doing before managing our teashop. Say kuro, Hana isn't this good news?"

"yeah, finally something worth while doing. You never know I might just meet my soulmate in this mission"

"I'm sure you'll find him soon enough Hana san, right Iori?" Iori nodded to kuro

"Good luck!" kuro and Iori both cheered for her. Hana touched both her cheeks

"awww you guys.. thanks I'll be sure to do my best" Hana was boastful with that declaration

"Hana about that soulmate what do you think about kuro? isn't he cool enough? If I remember correctly he did say his dream was to find the right girl and settle down." captain udon chimed in with a questioning gaze at us

Right at that moment Naruto's group came in. "Oi kuro! we just finished our mission. Let's eat lunch together!"

"naruto you idiot! can't you see he's talking with his team? " sakura punched naruto for just this while sasuke just kept his cool to himself and didn't pay attention to what's happening.

"Naruto im going home for lunch, you can come with me I'll let mom know your coming. what about you Hana, Iori. would you like to come to my house too?"

"that's a great idea! Hana remember what I said about kuro's dream? and how you want to find your soulmate? This might be your chance!" said captain udon who was given a weird look by the Hana and Iori.

Hana was about to open her mouth but I covered it immediately. "Hana not here please hehe"

"You don't have to worry about us sensei. Kuro says he prefers matured and older women.[that was an end of Iori's sentence but the words seems to repeat itself just like when they first heard it like this...

he prefers older women,

prefers older women,

older women

older... women...

(time seemed to have stopped even though Iori kept speaking)..... so you should watch out sensei he might be interested in you more than us."

'Good job Iori.! everyone's jaw dropped. from the panel where the Hokage was along with iruka and a few jonin. I don't know about kakashi since he always wore a mask. but sakura and sasuke was not an exception while naruto was acknowledging me with a thumbs up.'

a few moments later (SpongeBob style)

The one to break the silence was kakashi. "Alright you tree let's go report our mission so we can disperse and have our own lunch."

" Hai kakashi sensei" says sakura

" kuro wait for me okay?"

"Yes I will. So are you guys coming along?" i faced my team members.

Captain udon seemed to have realized something and immediately excused herself. "I have an arranged lunch so you guys enjoy yourselves. Later!" [puff] smoke replaced sensei's place.

Hana and Iori also didn't seem eager to come. They said they have to help their shops. And so I was left alone while waiting for Naruto.

outside the building

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"I'll be dispersing myself to let the original know were coming home with Naruto for lunch." the other clone nodded and waited for Naruto to show

Inside the Ito residence

"So naruto did kakashi tell you guys when are you gonna start taking C rank missions?" naruto seems to enjoy mom's cook, he was about answer with his mouth was full.

"wait, swallow that first before you answer Naruto"

"Slurrpppp!! Man, Aunt Himari's cooking is really the best beside ichiraku ramen.! You know I've been complaining to the old geezer to at least give us an A rank or S rank missions. D rank are so boring! but all they say is the same that we need to grow first and that we need to complete a number of D rank missions before going higher to C rank and B rank missions. But we've been doing D rank missions for more than a month now, when are we going to complete that number of missions they require for to go on higher missions."

"Hmmn maybe your captain just wants to surprise you. Because my team just got informed that we will start going on C rank missions after half a month. Apparently we're getting close to the required number to go higher." This surprised naruto.

"Man must be cool to be on your team kuro. And also I've been meaning to say this but why? why is it thet you're the only boy in your team? even your captain is a woman. Both you team members are quite sexy and beautiful too. But from what I heard earlier it seems that you'll be picking your captain not your team members. why though?" Naruto seemed curious

"well about that naruto, this is a secret between us. so I would really appreciate it if you dont say this to anyone especially my parents."

"Oh tell me tell me, what is it? or better yet who is it?"

"It's I mean she's one of the Legendary Sannin. Her name is Tsunade. She's a princess of the Senju Clan"

"Really? If she's a princess she must be really pretty and young too.?"

"Yes and No. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But she's old alright. I think she's nearing 50 years old in age now. But still. I'd love to settle down with her yah know. Maybe have 3 kids to care for together."

If back at the place where we accept mission Naruto gave me a thumbs up. This time it's his turn to have his jaw dropped. [naruto's thinking]

'I really thought I already know everything about this friend of mine. But he really loves giving surprises to everyone'

with a sweat Naruto cheered his friend. "I wish you luck with your dream kuro, don't wory once I become Hokage. I will set a rule that would let you marry her if you need me to." Naruto patted my shoulder fully supporting my dream

"Thanks Naruto you're the best friend I have. I'm glad I know you."

We ate our fill and rest. Later on we will take on another D rank mission for the Day. Although I will be using a clone. I need to still further develop my newfound power. This time I can summon 4 clones. That's right my chakra pool is continuously getting larger.

Half a month later

"So Udon. Do you really think that is your team us ready for a C rank mission?"

"Yes Hokage sama. They were already ready half a month ago and I was sure of their development, but now there is now need to know if I'm sure or not. They are certainly ready Hokage sama"

"Very well. Your mission this time is an escort mission. A merchant is going to deliver some important items to the city of the land of fire. Although the distance it's near since it's within our country but we cannot be hopeful that there won't be any bandit that might be interested. Your goal is to safeguard the merchant's travel so he can arrive in the city safely. Any questions?"

"None sir, we will do our best to complete this mission!"

"Yosh!! soulmate here I come!"

"Hana san, why are you so sure you will find your soulmate during our mission?"

"who cares about soulmate or not. we're finally gonna have an adventure. I wonder if we will fight strong enemies" Iori seems as enthusiastic as Hana.

"Mr merchant please come in and meet you bodyguards"

"Yes Hokage sama. " the merchant entered the room a little confused

"are you sure about this Hokage sama? they seem to be children if you ask me."

captain udon went Super Saiyan at the mention of belittling us.

"Don't worry merchant san, I assure you each one of them can handle more than 10 enemies older and taller than them"

"i is- is that so? then i will put my trust on you for this job then. Just call me eric the rest of the way please." the merchant seems to be shaking from captain's reply

"Alright we leave in 20 minutes. Don't be late and be fully prepared for this mission. we will meet at the gate after set timeframe."

"Yes sir 3x" we all replied