Shoka Gijutsu: Zenhin-en!

After getting back from the mission we were allowed to rest for a week until our next C rank mission. Unlike Naruto's team who got a C rank by Naruto's constant pleading, they were just given a day or two of rest and they are back doing D rank missions.

Even though kuro has a week of rest he got back to training after only 2 days of rest. He summoned 10 shadow clones to polish his Fighting Style and his chakra pool has touched Jonin level. If he want to, with his chakra he can probably summon a lot of more than 10 clones. His training progresses smoothly. Although he didn't develop any 2nd elemental chakra, he is still continuing to improve. During C rank missions there wasn't that many bandits to look out and that can take care of it even if only 1 member goes into action. In which they even played rock-paper-scissors to decide who will get to beat the bandits. They have 2-3 days rest at most in between missions which was enough for kuro to blend in his training schedule.

4 months later after reporting in to the Hokage their mission. The team was walking out the Hokage building.

"Alright team you all have the qualifications to enter the chunin exam that will be held here in our village in a month's time period. Before I submit the paper to apply all 3 of you. I want you to decide for yourself if you want to, what will it be?"

"we want to take it ofcourse! do you even have to ask? right kuro, Hana?"

"I agree" Hana immediately answered

"Hmn" kuro nodded

"then take this 1 month of time to prepare we will no longer be going on missions for now, understood?"

"yes Captain!" 3x

"we will meet again after a month in training ground 6 so I can fetch you to the chunin exam location, for now disperse!"

The team then went their separate ways. 'A month of training huh, seems like I need to master a new move since I have polished my already existing once. To the event that I face that guy I need to be able to dance with him, and beat him ofcourse!' this were the thoughts of Kuro while on his way to his house.

[Half a month passed]

kuro can be seen with a clone on his holding on to him while he's concentrating. 'I can't believe I'm able to do this kind of move. Even though it was a coincidence at first. If I'm able to do this with my clone holding on to me, this could change the tide of the battle in future'

During this first half month kuro was contemplating on how to create a new move. But he got nothing. Instead of wasting time he simply continued to polish his style continuously making it stronger and faster. At the same time making it so that he can use it longer when in battle. He might not have shown it during the last fights he's been in but he could barely use for an hour when they rescued kakashi's team. when he polished it for the next 4 months he could last almost a day. Making it a little bit longer than that is also a good thing. Then one fateful day which lead to his current behaviour. A target practice wood was shot with a fist size fireball jutsu, before the fire died out kuro tried to punch it using firefist. Then somehow his hand went through the practice wood up until his shoulder, resulting for his hand to be stuck inside the target practice wood.

'ever since then I've trying to stimulate the same thing to happen but this time instead of just my hands, what if my whole body went through that tree instead of just being stuck in it?'

kuro has a beat up look with a lot of bruises here and there. his been trying to phase through a tree for a week now without any progress. Each time he runs to a tree he would simply hit the tree. Even Naruto was confused when he stumble to him doing it.

'this time I must do it right, I've been doing this for an entire week now. I think I might just know where the problem is.'

"fire style: fireball jutus"

'Control it so the tree won't get burned down, control enough chakra so the fire will remain on the tree where I need to phase through'

As the ball of fire hits the tree, it didn't die out instead it remained as a ball of fire attached in front of the tree, and the tree was getting burned as slowly as possible. Kuro concentrated, with his clone holding on to his back.

"self taught, Shoka Gijutsu: Zenhin-en!"

[AN: translates to Full Body Flame]

Like a racer's pose when getting ready to run on a marathon. Kuro's body was covered in chakra of flames along with his clone. The first few time s his done this with only his hand and feet covered in flame chakra resulted in his hands and feets stuck to a tree besides his other Body parts. But ever since he developed the Full Body Flame technique he's unable to successfully phase through a tree because it would die out before he can fully phase through it.

Before the ball of fire disapears, kuro and his clone vanished from his position and landed at the back of the tree only to hit another one.

"Y- Yo- Yoshaaa!!!!!!!" [Alright!]

kuro who was lying in grass after bumping to a tree with a victory fist raised up, kuro shouted with his lungs and a bit of tears coming out his eyes. (As if he was able to stop one of ushiwaka's spike.)

[AN: yes im obsessed with tsukishima's reaction when he was able to stop ushiwaka, hehe, sorry guys]

And so, another half a month passed. The time for chunin exam has come. Team Udon has gathered on training ground 6. The girls were a little surprised to see kuro's new look.

Kuro who kept on mastering his new jutsu has changed his long sleeved grey shirt. His forehead protector was still hanging on his neck. His shirt was now dark red and the sleeve was on up until the elbow. Bandages wrapped around his hands to his fist just like Rock Lee's hand. Instead of black pants he's now wearing Dark shorts revealing his legs also wrapped with bandages the same way as his hands.

"Oi kuro what's with the getup? Did someone beat you up this 1 month that I haven't seen you?" the other 2 looked at him curious at what his answer will be

"ehehe nothing much just a simple change to better suit my self taught style" kuro answered smiling while scratching the back of his head

"Hmmmn?? " Udon looked at him once more time being suspicious.

"Well if you say so then let's go the location of the chunin exam, well to be precise I'll only show you the building and give you the room number the rest you have to figure out yourself. For now let's go!"

"Yes Captain" 3x