Your pretty!

Naruto and Lee are facing each other with their own fighting stance. Lee with his left hand by his back while his right hand was directed at Naruto in a form of an open palm but the open palm was facing back to lee and the back to Naruto. [Imagine Bruce Lee's style telling the enemy to come closer to him]

' this guy is fast! I must use kuro's fighting style or I won't even last a second' with that thought Naruto pointed his left hand at Lee in an open palm which was directly the opposite of Lee's right hand pose. Naruto's right hand was lowered by his hips and in a closed fist style. His left foot is positioned forward while his right is in a 5 o'clock position from his left.

Sasuke was curious at Naruto's fighting stance 'is this what he learned in 2 weeks of training with kuro? I wonder if he's become stronger'

Naruto and Lee stared at each other's eyes. No leaf flying around to drop nor a coin tossed to start the battle. But by looking at each other a timer seemed to start.





Both of them vanished from their respective positions and was already exchanging fists and kicks. They were too fast for both Sasuke and Sakura to follow.

'Woah! Is that really Naruto? how did he become so strong all of a sudden. I can't even follow them' Sakura's thought while her jaw dropped without knowing

'Damn that Naruto, He's become this strong and I didn't even know about it. If I don't have my sharingan I don't think I would be able to see them fight. So this, this is the chunin exam' with a grin Sasuke watch the battle with his sharingan and his blood was boiling for a fight by what he's witnessing.

Guy was already around before Naruto and Lee started the fight. Surprisingly kakashi wasn't lazy and was also around. They nodded at each other and prepared to stop the fight before it escalated further.

'So this is the fruit of your training with kuro huh. Although I joined you guys on for week to keep an eye on you after I leave I don't know what other training you guys did, but even so Naruto. I'm glad for your results and, sasuke seems enthusiastic to see your growth. This is good, he will also grow stronger because of you' was kakashi's thought while watching the battle

'Kakashi is really my eternal rival, even our students are the same as us. But you need to calmed down Lee. now's not the time for you to show your cards, I must teach him a lesson but I'm just very proud of him.' was Guy's thought while also spectating

the 2 fighters who exchange more than a dozen of Kicks and Punches have only one thought. 'it's on!'

Lee preparing his signature move

"Konoha senp-" was stopped by Guy

Naruto also doing the same. "Kuro Henko Gijut-" was stopped by kakashi.

Lee was punished by Guy and punched him. Then started lecturing him on how a ninja never shows his card unless necessary. While Naruto fared better than Lee and was only asked by kakashi.

"Naruto where did you learn to fight like that? I remember your training was about a move, it was all about that last punch you were about to do right?" Kakashi looking at Naruto with a curiosity even with his mask on.

"A week before you came I was already in hell, i mean training kuro's taijutsu. Then when you did join us. After you leave at 3 in the afternoon, I would go back to hell- i mean training kuro's taijutsu." is what naruto answered always saying it was hell but he always corrected himself that he was training Kuro's taijutsu.

"I understand now, that's a lot of progress in just a 2 weeks I wonder how he taught you to have that result.? but one more thing why did you mention kuro's name before the technique?" asked kakashi curiously

"It's one of his condition's for training me" chill run down Naruto's body

"So please stop asking me about it already! were going to take the chunin exam now!"

"Let's go Sasuke, Sakura!"


One of them was impressed by Naruto's growth and his blood is boiling to get better too, that was sasuke. while the other is envious of Naruto telling herself 'who's the useless one now huh.'

Before they could enter kakashi is once again in front of them.

"Before you go Ingave something to say. I'm glad you came Sakura. Now you all can formally register for the chunin exam." kakashi spoke while looking at Sakura first then to the rest of them.

Then sakura asked curiously " Why? what do you mean?"

"You see only a group of three are allowed to apply and take the exam. That's how it's always been"

"But sensei you said that the decision to take the exam was up to the individual? was that not true?" Sakura

"Sort of, It is an individual decision. But it affects all of you. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to be forced by the other two. Nor did I want you applying half heartedly. But now Sakura Naruto and Sasuke. Im proud of you. Good luck!" kakashi stepped aside to let them through

The gang made it in to a room full of Ninjas. Some scary looking that had to retake the exam and some of their classmates back in the academy. Sasuke was already annoyed by Ino pestering as soon as they got inside while Sakura complains. Shikamaru and Choji by the side watching the whole thing while Naruto's attention was searching for kuro. Kiba and his group came to them.

"So! It looks like the whole gang's back together again!" declared Kiba.

"Oh hi Naruto. what are you looking for?" Hinata greeted and asked while blushing.

"well I'm actually looking for-" Naruto's sentence wasn't finished but shino answered him.

"If you're looking for Ito Kuro and his team. They're over there. Kuro's sleeping while his other team member are talking to each other" says shino pointing his index finger at the corner where kuro and his team where at.

"Thanks for that. I guess I'll talk to him later when he wakes up"

Kuro asked his team members to wake him up when the exam starts. Then he went to sleep due to lack of sleep for training Naruto and himself which almost took all his time in a day and only gave him a few hours to sleep for 2 weeks. So there he goes sleeping without care and left his safety with the girls. The other 2 girls were talking with each other. One of them was trying to find her soulmate but kept on getting a glance at Sasuke while the other was so pumped up for an adventure.

Kabuto was also there with his cards, after some drama here and there on how he knows everyone's identity and that he's retaking the exam the proctor came and told everyone to get back in their sit to start the written exam.

"Kuro it's starting wake up." Iori woke kuro. They were all arranged in a separate position. Kuro knowing that he can pass without answering tried to get a few more sleep. While the others utilized their cheat like abilities to ahem, well you know cheat but one of them was unable to and is freaking out. That was definitely Naruto.

A few moments later [SpongeBob style]

Ibiki started talking about the last question at the back of the paper and how a team will be able to pass or fail even if only one of their members surrenders and retake the exam next time. But for those who want to answer the last question if they fail they won't be able to retake the exam ever again.

Almost half of the ninjas who applied from different villages surrendered. While the last ones still sitting there were told they passed. And a long speech about how a shinobi should act was given by Ibiki. Then suddenly the glass window broke and Anko made her entrance. Kuro woke up to the noise Anko created and complained for the disturbing him. "why can't you just give me some peace! it's just a damn written exam what's so hard about it?"

Anko heard this and punched him, completely waking the sleep deprived kuro. Only to see Anko's face while holding his shirt.

"Your pretty!" was the words that came out his mouth.

Hana and Iori was laughing hard at their chair along with Naruto. While the others' jaw dropped with the exception of the serious guys like Sasuke, Gaara, Neiji, Shino etc.

"Well I'm glad I'm pretty enough for you but that still won't just let me pass you, Because I will be your next proctor for the next exam. All of you follow this guy to the forest of death so I can give you the instructions for the next exam. I will simply go ahead. And you, come with me for a bit I have questions " with a grin she dragged kuro with her to the next location. Well not the literally since she'd be jumping around rooftops and run resulting in kuro being dragged like a kite.

although kuro could break out of Anko's grip which was now at his shirt's back. He was too lazy at the moment . 'Oh well I guess free ride for me then'