The Invasion!

While the 3 Genin was getting back on their seats kuro's line sight was somewhere else. It was precisely the Kazekage or should we say Orochimaru.

'Snake. You will not get your way today. I will have you satisfy my pent up frustration since the preliminaries.' While kuro was thinking that, on the Arena Sasuke just got away from Gaara after thrusting his chidori on the round shield of sand Gaara created. The hole gave enough space for Sasuke to see what's inside for which he shivered in fear when it bore it's eyes on him.

And the attack commenced. A battle started. Civilians were put on a Genjutsu while the ninjas from each village duke it out. Gaara was carried by Kankuro and Temari out of the village as Baki one of the Sand's Jonin hold off Sasuke and the ref. The Hokage was abducted by the Kazekage and was followed by his Anbu. Then out of nowhere Kuro shouted.

"Naruto! Sakura! Shikamaru! Go!" The 3 Genin went to the arena to get Sasuke to join them, Genjutsu worked only on Naruto who was later released by Sakura while Shikamaru has enough control over his chakra like Sakura to not fall for the Genjutsu. Sasuke didn't even oppose when he heard it was Kuro's plan

"Kuro what was that?" ask kakashi to kuro while fending off enemies along with Guy.

"Just send your dog to help them track the enemy, I need to be somewhere else. sorry captain kakashi. Hiken!" answered kuro while also fending off enemies and finally blasting in off the remaining one. He dashed towards a certain location.

Then a formation could be seen deployed at a distance where the Hokage was abducted.

"We need to assist the Hokage" mentioned one of the Anbu and tried to enter.

"No, dont enter touch the formation.!" it was too late the Anbu turned to ashes.

'tsk he was too hasty'

"Kid what are you doing here, you should help the others fend off the other enemies. It's dangerous here." warned one of the Anbu

"Yeah I know that. But you're not even able to help the Hokage so shut it, I'm currently not in the mood. Someone inside still has a favor I need him to fulfill while the other needs to taste my fury." He calmed his mind and concentrated.

"Kid listen to someone older when they are telling you that it's dangerous. We will not be able to protect you here. just go and help the others whom you can help or better yet help the civilians escape. The battle here is on another level that you can't imagine" added another anbu.

They were met with a dead serious kuro for disturbing his concentration.

"Listen here Anbu san. The Hokage is alone inside a formation fighting his student which is dangerous because he still cares for him which will cause him not to get serious and that's a bad thing because he will disregard his safety. while all of you are telling me off when you can't even enter the barrier while I have a chance to. That makes you guys more useless than me, so stop disturbing me because I need to concentrate to be able to get in there and help the Hokage. Understand??!!!" the 3 Anbu surprised at his claim.

"Is that true? Can you really get inside the barrier? Can't you take us with you so we can help.?" suggested one of them.

"Now that's what I wanted to hear. I can only take one of you, decide who will come with me. while the other 2 protect me from the enemy as I prepare the Jutsu. Make sure the one who joins me hold on to my shoulder tightly since the ride will be fast" He concentrated again. The 1st and 2nd Hokage were already summoned and Orochimaru is joining the frey, it was 3 vs 1battle. Hiruzen is having a hard time and summoned monkey king enma to transform into adamantine staff.

"Shoka Gijutsu: Zenhin-en!" Both kuro and one of the Anbu were covered in flames while the other 2 keep watch and protects them.

"Now to set up the door, Fire style: Flame wall.!" This Jutsu was developed by kuro to properly utilize his ability to pass through an object.

"Alright mr Anbu are you ready?" asked kuro to the anbu with cat mask with whiskers and spiky black hair.

"Call me captain Zo and yes im ready. Let's go help the Hokage." declared the Anbu who's actually a captain.

"Yosh! Hold tight.! I haven't name this move yet but since it's an emergency such case is not important right now. Here we go Captain Zo.!"

Both of them vanished from their spot and in a blink of an eye was already inside the barrier.

"Captain Zo, it would be best that you help the Hokage faced the 1st and the 2nd. I will do my best to hold off Orochimaru and prioritize my Safety until you both can help me. Is that a plausible plan at the moment?"

"I was thinking the same thing. But I must emphasize. Prioritize your Safety! If you need to run to back to us then do so. Got it?" Zo made it clear considering how dangerous it was to face a Sanin and he is just a Genin.

"Yes Captain. Let's go. " kuro and Zo vanished. One went to hold off Orochimaru while the other assisted Hiruzen.

"Well well, we have uninvited guests. It looks like they really care about you Sarutobi sensei. I must commend them, not everyone is able to easily enter a barrier such as this" as Orochimaru said that Kuro and Zo arrived. It's definitely not a normal feat to be able to enter the barrier.

"Kuro kun, you're really a genius. Have you already learnt how that Jutsu?" asked the Hokage anxiously but didn't directly spilled the beans which picked Orochimaru's curiousity.

"Not yet Hokage sama. I used my own Jutsu to get inside. I haven't combined it with that Jutsu yet as I am not done studying it." answered kuro honestly

The 3 were shocked by his answer. If he didn't use the jutsu that he's studying and only used his own. That would mean he already developed a Jutsu on his own which was comparable to that of the 4th and the 2nd. That would also mean unlike the 4th who developed his jutsu from his predecessors, Kuro developed a jutsu on his own. He is not the same as the 4th but the same as the 2nd Hokage who invented many Jutsu on his own using his own knowledge. Although Orochimaru and Zo didn't hear what jutsu it is that kuro is studying based on what he did to get inside the barrier there's only one answer. The jutsu he's studying is the flying Thunder God Jutsu developed by the 2nd Hokage and perfected/modified by the 4th Hokage.

"You're an interesting specimen! I must have you.!" Orochimaru's attention was turned to Kuro. Who wouldn't want to get their hands on such a subject as interesting as the 2nd Hokage. And alive at that.

"Protect the Kid. Right now he is more important than me for konoha's future. Do you understand me Zo?" Hiruzen immediately changed battle tactics according to the current situation.

"Yes Hokage sama." the anbu captain was shaken up and couldn't believe how the situation developed. They went inside to save the Hokage but that change into protecting the one who came to protect the Hokage. Talk about irony.

Kuro however wasn't a bit listening to them. Before they could notice kuro was already charging his fist to it's full potential.

"Oro-chi-maru.!" kuro slowly mentioned the Sanin's name as it was beginning to get warm from his position. All 3 of them could feel the heat coming from his hands.

"Kuro kun back down. You won't be able to land that jutsu at him so easily. I understand your angry but there is also the 1st and 2nd Hokage. You need to be able to get past them to land that Jutsu. Let's plan our attack." the Hokage saw how angry kuro is right now. And that's not a good thing during a fight. But he didn't get kuro's attention.

"playing with people's life as if their tools, using such tools to insult my friends who are important to me, using me as means to dispose of your people because they're afraid of you, and invading my home endangering my family. You! deserve to die.! Shoka Gijutsu: Saidai Hiken!" Kuro vanished from his spot, no one was able to follow him. Since kuro was going all out he wasn't using the normal chakra at the soles of his feet. It is precisely his fire element chakra which was used to it's full capabilities. Not even Orochimaru and the Hokages themselves were able to follow his movements. In a blink of an eye an ignition was heard followed by an explosion to which Orochimaru was screaming in pain while his body was burning. The 4 sound ninja maintaining the barrier was shaken up. Orochimaru was caught off guard and was late for any body replacement due to kuro's Gijutsu that enabled him to move from his position directly to where Orochimaru was in a single moment which was almost like he teleported. But as explained earlier on, he simply moved as fast if not faster than that of a Raikage but there's a difference. [i explained the difference before in the earlier chapter]

The Jutsu Orochimaru took was labeled forbidden S rank by the 3rd Hokage himself. The effect of the Jutsu is that it burns the target until the chakra was fully expended normally. But when kuro fully charged it, at least a hundred meters of land was burned to the ground the last time he tested it in front of Hiruzen. Orochimaru who was one of the Sanin took the hit and was off guard. In this world no matter how strong you are if you're caught off guard then that's the end for you. But not Orochimaru who's harder to kill than a cockroach, he's a Sanin for a reason.

"Splendid! Splendid! What a powerful Jutsu. You caught me off guard there. Or should I say, you caught my clone off guard in there. I'm even more interested with you now. I must have you.!" Orochimaru spoke and showed himself besides the 1st and 2nd Hokage. showing interest to capture kuro.

"Tsk! " kuro was annoyed and returned beside the Hokage and Anbu.

'I knew it'll be hard to kill this monster. he's craftier than i imagined, how did I not sense him at all.? Is this the difference in level?'

"Kuro kun! what was that move? you vanished as if- are you sure you're not using the that Jutsu?" The Hokage was curious again at what he saw

"Like I said Hokage sama, I am not done studying it. All Jutsu that I've used and will use during this battle assume that I developed them myself before I studied that Jutsu you provided for me to study. So please stop asking we have an enemy to defeat. And please don't hold back just because he's someone you knew. And also please don't die, you still owe me a favor of vacation for a year." kuro was annoyed at the Hokage's questions and he reprimanded him not to die because of a favor he owe.

"ahahaha ofcourse ofcourse, don't worry you'll get your vacation. For now let's focus on the enemy. Zo assist kuro kun, ill be fine taking lord 1st and 2nd, I'll do my best to be fast in sealing them so hold out for as long as you can." and so the plan was repeated.

"yes sir! 2x"

And the battle started again with 2 fronts.

Hiruzen vs Hashirama and Tobirama

Orochimaru Vs kuro and zo

While all of this was happening. Team 7 lead by Shikamaru was chasing Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. Pakun joined and helped them as kuro suggested to kakashi to summon him and help them. Kankuro tried to stop them but shino faced him. Then Temari tried to hold them off but Shikamaru and Sakura faced her. Only Sasuke and Naruto searched for Gaara who was hidden by Temari since Gaara was unstable. And that was when Gaara's right hand transformed into shukaku's body part made of sand. Sasuke and Naruto engaged him on an all out battle. Gaara uitilized the trees to move faster by using his transformed hand and tail. Gaara gradually is becomes a small size shukaku as time passes when naruto and Sasuke teamed up to corner him. He doesn't stand a chance at all to the two's teamwork.