Orochimaru vs New Team 7

On a bridge somewhere. A face off was happening. On one side was Orochimaru and Kabuto. On the other side was Team 7 with their newest captain and somewhere in the skies kuro was watching all of this unfold. It didn't even took long for Orochimaru to appear as kabuto and sasori(Yamato in henge) was about to talk with each other. He immediately revealed yamato's fake transformation and said to let the other 3 hiding behind to come out. Which Yamato signaled the trio to come out and they did.

On the left was sasuke with his sharingan fully activated, Naruto in the middle who unlike in the canon was actually calm and we have sakura on the right side all pumped up by look of the fist she's showing while all of them are crouching like tigers in front of Yamato who was looking gloomy with his transformation undone.

"Ah Sasuke and Naruto kun. It has been awhile hasn't it?" greets Orochimaru completely ignoring sakura who totally looks pissed now that her enemy has forgotten about her.

"Don't forget about me! Shannaro!!" she immediately arrived in front of orochimaru punching him in the face with her right fist. Orochimaru's face turned 180 degrees by the sheer force of that punch but continued to turn until his face was in front again but his neck was twisted through it all. This however didn't stop his hands from turning into snakes.

"Sakura look out!" sasuke shouted as 6 snakes pounced to Sakura. It all hit nothing but empty air as sakura immediately dodged it. If that attack got her, it would be a shame to have been trained by kuro to be able to dodge something faster.

"fire style! Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke unleashed his jutsu as sakura was no longer in range.

Orochimaru and Kabuto leapt through the air to dodge the ball of fire as it covers the entire bridge on their end. But sasuke and naruto wouldn't want to let go of such an opportunity when the enemies are still in the air.

"Chidori!" sasuke appeared in front of orochimaru and stabbed him with chidori.

"Rasengan!" while Naruto took kabuto by surprise by also appearing in front of him.

"Not again!" could be heard from kabuto who was sent spiraling in the distance breaking into a tree by the force that sent him flying.

Orochimaru however whose chest was pierced by chidori opened his mouth and another him came out and immediately made some distance between them. Orochimaru started weaving hands signs. By the time sasuke and naruto dropped on the ground orochimaru was already launching his jutsu.

"Wind style! Wind bullets!" Yes that's right, orochimaru's ninjutsu wasn't sealed by the 3rd Hokage as he immediately retreated when kuro and zo weakened him. Compressed bullets made of air was launched at the new team 7 as yamato went in front to defend them.

"Wood style! Wood Locking Wall."

One of yamato's jutsu which was he often used for defense. He also used this on the same place when naruto was rampaging and battling orochimaru in the canon. And right now he used it to defend. Due to he woods design the wind bullets weren't able to destroy the wall but it made some dent though.

After defending Yamato weaved another wave of hand signs.

"Wood Release: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial" branches of trees came out of the ground near orochimaru and tied him up. "Hit him now" he signaled the trio to attack while orochimaru was bounded.

Sasuke pulled out the blade from his back and coated it with lightning chakra. While Naruto gathered wind chakra on his fist along with Sakura who used normal chakra. All three of them lashed out to attack orochimaru who only smirked looking at all of this. His mouth once again opened wide. This time though instead of another orochimaru coming out of it were thousands of snakes that easily covered the bridge as if the bridge has been devoured.

"get out of the bridge!" Yamato ordered by shouting to which the trio followed and immediately left the bridge. But the snakes didn't stop on the bridge and actually form a wave of them in front of the bridge ready to devour the gang.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm blasting that up! Shadow clone Jutsu!" declared Naruto and immediately summoned a clone to which both of them charged to that thousands of snake.

"Raika Yoroi." Sasuke activated his armor of thunderfire and let it also cover his blade. He charged too.

"Don't think that i'll keep on watching you both always taking the frontline. Shannaro!" and so yamato was left behind pondering. 'Kakashi senpai, How did you trained and teach this kids. They're a lot of trouble than you are. Sigh' He could only join the team and charge too.

"Eat this! Oodama Rasengan!" both naruto and his clone were holding a rasengan which was bigger than it's usual size and blasted it to the thousands of snakes in front of him. The blast was stronger than the normal rasengan that it obliterated the snakes in his area all the way until the bridge.

A mix sound of birds chirping and flame's ignition could be heard on sasuke's side who kept on slicing with his blade coated with thunderfire as he charges with his armor on until he also takes care of the snakes up until the bridge. Any snakes that comes in contact with him is turned to ashes due to the armor's properties. Lightning and fire has always been the most unstable element to fuse but once you are successful on fusing them. The results is worth the labor to get there, no matter how dangerous the process was.

Meanwhile on sakura's side. "Shannaro!" Large group of snakes kept on getting swept away as she punches through a horde of 'em using only her fist. Until finally she launched herself into the air and landed with her fist on the area near the bridge destroying every snake in the area.

The trio cleaned up the thousands of snakes but the ones on the bridge which brings us to yamato who was charging ahead and weaving signs.

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Spears" spears made from the earth itself destroyed the bridge along with the snakes in it. While orochimaru was long gone from the bridge and is already on the other side.

"How interesting. You guys have given me a surprise on how strong you've become. Especially you Sasuke. I have seen such a display of chakra before from the Raikages and that special child Ito kuro. However, unlike yours which has a dual element theirs are only a single element of lightning and fire respectively. I wonder how you were able to combined them so splendidly? kekeke" Orochimaru on the other side opened up a conversation since there was a distance and he's pretty much interested on sasuke's jutsu.

"Before I was successful on doing so. I was already given the plan on how to do it by someone you know well. You just spoke about him just now" answered sasuke revealing that it was much according to plan of someone

"Ito Kuro. I knew I had to take him. Given that it's already been 2 years since we fought, he must have grown exponentially. Oh I'm getting excited."

"what? you've fought him before?" asked the confused Naruto. To which Sasuke and Sakura could only let out a breath of sigh at how dense Naruto is even after all this time.

"That's right. I've fought him before. Didn't you know? If it wasn't for a brat like him, you would have lost your precious 3rd Hokage! That kid really surprised me on how he was able to get inside the barrier and was even able to bring an anbu with him. Thinking about him makes me want to disect him to pieces. I'm even thinking of making him my new body! kekeke Oh! the excitement about how i'm going to have such a wonderful experi-" Orochimaru was cut off as he felt killing intent. And right there in front of him indeed, appeared the trio with their fist ready to smash him to pieces. As he was busy narrating, he was unable to notice the angry expressions the trio had when he mentioned him and what he's gonna do to him. Only yamato beside them was able to feel the drop of temperature. 'kakashi senpai are these kids really just your students?' yamato could only asked inside his mind as the trio disappeared from their spot altogether as if in sync. As soon as they appeared in front of Orochimaru they bombarded him with their fist.




And so 3 fist infused chakra smashed Orochimaru to pieces. One was imbued by fire just like kuro's original jutsu that burns it's target, another posses the wind chakra which cuts and finally the neutral chakra which makes your fist stronger however sakura was already strong. That would mean making an already strong fist even way more stronger! That's why it's not named Futsuken like what Naruto used before. Orochimaru was burned, broken and sent flying to a nearby tree unable to do his body replacement or even shed. His blood was all over his body which undeniably was covered with cuts burns. Then the trio charged their fists to max planning to completely kill orochimaru from this world.

"You will not take away my benefactor" says sasuke with a dead serious expression while his fist was charging both lightning and fire element chakra to it's maximum limit.

"I will not let you hurt my first friend" naruto added glaring with his red pupil and slit irises eyes, clearly the ninetails chakra was leaking as he also charges his fist. Wind chakra and the ninetails' Yang chakra infused together without naruto realizing but was still able to successfully combine. [AN\Yin half of kurama was sealed on minato as I remember so it would only be obvious what naruto has]

"He's important to me. Not just as a sensei but also as a friend. That's why I will stop you from taking him!" was Sakura's statement as she charges her own fist with the resolve to protect. All of them were taught one thing about strength by him. His voice resounding in their minds clearly.

'It is when we protect those who are important to us that we are able to wield extraordinary powers to defeat the enemy, and that is what I call "true strength". Now remember that, for I want you to engrave that into your bones. So that when you are in the battle field. I hope that no matter what happens, never ever! Don't ever for a second forget why you're fighting.!'

Meanwhile orochimaru who was limping in the distance, he struggled to summon the triple rashomon at the last second. 3 enormous chakra exploded at the same time and the trio disappeard from their spot. The triple Rashomon were like papers as the 3 fist passed through. After the last rashoman was Manda the giant snake waiting for them as Orochimaru was hiding behind.

This exceeded orochimaru's expectations. He wasn't even able to unleash his full potential as a sanin but here he was meeting his end by 3 brats who was slightly trained by Kuro.

"Kuro Henko Gijutsu!!!3x" they all chanted together their sensei's jutsu that was made for each of them.

"Sai dai Raika Ken!"

"Sai dai Kaze Ken!"

"Sai dai Kageki Ken!"

If Kuro's single fire element chakra at maximum was able to destroy 100 meters of tree in the forest. Can you begin to imagine how much destruction 4 or 5 elements at maximum could do? I'll let you imagine that. But one thing was for sure Orochimaru died at this outcome. The combination was so devastating Yamato had a hard time believing as his jawdropped and eyes were in white circle shock. 'Hokage sama, Kakashi senpai. I don't think I should be assigned as captain their captain.'

[AN\ as mentioned in the earlier chapters. Sai dai stands for maximum. Then we have RaikaKen=ThunderfireFist, Kazeken=WindFist and KagekiKen= ExtremeFist]

All three dropped to the ground after they used such powerful ninjutsu. They have exhausted their reserves even Naruto. The jutsu was basically that taxing even for kuro himself. Kabuto who was knocked awhile ago was surprised to witness orochimaru's demise.

Yamato hurriedly leapt to the other side as he saw the trio dropped to the ground.

"Are you guys alright? Can I ask what was that all about?"

"Oh that? that was an S rank forbidden jutsu sensei told us not to use unless necessary. He did warned us of it's strength but I never thought it would be this strong. Man we were awesome back there, did you see it captain yamato? hahaha" Naruto was the only one on the mood to answer and even boasted how powerful their jutsu was.

"If you said it's a forbidden and S rank jutsu then why did you use it? furthermore all 3 at once??!!"

"Oh come on captain. That was orochimaru we were facing. Besides he was threatening to hurt my friend. If I had to do it again, I would still do the same and will not regret it.!" Sasuke and Sakura also nodded to express that they agree to what naruto said.

"sigh fine. For now all three of you should rest. Since the objective was done one or the other. We can go back to konoha as soon as you're rested." says yamato in surrender.

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest kabuto was surrounded by katana that suddenly rained on him from above. Then a teen appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?" asked kabuto

"Sorry kabuto, but I don't want some pain in the ass to haunt me later. Do me a job and die just like your master will you?" says kuro who swiftly cut off his head like it was just his everyday job. Kabuto was not even able to defend himself since kuro basically just disappeared from his sight and the next moment his head flew. He saw his headless body and that was the last scene in his mind.

'Sorry. I definitely don't want to face off against zombies later.' was what kuro was thinking then he got back up on cham's back to continue observing the new team7.

Once the team got their rest was ready to move out they immediately set off back to konoha. Kuro followed them around and was last to report to tsunade. Ofcourse he included the part where he took care of kabuto.

"So tsunade sama. Is there anything else we have forgotten? I'd really like to go home now" says kuro after reporting everything that happened on his end or based on his observation.

'Ah so this is how it feels to move on. I am looking straight at her and I am still amazed by how beautiful she is but, it doesn't hurt anymore. Unlike back on earth. No matter how much I want to forget, as soon as I see that person who broke my heart. My chest tighten and I would feel pain both emotionally and physically. I was diagnosed of an enlarged heart. It means that just a little tightness in my chest hurts, more than needed excitement that my heart beats fast it hurts. This would result to me avoiding her and our friends. Just so I won't be in pain. But the truth is, not being able to see her or our friends is already painful for me. That lead me to depression. I'm glad that's not how it is in here. Although it is a dangerous place, I get to enjoy life like I never could' kuro remembered his past and compared it to what he has now and it made him smile suddenly. He might not have realized it but slowly, he is changing. Unlike back on earth where he was stuck with pain and depression, in here he is able to experience more emotions and mature.

This didn't escape tsunade's sight. That genuine smile of being truly happy coupled with his deep green eyes as if he's full of mysteries that needs to be uncovered. And that the one she's seeing right now is only a tip of the iceberg. She begins to blush as she remembers how these teen used to stare at her full of innocent affection. His very first words getting her warning "don't worry I won't give up on you tsuna". But 2 years later, it immediately changed to "Please forget I have ever said that". Who would have thought that he would change so easily.

"There is nothing left to discuss but your promotion to Jonin. Early tomorrow you will face Asuma Sarutobi on a match. All you gotta do is win then you'll be promoted to Jonin. The stage will be at your training ground 6 before lunch. Was that all clear?" announced tsunade and the reaction he got from kuro was so casual she wonders if he really understood. His being promoted to Jonin afterall.!

"Hmmn. I understand then I'll be there tomorrow before lunch. See you around Hokage sama" kuro vanished as soon as he said those words.

'heh, he really was able to get the 4th hokage jutsu. Although Sakura reported it already along with guy when they returned from suna. It is still a bit different when seeing it in person.' was tsunade's thought at that moment.